…Dreaming that you are ejaculating, has the symbolic significance and suggests your need for release. It can be emotional or psychological pain. Ejaculation also can indicate that you can’t restrict or hold yourself in sexual life. On the other hand, there can be different explanation, it stands as a symbol for a loss of control and power. It can be in relationship or professional deals….

Dreaming about a miller symbolizes spiritual and mental balance. It also represents peace of mind. To be a miller in your dream represents your inner power in spiritual area. To see a miller in your dream indicates a good condition of your spirituality, but also suggests being more active in seeking spiritual and mental balance in your life.

…Ropes in dreams, signify perplexities and complications in affairs, and uncertain love making. If you climb one, you will overcome enemies who are working to injure you. To decend{sic} a rope, brings disappointment to your most sanguine moments. If you are tied with them, you are likely to yield to love contrary to your judgment. To break them, signifies your ability to overcome enmity and competition. To tie ropes, or horses, denotes that you will have power to control others as you may wish. To walk a rope, signifies that you will engage in some hazardous speculation, but will surprisingly succeed. To see others walking a rope, you will benefit by the fortunate ventures of others. To jump a rope, foretells that you will startle your associates with a thrilling escapade bordering upon the sensational. To jump rope with children, shows that you are selfish and overbearing | failing…

…a dream, it means that his father and mother are pleased with him. If the moon splits in two halves in a dream, it means that harm will befall a great person, or that a major sign will manifest to show the divine power in that locality. If one sees a lunar eclipse, or if the moon becomes opaque, or turns reddish in a dream, it means that major changes will take place in one’s life. The moon in a dream also represents one’s bosom friend, an unjust governor, his chief minister, his assistant, a gambler, an oath, recovering from an illness or suffering from eye irritation. Seeing a full moon during the early days of the lunar month, when it is supposed to be only a crescent in a dream means benefits while the opposite means harm. The moon in a dream also represents a scholar, an astrologer, an…

The swords in dreams are the symbols of power and strength, but only if it is shiny and new.

If you dream of a shrimp, it means that you are hiding from the outer world. Maybe at this time of your life you try to find the place you could be on your own, because there is a lack of privacy. You feel powerless and tired, therefore you need to stay on your own.

To dream that you have been provoked to anger, shows that you have many very powerful enemies.

Shoulders symbolize the power and ability to perform. If we see ourselves with wide and strong shoulders that bodes health, success and confidence in ourselves. If we have narrow and weak shoulders it means that our health, our confidence in ourselves and our chances of success are at risk.

To see a panther and experience fright, denotes that contracts in love or business may be canceled unexpectedly, owing to adverse influences working against your honor. But killing, or over-powering it, you will experience joy and be successful in your undertakings. Your surroundings will take on fair prospects. If one menaces you by its presence, you will have disappointments in business. Other people will likely recede from their promises to you. If you hear the voice of a panther, and experience terror or fright, you will have unfavorable news, coming in the way of reducing profit or gain, and you may have social discord | no fright forebodes less evil. A panther, like the cat, seen in a dream, portends evil to the dreamer, unless he kills it….

…(Arrogance) In a dream, an elephant represents a respected and feared enemy who is dull-witted, who carries heavy burdens or responsibilities and who is expert in war tactics. An elephant in a dream also signifies arrogance. Riding an elephant or controlling it in a dream means establishing ties with a leader or a politician and profiteering from one’s connection. It also means living a long and a prosperous life. Riding an elephant during the nighttime in a dream means rising in rank, and should one be suited for leadership, he will receive it then engage in a war which he will lose. Riding an elephant during the daylight hours in a dream means divorce, perfidy, betrayal or deceit. Milking an elephant or taking something out of its trunk in a dream means either extortion or receiving lawful money from a powerful person. It is also said that an elephant…

…If you dream that your hair is thick and bushy, it shows that you’ll grow rich or powerful; if you dream it is curly and kinky, when in fact it is not, it is a sign you’ll do something that you will afterward be ashamed of; if, in your dream, you imagine that your hair has fallen off, or that it has become extremely thin, it is a bad omen, as it shadows forth sickness, and perhaps death. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 42….

Becoming rich as an heir, fortunate marriage, many good children, powerful friends, being faithfully loved.

If you dream of shoulders, then such dream shows the strength, power and balance of the dreamer, especially if they are straight ones. Alternatively, the dream could indicate how tired you are because of the responsibility and duty you have to carry on. Maybe you should take it easy and absorb less of the charges.

…(Authorization | Power of attorney) A signed document empowering some- one to represent the principal in a dream represents accumulated sins. If one is commissioned to administer someone’s will in a dream, it means prosperity, indisputable control, or a license to operate someone else’s assets. If the person delegating that authority is sick, then signing a proxy means recovering from his illness. However, if he is healthy, then it means that he may fall sick, because a proxy means delegating an agency. If one is seeking an office in the government, and if he signs a proxy in a dream, it means that he will win it….

Dreaming of wading a river, symbolizes power and control over your emotions. The depth and water clarity determine the amount of energy you have.

To dream that you have been provoked to anger, shows that you have many very powerful enemies.

Invitation to a marriage-feast; honour and power, especially when the carriage is pulled by men. 10.

…(Absolution | Amnesty | Acquittal) If one forgives someone a sin, or a mistake, or an error in a dream, it means that God Almighty will forgive him his sins. It also means that he will live a long life, earn fame for his piety, live in God’s protection, have a good heart and a forgiving nature. If one pardons a criminal in a dream, it also means that he will receive God’s forgiveness in this world and on the Day of Judgment. To forgive and pardon someone when one has the power to do so in a dream represents one’s faith, piety and fear of wrongdoing. If God Almighty, or if His Prophet (uwbp) pardon of forgive one’s sins in a dream, it means that one will repent for his sin, receive guidance and attain a praiseworthy conclusion to his life in this world and in the hereafter….

To dream that you have a disability, is interpreted as suggestion that you are experiencing decreased pride in yourself. Energy, that was in you, now is gone. You have lost your power or direction in life. Disability also can mean that you are not utilizing your full potential and skills. Consider the symbolism of the part of your body that is disabled.

To have the large one and handsome one means power, complete success in all the aspects of your life.

Power and solidity in a situation to be envied, of which you’ll take advantage….

To see one means a powerful, rich, audacious, and cruel enemy will be faced. To be attacked by a bear, dangers from which the dreamer will be separated if he avoids the injuries.

Dream of a wooden spoiled and ugly object indicates that you feel discouraged and unemotional inside. Dream of a nice-looking wooden object means success but with help of good people. Dream of working a piece of wood indicates power and development. On the other hand, wood also symbolizes spirituality and vital energy. Dream of wood symbolizes prosperity and tranquility. Dream of wood represents life, fertility, rejuvenation, and spring. On the other hand, it symbolizes the unknown and unconscious. Dream of walking through woods means your return to a spiritual aspect of yourself, also indicates you’re starting a new phase of your life. You’re expressing some anxiety to go behind a relative. Dream of some dried wood in suggests there is an unsolved situation in your life. It may also mean you’re overwhelmed with problems.

Ever since the case of dreaming with a hat as a male sex symbol, to dream with its power or the preventive means of pregnancy. Excepting this case, the hat generally refers to a sign of distinction of social character linked with ideas or behaviors of whom we dreamed of. If we wear a ridiculous hat, then it reveals that inside us exists a ridiculous attitude that everyone knows except ourselves. To see ourselves with a military hat reveals an authoritarian sense out of place. A cup hat is a sign of an inordinate conceit and pretensions.

…Usually the escape is interpreted as the good omen, because you are able to escape any situation, especially the ones that makes problems or are unpleasant. If you escaped the jail, then such dream foretells about some situation that was hard to deal with, maybe even unfair one from your point of view, and now you found the way how to escape it, instead of being reconciled with it. If you escaped form some kind of the animal, who was scaring you or you were in danger of losing your life, then you will be able to avoid some unfair and false people that you are surrounded by. To escape the disaster that is cause by the nature is a very good dream, because it shows the strength and power you have. If you were not able to escape this disaster that was caused by nature you will fail…

Dreaming about a hammer is interpreted as a symbol of personal development. This dream means power, strength, virility, and masculine attitudes. It also symbolizes growth and construction. Dreaming that you are using a hammer signifies successful accomplishment in a task at hand. Alternatively, it suggests that you may be dealing with old demons and inner battles.

…To dream about a train suggests that you yearn to do something, but to do so you must travel and there have been problems that have impeded such voyage; however, a train by itself is a symbol of power and strength, which make your goals feasible to achieve. To dream about a lone train riding at high speed suggests that you long for a fast enrichment, and you’re much likely to achieve it. To dream about a half disassembled train and therefore useless suggests that what you desire will be impossible to achieve and that you’ll most likely experience failures. If you listen to the train’s whistle in your dream, it suggests that soon there will be changes in your activities and fortune, perhaps because of the presence of people who were at distance and now they’ll arriving to help you….

The queen is a symbol of power and riches. On the other hand, it symbolizes maternity and personal growth. For a woman, this dream indicates her beauty and growing energy. For a guy, this dream indicates that he should listen to others with more care and patience.

…If you dream of being in hell, you will fall into temptations, which will almost wreck you financially and morally. To see your friends in hell, denotes distress and burdensome cares. You will hear of the misfortune of some friend. Dreaming of crying in hell, denotes the powerlessness of friends to extricate you from the snares of enemies….

…(Prophet David, upon whom be peace.) If one sees him in a dream, it means that he will gain power, authority, commit a sin, become an ascetic, be tried and oppressed by an unjust person, then he will be saved by God’s leave and regain the upper hand over his enemy. He will also receive an exalted office or rank of honor. It is also said, that if one sees the prophet David (uwbp) in a dream, that his country or town will be governed by a just ruler, an honorable president or a righteous judge. If in fact the ruler or the judge of that town, county or country is an unjust person, then seeing God’s prophet David (uwbp) in a dream means that God Almighty will surely replace him with a just and an honorable one. If one becomes God’s prophet David (uwbp), or if he wears…

The panther in dreams is interpreted as something powerful and that is able to provide protection. The panther is the animal that has fierce and is not afraid to fight for her rights. If the panther is attacking you, it means that you are being slandered by others, but if you are able to escape it or you killed the panther, you will overcome all of the obstacles. The Black Panther is a very rare animal, therefore the one who sees is may get a very good luck in short period of time. Overall, you should go through life without fear and act like no one can hurt you no matter what are the circumstances.

…This dream is unlucky. You will, if you are a farmer, see your crops blasted and your cattle lean and unhealthy. To business men it means debts whose accumulation they are powerless to avoid. To the young it denotes unhappy unions and death of loved ones. To see your own coffin in a dream, business defeat and domestic sorrow may be expected. Dreaming of a coffin moving of itself, denotes sickness and marriage in close conjunction. Sorrow and pleasure intermingled. Death may follow this dream, but there will also be good. To see your corpse in a coffin, signifies brave efforts will be crushed in defeat and ignominy, Dreaming that you find yourself sitting on a coffin in a moving hearse, denotes desperate if not fatal illness for you or some person closely allied to you. Quarrels with the opposite sex is also indicated. You will remorsefully consider your…

…after a wedding or after having marital relations with one’s wife means mistrust and loss. It also means involvement in an uncouth action, lacking knowledge of the Holy Book and prophetic traditions, because what one has built lacks a foundation. Flying in the air in a dream may mean travels. Flying with wings in a dream has stronger connotations and is safer. The wings here will represent money or power. Swimming in the air means benefits or business travels. If the air looks opaque in one’s eyes, so he cannot see the skies in his dream, it means problems with one’s superior. If one does not have a boss, then it means that he may lose his sight. If all the people witnessed the air opaque or red in the dream, then it means a major calamity and a trying adversity. (Also see Ascending in the Skies | Flying)…

To have golden rings on your fingers, symbolizes dignity, honor, and power. To receive one as a gift, security. To give one away, loss. To lose one means profit.

Usually trees that appear in our dreams symbolize material protection, which strength will depend on the appearance and power we see on them, if we embrace them or whether they have fruit. The dream can also tell us the need to deepen our roots, whether genealogical or spiritual.

To dream you have been provoked to anger, shows that you have many powerful enemies.

…that one lives from the interest he earns from usury. If the hair of one’s beard is black in the dream, it means prosperity and satisfaction in one’s life. If its color is greenish-black in the dream, it means extended wealth, power and rulership, unless if one is a tyrant, for the color of Pharaoh’s beard was greenish-black. If the color of one’s beard yields to yellow in the dream, it means poverty and illness. If its color is blondish in the dream, it means a scare. If one grabs his own beard in the dream and if its hair falls into his hand, and if he keeps holding to the hair, it means incurring financial losses then recovering them, unless one discards the hair in the dream. Pulling someone’s from his beard in the dream means inheriting him. If one sees a young boy who has not reached the…

To dream of the sieve, indicates the power to compare your selections and make a good and clever decision.

…(Aroma | Perfume | Stigma) In a dream, If dried saffron does not stain the skin or a gown, then it represents lauding someone, commending him, or speaking good of someone. If its color does stain the skin or one’s gown in the dream, then it represents an illness. Grinding the dried purple saffron flowers in a dream to use it as powder, or as an additive for making perfumes in a dream represents a severe illness, though many people will pray for the recovery of the person who is struck by it, but to no avail. It is also said that saffron in a dream represents benefits, except if it touches one’s skin or stains it. Grinding saffron in a dream means producing something one will view with pride and be amazed by its results, though again, one’s efforts will be followed by a severe illness. Grinding saffron…

…To dream that you are drinking water represents energetic vitality, refreshment of strengths, increasing spirituality. You have a purpose and any trouble in your way will be eliminated. Additionally, you are learning from your past and you will find resolution to any future issues. Alternatively, drinking of water suggest for you to care yourself more. To dream that you are drinking alcohol indicates that you are trying to escape from current period of your life. Alternatively, drinking of alcoholic beverages, which are delicious for you in waking life, means that you are seeking illusory and deceitful feeling of happiness, delight, or satisfaction. In specific, if you are drinking wine, it is often the reflection of the image from our religious culture. Drinking of any wine in the dream has symbolism of a divine power. Also, second meaning of wine is interpreted as induction of external stimuli, but you must…