…(Arm) In a dream, a weapon means power and victory, or it could mean overcoming a disease. If one sees himself carrying a weapon while others around him are not armed in the dream, it means that he may become a leader in his community or field. If one notices people admiring his weapon in a dream, it represents their jealousy and envy toward him. If one sees himself carrying a weapon which he uses with mastery, it represents his maturity and fulfilment of his goals. However if a sick person sees himself carrying a weapon, it may mean his death, satisfying one’s religious duties, or correcting himself. If he feels fear while carrying that weapon in the dream, it means that God Almighty will cure him from his illness. If he is travelling, it means that he will return home safely. If one is stripped from his weapon

…To dream about a clear water pond bodes well. To dream about a pond that its water is murky and still, it suggests that what you desire is hampered and will remain so for some time. To dream about a pond full of dirty water, and worse if it’s muddy, it suggests that your business will worsen, and that you have more enemies than friends. If the water escapes from the pond, you’ll notice that someone is abusing your trust. If you’re negotiating something at that time, then it may indicate that you are being robbed. To dream about an empty pond symbolizes failures or material and friend losses, which will produce you grief and anguish. To dream about a half-empty pond with a muddy bottom indicates that your affairs may be experiencing dirty and dangerous complications. To dream about dirty and muddy water is always a bad omen,…

…Dreaming of a pond provides information about our emotions. A pond surrounded by lush vegetation increases the meaning of life and sentimentality and indicates a desire to express love and emotions and romantic passions. If the ponds are dry, then they indicate the fear of not being able to realize our amorous desires. If the water is clean, it confirms that our feelings are well founded. If the waters are troubled or agitated by a storm it’s a sign of difficult loves. What the people who are with us say or do will inform you about their true personality. Fishing in the pond indicates our desire to find partners. If the pond is very murky and with dead fish in it or it is dry, then it indicates failure of sentimental hopes….

To see a pony, when you are dreaming, stands as a symbol of playfulness, enjoyment, amusement. Pony is also a sign of the playful pleasures in your life. Alternatively, ride on pony (small horse) is representative of your unexplored, underdeveloped, undisciplined abilities to do something or act in a particular way.

…(Brook | Pool | Washing basin) In a dream, a pond represents a noble, generous, magnanimous, dominant and a beneficial person. If the pond is filled with water in the dream, it represents a generous and a well respected person. If one takes his ritual ablution from it in the dream, it means that he will escape from danger by God’s leave, and if he drinks from its water, it means that he will receive a financial gift from a person in authority. Reaching a pond in a dream means walking into adversities, betrayal and perfidy….

To dream that you see the graffiti indicates the creative aspects of your personality. To know more about your dream, make sure you pay attention to the picture of the graffiti what was painted there, only then you will be able to interpreter your dream better.

…To see a pond in your dream, denotes that events will bring no emotion, and fortune will retain a placid outlook. If the pond is muddy, you will have domestic quarrels. See Water Puddle and kindred words….

…Dreaming of a fish-pond, denotes illness through dissipation, if muddy. To see one clear and well stocked with fish, portends profitable enterprises and extensive pleasures. To see one empty, proclaims the near approach of deadly enemies. For a young woman to fall into a clear pond, omens decided good fortune and reciprocal love. If muddy, the opposite is foretold….

To dream of seeing a pond of clear water, foretells, friendship and wealth; if the water is muddy, sorrow and poverty; filled with large fish, an increase of property; dead fish in the pond, signify theft and bankruptcy.

When the water is clear, then it signifies friendship, gratitude, when the water is murky or stagnant, trouble and deceit. See large fishes swimming in one, superfluous financial resources. Pond that is filled with dead fishes, indicates bankruptcy, theft and rascality. See a small pond means that there is no point to waste time to minor things.

If you are grafting something in a dream, then it shows the relationships you are making with those around you. The dream could also show the differences you are trying to put together.

To see ponies in your dreams, signifies moderate speculations will be rewarded with success.

To dream that a capon crows, indicates sadness and trouble.

If you use the knife as the weapon in order to protect yourself, it means that you feel as being attacked by something or someone. You know that there is no one that can protect you, but yourself. The knife that’s been used against you indicates the dangers you could put yourself into. The dream suggests to be more careful with people you know.

To dream you see a pond with clear water in it, betokens great success in your undertakings to a man, it denotes his being beloved by a beautiful woman, to a maid, it shows the constancy and affection of her swain, and that they will have great prosperity after marriage. If small fish are seen playing about, it denotes a large family of children.

Bad news reported by an influential person acting on behalf of a government agency.

Luck and honour.

Receiving much money, success in business, true love; for married persons, many children; for travelling persons, good company. 49.

This dream usually signals the arrival of bad news by an influential person that acts on behalf of a government agency. No need to stop expecting setbacks in the near future.

Getting a handsome wife, realization of one’s wishes, domestic fortune and happiness….

(See Water level)

Desire for change. Need to establish a different future.

Chopping weapons indicate problems with family relationships. If you fire weapons, then it signifies the fierce and aggression.

Dreaming of firearms (the bigger and powerful, the worse) means an alteration of the nervous system. Firearms in a dream foretell that the dreamer fears that new war or an attack occurs in his personal life. This dream is more common in young men who do not wish to participate in any war. Dreaming of small and commonly used weapons indicates fear of being assaulted or attacked by your enemies by surprise. When a woman dreams of weapons, particularly firearms, it suggests that somehow she’s getting involved with military people. Weapons in general, indicate violence, brawls, quarrels, fights, unfair competition in the case of commerce, envy, jealousy and betrayal. Dreaming of being wounded by a knife indicates that someone is betraying the trust of the dreamer. If you have been shot to death by a gun in a dream, it can be severe sign and announce that someone…

(See Ball)

…(Sea Life | Human being) In a dream, if their number is known, fish represent women, but if their number is not known, then they represent money from a doubtful source. If one sees a fish colony gathering at seabed, where he is fishing, bringing them up and eating them raw as he pleases, or if he places them into baskets and divides them into lots in the dream, it means that he will prosper and invest his wealth in different ventures and savings plans. A whale in a dream represents the minister of sea life, while the sea itself represents the king or the country. A whale in a pond with his jaws opened in a dream represents a prison. A large fish colony in a dream represents despised earnings, or earning a large amount money one is accountable for its expenditure. Fishing in a well means homosexuality,…

Is a white weapon and therefore is considered as symbol of rupture and divisions, but also we must add a touch of concealment or betrayal because usually we carry this weapon hidden and not visible. So in dreams is harbinger of violent separations accompanied by slanders that may hurt our reputation.

…he will play with money and confuse himself. Fresh potable water or a well in a dream also could be the immediate cause of a trial, fight or calamity. Giving someone a glass of water in a dream is glad tidings of a child. Drinking a glass of spring water in a dream means conceiving a child, or that he will receive benefits from his wife. In this sense, glass in a dream represent the substance of a woman and water represents a fetus. Drinking hot water in a dream means distress and adversities. If one is pushed into a pond or a river of clear water in a dream, it means receiving a pleasant surprise. Seeing oneself submerged in a body of water in a dream means facing a trial, distress, bewilderment and adversities. Carrying a jar of clear water in a dream means receiving an inheritance. Asking people…

Dreaming of one or more knives or any other white and light weapon announces the presence of hidden but dangerous enemies. If the weapon appears in the hands of someone who is acting in a threatening manner, it means that the dreamer’s enemies are willing to do the worst. If the dreamer snatches the knife from the other person it could mean that he or she will triumph over enemies and adversities in the immediate future.

To dream that you are painting something means that you are exploring the creative aspects of your personality. If you are painting the house, the walls or any other part of the building, it means that you are creating the space that is comfortable to be in. If you or other person is painting the graffiti on the public walls, it shows the aggression and anger issues the painter has.

…Used as a weapon portends separations and break up, the guilt will be on the aggressor. If it works as support, it symbolizes our friends. If it’s broken, the support we are provided with is ineffective, and we will fail….

…rule; and when at last I beheld the plum-tree, upon which I had built such hopes, groaning beneath the weight of countless reels of cotton,! Gave way to an outburst of demoniacal fury. Seizing my spade, I struck at the tree again and again, till I had lopped off all the branches and the pond was covered knee-deep in debris. I then essayed to get back to the potato plot, but found I could not stir — I had walled myself in, and the cotton had twisted itself in countless layers round my legs, binding them firmly together. In this deplorable plight I was compelled to stand hour after hour with the sun scorching me mercilessly, and my throat becoming more and more parched and blocked. I cannot describe the sufferings I endured; no devil in hell could have fared worse. At length I fainted; there was a delicious blank,…

To dream that you are swimming in some water like ocean, pond, sea, river or even swimming pool predicts great financial affairs, relationships with those you are communicating at the moment. If you are swimming in the pool, you will be happy as never with the love of your life. The woman in the pool augurs happiness in relationships and the man in the pool denotes to great financial gain. When you see yourself learning to swim, you will get a very favourable lessons from life. If you teach someone how to swim, you wish to share your knowledge.

…Dreaming of hearing a minister reading his text, denotes that quarrels will lead to separation with some friend. Dreaming that you are in a dispute about a text, foretells unfortunate adventures for you. If you try to recall a text, you will meet with unexpected difficulties. If you are repeating and pondering over one, you will have great obstacles to overcome if you gain your desires….

The shaving blade implies the desire to apply more willpower and sincerity in the way with which we face events and problems presented to us. The blade as a weapon always augurs breakups and violent separations related to passionate problems, jealousy, revenge and romantic deceit.

…To see a well-fed ox, signifies that you will become a leading person in your community, and receive much adulation from women. To see fat oxen in green pastures, signifies fortune, and your rise to positions beyond your expectations. If they are lean, your fortune will dwindle, and your friends will fall away from you. If you see oxen well-matched and yoked, it betokens a happy and wealthy marriage, or that you are already joined to your true mate. To see a dead ox, is a sign of bereavement. If they are drinking from a clear pond, or stream, you will possess some long-desired estate, perhaps it will be in the form of a lovely and devoted woman. If a woman she will win the embraces of her lover. See Cattle….

(See Driver | Ponderer | Pimp)

(Baseball | Basketball | Cricket ball | Football | Glob | Golf ball | Handball | Ping- Pong ball | Pushball | Snowball | Tennis ball | Volleyball) A ball in a dream signifies a dispute, an argument, a fight to control the world and its resources. Some will desire it and others will reject it. A ball in a dream also could signify travels or moving between places. Usually, a ball in a dream represents a man. If it is made from leather, then it represents a leader, a boss, or a scholar. Playing ball in a dream means a fight. (Also see Games)

…(Nail) In a dream, a claw signifies victory over one’s enemy, as it provides a weapon, protection and a tool for a bird….

(See Pond | Stream)