Dreaming that we cook with gas or we use it as light, it is a sign that everything will be fine. If the gas is turned off, it is that we will not realize our projects due to lack of preparation. If there is a leak or an explosion occurs is a warning for us to review our plans because we are threatened with disaster.

(Blouse) One’s shirt in a dream represents his piety, godliness, livelihood, knowledge, or it could mean glad tidings. Putting on a new shirt in a dream means marriage to a woman who has no relatives or kin. If a woman puts on a shirt or a blouse in a dream, it also means her marriage. A torn shirt in a dream means divorce. If one’s shirt is torn in a dream, it means breaking up a business partnership. A shirt in a dream also represents one’s religious and worldly concerns. Wearing a shirt without sleeves in a dream means having piety but no money, for sleeves in a dream represent money. If the pocket of one’s shirt is torn in the dream, it means poverty. Having a wardrobe filled with shirts in a dream represent one’s reward in the hereafter. Wearing a white shirt in a dream means…

(Alcoholic | Beer | Drunkard | Enmity | Evil | Hatred | Inebriate | Temptation | Tippler) Wine in a dream represents unlawful earnings, illegal tender, or easy money. Drinking wine in a dream means committing a major sin, or it could mean becoming wealthy. It also could imply verbal abuse, temptation, or enmity. A river of wine in a dream means adversities. Wine in a dream also represents marriage consent, or dismissal from one’s job. Mixing wine with water in a dream means mixing legal and illegal money, or it could represent earnings from a business partnership with a woman. Pressing grapes to make wine in a dream means serving someone in authority whose employment allows one to achieve noticeable successes in life. If one is invited to a drinking party where he finds platters of fruit and pitchers of wine in the dream, it represents his…

(Aliment | Food) Any product which is touched by fire in the process of its manufacturing, preparation, or cooking in a dream means arguments and disputes.

(Hash) Mincemeat in a dream represents what follows in the food preparation process. First it is minced, then mixed with other ingredients, where its identity changes, then it becomes a dish with a different taste. For an unmarried person, minced meat in a dream means marriage and children, and for a pregnant woman, it means a boy. Minced meat in a dream also means merging of capitals, establishing a business partnership and the advantages that come from a stronger corporation.

Taking an ablution and completing it by giving careful attention to details in a dream means fulfilling one’s needs. Taking a second ablution to perform one’a prayers without the ritual need to do so in a dream means increase in one’s light. Taking ablution with milk or honey in a dream means debts. Ablution is a proper deed in all religions. It is a guard, a clemency, assurance of the divine protection and immunity from punishment. Taking an ablution to perform one’s prayers in a dream means entering under God’s protection against what one may fear. It is reported in the traditions that God Almighty has said to Moses, upon whom be peace – “When you are seized by fear, take your ablution and direct your family to enter the sacrament of prayers.” Washing one’s body in a dream is either performed in preparation for prayers or to…

(Calculator) In a dream, an abacus represents social order, conformity and uprightness. Seeing an abacus in a dream also reflects one’s own state and conduct. If the frame and beads are in a good condition, operate smoothly and smell fragrant in the dream, the abacus then denotes one’s uprightness and good conduct. If they look dirty, greasy and rough to handle in the dream, then they denote the ill management of one’s life or business. If one sees an abacus in such a condition in his dream, it may also represent unsanitary food preparation, a greasy spoon restaurant, or it could mean abating the declared weight or value of a merchandise. An abacus in a dream also may represent a well behaved child, a student, a teacher, or a judge. If one turns into an abacus in a dream, it means an illness or a calamity. An abacus…

To beat or to make butter is a sign that you will have to move quickly to solve certain problems or for the preparation of a certain act, party or ceremony. Dreaming of eating butter means benefits and prosperity.

(Wrap) A shroud in a dream means coveringone’s private parts, or it could mean having a secret affair, concealing one’s action while displaying a deceptive appearance, or it could mean marriage with an incompatible spouse. Wearing a shroud in a dream also may mean earning money from adultery. If one sees a shroud and does not wear it in his dream, it means that he will be lured to engage in adultery, though he will abstain. Being wrapped in a shroud like a dead person in a dream means one’s death. If one’s head and feet are still uncovered in the dream, it represents his religious failure and corruption. The smaller is the wrap shrouding the deceased in a dream, the closer he is to repentance and the larger is the wrap and more complete is his preparation for burial in the dream, the further he is from…

If you put your car in a gear, then such dream indicates the preparation you have made in order to achieve in new projects. At this time of your life you moved to the direction, where you are able to move one.

In a dream, a fever means paying one’s debts, for fever in wakefulness is an atonement for sins. Fever in a dream also means a threat and a menace. If one sees someone he knows suffering from fever in a dream, it means that he will get involved in a business that will require him to lose his religious commitment. Fever in a dream also means wearing the garment of a revered person. Fever is the messenger of the angel of death and his warner. It reminds the person to repent before death comes and to corrects his conduct with his Lord before meeting Him. A feverish shiver in a dream means negligence and disdain regarding one’s religious duties. If one sees that he died and was washed and shrouded in preparation for burial in a dream, it means that he is persistent in indulging in sins and…

To dream that you’re in the middle of a hurricane is a warning that you’ll experience complex problems when trying to intervene or make ambitious or audacious plans for which you lack an adequate preparation….

(Alcohol | Beer | Brewery | Cocaine | Drugs | Hashish | Injection | Inebriant | Marijuana | Opium | Sedatives | Spirits | Wine) In a dream, all intoxicants signify suspicions, apprehension and doubt about one’s resources, or the lawfulness of his earnings, the legitimacy of his children, or the religious legality of his marriage. Drinking alcohol in a dream means losing a fight. Using drugs or intoxicants in a contemptible way in a dream signifies apostasy, loss of honor, negation of the truth, corruption of one’s wife, or it could mean profanity. This is because the raw material and herbs used in the preparation of such drugs and herbs are sacred in their intrinsic state. Once mixed and taken to induce inebriety in a dream, they will produce the reverse effects. (Also see Drunk- enness | Marijuana)…

To play bass, when you are dreaming, has the symbolic significance of balanced life. Playing with bass also suggests the beat and the rhythm of the passion. To sing bass, when you are dreaming, has meaning of concentration and motivation. Singing shows a solid preparation for what is waiting for you in the future.

To see the tonsils in a dream, denotes to your long preparation. Finally you are ready to show the true you….

To dream about a university may indicate that in this moment there is a new panorama in front of us that could be very beneficial if we act based on our experiences. We’ll have in our hands the opportunity to apply various activities to broaden our knowledge and that will be very beneficial, so our choices will be very important. You may leave any project you had in mind, since they most likely fail. It will be necessary to use the newly acquired knowledge, because a valuable and very positive experience will be obtained from it. Overall, it is an omen of a good time to start any kind of studies. Dreaming about a university, either as a visitor or as a student indicates that you will soon reach your goals and will receive honors. Dreaming about returning to a university where you completed studies long ago, indicates…

Dreaming that a police gets near in a threatening manner, while the dreamer knows he or she is innocent of any guilt, signifies that someone is betraying the dreamer, and putting his honor and property at risk. In case that the dreamer actually feels guilty of wrongdoing, then the dream is a warning or self-criticism due to the behavior that the dreamer has in daily life, which must be corrected. Dreaming of a policeman threatening to arrest you or that he hypocritically approaches you could mean that fake friends are trying to defraud the dreamer. It also indicates that the dreamer desires to improve, but hasn’t achieved it due to lack of preparation or necessary ability. Dreaming of calling a policeman insinuates insecurity in one-self. Dreaming of being watched by a policeman insinuates that there are mistakes being made that could become serious and dangerous. Dreaming of an…

Bread can represent many things in a dream but always those that are of real necessity, not a luxury. If you have ever gone through necessity, or been poor, dreaming that you eat bread or that you look for it reflects the fear of poverty. If you do not lack the essential the dream refers to another kind of food, of psychic or spiritual nature. If we dream of making bread or cooking that shows we rely on our own strength and abilities, unless the bread turns out bad in its preparation, in which case the dream foretells the opposite.

You cannot clearly distinguish the difference between different types of schools in your dreams. To dream that you’re visiting a school symbolizes a self-reproach for having missed valuable opportunities to better yourself. To dream that you’re teaching a subject in a school insinuates that you have intellectual ambitions that you’ve not been able to develop. To dream that a school has honored you symbolizes upcoming success due to your intellectual efforts, the higher the grade the better. To dream that you’re in a high level school, either as a visitor or as a student, suggests that you’ll soon reach your goals and will receive honors. To dream that you’re visiting the school where you studied as a child, suggests an intimate feeling of loss regarding your life and your current activities. To dream that you’ve just returned from visiting the school where you completed your studies indicates that…

The dream, in which you see yourself dancing, indicates the freedom, and peace within your life. This time of your life you are getting to the point where you trying to meet the agreements with yourself. The dancing also indicates the celebration, positive attitude and sexual needs. If you are dancing with someone, then it means you have a special bond with that certain person or having the sexual desire that includes him. The dancing in circles could indicate the necessity to make some changes in your life, because you are getting to the same point as always. Alternatively, the dream may indicate the point you are getting yourself into, because of the circles you were making. If you feel uncomfortable or awkward while dancing, then it means you should reconsider the confidence, because there is a possibility that you have lost it. If you are the dancer…

It portends welfare and wealth to be acquired with effort. If the candles go out during sleep, then it portends that our work will be in vain. We will interpreter this to the meaning of candle. When the flame of a candle is strong, light and rises vertically with little smoke, it means we know very well what we want in life. A candle with a flickering flame, which burns with difficulty and abundant smoke, indicates that our ideas are fragile and unstable. If it fades, that means we are reaching the limits of our possibilities. A break will be imposed. When we light a candle to illuminate a dark place and it lit well, then it indicates that we will undertake preparation to the spiritual journey decisively and effectively. If it burns with difficulty, then it indicates that we are not ready for this trip yet.

When the flame of a candle is firm, bright and rises vertically with little smoke, it means we know very well what we want in life. A candle with flickering flame, which burns with difficulty and abundant smoke indicates that our ideas are fragile and unstable. If it fades, it means we are reaching the limits of our possibilities. A break will be imposed. When we light a candle to illuminate a dark place and it burns well, it indicates that we will undertake some preparation for an inner journey decisively and effectively. If it burns with difficulty, it indicates that we are not yet ready for this trip.

The dream, in which you saw yourself signing the contract denotes to the preparation for some important decision in your waking life. Perhaps you are ready to take some commitment. Maybe there is a certain person you are ready to grow together or you are going to make an important project that will have magnificent changes in your life. If you saw yourself signing the contract that doesn’t make you feel happy or have the gut about doing it wrong, then it means that unconscious mind of yours is sending a signal to think twice before making any commitments to the person or situation.