To dream about the duck is a good omen, because it signifies domestic happiness and good relationships with your family.

…If you dream that you are dumb, or that any of you speaking friends are so afflicted, it foretells sickness or misfortune. But should you dream that a deaf mute of your acquaintance speaks it foretells joy and gladness at something that will happen. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 14….

If you see someone being a dungeon or you have become one, then it signifies the victory you will achieve while fighting various barriers and obstacles. The dream indicates your ability to get what you want no matter the circumstances.

To have interaction or to encounter or to see the dusk of day, when you are dreaming, stands as a sign for defeated hopes and a dark, gloom outlook in your ambitions and aspirations.

If you see the dunghill in a dream, then such dream represents the great growth and wealth that will come to you accidently. You will receive much of the goodness without doing a thing. If you are single in your waking life, then such dream promises the great relationships or even marriage to the one you will choose.

Dung shows good times and that plenty on you shall fall.

…What is my most common dream? A man who was born deaf and dumb wrote, in answer to my question, “Why! I cannot say offhand, but I believe the dream I am trying to catch a train and cannot make any of the railway officials understand me. I can’t say I dream it before any very unusual occurrence, though it is often prior to some slight domestic bother. Yes! I dream of falling, not flying, drowning, picking up money, and many of the other things you mention, and they have precisely the same significance. I dream, too, I can speak with my mouth, and that, usually, before an illness, such as a severe cold or sickness. I think my most alarming dream is when ‘I fancy I am blind, the agony I endure is, then, something frightful, and I awake crying bitterly. I have had this dream before hearing…

To seem dumb is dignity, and good luck to all.

Seeing a duck indicates some old joys, economic benefits, or good harvest. On the other side, it indicates that your family will change your home.

The dust in dream indicates the aspects of your personality that were rejected by you. If you were covered in dusts, then such dream indicates the suffer of you will experience because of other peoples mistakes. If you are dusting something in a dream, then it shows the phase of your life where you are cleaning all of the negative aspects. You are opening the new page of your life.

(See Pith)

Danger close by. Threat of difficulties.

Dreaming about the excrements of the animals is a sign of luck and prosperity.

It announces disease.

To sing in a due announces an improvement in sentimental businesses.

Jails announces a change in our style of life. If the prison guard is nice and smiling, or if the doors are open, the change is imminent. If the attitude of the prison guard is sullen and the jail is dark, we should reflect about our own behavior from now. If our feelings in the dream are violent, or desperate, it points out the change had been against our will.

You feel suspicion regarding those around you.

Dreaming that is getting dark and the night is coming, indicates that there is dissatisfaction and even some despair about the things you have already achieved. If there are shining stars in the sky, especially when the day is about to end, it indicates that you are disappointed and depressed despite of knowing that you have a bright future; you are skeptical in your own ability to success. Young lovers who dream of walking under the twilight, suggests that one of them will soon get sick and could even die.

Symbolizes the death of something material such as business or property.

(See Tankard)

Desire to escape certain trials.

(See Fog)

(See Tankard)

(See Mockery)

(See Advice)

Some of your actions will conclude with unfortunate consequences and harmful to your intimate and family life.

A disturbance in the house or between friends, could also face unseen rivalry.

Shame and disappointing conduct.

Passing barriers, which will not harm.

This is a dream of sadness | it portends an early decline and unrequited hopes. Dark outlook for trade and pursuits of any nature is prolonged by this dream….

Profit and pleasure. To kill one, misfortune; to catch one, snare laid for the dreamer. Also see Geese.

Unfavorable circumstances for your interests.

Great honour, loss and harm to our calumniators. 45.

The dream shows that you are trying to get rid of the negative things in your life. The dream could also mean that you do not like the fact that you are surrounded by negativity. Things must change.

Honours. 254.

Happy life. 89.

Loss of self-esteem.

Increase of respect.

Sociability, delight. 97.

Being in one means fights and problems around you.