The popcorn in dreams signifies unexpected happiness.

To see a porpoise in your dreams, denotes enemies are thrusting your interest aside, through your own inability to keep people interested in you.

Polar bears in dreams, are prognostic of deceit, as misfortune will approach you in a seeming fair aspect. Your bitterest enemies will wear the garb of friendship. Rivals will try to supersede you. To see the skin of one, denotes that you will successfully overcome any opposition. See Bear….

The bear, especially polar one shows that you feel afraid or even scared about some matter in your waking life. Some things seems that are very far away from you and sounds scary.

If you are reading some poetry in your dream, then such dream means that you are willing to do some research with the emotions and feelings you have. You are looking for a deeper connection within yourself and people that you are surrounded by.

If you dream of sweet potato, then it suggests to look deeper into your emotions, as they might be way too strong or too low, depending on who you are in contact. Make sure you find the agreement within yourself as it will be much easier to build the relationships with someone.

…To dream of having your portrait taken, is a sign someone will compliment your good looks; but if you are dissatisfied and think it a bad likeness, the compliment will run is a contrary direction, and you will be called frightfully ugly-looking behind your back. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 2….

…To dream of poverty is a sign of good luck, but if you imagine you are so poor as to be induced to beg, it foretells that someone will either insult you or hurt your feelings, but yet your luck will not be impaired. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 8, 2….

…To dream of polite people is a sign that a stranger will visit, or be introduced to you: if a girl dreams that her beau is stiff and formal in addressing her, it foretells that she will soon have a new admirer. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 61….

(Brewing | Utensil) In a dream, a coffee pot represents ascetic de- tachment, increased devotion, a son, a servant, a small town, a profitable business or travels.

…If any respectable person dreams of being arrested by police officers, it is a sign that some distinguished honour will be conferred on him: if a young girl should dream that policemen took her lover into custody, she will hear of his advancement in the world. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 46, 30….

…To dream that you are poisoned is a sign you will get into bad or unworthy company: if you imagine that any friend or acquaintance is poisoned, it is a similar omen as regards them: if, in your dream, you think anyone has given you poison to murder you, it foretells that some base proposal will be made to you. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 3, 9….

(See Pot)

To be caught by the police means that you are not being honest with someone in your life. Perhaps you are feeling afraid about something and feel the intense guilt and danger and do not know how to act about it anymore.

Dreaming of polishing any article, high attainments will place you in enviable positions.

Polished objects indicate frailty in affective relationships. Nail polish announces cunning, betrayal and hypocrisy.

…(The night in which the Holy Qur’an was revealed.) Seeing and experiencing the night of power in a dream means that one’s wish will come true, even if one desired a kingdom or a great treasure. The same interpretation applies for seeing a celebration of the night of the Nocturnal Journey during which the Prophet Muhammad, upon whom be peace, ascended to the heavens to meet his Lord. The same interpretation is given to seeing the Friday eve in one’s dream….

Dreaming that you point at another person is an indicator that your way of doing things is not correct and you should fix your behavior and the way in which you’re acting, especially towards others. This dream is an invitation to restrain our impulses or otherwise you’ll find yourself at risk of having big losses, disappointments and difficulties. If in the dream you feel that someone is pointing at you, then it usually indicates that you feel guilty about something that you have done wrong or something that you think you should have done, but you didn’t; however, you may not be conscious of this guilt your feel. What this dream usually tries to tell us is that whatever was the reason to do or to not do something, it is no longer possible to do anything about it and we should forget it and bury it forever.

Pots signify good friends, poverty, famine and death.

Symbolizes fertility. It reveals sensuality and pleasure. Dreaming of a pomegranate, more if its split open, means someone will appear in our lives who will fulfill our lustful desires.

…To draw some one’s portrait a lucky journey you’ll take. Drawing your own, shows that a fortune you will make….

Porcelain shows o’er winnings at play you’ll loudly sing….

Dreaming of actively intervening in politics is a warning that the dreamer already has various problems that will soon increase in number and severity, which will depend entirely on the dreamer.

To see crowds of poor people tells of quarrelling.

It reflects that we have an unstable mood and character. It also shows indecision. There is also a possibility that you wish to practice polygamy in your waking life.

…Dreaming of porcelain, signifies you will have favorable opportunities of progressing in your affairs. To see it broken or soiled, denotes mistakes will be made which will cause grave offense….

Poppies seen in dreams, represents a season of seductive pleasures and flattering business, but they all occupy unstable foundations. If you inhale the odor of one, you will be the victim of artful persuasions and flattery. (The mesmeric influence of the poppy inducts one into strange atmospheres, leaving materiality behind while the subjective self explores these realms as in natural sleep | yet these dreams do not bear truthful warnings to the material man. Being, in a manner, enforced.)…

Poison signifies death, misfortunes and a snare.

…Dreaming of seeing poplars, is an omen of good, if they are in leaf or bloom. For a young woman to stand by her lover beneath the blossoms and leaves of a tulip poplar, she will realize her most extravagant hopes. Her lover will be handsome and polished. Wealth and friends will be hers. If they are leafless and withered, she will meet with disappointments….

To see a poor-house in your dream, denotes you have unfaithful friends, who will care for you only as they can use your money and belongings.

…Dreaming that you, or any of your friends, appear to be poor, is significant of worry and losses. See Pauper….

Take poison, lack of character and ambition.

Pomegranates portend grief, vexation and care.

…Dreaming of a politician, denotes displeasing companionships, and incidences where you will lose time and means. If you engage in political wrangling, it portends that misunderstandings and ill feeling will be shown you by friends. For a young woman Dreaming of taking interest in politics, warns her against designing duplicity,…

Everything that stands out in your dream, indicates the dangerous situation and its consequences. The points could also represent the end of something important.

To better understand this dream, read also the interpretations of poor.

Please see the interpretation of the dolphins.


To better understand this dream, read also the interpretations of mailman.

To dream we are being poisoned means restlessness and anxiety. To dream someone else is poisoned means falsehood and hypocrisy.