…If you dream of visiting a gypsy camp, you will have an offer of importance and will investigate the standing of the parties to your disadvantage. For a woman to have a gypsy tell her fortune, is an omen of a speedy and unwise marriage. If she is already married, she will be unduly jealous of her husband. For a man to hold any conversation with a gypsy, he will be likely to lose valuable property. Dreaming of trading with a gypsy, you will lose money in speculation. This dream denotes that material pleasures are the biggest items in your life….

If in the dream, the dreamer presences an autopsy, it indicates a business full of difficulties. If the dreamer is practicing the autopsy, it means that insurmountable obstacles will be presented. If the dreamer is the one on whom the autopsy is performed, it won’t be long until he will be in bankrupt, unless he is able to change his skill of money management.

…Dreaming that you are tipsy, denotes that you will cultivate a jovial disposition, and the cares of life will make no serious inroads into your conscience. To see others tipsy, shows that you are careless as to the demeanor of your associates….

To dream that you have epilepsy, can be interpreted as symbolism that you are suppressing your feelings. Epilepsy represents the necessity to recognize the importance of your inability to be expressive in showing your emotions. Then the healing part will come into your soul. The expression of these emotions will be the last point before new beginning.

If you are tipsy in a dream, then it indicates your free attitude about your future. If you see other people being tipsy, then such dream warns you to be aware of those you are in contact with.

When you dream of an autopsy it indicates your disconnection from your thoughs and mind. Make sure you think of your behaviour and the way you are treating those around you, because you are the one who is responsible for your own actions.

Dropsy or abnormal accumulation of serous fluid in the body in a dream means humiliation and despise by others.

Dreaming of being afflicted with the dropsy, denotes illness for a time, but from which you will recover with renewed vigor. To see others thus afflicted, denotes that you will hear from the absent shortly, and have tidings of their good health.

…If you dream of these wandering vagrants, it foretells that you will have trouble of some kind either a vexatious loss, or else something will happen to worry you: to dream that a gipsy tells your fortune, shows that someone will rob you. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 16, 57….

Dreaming and seeing a gypsy has lucky symbolism. This dream means your desire to be free and roam freely without restriction, limitation and responsibility with obligation. Alternatively, this symbol may suggest your need to look into your direction toward the future.

A possible mysterious pregnancy.

Gypsies in the dreams mean that you will achieve the sympathy and appreciation of others.

This dream reveals our capacity for analysis.

If the gypsies of our dreams are stealthy and menacingly, then that reveal our fear of being cheated or robbed. If it is a gypsy caravan it symbolizes a restless attitude and a desire to escape. If a gypsy tells our fortune, that reveals that we are not satisfied with our current situation. To dream that a gypsy violinist plays melodies for us, it shows that we are too romantic and inclined to escape reality.

…Parents or guardians usually symbolize intellectual relations and conflicts with the outside world. This dream represents the world of the commandments and prohibitions, because parents are those who restrains and hinders freedom and subversion of instincts. If the father appears in severe attitude it means a guilt complex or the imminence of discussions with our superiors. If in a dream we mourn his death the guilt is even greater. If we dream him with a benevolent, loving expression, it can reveal a great need for protection and affection, or it can show that we have good relations with our superiors. If in adulthood we dream of the father too often it’s an indication that something is wrong in our psyche and we would do well if we consult with the psychoanalytic….

…Darkness or something black in a dream can mean the absolute vacuum symbolizing death, mourning and darkness. The black, which is the synthesis of all colors, is symbolizing virginity. Although almost always when black or darkness appears it’s the negative aspect that alludes to the inferior and left side of the human psyche, symbolizing all evil, the sinister, melancholy and death. This absence of color dominates the dreams of psychopaths and those of normal people when they are mired in depression….

To dream that you are in a slaughterhouse, can be interpreted as symbolism of psychological imbalance or physical obstacles. Maybe you are in the middle of progress to achieve your own success, but now you have stopped and have no idea how to go further. In this situation you must concentrate and make important decisions what to lose and which way to choose. Alternatively, slaughterhouse in the dream may act as trigger for you to make a compromise within your psychological state in order to move ahead with your future plans and ideas.

There are few internal stimulus that can invoke the dreams about the red snakes. Those stimulus can be separated in psychological and physiological types. The latter type includes anything what relates to bodily physical functions, thus a high blood pressure and a high level of heart beats rate are internal stimulus. Those can trigger our subconscious mind to recreate visions of the red snakes. Psychological internal stimulus can be anything related with innate sexual brain work. Thus instinctive physiological processes, like a desire for intimate physical contact or a fear of it, are triggering base of red snake dream.

…If you dream of an erupting volcano, then such dream indicates the lack of control of your potential and your energy. You are living beyond your psychic possibilities and, from one moment to another, you can break out. You should take precautions, because your health and your body will be in danger if you do not submit to certain controls. Your goals are good, but the way that you hold is not right, it is really explosive. Control your aggression. If the volcano is off, it indicates that you are in full regression. Let out your inner what you wear too hiding for fear of failure, that others will not take you seriously or your intentions scoff time, they are all the same emotions, feelings, thoughts, ideas or projects. You have immense power that must be shown properly. And now is the time to put it up, please use…

To dream that your child is in pain and suffering a lot, shows that some of your saying or actions are hurting other people. This dream suggests to be more tolerant and listen what your children has to say. It is also very normal to worry about things that are unnecessary to be worried about. If you feel the pain during the dream, you might have psychological problems or you are in actual pain that is felt through dreams either.

…The flying-dream is, I believe, more common to people with the psychic faculty and artistic temperament than to others. I have sounded many artists and writers on the subject, and they tell me that they often dream they are flying, but seldom, if ever, with wings. I know the sensation well, for I frequently experience it in dreamland. Maybe, as I am walking along a road, I suddenly feel I can fly. I give a jump, and the next moment am moving through the air, a yard or so from the ground, with both feet close together. It is a most enjoyable sensation, and I am so entranced that I keep saying to myself: “It is real this time. I am not dreaming. I can fly at last.” I sometimes fancy I am in a room full of people, who naturally express the greatest incredulity when I tell them…

…Chains are a symbol of slavery in every aspect, like the psychological and mental auto- limitations that stop the self-improvement of spirit. In the religious area, it means to undergo religious concepts and beliefs even against your own thinking. And all this is somehow manifested in dreams, especially when there is repression. Dreaming of being chained suggests a change of life, perhaps a change of home, job or affections; it shows future of being in uncomfortable situation by improper treatment or because you aspire to something better. It indicates the inability to break free of what is bothering you. Dreaming of being chained but that you are able that break free, means that you can break free from what bothers you and you will succeed. Dreaming of chains indicates the risk of falling into an environment that is unsuitable for your personality. This usually happens when you plan to…

Falling in love, or getting tipsy. 40.

To have interaction or to encounter or to see a flying fish, when you are dreaming, is symbol of emotional freedom. Flying fish is interpreted as signal that your psychological health is very favorable. You are feeling emotionally free and uninhibited.

If the one had a dream of seeing or using the saw, then such dream warns him about the situation which the dreamer is not happy with. He must stop doing whatever he did, as it may cause some serious psychological damage. Alternatively the dream could show how dreamer is able to cope with the tasks he has, especially if the saw was the electrical one.

…Dreaming of an enormous depth, abyss or precipice is always a warning of upcoming dangers. The best thing you can do after one of these dreams is to stay prepared, watchful. But always serene, waiting for whatever the dream was trying to announce. Usually these dreams reveal themselves in no more than two weeks. Dreaming of being at the edge of a cliff or abyss is usually a warning that some enemies are trying to hurt the dreamer. Dreaming of depths or abyss also suggests that the dreamer has an altered mental state and, if left untreated, he or she could suffer from psychological shocks or panic for almost any reason. The following interpretations are for the case that the dreamer, male or female, enjoys of reasonable good health and that is not being affected by serious concerns: Dreaming of falling off a cliff is an announcement that something…

All rotary motion is a representation of time and its evolution and, in the case of the whirlwind is accelerated so that evolution is impossible to control. The whirlwind warns us that we have established a relationship that is accelerating and threatening to drag us to the disaster. The tomb is equal but motivated by uncontrolled pursuit of knowledge that can also lead to destruction by their psychic force.

…and as the agony of my soul found vent in one loud and final scream of horror and despair, I rose to my feet, staggered forward, tottered, and, amidst the discordant hum of harsh, inhuman voices — woke. The significant features of this dream, which I am now able to interpret, are as follows: The white steeds signify preservation from danger; the green in the costumes of the huntsmen, and in the plumes of Death, signify the advent of some psychic experience; the figure of Death points to a birth, engagement, or marriage; the triangles are symbolic of the counteracting of evil by good influences; the dancing, of impending minor disappointments; the mimicry of worms, of recovery from illness, and success in histrionic.My dream was fulfilled within a week in the following manner: I narrowly escaped a serious accident; I heard of the engagement of the sister of my greatest…

Dreaming of yourself being lonely, isolated like a hermit, means mental and psychic confusion regarding what you want to do, and for which you may fail. Dreaming that other people are lonely implies that the dreamer is suffering because of other people.

…till the whiskey flowed. And all the while the alcohol poured from me, and I saw them gulp it down, my thirst and craving for it grew, and I besought and implored them to spare me a drop — just one drop, one tiny drop. But they shook their heads, and murmured. ‘Serve you right! Ask Paul, and see what he says.’ And none of them pitied me, till my youngest niece, Dorothy, whom I had many a time in her childhood half scared to death by my tipsy antics, and who had lately joined the Salvation Army, came into the room, and, on seeing my mother-in-law slyly give my sore and bleeding nose a vicious twist, at once ran up to her and pulled her away, crying out, ‘ For shame! Poor uncle! See how you have hurt him!’ And as she fetched some cold spring water, and bathed…

If we are deformed it will be very interesting to remember what that part of us is the one that appears deformed because applying the symbolism that corresponds to that part of the body we’ll know what is not working well both on the physical and psychological plane.

Dreaming that you are covering something is interpreted as symbolism of fear. To cover or to mask anything in the dream shows the way of your action to hide something. Do you have any part of your character that you are want to hide? Are afraid to reveal some personal thing to anyone? Consider what you are trying to cover up, because it has more information about your current psychological and emotional state. See what this thing means and how it is interpreted for better understanding of signals, that send your subconscious.

The toilet and the bathroom have nothing indecorous, unmoral, or dirty in dream meanings, but just the opposite meaning, because that are the places where we clean our body inside and out. This dream indicates that we are releasing something that was intimately detrimental for us, whether guilt, inhibition, repression, trauma or anything else, thereby achieving greater standardization of our psychic life.

Psychologically it represents repressed passions, but that are not tamed, that can explode causing our downfall. But sublimated and tame means they are a source of spiritual energy that is symbolized by the extraordinary fertility of the volcanic soils.

Many authors agree that it’s usually a good omen, we will be able to get rid of a burden, something intimately harmful, like guilt, fear or some kind of inhibition. Therefore, it is interpreted that we will improve our psychic life by achieving purification of our mental state.

When a man dreams of committing bigamy, it indicates that he has psychic and mental problems and do not know how to solve them. When a woman dreams of committing bigamy, it implies that her honor is in danger because of her indecent behavior and the intervention of rumors and gossips.

…water is colorless and sweet tasting. If one sees himself as the owner of a stream, a spring, or a watercourse which he establishes as a charity in a dream, it means that he will become a leader, a president, or happily serve his community. If one cleans a rivulet then finds it filthy again, or finds it filled with trash in his dream, it represents diarrhea. If he sees water flowing under his feet in a dream, then it means dropsy. If one sees a stream of water running through a town where people are filling their jars, drinking its water and thanking God for His blessings in a dream, it means that a calamity is removed and is replaced with peace, safety and tranquility. If the people are inflicted with adversities or a drought, then it means prosperity and rains, food, or money and their merchandise will not…

If you see one within dreams, you must take care of the education of your children or siblings, as this means that they can end up with traumas or psychological problems that will leave them a bit more than shaken up, and this can prejudice their future.

Usually interpreted as loneliness and helplessness, but also often interpreted as a lack of emotion and sharing feelings in our lives. It may also be the harbinger of development in some stage of our life, whether looked from spiritual or psychological point of.

…(Childbearing | Planting) In a dream, a pregnancy indicates woman’s success, diligence and assiduity in pursuing her goals. In a dream, pregnancy also means receiving recognition, respect and prosperity. If a man sees himself pregnant in a dream, it means that he suffers from heaviness in his life, or it could represent one’s fear of exposing his problems in public. In general, pregnancy in a dream represents material gains. If a woman sees herself pregnant in a dream, it means difficulties and adversities beside some troubling secrets she maybe hiding. However, for a learned man, pregnancy in a dream may represent increase in his knowledge, while for a craftsman, it means achieving unrivalled excellence in his trade. Pregnancy in a dream also means being madly in love, or having passionate attachment to someone, or planting seeds in the wrong place, or beingbisexual or a deviate, or suffering from dropsy,…