…(Combat | Competition | Contest | Marriage) In a dream, a duel signifies strength or a dispute with someone or disruption, dispersion or a fight. A duel with weapons in a dream means marriage to someone whose character is similar in interpretations to the weapon one is carryingin his dream. Wearing armature during a duel in a dream means marriage to a rich but deceiving person, for part of the human body is covered during the combat. A duel with swords in a dream means honor. Waving a sword during a duel in a dream means becoming known in one’s field. (Also see Marriage | Sword)…

…for one’s wife and parents. If a sick person sees himself taking a ritual ablution then putting on a new garment in a dream, it means that he will soon recover from his illness. Taking a ritual ablution in a dream also could mean the release of a prisoner, payment of one’s debts, dispelling one’s distress, or it could mean richness, prosperity, attending the sacred pilgrimage in Mecca, or having a successful business. If one does not put a new garment after taking his ritual ablution in the dream, it means that he will be able to lighten his burdens, or recover his good health. Walking into a pond, or descending a well, or stepping into a bathtub to take a bath in a dream means marriage. Washing oneself with soap during such an ablution means dispensing of one’s debts, or dispelling one’s stress. Washing one’s garment after taking a…

…Dreaming of a donkey braying in your face, denotes that you are about to be publicly insulted by a lewd and unscrupulous person. To hear the distant braying filling space with melancholy, you will receive wealth and release from unpleasant bonds by the death of some person close to you. If you see yourself riding on a donkey, you will visit foreign lands and make many explorations into places difficult of passage. To see others riding donkeys, denotes a meagre inheritance for them and a toiling life. Dreaming of seeing many of the old patriarchs traveling on donkeys, shows that the influence of Christians will be thrown against you in your selfish wantonness, causing you to ponder over the rights and duties of man to man. To drive a donkey, signifies that all your energies and pluck will be brought into play against a desperate effort on the part…

To dream you are in a boat upon a river, lake, or pond of clear water, is very good, and indicates joy, prosperity, and good success in affairs. If a man dream that he is walking in a boat, and recreating himself without fear, he will have comfort and success in his affairs; but if the water be rough and tempestuous, it falls out contrary.

(See Pond)

…(Artificial lake | Farm pond | Ombrometer | Ombrograh | Pluviometer | Rain gauge | Reservoir) The water level of an artificial lake or a reservoir in a dream represents God’s mercy, blessings, rain, celebrations, festivals, a wed- ding, the pilgrimage season, a good harvest, or the governor’s mansion. Seeing the city’s reservoir full to capacity means glad tidings and prosperity. If one finds the water level low, and if the waterside is covered with crusts, mildew, decay and produces a fetid odor in the dream, it means drought and adversities. The city’s reservoir in a dream also represents its governor. Whatever condition it portrays in the dream, be it good or bad, will be exhibited in his work. In a dream, all gauges that are used in measuring the water level have the same interpretation. (Also see Water)…

…Bathing in rivers, good fortune, if you don’t cross; Clear water is best, a pond, unlucky, indeed and muddy water shows crosses, sufferings and needs….

To dream of aiming someone or something, represents that you should move on the right direction. Make sure you are facing only the destination you are directed to. There will be many circumstances that will disturb you from the actions you should do, but do not loose the vigilance, make sure you concentrated on one thing. When you dream of aiming the weapon it signifies your rage and hard feelings you have against someone. This dream could also be the meaning of your restrain sexual feelings. Maybe there is some things you are afraid to talk to your partner and do not feel fulfilled in sexual life.

Of clear water near the house, indicates forewarning of an honorable and lucrative employment, of which the dreamer will derive the benefit. If the stream is troubled, then it means unimportant loss and damage on the part of enemies, fires and lawsuits. To see streams, fountains, ponds, dried up, indicates some of ruin, to their owners.

…his life, all replayed or screened before his eyes at the point of descending into his grave, or as a book one reads after his death. If he does wake up and finds himself healthy and fit, it means that he will become a tyrant, an unjust person, an atheist and a reprobate. If one sees himself descending a staircase that leads him into a mosque, lush foliage, green fields, a fresh breeze of spring, or into a pond to take a ritual ablution to perform his prayers in the dream, it means that he will become a true believer, repent for his his sins and abandon his blameworthy conduct. Otherwise, if he descends upon adverse elements such as snakes, lions, steep hills, corpses, or a field of scattered remains in a dream, then it represents major trials and adversities. If the steps are made of clay in one’s dream,…

(See Weapon)

Dreaming of fire weapons means sickness and death. To be injured with a sharp object is a sign of envy, jealousy and dislikes. Having a gun in your hand is a sign that you need material things to feel fully satisfied. To see or to hold a weapon in your dream indicates a need to defend and protect yourself emotionally and/or physically. You are experiencing some conflict in your waking life. Alternatively, the dream may also indicate a hiding desire to hurt someone or something. Your dream provides a safe asylum to express these desires. To dream that others are rich suggests you have to look help on those around you.

If you dream about a gun it means disease and death. If you dream you’re injured by a sharp weapon it’s a sign of envy, jealousy and displease. Dreaming that you have a gun in hand indicates that you need material things to feel satisfied.

…Dreaming of pondering over addition, denotes that you will have a struggle to overcome difficult situations, which will soon prominently assume formidable shapes in your business transactions. To find some error in addition, shows that you will be able to overcome enemies by fortunately discerning their intention before they have executed their design. To add figures with a machine, foretells that you will have a powerful ally who will save you from much oppression. If you fail to read the figures, you will lose fortune by blind speculation….

Dreaming that you’re holding a bayonet in your hand, or other similar weapon is a bad sign which warns that you shouldn’t get carried away or be dominated by anger. Dreaming of one or more bayonets or other weapons like that indicates that there are some evil enemies around you, with them you must be careful and maybe even fight against them.

In the dream to have a weapon, this denotes protection. You defend yourself from negative influence which may affect you emotionally or physically. Also this dream announces that you will have disputes or serious disagreements with your family members or close friends. The dream protects your hidden feelings such as a wish to revenge or to hurt someone.

…body is in need of it, but when this is not the case, it symbolizes that we are living hectic moments, with a lot of tension, and long for peace. Dreaming of bathing in water that it’s not very clean suggests a burning desire to meet and get along with a person of the opposite sex; this dream is common in women and young widows of marriageable age. Dreaming of swimming with others, for example in a pond or pool, is warning that indicates that you need to avoid bad company that will create rumors, and other damaging things, this dream is more serious if the water is muddy. Dreaming of bathing in very hot water is usually a bad sign, because it could mean that the body is beginning to have a fever, or that the atmosphere surrounding the dreamer is exceptionally hot. If these are not the cases,…

To dream that you are in a boat upon a river, lake, or pond of clear water, indicates joy, but if the weather be rough and tempestuous, the contrary.

…(Hymn | Remembrance of God | Songs of God’s love | Supplications) If one sees himself in a dream participating in a circle of people remembering God Al- mighty, or calling upon His most beautiful name, or invoking His divine attributes, or reading the Qur’an, or reciting devotional songs, it means that such location will be built as a holy place to celebrate God’s praises. The goodness of that place depends on the quality of reading, or the degree of devotion seen in the dream. When it is an ascetic song in the dream, it means that one’s deputyship is established correctly, but if one sees himself singing a sensual love song, then it means temptations. If one sees himself repeatedly calling God’s name in a dream, it means that he will win victory over his enemy. Calling people to God and reminding them of His attributes in a…

…escape from dangers his employment could inflict upon him. If he swims with fear in a dream, it means trouble, imprisonment, or a sickness he will endure depending on the type of needed efforts or distance he has to cross. Should he think in the dream that he will not be able to make it, then it means his death. If he shows courage during his swim in the dream, it means that he will be able to escape from such a dangerous job. Troubled waters in a dream mean adversities. Swimming successfully across troubled waters in a dream means overcoming one’s adversities. Any sea or agitated waters in a dream represent the authorities or the state, whether it be a swamp, a lake, a pond, a sea, or an ocean. If one sees himself drowning in a river, or a lake, then if he is carried by others and…

…To dream that you’re healing a wound or an animal bite suggests that some people to whom you have done favors are scheming to harm you. To dream that you’ve been injured or bitten is always a symbol of envy, resentment and sometimes warns you about possible attacks by disaffected people. To dream that you’re wounding or biting someone suggests that your behavior isn’t correct, and that it could cause you problems in your relationships or even cause you material losses. This dream is a warning that you have to correct yourself. To dream about blood that is coming from someone else’s open wound or bite, or even from a wound or bite of your own, indicates that your health is not doing well, so you have to be careful. To dream that a bullet has wounded you or that you’ve been hurt with any other weapon and are…