…God Almighty will help him out of his entanglements. If one is afraid of swimming in the dream, it means that he is scared of someone in authority. If he runs away from swimming in a dream, it means that he will escape from him. If one sees himself entering waters where he can swim successfully in a dream, it means that he will engage in a major project, lead an important job, or acquire authority and power. If one swims on his back in a dream, it means that he will repent for a sin. If he swims in the sea and finds its water stagnant in the dream, it means that he will serve someone in authority, though his job will bring him nothing but trouble and the wrath of his employer. If he still manages to cross the sea in his dream, it means that he will…

…(Adversary | Boy | Foe | Hidden treasure | Opponent | Power | Snake | Unjust ruler | Woman) To meet an enemy in a dream signifies honor, signing a treaty, rising above differences, receiving God’s help and victory. Facing one’s enemy in a dream also means befriending him. If one is threatened by his enemy in a dream, it means that he will win the upper hand. If one is promised good things by his enemy in a dream, it means that he will fall into his trap and lose his fight to him. If one’s enemy advises him in a dream, it means that he will betray him. If one sees an enemy invading a land in a dream, it means that a destructive flood will devastate that place. If one’s enemy confides to him or pleases him in a dream, it means that he will suffer…

The sword as the symbol, signifies the power, capacity, energy and masculine aspects of the dreamer. It could also symbolize the tool that helps to achieve the results you are hoping for, just like the warrior cannot win the war, without a sword, you are unable to get what you are aiming for.

…If we are left: If powerful people or our lover left us, it indicates the possibility to liberate ourselves from their influence. If our mother leaves us we will have economic problems. If it’s the father, it indicates our lack of will to realize our projects. When it’s our husband/wife it means there are some economic problems because of us. If it’s you who leaves someone: what we leave in this dream will indicate what or who torments us and what we must modify or what we must break free from. In every other case there will be problems and difficulties. In any case there are dreams in which our unconscious tells us something isn’t right inside us without reacting to any external suffering, and then we will go to the doctor who will clear up if we are ill without knowing it….

Whether we are being abandoned or we are the ones that abandoned someone else, the fact is that this phenomenon is quite common in dreams, and lends itself to many nuances in interpretation. Being abandoned is often the subject of some nightmares but on closer analysis it can mean feeling liberated, especially if the one that leaves us means authority or power over us. These dreams usually indicate, in any case, fear and this should be taken into account in terms of our health, perhaps because we are receiving a notice of our unconscious. When we are the ones who abandon it could mean that we are prisoners of some idea, circumstance, person or group and we desire to get out of this situation, if only in dreams we dare to take that step.

…Dreaming of this ancient character, denotes your hesitancy to accept this ancient story as authentic, and you may encounter opposition in business and social circles because of this doubt. For a young woman Dreaming that she impersonates Eve, warns her to be careful. She may be wiser than her ancient relative, but the Evil One still has powerful agents in the disguise of a handsome man. Keep your eye on innocent Eve, young man. That apple tree still bears fruit, and you may be persuaded, unwittingly, to share the wealth of its products….

…(God’s prophet Yahya, upon whom be peace | John) Seeing him (uwbp) in a dream means being endowed with piety, love for God Almighty, fear of wrongdoing and being distinct and unequalled in one’s time. Seeing God’s prophet Yahya in a dream also means that one will acquire power and receive glad tidings….

…To dream that you are buried alive denotes that you will be rich and powerful. To wealthy people it is a sign addition of their wealth. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 11,14….

…Dreaming of hops, denotes thrift, energy and the power to grasp and master almost any business proposition. Hops is a favorable dream to all classes, lovers and tradesmen….

It symbolizes strength, hardness, flexibility and excessive rigor. But also iron represents the dark, impure and evil force. It means that all our power has been obtained by force.

The cougar in dreams shows the power you are carrying with yourself. You feel the person who is capable of doing the things he likes and not feeling guilty that enjoying the life to the fullest. The cougar could be applied not only to the dreamer, but to the person that is very close to him and have these features such as being a strong person and believer in himself.

…joy, celebration, spirituality or dominion. Red means the world or material gains. In a dream, the color maroon or a reddish-brown color signifies dignity, nobility, power or it could represent a wealthy woman. The color purple in a dream represents a brilliant, skillful and a beautiful woman, or it could mean fragrance, instability, sickness, love and harmony. White in a dream also means beauty or it could represent elderly people. A black flag in a dream means a man of knowledge, a white one represents jealousy, a yellow flag represents an epidemic disease and a green flag means a journey by land. A black cloud in a dream represents a just judge while a white cloud represents ablessed, noble and true justice. A white thread in a dream represents the dawn and a black thread in a dream represents the night. If one sees his cheeks radiant white in a…

Being deserted by a powerful man, deceit in friendship.

Dreams about cars usually reflect the desires and lust for power. To interpret this dream you will have to attend to the shape, rating, price and size of the car.

…Silk in any form, is a symbol of erotic and physical pleasures. Overall, this dream usually predicts physical or emotional satisfaction, and it also indicates that it is a good time for love. Dreaming of resting on a silk cushion or pillow means that you’re trying to solve the issues you have in your own affairs and poverty at the expense or sacrifice of others. Dreaming of silk cushions without touching them announces prosperity or success in the affairs you’re handling. A young woman who dreams of sewing or making a silk cushion, indicates that she wants to get married with someone good. Dreaming of wearing silk clothes suggests that you have too many ambitions for money, power, and business. It also reveals vanity and pride. If the silk clothing is dirty or stained, it means disappointment, sadness and failures. Dreaming with silkworms may mean that you’ll get a…

If you dream a bullock pursues you, beware of some powerful enemy, particularly if the dreamer is a female. If a cow, a female is the enemy.

The most frequent meaning is of a sexual nature, especially if the dreamers are young. It also symbolizes wisdom and healing power. Seeing a sleeping snake indicates that our instinctual forces are asleep. If it wakes up and wriggles without causing fear, it reveals desires of a spiritual evolution. Dreaming of snakeskin or seeing change indicates that a profound evolutionary change is coming. If poisonous snakes appear, it indicates fear to be in embarrassing situations.

To dream a bullock pursues you, beware of some powerful enemy, particularly if the dreamer is a female. If a cow is a female then an enemy.

The jaybird has the qualities such as the power, active lifestyle and strength while fighting for its needs. The dreamer is very strong person who no matter what the circumstances are is feeling very strong person who is willing to do whatever it takes. The jaybird could also represent the love you have for animals and their ability to adopt in different environments.

…Dreaming of scarlet fever, foretells you are in danger of sickness, or in the power of an enemy. Dreaming a relative dies suddenly with it, foretells you will be overcome by villainous treachery….

Dreaming of a flock of healthy rams (lamb) or eating peacefully presages that we will have powerful fortune and possessions. Taking a ram (lamb) represents immediate fortune. If we take it on our shoulder, fortune will be very important. Listening to a ram (lamb) bleating portends that we will have very effective protection and assistance. If the herd comes towards us and rams (lambs) are between our legs indicates that we will achieve success but with difficulty. If the ram (lambs) are dead, it bodes bad news. Seeing it lost, doubt and uncertainty in our affairs.

To dream of the wand, signifies the power you have towards the other people. Perhaps people trust you and believe in your opinions. If you saw the other person holding the wand, then it shows their influence that has a much importance to you.

To dream of the Tarot cards is an indication to keep reading your thoughts, because the inner you tell what it wants out from the life. Consider to pay attention of what the cards were saying and what kind of symbols it had written. If you saw the Wands, then it indicates your creativity, spiritual state of mind and curiosity. The suit of Swards denotes to strength, huge power, fearless. The Pentacles indicates the wisdom, business and communication with earth. The Cups foretells about your innocence, clearness and feelings.

To have interaction with or to see an emblem, when you are dreaming, has the symbolic importance of ancestral descent or lineage. Emblem also suggests your cultural ties to your nation and ancestral links to your fathers of your family. The dream about emblem come from your inner power. You are gifted with a sense of confidence.

(Planet) In a dream, the planet Saturn represents subjugation, rulership, deputyship, power of attorney, or seeking any of the above. If one sees the planet Saturn close to the moon in dream, it means that he is thinking of business expansion, real estate, properties, or buildings. The planet Saturn in a dream also represents a person who lives in the wilderness and mixes with wildlife, buffalos, dears, peacock, francolin, parrots, or any beautiful looking animal, or it could represent a caterpillar, silk, or a stripped fabric denoting an architect, or a caller to prayers, or any courteous employee who willingly and wholeheartedly serves others. The planet Saturn in a dream also means punishment, poverty, business losses or adversities.

…Reading the holy Qur’an or part of it in a dream means rising in station, gaining power, repenting from sins, prosperity, paying one’s debts, witnessing the truth, or delivering a trust to its rightful owner. Reciting the holy Qur’an with a beautiful voice in a dream means honor, dignity and good fame. Reading the holy Qur’an and adding one’s own words to it in a dream means wavering from the truth, or betraying one’s promise or covenant. If in the latter case one does not understand the meaning of what he is saying in the dream, it means that he will give a false testimony in a court of justice, or that he will be involved in something evil the consequences of which cannot be foreseen. If one sees people listening to his recital of the Qur’an in a dream, it means that he will command a job, and…

To dream that you are buried alive denotes that you will be rich and powerful. To wealthy people it is a sign of addition to their wealth.

…who will rarely be defeated. If the blackboard is corroded in the dream, it means that one’s son will have no dynasty. If the blackboard is made of stone in the dream, it means that his heart will be like a rock. If the blackboard is made of copper in the dream, it means that one’s son will grow to be a hypocrite. If it is made of lead in the dream, it means that one’s son will be an effeminate person. A tablet in a dream also denotes a woman and the writing on it represent her children, or it could represent an intelligent and a good natured boy who accepts what he learns from his teacher. Receiving a blackboard from someone in authority in a dream means gaining power. If a pregnant woman sees a blackboard in a dream, it means that she will beget a son….

Dreaming about a wand symbolizes energy of love. Waving a wand in a dream represents power and influence over others. If someone is holding the wand, it means that you are the master of the situation.

…will be his warning from God Almighty and the parables will denote his need to contemplate the meaning. If one sees himself writing the verses of the holy Qur’an on slabs of a mother of pearl, or on a piece of cloth in a dream, it means that he interprets it according to his own liking. If one sees himself inscribing a Qur’anic verse on the ground in a dream, it means that he is an atheist. It is also said that reading the Qur’an in a dream means fulfillment of one’s needs, clearing of one’s heart and establishment of one’s success in his life. If one discovers that he has memorized the Qur’an in a dream, though in wakefulness he has not memorized it, it means that he will own a large property. Hearing the verses of the holy Qur’an in a dream means the strengthening of one’s power,…

…If we see a flag waving, it portends wealth and honor. If we have it, recognition of our courage. If we lose it or it is taken away from us, it indicates the loss of power and command. If our country’s flag, our merits will be recognized. Being from a foreign country indicates that our worth will only recognized in another country. If it is an imaginary country, our dreams of greatness will not come true. If the flag is black, we will be fighting a disease. If it’s red, we will fight to defend feelings. If it is purple, for freedom. Yellow, we will fight for intelligence. Brown, for our material interests. The more damaged the flag is, the bigger acknowledge our merits will have and our worth….

If you dream about the hammer, then such dream signifies the necessity for power and strength because of the others actions. If you use the hammer for cutting the wood, then such dream foretells about great success and fortune you will face very soon. If you cut some of your body parts with the hammer, you will suffer because of your own mistakes.

The globe symbolizes the whole. The dreams in which a globe appears can reveal the thirst for power and domination or announce a long journey. The hot air balloon and toy reveals the inconstancy and versatility of our thoughts and desires that are the main cause of our failures and frustrations. We can include the globes as the crystal ball of fortune tellers. In this dream, the desire to receive news or visit the person we miss is revealed.

…(Ibex | Oryx | Sasin | Wild goat) In a dream, a mountain goat represents a foreigner who will be passing by one’s town. Catching a mountain goat in a dream means receiving money from a king or from a wealthy and a powerful person, for the mountain in a dream represents such a person and the goat represents the prize. Looking at a mountain goat in a dream means slandering a person who holds an important position in the government and who is well connected with the ruler. Catching a mountain goat in a dream means harm and sufferings, though eating its meat in a dream means that one will receive money from such a person. (Also see Oryx)…

The power of being yourself and the strength doing what you want. The dream shows that you have an ability to feel yourself and do whatever you like to do in your life. You are the person who is confident enough to be himself instead of pretending someone else. If you are dreaming that you are invincible in front of bad people, it means that you do not care about others opinions and do not let to control your life.

…Dreaming of Satan, foretells that you will have some dangerous adventures, and you will be forced to use strategy to keep up honorable appearances. Dreaming that you kill him, foretells that you will desert wicked or immoral companions to live upon a higher plane. If he comes to you under the guise of literature, it should be heeded as a warning against promiscuous friendships, and especially flatterers. If he comes in the shape of wealth or power, you will fail to use your influence for harmony, or the elevation of others. If he takes the form of music, you are likely to go down before his wiles. If in the form of a fair woman, you will probably crush every kindly feeling you may have for the caresses of this moral monstrosity. To feel that you are trying to shield yourself from satan, denotes that you will endeavor to…

(Lotus | Jujube tree) In a dream, a lotus tree means money and profits. Eating from its fruit in a dream means having a good spirit and a praiseworthy religious standing, or if one qualifies for leadership, it means that he will attain it. In a dream, a lotus tree is also a noble tree. As for religious people, seeing a lotus tree in a dream means spiritual growth, and for a ruler, it means gaining power. (Also see Jujube tree)

Seeing or playing with an electric guitar in the dream represents sudden power and immediately occurrence of new passion. You clearly express your thoughts and feelings to others. Alternatively, it is symbol of youth and rebellion.

To dream about muscles symbolizes power and strength. You need to develop your qualities and become stronger and more confident.

Dreaming of iron symbolizes the power that is acquired by force, and it is interpreted as a way for our subconscious to show us our inflexibility or excessive rigor.