Dreaming of a post-office, is a sign of unpleasant tidings. and ill luck generally.

…Dreaming of a postman, denotes that hasty news will more frequently be of a distressing nature than otherwise. See Letter Carrier….

Pot dream indicates that soon you will harvest what you had sown with hard labor and deprivation.

…Dreaming of postage stamps, denotes system and remuneration in business. If you try to use cancelled stamps, you will fall into disrepute. To receive stamps, signifies a rapid rise to distinction. To see torn stamps, denotes that there are obstacles in your way….

…Dreaming of gazing upon the portrait of some beautiful person, denotes that, while you enjoy pleasure, you can but feel the disquieting and treacherousness of such joys. Your general affairs will suffer loss after dreaming of portraits. See Pictures, Photographs, and Paintings….

It signifies privileged information related to the poster.

…Seeing a farmer who raises poultry for living in a dream will dispel one’s distress and and replace sorrow with happiness. Seeing him also could mean recovering from an illness….

To dream about potatoes represents the risk of suffering or love disappointment. Take more care of your relation with your loved one.

Dream of the Pope, no honors will be gotten in the next life.

To dream of a potter shows misfortune and death.

…(Dwellings | Niche) In a dream, a guarding post represents a spiritual retreat, a votive seclusion, prayers, hunger, fast, depression, humbling oneself, controlling one’s passions and desires….

A fishing pole in a dream means a ploy and deception. The same interpretation goes for all fishing tools and equipment. It is better to see oneself in a dream holding it, than seeing others fishing with it or carrying it.

Dreaming that you are a street-poster, denotes that you will undertake some unpleasant and unprofitable work. To see street-posters at work, foretells disagreeable news….

Long life to the person who is in portrait, especially if it is printed on wood. To receive or to give one, indicates treason, underhand play, deceptive flattery.

Assistance of friends or relatives. Hall porter, indicates scandal, small talk and consequent discussion.

When you eat pork in a dream, then it indicates idleness, avarice, filthiness.

Such a dream in which you see police officer should teach you to beware of false friends.

The porcupine could either have good meaning and either bad one at the same time, depending on the circumstances of the dream. For example, you really like someone, but at the same time you know that this person is unsuitable for you.

…(Beggar | Enamored | Emaciated | Hobo | Homeless | Indigence | Love | Men- dicant | Poor) Poverty in a dream means richness in wakefulness. Seeing oneself poor and hungry in a dream means that one will wake up to a great meal, or it could mean that he has stored sufficient provisions and satisfactory sustenance for sometime to come. If one sees himself as a poor beggar in a dream, it means that he prays incessantly and often asks God Almighty for extra favors and blessings. Seeing a group of needy people and beggars in a dream connotes the death of a rich person in that locality, and it is a sign for poor people to go and collect the charitable donations his heirs will distribute after his death. If someone sees himself asking for something, and if he is given what he is asking for in…

(Fire iron | Fomenter) Using a poker for stirring fire in a dream means adversities, visitations and suffering.

The poor who are demanding alms in a dream, signifies charity, humanity.

…To have interaction or to encounter or to see or use a crock pot, when you are dreaming, can be interpreted as symbolism that you need to seek for various methods, if you want to solve your problems. On the other hand, there can be different explanation, it means that you must be hard-working . Patience, endurance and hard work will pay off in the future. Don’t let for difficulties and obstacles to stop you….

Pounding one’s head, or smiting one’s forehead, or shaking one’s head in a dream means begetting a son at an advanced age….

(Gem polishing) A ring stone polisher in a dream represents someone who offends or injures people with his words.

To think you’ve the small-pox, money you will receive….

Polish the teeth, indicates that you will receive money from a near friend.

Dreaming about the North Pole signifies that a trip or situation will soon come to an end.

…To dream that you’re in the North Pole symbolizes a journey’s ending or of a situation or relationship. It also indicates that you’re transformation process is over….

…(Burnishing | Shining) A wood finisher polishing a piece of furniture in a dream represents a minister, an administrator, or a statesman who deals with the high and the low. Seeing a polisher in a dream also means befriending a righteous man who points out one’s pitfalls and helps him to remove his ills and to correct himself. (Also see Sanding)…

Dreaming of a portfolio, denotes that your employment will not be to your liking, and you will seek a change in your location.

…Dreaming of dancing the polka, denotes pleasant occupations. See Dancing….

To dream of pot-herbs, especially such as have a strong smell, portends a discovery of hidden secrets and domestic jars.

The polygraph test means that you have made some lies in your waking life and you are scared that the truth will be revealed. You should think for what you have done and fix it, otherwise you won’t be able to get rid of this feeling.

…Dreaming of some one stabbing you with a poinard, denotes that secret enemies will cause you uneasiness of mind. If in the dream you attack any person with one of these weapons, means that you will unfortunately suspect your friends of unfaithfulness. Dreaming of poinards, omens evil. See Dagger….

To understand your dream about port, read the interpretations of harbor.

Dreaming of your pocket, is a sign of evil demonstrations against you.

…(Polishing) In a dream, a gem polisher represents the polisher of the hearts, a wise man, a teacher, a shaikh, a sage, a refiner of characters or a gnostic. On the other hand, a gem polisher in a dream may also represent evil, belligerence, hesitation, or travels. A stone polisher in a dream represents someone who offends or injures people’s feelings with his words….

Dreaming you see or pass a mile-post, foretells that you will be assailed by doubtful fears in business or love. To see one down, portends accidents are threatening to give disorder to your affairs.

The post office in dreams is interpreted as the place where you find out the answers to your questions.

The dream about possum shows that you are able to control almost all of the situations. You are a very sharp minded person that gets to receive the best out of some situations.