Dream of light always symbolizes knowledge, revelation and clarity. Dream of a good lighting indicates self-confidence. Dream of a light that penetrates us and produce pain indicates a sense of discomfort and lack of confidence in ourselves. If in the midst of darkness a ray or a point of light appears, it indicates that hopes will appear. Dream of someone turning on the light indicates you will know things that are hidden. Dream of someone turning off the light indicates the opposite.

…Internal bleeding in a dream means financial losses, or it may imply sufferingfrom the consequences of people’s interference in his life. However, one will end by receiving financial compensation for pain and suffering. If one sees himself wounded and that his attacker is smeared with his blood in the dream, it means that he may commit a sin, or acquire unlawful earnings. (Also see Bleeding nose)…

To use a needle in a dream indicates that you need to repair certain relationship or situation that has escaped from your hands or has reached its edge. A needle is also a symbol of some emotional or physical pain. Looking for a needle in a dream symbolizes you care about trivial situations.

If you are dreaming having aches, this could be the sign of you having too many doubts about your business, you should be careful and stronger if you want to achieve the goal in your life, because there might be someone who is stealing your ideas and will make their own business out of your ideas. If you dream of having the aches and the pain on your whole body, make sure you are not carrying any illness.

If you dream of the thorns, then it indicates your emotional foretime or other pain that is caused by your physical body.

…The wig on the head in the dream denotes deception and fraud. This dream marks that you are using other people’s thoughts and plans in order to show yourself as a qualified and wise person. You have to start to create and to think by your own head, because you will never be happy on others pain. If you lose a wig in the dream, that means that you have lost your mind, you are not thinking about consequences, they can be very painful….

(See Pain)

In calm waters it means security in business, useful and beneficial company. Paddling in troubled waters is a sign of discord, pain, sorrow and fear.

…Flies in dreams signify impending illness, generally of a mental nature, and misfortunes of various kinds. For example, a man whom I met abroad told me that he continually dreamed he was tormented with flies, prior to an attack of temporary insanity.Again, shortly before her children were attacked with scarlet fever, a lady dreamed her room was inundated with green flies; whilst someone else informed me that before losing her billet in an office she dreamed she was bitten on the lip by a blue-bottle, and the pain was so real that, on awakening, she examined the spot to see if there were marks to show that she really had been bitten….

To see it burnt or roasted, pain and tribulation.

Having throat pain means upcoming economic hardships. Anguish and despair.

…Seeing a wedding in a dream symbolizes a new beginning or transition in your life today. Dreams involving weddings are often negative and highlight some anxiety or fear. They often refer to feelings of bitterness, pain, and death. In addition, the wedding dreams reflect your thoughts on independence. Dreaming that you remarry with your current wife/husband represents truth and happiness. It can also mean a new phase (such as parenthood) of your life. If you are going to get married and dream of your wedding, then it indicates the stress of organizing a wedding. The excessive details of the wedding, the conflicts, and tensions with family, fear of commitment and loss of independence may be the cause of the anxiety produced by the wedding. Research has shown that 40% of brides dream about their ceremony, even though the preparations are going well. Dreaming that you are planning your own…

…This may be the reflection of some pain. If not: To dream that we lose the voice is an omen of the danger of losing money. If we cannot swallow or we find it very difficult indicates the difficulty of enjoying our goods. If our tonsils are removed it’s an omen that our economic difficulties will disappear….

Uncooked, such as salad, lettuce, and leeks brings pain, embarrassment in business affairs. Eat them means poverty, sickness, prostration of nerves.

…wadi in a dream also could represent a prison because of the steep mountains surrounding it and the difficulty in crossing it. Seeing oneself in a wadi floating in the air until one reaches a desired altitude in a dream means working for a powerful person. A wadi in a dream also represents a warrior, a bandit, a highway robber or a lion. If a wadi obstructs one’s journey in a dream, it may represent a robbery, heavy rain, or having to face a dangerous person. If one is not travelling, then it means distress, adversity, harm, imprisonment, fear, or illness. Crossing a wadi in the wintertime in a dream means escaping from danger. Digging a wadi in a dream means the death of a family member. Falling into a steep wadi in a dream and feeling no pain or incurring no harm from it in a dream means that…

…Dreaming of carrying an umbrella, denotes that trouble and annoyances will beset you. To see others carrying them, foretells that you will be appealed to for aid by charity. To borrow one, you will have a misunderstanding, perhaps, with a warm friend. To lend one, portends injury from false friends. To lose one, denotes trouble with some one who holds your confidence. To see one torn to pieces, or broken, foretells that you will be misrepresented and maligned. To carry a leaky one, denotes that pain and displeasure will be felt by you towards your sweetheart or companions. To carry a new umbrella over you in a clear shower, or sunshine, omens exquisite pleasure and prosperity….

…Dreaming of being intemperate in the use of your intellectual forces, you will seek after foolish knowledge fail to benefit yourself, and give pain and displeasure to your friends. If you are intemperate in love, or other passions, you will reap disease or loss of fortune and esteem. For a young woman to thus dream, she will lose a lover and incur the displeasure of close friends….

…will befall her, since Eve was the first to experience female menstrual period and the pain of childbirth. It may also mean suffering from the burden of pregnancy, labor and the pangs of giving birth. Seeing Eve in a dream also could mean givingbirth to both righteous as well as evil children. If the woman in the dream is separated from her husband, it may mean returning to her conjugal life or earning lawful income for her own needs. It also could mean that someone from her progeny may commit murder or die as a martyr. If a man sees Eve in a dream, it means that he may be deceived by a woman or that he hearkens exclusively to the advice of his wife, or if he follows a woman’s advice, it means that he will err and lose his leadership. If one sees Eve with her beautiful countenance…

…(Injury | Wounds) In a dream, a scratch represents financial harm. If one sees another person scratching him in a dream, it means that he will cause him partial financial loss, or pain with respect to a family member, or perhaps he will accuse him of something, then compensate him for injuring his reputation. If the scratch gets infected, bleeds, or produces pus or purulence in the dream, it means that the assailant will slander him and cause a major collapse to his business. If the scratch is over one’s forehead in the dream, it means that he may die quickly. A scratch in a dream also represents a bad reputation, an acronym, or a nickname such as stingy, insolent, or apostate, etcetera. A scratch in a dream also means recanting one’s statement. (Also see Scratching)…

…(Drum | Musical instruments) In a dream, a tambourine means adversities, pain and sufferings. It also means fame for the one carrying it. If a girl dancer carries it in the dream, it means that she may win a lottery, or acquire a publicly known fortune. The sound of a tambourine in a dream represents a recognized and a baseless fallacy. Seeing a man carrying a tambourine means fame for him and for whoever accompanies him in the dream. A woman carrying the tambourine in a dream also means that she will become famous, or it could indicates a new social trend. In general, when musical instruments are used in one’s dream, playing them in a festival, a wedding, or in any type of celebration means trials. (Also see Musical instruments)…

Dream of a mat means upcoming pain and problems.

To dream of the broken washboard, symbolizes the broken hopes, pain and disappointments. The washboard could also symbolize the tiredness the one is suffering from.

When you dream of the dentist, then such dream could indicate the actual fear you have for dentists. The dream could also show that you do not trust some person in your waking life. The dentist in dreams could be coming from the internal stimulus such as tooth pain you are suffering from while sleeping, therefore you see a dentist. If you see the dentist that is fixing someone else’s teeth, then it means you will be surprised by other people’s negative experiences.

If you dreamed of having the bad teeth, then such dream warns you about upcoming disasters, problems, pain and suffering you will get. Probably you said something insulting to other people, therefore everything you did badly comes back to you. Consider the saying what goes around comes around, at this time of your life the saying is very suitable. The rotten teeth could also indicate the emotional state you are at the moment. Perhaps there are some thoughts which are unpleasant either.

If someone was hurting you in a dream, then such dream indicates the pain and suffer you have. Perhaps you are unable to cope with those negative emotions anymore. If you were the one who was hurting someone, then it shows your anger and rage to that certain person.

Agony, pain.

The one who dreams of moving in a slow motion is going through very difficult lifetime. There are lots of frustration and stress that you are suffering from. Make sure you find the way how to deal with the pain and hard feelings.

…Dreaming of Absalom, is significant of distressing incidents. You may unconsciously fall a victim to error, and penetrate some well beloved heart with keen anguish and pain over the committal of immoral actions and the outraging of innocence. No flower of purity will ever be too sacred for you to breathe a passionate breath upon. Dreaming of this, or any other disobedient character, is a warning against immoral tendencies. A father is warned by this dream to be careful of his children….

To dream you see a human heart, shows that you are sincerely beloved. But, to dream you have a pain or palpitation in your heart, shows that you are doomed through treachery.

…Exalting God’s oneness and sovereignty in a dream means receiving financial compensation for pain and suffering. To utter the formula – ‘La ilaha il Allah’ (there is no god other than Allah) in a dream means that one will only die having faith in his Lord. (Also see Exclamation of God’s Sovereignty)…

To have a pain about the navel, means false news as to father or mother. If the dreamer has neither father neither mother, then it means loss of patrimony, exile from native land: sorrow and sufferings from deprivation of inheritance.

Seeing a bowl in a dream denotes a new interest that gives you joy. To dream that you wash your face means good contact with someone near you. Seeing a broken bowl means a small pleasure for you and pain for others.

…the ground, and was about to stamp on him when he awoke.Of a pleasanter nature, was a dream I once had, prior to receiving the welcome tidings of the sale of a manuscript. I dreamed I was toiling pain– fully along a dusty road, when a beautiful grey horse suddenly trotted up to me, and, with the gentlest expression imaginable in its fine dark eyes, bid me mount. Not in the slightest degree surprised at hearing it speak, I climbed on its back, and the next moment found myself flying through the air. I forget exactly how the dream terminated, but I fancy it was in some remarkably pleasant manner, and that the horse landed me in a floralElysium, where I fell head over ears in love with a gorgeously apparelled woman.Then, too, I have dreamed of a roan horse; of seeing it struggling desperately to extricate itself from a…

Dream of a water lily means sorrow, pain, and loss.

…If we see it full of animals it’s a happy omen of success. If it’s empty that indicates pain, sorrows and worries….

To dream of being tied in a cart, to draw like a horse or an ass, denotes servitude and pain to everybody, to dream that you are carried in your coach or cart, signifies to have might and authority.

…(Artery) In a dream, the aorta represents man’s heart, souls and innermost self because it carries the blood from his heart to all the main arteries. In a dream, the aorta also represents one’s happiness, health, sorrows and pain. (Also see Jugular vein)…

If we see ourselves legless without feeling any pain it means that we lack sufficient knowledge to execute what we are planning. If we see other people legless, then it means that we wrong opinion about some people. If you lose your legs painfully, then it means that we cannot move to our purposes.