…In a dream, dust signifies money. Seeing a cloud of dust in a dream means a mysterious happening no one knows how to get out of it. Washing one’s hands from dust in a dream means becoming poor. Dust that accumulates after a rainstorm or a thunderstorm and lightning in a dream means drought or adversities. A cloud of dust which is produced from a brisk movement of a car or a horse in a dream means controlling one’s affairs, indulging in falsehood or enticing trouble. Dusting one’s store and throwing the dirt on the sidewalk in a dream means business losses. If a merchant sees his merchandises covered with dust in a dream, it means depression and unsalability of his merchandise. (Also see Specs of dust)…

…In a dream, a duck represent a woman or a maid. If one sees himself eating ducks meat in a dream, it means money earned through the labor of one’s workers. It also means that one may marry a rich woman. Ducks live in water and do not get wet. Ducks in a dream also are interpreted as exalted men of piety, purity and virtue who live in this world and are not affect by it. If a duck speaks to someone in a dream, it means that he will be raised in honor by a woman. It also represents comfort and satisfaction in one’s life which comes from eating its flesh and the parable of its dependence on water is like that of sailors and fishermen and because of its gentleness. However, if someone hears the quacking of a duck inside his house in a dream, it means…

…(Dump | Garbage) In a dream, a garbage dump represents the world and its refuse represents money. If one’s house becomes a garbage dump, or if one buys or inherits a dump, or if he manages one in a dream, it means dispelling fear, recovering from illness or pursuing the road to prosperity and success in this world. It also means dispelling poverty, receiving an inheritance or getting married. Otherwise, the dump represents one’s business, office or store. As for a governor, a garbage dump in a dream represents his treasury. If one takes off his clothing and stands naked on top of a pile of trash in a dream, it means that he will lose his office, and if he is sick, it means his death, and if he is wealthy, it means renouncing his wealth and status, or pursuing an ascetic life….

To see wild ducks in a dream, means great easy life if they are swimming on the water. The ducks that are kept in a farm, represents the rich and prosperous life. If you are trying to catch a duck or hunting, you may lose in your business affairs. The fact that you are shooting at the ducks could also show the people who are working against you. The flying ducks are always a good symbol which predicts happy family lifestyle.

…(Combat | Competition | Contest | Marriage) In a dream, a duel signifies strength or a dispute with someone or disruption, dispersion or a fight. A duel with weapons in a dream means marriage to someone whose character is similar in interpretations to the weapon one is carryingin his dream. Wearing armature during a duel in a dream means marriage to a rich but deceiving person, for part of the human body is covered during the combat. A duel with swords in a dream means honor. Waving a sword during a duel in a dream means becoming known in one’s field. (Also see Marriage | Sword)…

Dreaming of wild ducks swimming peacefully in clear and calm waters suggests that the dreamer is at peace with himself or herself, and it could also mean that the dreamer is preparing a long trip that will be pleasant and productive. Dreaming of wild ducks flying in a sunny and quiet sky could signify that the dreamer’s affairs require time to reach fruition. Dreaming of hunting ducks suggests that the dreamer is thinking of changing jobs, business, etc. If during the dream other people are shooting and killing flying ducks, then this signifies failures in the dreamer’s plans due to the intervention of others.

…Sweeping dung in a dream means collecting money. Horses’ droppings or dung in a dream mean money earned from an honorable businessman. Sitting on horse’s dung or sheep’s dung in a dream means earning money by doing business with members of one’s own family. (Also see Manure)…

…Counting specks of dust or gathering them in a dream means trials, injustice, aggression, or temptations. Specks of dust in a dream also represent one’s progeny, money, longevity, or they could represent soldiers, weak people, or God’s soldiers. Seeing a room full of dust in an unusual place, or a closed place where they usually do not gather means knowledge, or they could mean immeasurable wealth….

…(Muteness | Silence) In a dream, dumbness means corruption in one’s religious commitment or falsehood. If one sees himself dumb in a dream, it means that he insults the companions of God’s Prophet, upon whom be peace, or backbites honorable people, or that he is a reprobate and an insolent person. If one sees himself mute in a dream, it means that he is ignorant. Dumbness in a dream means rescinding a court decision, or to remain silent when one is supposed to speak. Dumbness in a dream also means dethroning or terminating one’s employment. If one sees his tongue tied up in a dream, it means that he will gain eloquence, mastery of words, clarity of speech, wisdom in his words and prosperity, and it means that he will win victory over his enemy….

…Dreaming of seeing wild ducks on a clear stream of water, signifies fortunate journeys, perhaps across the sea. White ducks around a farm, indicate thrift and a fine harvest. To hunt ducks, denotes displacement in employment in the carrying out of plans. To see them shot, signifies that enemies are meddling with your private affairs. To see them flying, foretells a brighter future for you. It also denotes marriage, and children in the new home….

Ducks or geese symbolize happiness in love and destiny. Duck or goose with its squawking warns us that we are close to some danger. If we dream of them flying that announces visits or news. If they go swimming or flying solo, means marital happiness. If we eat ducks or geese it means benefits and domestic happiness.

…Dreaming of hearing a duet played, denotes a peaceful and even existence for lovers. No quarrels, as is customary in this sort of thing. Business people carry on a mild rivalry. To musical people, this denotes competition and wrangling for superiority. To hear a duet sung, is unpleasant tidings from the absent | but this will not last, as some new pleasure will displace the unpleasantness….

…To be in or to see a sand dune, when you are dreaming, stands as a symbol of your fears for uncovered thoughts in the real world. You may have desires that need to be hidden and protected. Are you afraid of the bitterness of reality? A dune is an accumulation of sand in the desert or the coast – it is like the accumulation of your fears….

…Dreaming of dust covering you, denotes that you will be slightly injured in business by the failure of others. For a young woman, this denotes that she will be set aside by her lover for a newer flame. If you free yourself of the dust by using judicious measures, you will clear up the loss….

Dreaming of being dumb, indicates your inability to persuade others into your mode of thinking, and using them for your profit by your glibness of tongue. To the dumb, it denotes false friends.

…Dreaming of being in a dungeon, foretells for you struggles with the vital affairs of life but by wise dealing you will disenthrall yourself of obstacles and the designs of enemies. For a woman this is a dark foreboding | by her wilful indiscretion she will lose her position among honorable people. To see a dungeon lighted up, portends that you are threatened with entanglements of which your better judgment warns you….

Seeing a dust cloud means emotional turmoil. To dream that you are in the dust cloud means changes that can lead to a loss, chaos and scandal.

Dreaming of dump truck represents worries and troubles. To drive a dump truck in your dream indicates that you need to get rid of the problem. Maybe it is big burden for you. Have you been carrying with you some worries? This dream might be a sign of the transition and thus it is related to some major change.

Dreaming of being covered in dust announces that matters that are being handled are going through difficulties and are becoming even more difficult to solve due to other people’s fault but that are still affecting the dreamer. If a woman dreams of being covered in dust could mean that her partner’s promises are not sincere, because there is a rival in between.

To dream of an imitation of something, is an indication of lacking a feature or function in your life. To see a dummy in your dream represents that a critical element may be lacking in your relationship. Also, there might be a shortage for some component in a situation. Something is limiting your chances to show up true self. Alternatively, you are feeling unchallenged and unfulfilled. Maybe the relationship is making your emotions empty and blank. The dream about dummy may also show to how you or someone has acted idiotically and stupidly in a situation.

To dream that you are fighting in a duel signifies inner conflicts between your emotional and rational sides. In this duel within yourself you must to find a middle ground between these two extremes. It is limiting you from seeing more than black and white in all things around you.

If you put some kind of items into the dumpster, then such dream signifies your desire to get rid of negativity in your waking life. If you are doing it secretly, you are trying to avoid the duties that should be done by you. The dumpster could also denote to the fact that you are not loving yourself enough and see that you are not worth good things.

…To dream you sing a duet with a lady shows that you can win her if you desire. To dream you sing with a man shows you have a secret but powerful enemy, and is a sign you will never marry. To hear a duet denotes business troubles. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 50, 51….

If you see ducks in the dream, then such dream indicates your frivolous personality. The dream could also show how adaptive you can be in different situations. If you see the duck that is white, then such dream shows the deception you might experience from those around you. In some cultures the duck represents celebration and wholeness.

Dishonour by bad acquaintances. 247.

…If it’s us who battle in duel, it announces an argument with spouse or friends. If we witness one it will be our friends or relatives who will argue with each other….

…Dreaming of a dunghill, you will see profits coming in through the most unexpected sources. To the farmer this is a lucky dream, indicating fine seasons and abundant products from soil and stock. For a young woman, it denotes that she will unknowingly marry a man of great wealth….

Dreaming that you receive a dun, warns you to look after your affairs and correct all tendency towards neglect of business and love.

Dreaming of a dulcimer, denotes that the highest wishes in life will be attained by exalted qualities of mind. To women, this is significant of a life free from those petty jealousies which usually make women unhappy.

(Evening | Morning twilight) In a dream, the dusk represents an oath or the political or military moves of a ruler and his deputies.

(See Garbage dump)

See dunes and walk on them announces upcoming difficulties. Making a hole and lying on it indicates heavy losses of money.

Seeing a dumpster in dreams is usually an announcement of the arrival of a period with many serious disorders that will be particularly unfavorable.

To dream that you are dumb indicates that you are afraid to say anything because you fear criticism or judgment.

To receive duke title indicates that you will be trusted with a new position.

Dreaming of challenging someone to a duel, or even a fight, suggests that the dreamer is getting involved in affairs that will make him lose prestige. Dreaming of accepting challenges of any kind, suggests that the problems are already known and that you’re ready to face them.

…One or some mean prosperity and good luck. Being attacked by a duck indicates that you must take care of aggressive and cunning people….

…If you dream you are in a room or in the room where the dust is flying so as to choke you, it shows that someone is plotting to injure you in some way or to make a speculation out of you. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 64, 2….

To see a dulcimer in your dream represents untroubled situations, easiness in relationship, cheerful attitudes and a carefree life where your wishes will be favourably realized.

…Dreaming that you are dumb, announces symbolism of your inability to persuade others to see your point of view. Are you feeling that sometimes people are not listening to you? If yes, then help yourself by telling them riddles about your life. Don’t go into details, speak only partial truth. That means – they don’t need to know everything. Mystery is always more interesting….