You will marry well, and live happy, if you dream of this innocent flower in bloom.

…For a business man Dreaming that his proposition has been accepted, foretells that he will succeed in making a trade, which heretofore looked as if it would prove a failure. For a lover Dreaming that he has been accepted by his sweetheart, denotes that he will happily wed the object of his own and others’ admiration. If this dream has been occasioned by overanxiety and weakness, the contrary may be expected. The elementary influences often play pranks upon weak and credulous minds by lying, and deceptive utterances. Therefore the dreamer should live a pure life, fortified by a strong will, thus controlling his destiny by expelling from it involuntary intrusions….

Dreaming of honey, and even better if it’s straight from bees, indicates that the dreamer has good health. Dreaming of honey being splattered over the table, floor, etc., indicates that the dreamer is exposing his or her health because of trivialities. Dreaming of eating honey symbolizes health, love, and the desire to live.

…recovering from illness. If the shirt is spotted with blood in the dream, then it means separation and imprisonment. If his shirt is torn from the back in the dream, it means a false accusation. If a woman sees Joseph (uwbp) in a dream, it means that she will lose her comfort and sight. She will also live unhappy because of her separation from her beloved, and she will fall in love with a great man. If the woman who is actually suffering from such adversity sees such a dream, it means that God Almighty will turn to her with mercy and guide her to repentance. If she is unmarried, it means that she will get married. If she is poor, it means that she will become rich, and her life in this world as well as in the hereafter will turn to her advantage. Seeing Joseph (uwbp) as a…

When you dream of belonging to anarchy, then it shows your views that are not understood by others. Or you are going against the system you live in. The anarchy could also show your desire for more privacy and freedom.

The wren is the symbol of freedom and independency. The dreamer who sees the bird in his dream may wish to escape the daily life and live the life that doesn’t take too much of the work. Perhaps the dreamer has a very stressful life, therefore he wishes to become a bird. Alternatively, the wren could indicate the relaxed type of the person, when he is flying through the life easily without any stress.

If a person dreams that he is crazy, he will receive presents, and become rich, and live many years.

…In a dream, anklets represent one’s son. Wearing golden anklets in a dream means a severe illness, or that one may commit a major sin. However, if a woman sees herself wearing anklets in a dream, it means that she is safe and protected. If she is unwed, it means that she will marry a gracious and a generous person with whom she will live happily and content. If a man sees himself wearing a pair of golden anklets in a dream, it means adversities, distress or imprisonment. It is said that anklets in a dream represent shackles in wakefulness, except for a wedding ring or a necklace. What a woman sees as beauty or imperfect in her anklets in a dream will reflect upon her husband. If she is unmarried, the anklet will then reflect on her adornment or makeup. In a dream, anklets also represent honor, wealth,…

…Dreaming of dirty, stagnant water, even if it’s streaming, indicates evil, corruption, and larceny. Dreaming of clean, clear water in any form, it is always a good sign of joyful motivation to live in prosperity, tranquility, etc. When you see dirty water within dreams, in whatever form it appears (the worst is the muddy water), suggests poor health or unpleasant events, undesirable and hypocritical friends. Dreaming of clean, fresh water that falls on the face or head of the dreamer, announces that love illusions are going well. When the water is clear, clean and seems still or perhaps with gentle waves, and reflecting the sky, it’s reflection of cosmic things and quiet meditation. Dreaming of playing with clean water or walking on it, announces that there will soon be pleasing illusions, which is more probable if you can see decorative plants and aquatic flowers in the water. Dreaming of…

If you dreamed of smiling, then such dream denotes to the happiness you have reached. It could also be an indication of you being pleased with your life you live at the moment. Consider that you will be appreciated for good you have done to others. Alternatively, the dream may be an indication of your searches for the happiness.

If you dream of being yourself a zombie, it means that you have no idea what is going on around you. You must pull yourself together, otherwise you won’t be able to live in this society.

They can’t live without water and that is why in dreams they symbolize that part of our lives that depends on feelings and emotions. We will have to take into account the state of the plants in the dream, since it will reflect our emotional life. Also, if we see ourselves taking care of the plants, it indicates that we wish to give ourselves affectively.

…It symbolizes those who support others. Two columns symbolize a couple. Spiritually, columns mean eternal stability and entrance to eternity. If a column collapses, it symbolizes the disaster. If two columns collapse, it indicates ruin in a family. If there are many of them, then it will ruin the community in which we live….

The dream may be an indication that you are trying to find out the way you like to live or work which you would enjoy. It shows your future that will become the way you will choose it to be. If the pictures are not nice to you and you have no satisfaction from it, then it means that you will be stressed out.

When you dream of being immortal, then such dream shows the long and healthy life you are going to live. On the other hand, the dream in which you are immortal, suggests you to take the new path of your life. Perhaps you should start all over again.

If you are wearing sneakers in a dream, then it means that you are going through life easily with no stress. The dream also shows that you are happy for who you are and do not give yourself too much pressure. Consider that the dream may indicate the situation of your waking life where you live an active lifestyle.

…If a woman sees herself having a thick black hair in a dream, it means that she will marry a respected and a handsome looking husband. If she sees herself having a charcoal colored hair in the dream, it means that she will live satisfied with her husband’s wealth or inheritance. (Also see Strand of hair)…

…The dream about the wedding usually symbolizes the fresh start and new goals of your life. The people who are getting ready to get married in their waking life, very often dream about the wedding, because of the importance of the day, anxiety and things they are afraid of. Many people dream of the wedding that goes wrong, but only because of the fear they have to put everything in place. The wedding is one of the most important day of our live, therefore we want everything to go according to plan. The stress and many problems that are caused by the wedding reflect in our dreams. The symbol of the wedding in dreams is associated with sadness and bad emotions, but only in those cases when the dreamer is suffering about certain things in his waking life. On the other hand the dream of the wedding denotes to…

…Collecting taxes in a dream means compelling someone or forcing him to pay due alms, or it could mean coercing someone to live with him. If one sees himself as a tax collector in a dream, it means that he will earn respect, or that he will be forced to ask everyone for permission regarding everything he does. A tax collector in a dream also means paying one’s debts, or he could represent a policeman, an emissary, a treasurer, or a safe….

…To dream you see leaves growing freshly on a tree or plant, is a good sign, and shows you will live long and be happy; but to see leaves wither and fall to the ground, is a sign of sickness and death. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 47, 21….

…Dreaming of seeing walls plainly plastered, denotes that success will come, but it will not be stable. To have plaster fall upon you, denotes unmitigated disasters and disclosure. To see plasterers at work, denotes that you will have a sufficient competency to live above penury….

To dream of a mule, denotes to a female, if she is married, a want of children, and a malicious sickly husband, if she sees two mules, she will have another husband, live happy, and have two sons.

In a dream, he represents a person who advises people to live in peace and harmony. (Also see Armor)

If you see yourself in a dormitory, then such dream shows how you appreciate the wisdom and learning skills you are able to get from others. You appreciate the fact that you are learning from life experiences every day. If you are the student in your waking life and live in a dormitory, then it simply reflects the daily life you have and the problems you are solving every day.

To dream you are counting numbers by thousands, is a token of great elevation to your children, and that you will live to share the benefits they desire.

…For a woman Dreaming that a dead snake is biting her, foretells she will suffer from malice of a pretended friend. Dreaming of snakes, is a foreboding of evil in its various forms and stages. To see them wriggling and falling over others, foretells struggles with fortune and remorse. To kill them, you will feel that you have used every opportunity of advancing your own interests, or respecting that of others. You will enjoy victory over enemies. To walk over them, you will live in constant fear of sickness, and selfish persons will seek to usurp your place in your companion’s life. If they bite you, you will succumb to evil influences, and enemies will injure your business. Dreaming that a common spotted snake approaches you from green herbs, and you quickly step aside as it passes you, and after you had forgotten the incident to again see it…

…chained suggests a change of life, perhaps a change of home, job or affections; it shows future of being in uncomfortable situation by improper treatment or because you aspire to something better. It indicates the inability to break free of what is bothering you. Dreaming of being chained but that you are able that break free, means that you can break free from what bothers you and you will succeed. Dreaming of chains indicates the risk of falling into an environment that is unsuitable for your personality. This usually happens when you plan to make changes in your life without knowing the environment you’re trying to get into. Seeing people tied with chains implies that your affairs won’t go well while others are in charge of them. Dreaming of dragging chains in any way indicates that you live in a state of deep depression, anxiety, sadness, defeat and helplessness….

To see hotel, denotes a peaceful life and prosperity; to live in one, a mixed existence of pleasure and pain.

…To dream about an act of justice that’s being performed anywhere (whether you make it or are its recipient) suggests that you aspire to balance your behavior in order to live in harmony with those who surround you. A person that dreams that he/she is applying justice is usually a person of strong character and firm decisions, especially when it’s easy for him/her to distinguish between good and evil. Dreaming that you’re applying justice, but with a deliberate purpose, it indicates that you aspire to receive plentiful rewards. This suggests selfishness, imbalanced character, and disharmony….

…Red snake refers to developed sexual urges and overgrowth of erotic attractions. According to Sigmund Freud Teachings, the red snake is seen as a bloody phallic symbol and thus it signifies progressing sexual temptation, development of repressed erotic thoughts, evolution of raw energy in sexuality, or taboo in demonstration of sexual orientation. To dream of a red snake on your bed indicates that capacity for your sexual feelings of being overpowered or threatened has been developed to new heights. Inexperience, nervousness might be a reasons for that. If you are afraid of the red snake, it symbolizes the growth of your fear for sexual relations or intimacy. A fear for any obligation that restricts freedom of action also can be a reason of your dream. If you were eating a live red snake in a dream, then it means that sexual attractions have followed you into sleep. You have…

…complicated situation somehow will affect the dreamer and will be presented. Dreaming of killing a snake insinuates that you have already resorted to all the resources to avoid a disaster. If you actually manage to kill a snake within dreams, it’s a symbol of success against your close enemies, both visible and hidden. Dreaming of walking on snakes that are moving on the ground is a sign that indicates that you live in fear of being attacked or getting a disease. Dreaming of a dead snake means that after fighting, insulting, etc., everything will remain unsolved and with a lot of hate and rancor. Dreaming of handling snakes and that they are not attacking, suggests that the dreamer will be a victim of an unpleasant but inconsequential jokes. A young woman who dreams of snakes or other reptiles indicates that she will have various problems. If she is bitten by…

The sacrifice ritual indicates the things we are devoted to give away in order to get something that is very important to us. If the ritual doesn’t harm anyone, its ok to have this kind of dream, but if you wish someone bad with this sacrifice ritual, your guilt will come into your way and you won’t be able to live well.

The healthy feet show how well grounded you are and the way you live your life. The feet that are sore or hurt, show that you are not happy with your life. To get more detailed dream interpretation, please also see the meaning of shoes.

…of his daughters. If one sees himself tied up and imprisoned inside a house in a dream, it means that he will receive glad tidings, or it could mean good health and prosperity. If one sees himself carrying a house over his shoulders in a dream, it means that he takes care of a needy woman or a wife. If one sees his house made of gold in a dream, it means that a fire will burn it down. If the house has no roof, whereby one can see the skies, sun or moon in a dream, it represents the marriage of a woman from that household. If one sees a big house within his own house in a dream, it means that a righteous woman will live their or move into that family to become a blessing for such a house. If there is a tunnel under such a…

To see or eat seafood in a dream indicates concerns, hopes and delays in your projects. To see live shellfish suggests happiness, good luck and wealth.

Dreaming of snow is usually a negative dream that announces damage, especially for people who live in the countryside. If anyone, who is from the city or the countryside, dreams of snow during a cloudy and gloomy day, it suggests that the dreamer will have to move to another city or country which is usually good. Dreaming of a snowfall during a sunny day suggests that soon the dreamer will enjoy of happiness and that eventually there will be successes that will make the dreamer forget past failures. Dreaming that a friend is suffering during a snowstorm, it suggests that an enemy is failing in his or her attempt to harm the dreamer.

The figure of unknown person could have several meanings depending on the circumstances of the dream. Sometimes it could indicate the fears you have, sometimes the things you wish to do or people you desire to know better. The boring lifestyle may bring these kind of dreams and it shows that some changes must be done if you wish to live adventurous life.

…To dream you eat mushrooms is a sign you will live to a good old age, but to dream you see them grow, or gather them, is a sign you will get rich by a splendid speculation, and then get poor as suddenly as you got wealthy. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 49, 59….

…Dreaming of being kidnapped basically means that you feel very uncomfortable in the environment you live, so you crave for an immediate change of life. Dreaming of collaborating for kidnapping someone means that you are living and interacting with people with a very low moral level, maybe criminals. A young, single woman who dreams of being kidnapped or imprisoned, indicates that she’s getting old and still doesn’t find a husband, or that her occupation or job is unpleasant but can’t find anything else that suits her desires. A married woman who dreams of being kidnapped or imprisoned, indicates that she has a very uncomfortable life with her husband because she doesn’t have a nice relationship with her family, her mother in law, or because the husband is very jealous, disobliged or vicious. Dreaming of being in a in a safe place means that you are confident in everything that…

To dream it is in danger is a warning to keep a strict guard over your actions, lest you lose a good name; virtue is honoured by the greatest libertine, but mentally so. To dream you boast of your virtue shows you will yield to temptation, and not be able to conceal your fault. Let wisdom be your guide, persevere, and live honoured and happy.