…To dream of eating fried sausages, foretells that you will come in contact with some person who is very poor, and will be disagreeable to you: a girl who dreams this, will be very sure to get a shiftless and needy lover, and perhaps marry him if she is in much of a hurry to get married. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 38, 16….

…from Southsea says: I am sure that canaries in dreams are significant of extreme good fortune. Two years ago, I dreamed a canary dashed against my window-pane, and the very next morning I received a handsome cheque from an uncle, with whom I had held no sort of communication for years. The night before last, I dreamed a couple of canaries flew round my bed singing, and, coming down to breakfast in the morning, I found a letter awaiting me from a solicitor to say that my godfather had died suddenly and had left me a substantial legacy.”A girl whose age I dare not state, lest some at least of my readers should deem her precocious, informs me that she likes to dream of ducks! “They mean so much! ” ”I dreamed of ducks week ago/’ she boldly confided to me, *’ and the following evening my cousin, George —…

…For a girl to dream of raking newly mown hay, is a sign she will be married before the hay is eaten: young fellows who dream of raking hay with their sweethearts had better get ready their necks for the matrimonial noose, as they are past praying for. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 4, 11….

…To dream of a young and sport full kid, implies the birth of a child. A young girl who grants her lover too close intimacy before marriage should never dream of the innocent and harmless kid. It is a good dream for married people who desire children. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 70….

…If a girl dreams that she meets a gentleman who is impertinent toward her in conversation, it is a sign she will make a new male acquaintance who will be very agreeable to her: if she gets angry at the said impertinence she will probably fall in love with her new friend and either marry him or be on improper intimate terms with him. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 1, 11….

…(See Fast.) To dream of being hungry foretells that you will soon engage in some new enterprise which will prove successful. Hungry dreams are excellent omens to lovers, as they denote energy and success. If a girl dreams that a gentleman come to see her who is hungry, it is a sign that he will woo her in such an earnest and affectionate manner as to win her heart. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 19, 37….

…To dream of letting birds out of a cage, is a sign that you will lose something. If a young girl dreams this, it predicts a loss of her chastity. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 36, 5….

…Dreaming of seeking refuge in a convent, denotes that your future will be signally free from care and enemies, unless on entering the building you encounter a priest. If so, you will seek often and in vain for relief from worldly cares and mind worry. For a young girl Dreaming of seeing a convent, her virtue and honestly will be questioned….

…To dream of this vegetable, signifies that a secret will be discovered, which will occasion a muss in the family. To a girl, it is a sign she will lose her beauty and to a lover, it foreshadows he will be “cut out” by some other nice young man. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 38, 13….

…To dream that your clothes are ragged, indicates that a young girl will banter you: if, in your dream, you see ragged people, it is a sign that you will suffer ridicule at your next meeting with a party of ladies and gentlemen. Rags and ridicule go together in dreams. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 19….

…It is an excellent dream to imagine you see a brilliant rainbow — the brighter the better: it denotes health and general prosperity: to lovers it foretells a happy marriage, and riches. A young girl who dreams of a rainbow will either get an agreeable lover or a present. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 45….

…bright, then it denotes profit if the dreamer is a woman, if a man, joy and happiness. From clearness to pass to obscurity means loss to a woman, sadness and misfortune to a man. See two moons, increase in dignity and rank is possible. For a beautiful woman to see in a dream the moon at its full, predicts to her a high standing in fashion and in public admiration. To thieves, felons and murders means that their just will be rewarded. To invalids and mariners, danger of sickness or shipwreck. For a young girl or widow to see the moon full and its face of a dazzling brightness, indicates a quick marriage. If the dreamer is a married woman, then the birth of a beautiful daughter. To a married man – the birth of a son. To jewelers, goldsmiths and bankers this dream is best omen of all….

…To dream of these animals, foretells many small children: if a newly married woman dreams of them it is a sign that she will have twins or triplets within a year: such a dream will not be very pleasant to a young girl unless she means to marry right sudden, for rabbits do not predict anything else but breeding children. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 44, 13….

…To dream of seeing this vine running over and covering any house, is a sign of poverty, particularly if the ivy grows thick and abundant: if you dream that it covers your own house, the sign is still more sure: for a farmer to dream that he sees ivy covering a tree, denotes bad crops. A girl who dreams of being in a bower covered with ivy, will probably marry a poor and shiftless man. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 2….

…If you dream you are in company and feel particularly hilarious, or jolly, it is a sign of sorrow; mark well who it is that contributes most to your mirth, for he or she may cause you pain. If a girl dreams this of a young man, let her beware of him for a gay seducer. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 20….

…To dream that a ram runs at you for butting purposes, shadows forth to a young man that his society will be coveted by the girls, and that he will be fortunate in love matters generally: if a girl dreams this, she will probably have her choice of lovers, as all the young fellows around there will fall in love with her: if the ram succeeds in butting her, she will surely be taken captive and brought as Cupid’s prisoner into the matrimonial ranks. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 19….

…young man once told me that he dreamed a huge shaggy bear, with an intensely diabolical expression in its little brown eyes, entered his room, and) approaching the foot of his bed, reared itself on its hind legs and peered at him. In a great state of alarm, he got out of bed, and had almost reached the window-sill, when the bear stalked up to him, and, placing its paws on his shoulders, deliberately breathed into his face. He awoke with its hot breath burning into his brain, and from that night, he assured me, he was a changed man; and, one bad act leading to another, he was at length smuggled out of the country to escape jail.A destitute girl I once befriended on the Thames Embankment, and who, in return for the supper I gave her at a neighbouring restaurant, stole the teaspoons, told me she was quite…

…To dream of any animal that is called a reptile, such as snakes, toads, alligators, and the like, is a sign of a quarrel: if you imagine you are bitten, it shows that you will come out second best, or badly injured either in person or reputation. If a girl dreams of a reptile, let her look sharp that her lover don’t play her false. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 34 3….

…(Drum | Musical instruments) In a dream, a tambourine means adversities, pain and sufferings. It also means fame for the one carrying it. If a girl dancer carries it in the dream, it means that she may win a lottery, or acquire a publicly known fortune. The sound of a tambourine in a dream represents a recognized and a baseless fallacy. Seeing a man carrying a tambourine means fame for him and for whoever accompanies him in the dream. A woman carrying the tambourine in a dream also means that she will become famous, or it could indicates a new social trend. In general, when musical instruments are used in one’s dream, playing them in a festival, a wedding, or in any type of celebration means trials. (Also see Musical instruments)…

…To dream of dancing a jig with a lady is a sign she is in love with you, or is pleased with you; and if you like her you may go in at once for her favour with much confidence. The omen is the same to a girl who dreams of jigging with a young man. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 1, 65, 14….

…If you dream of gold chains it is a sign of a wedding; if a girl dreams she is presented with one, it is a sure sign of a speedy marriage. Such a dream to a man in business predicts that he will be prevented from doing something that he specially desires to do. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 15, 11….

…(See Trap and Mouse.) To dream of rats is a sign that thieves are around: if you see any of these animals, it shows that some friend will be robbed, but if you hear them gnawing, you will suffer a loss from robbery yourself. If a girl, who has a lover, dreams of rats, she had better be careful and not let him be too free with her person, or he may rob her of that which cannot be restored. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 54 21…

Toward the fair sex, satisfaction and good health. If the dreamer is a woman, good luck will be noted while trading different things. If she is an unmarried girl, inconstancy will be to her admirer.

…Dreaming one has a fair and great nose, is good to all; for it implies subtlety of sense, providence in affairs, and acquaintance with great persons. But to dream one has no nose, means the contrary; and to a sick man, death; for dead men’s heads have no nose. If anyone dreams his nose is larger than ordinary, he will become rich and powerful, provident and subtle, and be well received among grandees. Dreaming one has two noses, implies discord and quarrels. If one dreams that his nose is grown so big that it is deformed and hideous to the sight, he will live in prosperity and abundance, but never gain the love of the people. If anyone dreams his nose is stopped, so that he hath lost his scent, it signifies he is in danger from a supposed friend….

…It means protection and transcendence. A big castle symbolizes the search for a more spiritual life. If the castle is white, then it shows the desire of a quiet life in meditation and spirituality. If it’s dark, it symbolizes a struggle to emerge from a spiritual confusion. If it’s black, it reflects fear of fate, not reaching salvation. If we talk in a less transcendent sense and everyday life, then it shows that when we see a castle, wealth will be obtained depending on your status. If it is dilapidated but still beautiful, we will have problems while achieving wealth but in the end, we will get it. If we live in the castle, then wealth is assured….

Heart’s ease means you will be married well, and live happy, if you dream of this innocent flower in bloom.

Dreaming of an old and neglected castle suggests the opposite of the above including sentimental or marriage relationships. Dreaming about getting farther from the castle in which the dreamer used to live, suggests bad business and perhaps theft or loss. The basic meaning of a castle is simply vanity. Dreaming of living and enjoying a beautiful castle insinuates satisfaction of oneself for having achieved a remarkable prosperity that promises to be extended into the future.

To dream of this island, denotes marriage. To see it is quite sufficient, but, to dream you are in it, you will be united to one of its natives. To dream you return with a fair wind and calm sea, you and yours will live comfortably in your own country. This dream will be equally the same to a native of the islands adjoining England.

…(Umbilicus) In a dream, one’s navel represents his mother, his father, or it could mean his earnings, wife, servant or a coffer. If one’s navel looks abnormal in a dream, it means that something bad may happen to his family. This also may affect any of the above members of his family or property. If a sick person sees his navel swollen in a dream, it means his death. To open one’s navel by hand in a dream means opening one’s coffer to get some spending money. One’s navel in a dream also means happiness, and could represent the wife’s lover, a beloved, or one’s will. Thus, if one’s navel looks beautiful in the dream, its beauty will show in his life | but if it looks ugly, it means that he may live a wretched life. A navel in a dream also represents one’s homeland. Any pain one…

To dream of the thermos, indicates the tendency of yours to live on the past. Probably you find it hard to let the old things go and move forward. On the other hand, the dream could indicate the ideas that you still holding and not letting them go, because you believe in yourself and what you are able to achieve.

…his dream, it means living a comfortable life using the labor of tradesmen. If one sees himself cooking lion’s meat in a dream, it means that he will rise to leadership over unjust people, though one will have to maintain his vigilance and live in constant fear. If one sees himself cooking dog’s meat in a dream, it means that he will manage a lowly job. If he cooks the fat with it in a dream, it means that he will earn unlawful money. Otherwise, without the fat, it means that he will perform a lowly job and remains poor and deprived. If one sees himself cooking a bird in a dream, it means governing or managing a business or earning lawful money from associating with rich and noble people. If one cooks his meal with vulture’s meat in a dream, it means governing or trading with non-intelligent or heedless…

Dreaming of a long and bushy beard means that in general your life is cheerful and carefree. If the beard is white means your old age will be completely happy. If the color of the beard is black means you´ll live afflictions and torments. If you shave your beard, then it means you must be extremely prudent in all your actions and words. If bearded woman appears in the dream then it is a sign of distrust and jealousy.

The dream in which you have a very good appetite shows your desire to live to the fullest. You wish to take from life as much as you can. If you have lost your appetite or do not have any at all, it means that you feel sad, maybe even depressed because of some situation.

…Dreaming that you are in a dance announces upcoming holidays, fun, joy, sentimental conquests and material achievements. Dreaming of being in a dance with clothes from the beginning of the century, with soft and romantic music like waltzes, suggests that you are living very restlessly and you long for regaining your mental and emotional balance. Dreaming that you are in a costume ball or wearing carnival masks indicates that you are looking for pleasure, fun, and you’ll soon find it, but as a natural consequence, it will end in headaches and other problems, especially if the dreamer is a woman; in a man it indicates problems in the affairs he’s handling. The costumes and masks have always indicated lies, deception, fraud and losses. Dreaming that you are in a modern dance party, with loud music and peculiar clothes, suggests that you live or work in an unpleasant environment that…

If you dream that you fall down, but rise again, quickly, you will attain too much honour; but if, on the contrary, you remain where you fell, you will live obscure and in poverty.

In a dream to eat bread indicates that you will have a good economical streak of luck or at least you don´t lack of anything to live. Eating bread also shows good health. Cooking it means wealth, benefit, good luck and relations with good and thankful people.

When you dream of seeing a ballet it indicates equipoise, consonance, and team work. If you dream of wearing a ballet shoes it means that you do know that there are always some sort of scales in your life and that they suppose to be even if you want to live in harmony and without any stress. This dream represents you as having a peacefull and friendly personality.

In the dream you are a widow, then this dream symbol denotes that you feel lonely and unhappy in your real life. You think that you are isolated from the social life. The positive side of this dream is that you are free from environment and provisions. You act and live independently without thinking what people will think about you.

…If they live, it is a favorable presage. Success in your businesses. If they are nagging, they are giving a warning that you are making mistakes. If they’re dead, you can receive sad news. Learn to listen to their advice. If they are sick, it presages concerns and difficulties….

If we live in one in a dream, then it indicates poverty and sadness.