(Hedgehog) In a dream, a porcupine represents someone who is constantly depressed, easily annoyed, who quickly gets angry and who has little compassion. A porcupine in a dream also represents deceit, spying, betraying someone, hiding, or evil.

…In a dream, a potter represents someone who handles pots and pitchers, or he could represent a servant, a housekeeper, women, girls or daughters. Seeing a potter in a dream also means pride about one’s lineage, wealth, or beauty….

Seeing a pool with water in a dream indicates that you should understand and look more for your partner. Alternatively, the pool indicates your need for cleaning, but also the satisfaction and evolution.

To dream of seeing a pond of clear water, foretells, friendship and wealth; if the water is muddy, sorrow and poverty; filled with large fish, an increase of property; dead fish in the pond, signify theft and bankruptcy.

Long life to one who dreams of his own portrait; but treachery to one who receives his portrait.

Dreaming of talcum powder implies, in some cases, that our own health is not at its best and that we could suffer an upcoming fall, if we’re not experiencing it yet. The talcum powder usually means that some harsh words will be said to people within our circle. Words that we could regret later if we don’t think clearly before stating our mind.

…Dreaming of a pot, foretells that unimportant events will work you vexation. For a young woman to see a boiling pot, omens busy employment of pleasant and social duties. To see a broken or rusty one, implies that keen disappointment will be experienced by you….

To dream of seeing a totem pole, denotes to the requirement of protection. The totem pole is a symbol of force and energy.

…Seeing a porter in a dream, denotes decided bad luck and eventful happenings. To imagine yourself a porter, denotes humble circumstances. To hire one, you will be able to enjoy whatever success comes to you. To discharge one, signifies that disagreeable charges will be preferred against you….

…To find a pocketbook filled with bills and money in your dreams, you will be quite lucky, gaining in nearly every instance your desire. If empty, you will be disappointed in some big hope. If you lose your pocketbook, you will unfortunately disagree with your best friend, and thereby lose much comfort and real gain….

…To dream of finding a pocket-book full of money is a sign of riches, but if it contains no money, it foretells a disappointment: if you dream you lose your pocket-book, it foreshadows success in business. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 19, 78….

If a man dream that he hath gathered the fruit of a pomegranate tree, he will be enriched by some wealthy person; but if the pomegranate be not ripe, it denotes sickness and affliction by some person wickedly dispose.

The poop which you dreamed about represents some unpleasant features in your personality that you don’t like. In some cultures the poop is interpreted as the omen of good luck. If the poo is not yours, you should be careful of people you are in touch. There is a possibility that you will not be understood very well.

The porcupine in dreams is an indicator of unpleasant and unfavorable issues in your waking life. This dream shows that you are feeling unsafe. The porcupine is also a sign of unhappiness for those who have been hurt by it.

The porpoise is a symbol of dirtiness, shame and unpleasant experiences. The dream suggests to keep yourself out of problem. Sometimes the porpoise have a pleasant meaning which brings domestic happiness, great wealth and health.

Cooking certain food in a casserole pot indicates rivalry, rancor and jealousy. Empty casserole pot in a dream means that is always good to save for the bad times. Avoid going out with an empty bag.

…Dreaming of a fish-pond, denotes illness through dissipation, if muddy. To see one clear and well stocked with fish, portends profitable enterprises and extensive pleasures. To see one empty, proclaims the near approach of deadly enemies. For a young woman to fall into a clear pond, omens decided good fortune and reciprocal love. If muddy, the opposite is foretold….

To see poetry, when you are dreaming, stands as a symbol of the process of being mentally stimulated to do or feel something creative. To read poetry in your dream is a sign of your idealistic notions. To hear poems in the dream, can be interpreted as symbolism of your need to improve the aspects of your communications with special person.

To have good posture, when you are dreaming, has the symbolic significance of trust and confidence. It suggests the belief that you can rely yourself. If your posture is noticeably bad, then it stands as a symbol for a lack of confidence or low self esteem. You are feeling unsure of yourself.

…Dreaming of seeing a red hot poker, or fighting with one, signifies that you will meet trouble with combative energy. To play at poker, warns you against evil company | and young women, especially, will lose their moral distinctiveness if they find themselves engaged in this game….

…Dreaming of a pole-cat, signifies salacious scandals. To inhale the odor of a pole-cat on your clothes, or otherwise smell one, you will find that your conduct will be considered rude, and your affairs will prove unsatisfactory. To kill one, denotes that you will overcome formidable obstacles….

…For a farmer to dream that any of his cattle are taken to pound, is a sign that they will increase: if he dreams of seeing strange cattle is a pound, it foretells that he will soon buy some. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 19, 55….

…If the police are trying to arrest you for some crime of which you are innocent, it foretells that you will successfully outstrip rivalry. If the arrest is just, you will have a season of unfortunate incidents. To see police on parole, indicates alarming fluctuations in affairs….

…To see a pond in your dream, denotes that events will bring no emotion, and fortune will retain a placid outlook. If the pond is muddy, you will have domestic quarrels. See Water Puddle and kindred words….

…Dreaming about being poisoned warns about negative influences that are trying to harm you. Dreaming of oneself poisoning others warns that you’re misjudging and unjustly judging others and causing them harm. If a young person is dreaming of himself poisoning a rival, it warns that he or she needs to clarify the situation with the partner in order to avoid greater damages. Dreaming of oneself throwing the poison to the ground means that current plans will be abandoned. Dreaming about other people handling poisons suggests that one is surrounded by dishonest people who’re trying to hurt him. Dreaming that one’s relatives are poisoned warns that they’ll suffer damage caused by others. Dreaming that an enemy, rival or competitor is being poisoned announces serious trouble for the dreamer. Dreaming of oneself poisoned, but managing to cure himself or herself, can mean that the dreamer will triumph over current problems, however…

…To see a porcupine in your dreams, denotes that you will disapprove any new enterprise and repel new friendships with coldness. For a young woman Dreaming of a porcupine, portends that she will fear her lover. To see a dead one, signifies your abolishment of ill feelings and possessions….

…If you eat pork in your dreams, you will encounter real trouble, but if you only see pork, you will come out of a conflict victoriously. See Bacon….

Dreaming that you are viewing pornography indicates your issues with intimacy, power, control, and efficiency. You may have concerns about your sex life. Dreaming of a porno movie suggests your desire to be more sexual.

Dreaming you are at a post office symbolizes an important message. Also, it may indicate that you should communicate with others.

If you appear ascending to a higher position, it forecasts you will receive honors and dignities.

To receive a position of authority means an improvement in your situation.

Portrait or any photograph indicates illness and misfortune in love.

When you are gazing longingly at old portraits, then such dream reveals us that we are attached to the past. If we are portraying a person, then it indicates that this particular person has a certain interest on us. If we look at our own portrait, then such dream reveals who we are and who we wish to be.

Port in a dream announces that you will get to the proposed goals. Also, foretells good luck and happiness.

To dream you see a pond with clear water in it, betokens great success in your undertakings to a man, it denotes his being beloved by a beautiful woman, to a maid, it shows the constancy and affection of her swain, and that they will have great prosperity after marriage. If small fish are seen playing about, it denotes a large family of children.

Some authors interpret this dream as an intent to escape remorse or guilt, and they advise reflect on the matter that the dream shows. Other specialists understand that dreaming of poppies is an early harbinger of comfort from pain, whether physical or emotional.

…To see powder in your dreams, denotes unscrupulous people are dealing with you. You may detect them through watchfulness….

To dream poor or homeless means perseverance and delusion.

Dreaming that you are poor symbolizes negligence of your sexual nature. It can also signify difficulties of all types.

A dream involving a large amount of water always represents emotions, and in the case of the pool it symbolizes a well-defined part of our lives and therefore we must pay attention of who is around us in the dream and our attitude towards them. If the water is clean, it indicates good hopes for our feelings, but if the water is dirty, it predicts tough love.