…Wearing a silver armlet in a dream means giving one’s daughter in marriage to one’s nephew. Wearing an armlet made from beads in a dream means suffering pressure and distress caused by one’s brother or sister. Any jewelry that is worn by a woman in a dream represent her husband. (Also see Bracelet)…

If you are the murderer in the dream, then such dream hides the aggression and anger that in in you. You might be angry with someone particular, or simply have too much pressure at this time of your life and feel like killing someone. If somebody else is trying to murder you, but you escape it, it means that you will avoid unpleasant experiences in your waking life.

The corner is a symbol of necessity to put less pressure to yourself. If you turned to the corner, then you will find out something new which will be surprisingly pleasant.

When you dream about hyena, then such dream represents tiredness. Perhaps the dream shows that you have too many duties on your own. You think that there is someone who tends to put all the hard work and pressure on you. On the other hand, the hyena may represent somebody in your life who makes you laugh and has a great sense of humor.

The dream in which you steal something, shows things you believe they belong to you. Maybe there are some places in which you feel you are unappreciated or do not receive what belongs to you, therefore you dream of stealing (taking back what is already yours). On the other hand, the dream could show that you expect too much from yourself and giving the abnormal pressure.

The gas pedal in your dream is an indicator how you are controlling your life in reality. The pressure you give to it means that you have a fierce to move on without being afraid of consequences. Alternatively, the dream may show that you find it hard to stop while dealing with your issues. The gas pedal that is not working indicates your inability to control things even if you think you do everything perfectly.

…If you dream of a beetle it foretells ups and downs you will face in your waking life. There is a possibility that someone is trying to harm you at the project you are doing at the moment. The dream denotes to success and failure you will have to pass while aiming your goals. Yes, you will feel the pressure and it all will be very challenge-able, but you must remember that “it’s always the darkest before the dawn”, which means that direction you are at will lead you to the success at the end….

If the survivor is the dreamer himself/herself, it means the arrival of situations that are contrary to his/her own hopes and dreams, even though it won’t affect the essential things considerably. It generally announces that we’ll be submitted to hard tests that’ll demand new perspectives and motivations, different than the ones before, to keep the enemies away. If during the dream you find a survivor, it means that the harshness with which you treat others and the way you impose your own arguments won’t be enough to eliminate the threatening pressure of a particularly tenacious opponent.

If you dream that you wet the bed or urinated in it, this indicates shortage of management in your life. You are not able to control your actions anymore. There is a possibility of you wanting to urinate, and the subconsiuos mind of yours gives a signal to you to wake up and go to urinate. The wet bed could denote to shame, as you might feel shamefull for something you did. Consider, that to wet in bed could also represent your suppressed thoughts and feelings. You are no longer able to keep up with the pressure you are suffering from. If there are any issues in your sexual desires, this dream also be a signal of your wish to fulfill them.

…To see a stoplight in your dream, suggests that you feel you are being held back from pursuing your goals. You may also feel pressure to succeed or else be left behind. If the stoplight is green, then it indicates that you have been given a seal of approval to follow whatever path you have chosen or whatever decision you have made….

Dreaming of having an attack suggests you need to make a better use of your time. You feel it’s not the time to do everything you want. This dream also represents the pressure on yourself.

To dream that you are being operated signifies major changes in your waking life. You feel that something is being done to you and you do not feel yourself anymore, because of the pressure in your home or your job. The changes that were done to you could also be only the consequences of your lifestyle. To see the other person being operated indicates your view towards his personality. It is also a symbol that some old friend is going to get in touch with you again.

To dream about the healthy flying bird indicates the desire for freedom. You feel too much pressure on your shoulders. To get more detailed interpretation of your dream, please see the meaning of the actual bird.

Someone will pressure you too much. Slanders and gossip.

…culprit, and determined to examine the bundle, in which they found the dress of the lady, which some of them recognised. The man was, of course, immediately taken into custody, and was to be brought to trial at the approaching assizes. The lady, however, was too ill to come into court, but appearances were so strongly against him that he was kept in close custody. When she was able to give evidence, though he appeared at the trial in a different dress, and with a wig on, she was struck with terror at the sight of him and fainted. On recovering, however, she gave evidence and the culprit was convicted and executed. The medical man added that, when she had finished her narrative, she declared that she felt the pressure of the man’s hand on her neck while she related it; and that her throat had actually contracted from the…

When you dream of being beaten it shows that there has to be done essential changes to your mind and understanding. There are also some reasonable changes and assesments that has to be thought of. There is a possibility that there is someone that is asking more from you than you can offer and you feel the pressure. When you see others being beaten in your dream it foretells that something in your life is out of proportion. If you are beating someone it symbolizes that you are not affraid to express your feelings and emotions to those around you. You are very opiniated person who stands for his views and beliefs.

The dream in which you feeling being in the spotlight means that you like attention, but only if you enjoyed it during the dream. If you felt very uncomfortable while being in spotlight, you are feeling too much pressure from your surroundings. Perhaps you wish to have more privacy.

The bright light could have several meaning depending on the feelings while having this dream. If the bright light was pleasant to watch, it shows that you found the solution to some problem. If the bright light is hard to look at, it shows that you are feeling too much pressure and attention.

…(Salification | A medicinal process of blood letting) Cupping in a dream means signing an agreement under pressure, committing oneself beyond one’s ability to comply, recovering from an illness, payment of debts, paying alimony to one’s wife and children, loss of a business or burying a treasure. If cupping is administered but no blood comes from it in the dream, it represents buried monies that one cannot find. Cupping in a dream also means silence, desistance or abstaining from reply….

…In a dream, it means toiling in one’s life and exhaustion. This is thus interpreted if one does not actually see himself going through the motion of taking off his shoes and walking barefooted. Otherwise, in that case, it means that he will receive an appointment to a high ranking position. Walking barefooted in a dream is also interpreted as unloading one’s burdens and relief from pressure, divorce or death in one’s family. If one sees himself traveling barefooted, it represents a debt that he could not repay. If one sees himself walking with one foot bare and the second fitted in the dream, it means breaking up a business partnership. (Also see Walking)…

Dreaming about a sandwich is interpreted as the representation of stressful situation. The recommendation of subconscious mind for the dreamer is to consider how to eliminate the pressure and stress, which is being put on him. To see a sandwich in the dream reflects ability to do two things quickly, but not properly. However, sometimes a sandwich is just a sandwich. It can indicate that the dreamer is hungry. To see or eat a fish sandwich in the process of dreaming is good omen for rational person. This dream signalizes conflict between spiritual beliefs and what is practical. The rational mind is winning in this combat.

If the dreamer sees himself/herself being suffocated during the dream, it’s an omen for diverse contrarieties, impediments and tiredness for having had a difficult struggle without obtaining any valuable result. It’s a warning about being under too much pressure from our opponents. Seeing another person being suffocated means that you’ll beat the difficulties and that you’ll have authority and complete control over your enemies. Suffocating a fire during a dream implies that we’re already tired, disenchanted and we lack the necessary strength to keep fighting.

The dream, in which you see the cords, represents the shortage of freedom in your life. Perhaps somebody is giving you the pressure, therefore you wish to get more freedom in your life. The dream, in which the cord is cut, indicates the separation of some bond you made to someone in your life. Maybe the dream warns about upcoming divorce or break up with someone you like.

The heel in dreams indicates the abilities to go through life, how well grounded you are and how much of the pressure you give to yourself. If the heel is wounded, you should slow down and take care of yourself.

If you have difficulties to breath in a dream, then such dream signifies something you are holding to yourself, therefore you feel the pressure. The lack of breath could also indicate the actual problems you have with your health. The calm and slow breathing is a good sign, because it shows the tranquility of your mind.

To dream that you are drinking beer, means that you wish to relax and forget all of your problems. Perhaps you have too much pressure on your shoulders and too many responsibilities, therefore you need to relax while drinking alcohol. If you felt very happy while drinking the beer, then such dream foretells that you are surrounded by very nice company and enjoying the time of your life. To get more detailed interpretation of your dream, please also see the meaning of drunk, which will give you more information.

Ambitions or projects that are impossible to achieve. Your inner power is trying to get the invidious results, therefore you feel the pressure all the time.

…Dreaming of a shoehorn hints that soon there will be a change in affairs, business, friendships, and with relatives. Dreaming of handling or using a shoehorn indicates that the change mentioned before is already present and the dreamer needs to be careful with words and actions, since an indiscretion could create major problems. Dreaming about two shoehorns indicates that in the near future two situations will arise and will be equally difficult and the dreamer will have to choose one of them. If one of those two shoehorns is normal, meaning that it’s in good conditions to be used, and the other one is defective or in poor conditions, it implies two things: one that’s correct and the other one that’s improper or wrong, but that is exerting very strong pressure and it will depend on one’s energy to reject it or accept it knowing the risks. If those…

The dream, in which you were the vagrant, shows your wish to get out of the public hopes. Perhaps you feel a pressure from them. The dream of the vagrant could also denote to deficiency and poorness.

To dream that something withers suggests that you may feel physically and/or emotionally drained. You must be under pressure. On the other hand, this type of dream may indicate that you don’t do everything that’s within your reach, so you can somehow lose your talents.

If you see yourself being a supervisor and supervising the others, it signifies your abilities to manage people around you and do the job the way it supposed to be done. If you see the supervisor who tells you what to do, you feel too much control in your waking life and the pressure you get is no longer manageable. Sometimes we dream about supervisors because of the job we do.

The donkeys in dreams represent funny side of ours, also silliness and humility. The donkeys play the childish side of ours where it shows what is so playfully about us. The monkey could also foretell about some person who is understood to be under lots of pressure. Anyway, the donkey shows us that we can be controlled by something we don’t fully understand.

If one sees himself in a dream presiding over a group of people, or becoming the head of a household, or a leader of a community, etcetera, it denotes distress, pressure, burdens, sorrows, loss of livelihood, or it could mean a sickness. If a woman sees that, it may mean her death. If the type of presidency is suited for women only, then the opposite interpretation may apply. (Also see King)

If you had dandruff in a dream, then it could show the complexes you have about your looks. Perhaps the surrounding you are in gives that abnormal pressure to look good. The dandruff could also indicate the wasted energy. Make sure you think twice before making any final decision.

…To dream that you kill someone means that you may be feeling very stressed lately, and sometimes may lose your self-control. It’s interesting to remember whom have you killed and how do you feel about that person. Do you feel angry for some reason towards that person and didn’t realize it until now? Sometimes we do things that annoy others, but it’s difficult for us to recognize our anger and our pain. On the contrary, a dream in which you kill a person can represent a part of you that you may dislike and want to get rid of it….

Dreaming of four-bearded rockling fish portends a loss without pain.

When you dream of seeing yourself in lament, then such dream foretells about upcoming loss, sorrow, pain and sadness. You should get ready for this painful time of your life.

If you dream of the scar, then it means that the negative memories or emotions has not disappeared and makes you remember them from time to time. The dream remembers you about feelings that have caused lots of pain, therefore you keep dreaming about them. The scars could also show uncertainties from the past, therefore you are unable to move forward and make a new tasks or decisions.

Suffering pain. 129.

If you see a scarecrow in your dream, then it means that you feel desperate about some situation or life. Make sure you find the solution to the anxieties that has caused lots of pain.