The cross is very spiritual symbol which shows your views towards the life. Perhaps you are trying to find the connection with the world that you are in. If you are very religious person, pray a lot, go to church often, it is very normal to dream about the cross. The cross is also a symbol of the end of something. In many cultures the cross is not only religious symbol, it also indicates the fact that something has come to an end.

…G-d disguised Himself into Snake and tricked the first Humans to eat the apple. This is direct cheat from G-d on to Himself since Human is created like G-d. The story itself is a joke since if G-d can cheat on Himself thus believing in it is also a cheat onto believer. So, if it simple cheat, why should anyone believe that the story itself is not cheat. So, when we see that the story itself is a trick to cheat our minds, then we don’t have the ground on which our world is being built. What is hidden behind that? So, if this Myth is just a cheat, then we don’t have any reliable source about G-d, Human and how everything was created….

The glass in dream is a good omen if you are looking through it and if it is nice, clean and clear, then it shows the real view you see of the world. The dirty glass or scratched one shows your inner destruction. If you dream about the broken glass, then such dream foretells about the things you did and now you feel sorry about it, or it signifies the broken hopes. For example, it shows your work that wasn’t done, or the relationships you worked so hard and it didn’t fulfill your dreams. Overall, the drinking from the clear glass signifies happiness and fortune.

It symbolizes the underground world of archaic and collective unconscious. To dream about the hell reflects fear for the outcome of the struggle between our evolutionary impulse and primal instincts. To go down into hell and then manage to get out, is an omen of a long life, knowledge and energy, these qualities are lacking in average man.

When you dream about the valley, then such dream indicates the new beginning for a dreamer. He will step into the new world that is exciting. The valley that is poor means the opposite and will bring into his life only sadness and misery which is impossible to avoid.

(Blindness) If one sees in his dream as though the world is totally destroyed and that he remained alone therein, it means that he may lose his sight.

…this world, or that he has exchanged something precious for something worthless, or it could mean that he may commit a sin, or become an apostate. Pearls in a dream also represent the Qur’an, manner of proper talking, bezels of wisdom, children, servants, integrity, beauty, or money. If one sees himself piercing a pearl in a dream, it means that he will give valuable interpretations to Qur’anic verses. Swallowing pearls in a dream means forgetting what one has learned from the Qur’an. Swallowing pearls in a dream also could mean acquiring wisdom and knowledge. Selling pearls in a dream means acquiring knowledge and growing to be famous and respected. Throwing pearls at people in a dream and seeing people collecting them while one remains aloof, represents a judge who issues his verdict, or admonishes people who accept what he says and abide by it accordingly. Receiving a pearl in a…

The forest shows your connection with the nature. There is also a possibility that you feel the lack of connection with the real world, because of the work and responsibilities you do in daily life. If you are lost in the forest, then you are looking for the exit of some situation, but have no idea how to solve it, therefore you feel confused. Otherwise, being lost in the woods promises riches, but only if you are poor. Walking around in the forest picking up the berries, mushrooms and enjoying the nature while dreaming shows your inner harmony.

(Distraction | Love | Unbalance) In a dream, delirium represents unbal- ance, bewilderment about the world, utter confusion, giddiness or falling passionately in love, or it could denote a better end for all things. (Also see Distraction)

…In the world of dreams seeing of the stars means looking at our destiny or current projects. If the stars shine that is a good omen and we will move forward successfully, but if they’re covered with clouds, or show a faint light we can expect difficulties in reaching our goals. Some authors suggest that if the stars flicker that means disease or duels….

…If you dream of riding well and easily on the back of this noble animal, your fortune is sure to advance in the world: but if you imagine you are thrown from a horse, it is a sign of disgrace. To dream of swapping horses shows that someone will cheat you in a bargain; of selling a horse, it is a sign of loss; but of buying one, predicts that you will make money by some speculation, or else by selling property. Horses are excellent animals to dream about. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 2, 11, 22….

…(See Stick.) To dream of punishing a child foretells good fortune to the victim, and honours to yourself for anyone to dream of being punished by whipping, is a sign they will rise in the world, or be honoured for some act. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 7,1….

…his death. If one leads others in prayers in such a dream, it means travels, or making a pilgrimage to Mecca. If the dream is interpreted to be his death, then it means a good end to his life in this world, light in one’s grave, or that God willing, he will enter paradise. If one sees the morning and solicits water to drink, or purchases food, or barters for some barley in his dream, it means that he will overcome his difficulties and dispel his adversities. If a prisoner sees the morning in his dream, it means that he will be released shortly. If one’s travels are impeded by whatever cause, then seeing the morning in his dream means solving such problems and proceeding on with one’s plans. If one is having difficulties with his wife, then seeing the morning in a dream means divorce or separation. If a…

…To dream that you’re a sailor, of course, if you’re not one in your real life, suggests that you long to travel the world, but always for fun and pleasure. If you see the boat in the dream, it symbolizes failures in your affairs or business….

…To dream of proud people who disgust you, foretells that you will rise in the world: a girl who dreams this of her lover, will probably marry a rich or distinguished man. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 3, 32, 13….

…Dreaming of escape from injury or accidents, is usually favorable. If you escape from some place of confinement, it signifies your rise in the world from close application to business. To escape from any contagion, denotes your good health and prosperity. If you try to escape and fail, you will suffer from the design of enemies, who will slander and defraud you….

…joy, celebration, spirituality or dominion. Red means the world or material gains. In a dream, the color maroon or a reddish-brown color signifies dignity, nobility, power or it could represent a wealthy woman. The color purple in a dream represents a brilliant, skillful and a beautiful woman, or it could mean fragrance, instability, sickness, love and harmony. White in a dream also means beauty or it could represent elderly people. A black flag in a dream means a man of knowledge, a white one represents jealousy, a yellow flag represents an epidemic disease and a green flag means a journey by land. A black cloud in a dream represents a just judge while a white cloud represents ablessed, noble and true justice. A white thread in a dream represents the dawn and a black thread in a dream represents the night. If one sees his cheeks radiant white in a…

To dream of the brick, denotes to your independence and creativity. The proficiency that you had in life has stiffened you. If in a dream you were building the wall that is made of bricks, then it means you are trying to secure yourself from the outside world. Maybe someone has hurt you in the past, therefore you are trying to protect yourself. The dream about bricks could also show the tough personality you have, at least for those around you, even if you are very sensitive on the inside, but do not show it to others.

Dream of emeralds means you will get out of the false and misleading world.

…To dream of going up a hill is a sign you will rise in the world, and of going downhill the reverse; if, in your dream, you seem to be approaching a smooth high hill it shows that you will shortly have a piece of good fortune; but if the hill be rugged and stony, it foretells difficulties in connection with the good fortune. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 1, 46, 18,…

Seeing stamps in a dream represents the need for communication with the world. On the other hand, it may indicate that you need to show more strength and encouragement. Seeing a collection of stamps in a dream means worries about money and security.

Falling into deep waters and not reaching the bottom of it in a dream means prosperity and wealth, for the world is a deep ocean. A sudden fall into water in a dream also means joy and money.

…no longer giving the access to your life to that certain person. If you see the front door of the house or any other place, then it shows your communication skills to the outside world. If you left the doors open, then it means you are open to new ideas and opportunities the life has prepared to you. If you see the doors that are made out of glass, then it shows the invisible shelter you have while dealing with your daily life and people that includes it. If you see the house or any other place that has no doors, then it means you are unable to escape some situation in your waking life. The dream, in which you see someone waiting at the door, signifies your attitude towards that person and the fact if you are going to open it for him or keep it closed. The dream,…