(Controversy | Quarrel) If one sees himself quarreling with someone in a dream, it means that he will suffer extreme pressure, stress and sorrow. If one is engaged in a dispute in a dream, it means that he is wrong and must rectify the situation and make peace with the other person. If he does so, it means that he will win what his heart desires.

(See Dew)

Indicates that you will go through painful moments. Conflicts with family, friends or coworkers.

When you dream of having some disputes with your friends, colleagues or relatives, then such dream indicates the changes in your life. The disputes could also show your point of view where you disagree with some opinions in your life.

Dreaming of holding disputes over trifles, indicates bad health and unfairness in judging others. Dreaming of disputing with learned people, shows that you have some latent ability, but are a little sluggish in developing it….

With a friend, disagreements with a woman.

Profitable marriage.

Loss of property. 8.

(Gamecock) Cock fight in a dream means prodding and instigating a dispute between close friends or colleagues, or it could mean provoking enmity between scholars or a dispute between two muezzins who call to prayers in a mosque.

…(Curse | Omen | Policeman | Warning sign) In a dream, thunder without rain means a scare, a warning or an ultimatum. It also represents good promises, gracious orders, or the sound of drums. Seeing thunder in a dream means repayment of one’s debts, and for a sick person, it means recovering from his illness. Thunder, lightening and rain in a dream represent fear for a traveller, or the greed of a merchant. Hearing about an awesome blast in a distant land in a dream means that the dwellers of that place will be struck with a major calamity or sudden mass casualties. The sound of thunder in a dream represents a murder, a fight, a dispute, an argument, lack of religious atten- dance, loss of money, or the release of a prisoner. A thunderstorm with rain when needed in a dream represents a good harvest for that year…

…Dreaming of violent winds or air, especially when they’re hurricane-like and worse if they blow over dirty and stinking swamps, is usually not good omen, as it warns of anguish and mental confusion. It can also mean irreparable losses. This interpretation varies when it’s fresh, soft and fragrant breezes, in which case it points to benefits in the immediate future. Dreaming of breathing hot air may mean that you’re falling under bad influences that are making you acquire bad vices and habits. Dreaming of breathing cold air can mean that your family, social or business relationships aren’t going well and that you need to pay attention to them if you wish to correct all of the mistakes. Breathing moist and heavy air may mean that something bad will hinder your plans, preventing achievement in the immediate future. Dreaming about breathing pure and fresh air may mean that your family,…

…what it is to have your head full of alcohol and your stomach empty. You will smell it; its fumes will tickle your throat, and yet you will not be able to satisfy your cravings for it; and this punishment will continue till you earnestly repent of your misspent life.’”He lifted up the bottle, and the next moment” I felt its burning contents poured into the hollow of my teeth. It was in vain that I besought him for one drop, wherewith to moisten my parched throat. Not one drop did he spill, not one drop fell out; and not one drop could I remove with the tip of my tongue, though my throat was ten thousand times more a-thirst than it had ever been before. The smell of the whiskey drove me mad. I prayed for it, I cried for it, I tore whole pieces out of my tongue…

…certain she owed her downfall to the sinister influence of a dream.”I was in a shop in Oxford Street at the time,” she said, ” and beyond being rather fond of flirtations and dress, as most girls are, I had never done any serious wrong. One night, however, I dreamed I was at a ball and my partner was a bear. He danced divinely and I fell in love with him. He very politely asked permission to see me home, and, on arriving outside the shop, suddenly kissed me; and, with the moisture of his nasty wet mouth still on my lips, I awoke. Well, try how I would I could not banish that dream from my mind. I saw the bear always, no matter whether I was at work or taking my recreation, my thoughts were always of him; and the result was — I became thoroughly demoralised. I…

(Dampness | Moisture) In a dream, the morning dew means glad tidings, liberality, generosity and openhandedness. The same interpretation is given for hail and drizzles.

…that she will beget a son. Holding a pen in a dream also means making an oath. If one’s pen is broken or scratched in a dream, it will reflect on his business, trade and livelihood. Moistening a pen from an inkwell in a dream means committing a sin. A pen in a dream also represents virtues by which one is known, or it could mean complying with a court judgement, or signing a court order, or it could represent a scholar, a judge, one’s tongue, a sword, one’s penis, a railway, generosity, abundance, human- kind, one’s confidant, or winning victory over one’s enemy. If one’s pen looks in good condition in the dream, it means that one’s oath or covenant is true. Otherwise, a defective pen in a dream represents a false oath, or a biased agreement. Apen in adream also means longevity and prosperity. (Also see Tongue)…

…If inside the room the atmosphere is friendly and welcoming it symbolizes the aspiration and longing to the welfare and security, and if it’s a bedroom, good understanding with the family and in the couple. If the atmosphere is unpleasant and oppressive, then it reflects the fears and frustrations of an unfortunate past, and if it is full of moisture there’s also the fear of being unhappy again in the future. If the room has no windows or doors it symbolizes isolation, fear and lack of willpower….

Denotes coming to honours; according to other interpreters, dispute with superiors, or employers. 64.

…To dream that you are abused and insulted, is a sign that some dispute will happen between you and some person with whom you have business; if you are in love, be assured that someone has attempted to injure you with the object of your affections, and that they have in a great measure succeeded. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 6, 38, 44….

To dream you are abused and insulted means that you will dispute with some person in business,

…(Combat | Competition | Contest | Marriage) In a dream, a duel signifies strength or a dispute with someone or disruption, dispersion or a fight. A duel with weapons in a dream means marriage to someone whose character is similar in interpretations to the weapon one is carryingin his dream. Wearing armature during a duel in a dream means marriage to a rich but deceiving person, for part of the human body is covered during the combat. A duel with swords in a dream means honor. Waving a sword during a duel in a dream means becoming known in one’s field. (Also see Marriage | Sword)…

Dreaming of religious procession suggests that the dreamer will have worry and even fear that a dangerous event will affect the dreamer’s personal interests. Dreaming of a funeral procession is announcement of disappointments and failures. Dreaming of being part of a religious funeral procession suggests that the dreamer is participating in affairs or businesses that will only cause discomfort, disorders, and even disrepute.

…(Chemical | Hunt | Pipe) Discovering lead as a mineral in one’s dream means prosperity and strength in one’s livelihood. Forging lead in a dream means becoming competently qualified in one’s craft. Lead in a dream also represents earnings from a despicable source based on passion and wantonness. Lead in a dream also means becoming courageous, or unfailingly speak what’s on one’s mind. Carrying a container of liquid lead in a dream means that one should be careful about his expenses. Melting a bar of lead means a dispute or a prattle….

…To dream that you admire an idol of any era, religion or ideology is a warning that your own progress has stopped, and this will prevent you from succeeding in business, to progress in your job or achieve an advantageous change, and this may finally result in disrepute. This dream usually suggests that you should be more up to date. To dream that you’re breaking idols is a warning that you should work with enough energy in order to self-improve in every way. To dream about your family members or friends and that they’re admiring idols is a warning that you won’t have a lasting friendly relation with those people….

Disagreeableness, all kinds of differences, dispute with employers. 9.

…To dream about ice indicates that your opponents will try to harm you. To dream about ice that is floating in clean water, suggests that envy and hypocrisy surrounds you and it may hurt you if you aren’t precautious. To dream that you’re walking on ice suggests that you’re risking your stability and tranquility. When a woman dreams that she’s walking on ice, it suggests that due to her behavior she’s exposed to serious disrepute. To dream that there’s ice hanging from the house’s roof suggests a risk of falling into poverty and even misery and/or suffering a disease….

…To dream of this vegetable, denotes both good and bad luck: if you are eating them, you will soon receive some money; your sweetheart will be faithful, but cross, and you will be engaged in some dispute; if you are throwing onions away, it is the forerunner of mischief; in love, quarrels; in trade, opposition. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 5, 8, 48….

…Planting in a dream means that one’s wife will become pregnant. If one sees himself plowing someone else’s land in a dream, it means a dispute between the two. A crop that is consumed by fire in a dream means famine and drought. If one sees himself walking through green fields in a dream, it means striving to do good, charitable deeds and leading a devout life not knowing whether his deeds will be accepted by God Almighty or not. As for a married person, planting the fields in a dream means that he will conceive a son, and for an unwed person it means that he will get married, while for a businessman in a dream, it means increase in his profits. Seeing a green crop in a dream means longevity, while a dried crop signifies the near end of one’s life. Planting wheat in a dream means…

Dispute, deceit, separation in matrimonial life.

Low enjoyment, getting into disrepute. 42.

…(Losing the sense of taste | Masticate) Chewing gum in a dream means committing loathsome sins or indulging in sodomy, for the people of the Prophet Lot (uwbp) used to chew gum. If one sees himself chewing gum in a dream it also could signify talking too much, or constantly complaining about something, or engaging in a major dispute, or sustaining an argument, or it could mean losing one’s sense of taste. (Also see Chewing food | Chewing)…

…life. If one sees himself forcefully pushing his tongue against his teeth in a dream, it means that he speaks ill of his own family, or it could mean problems in one’s house. If the crown or the enamel of one’s eyetooth is damaged, or if it falls in a dream, it means the death of one’s son. (5) Teeth in a dream represent one’s clan, close relatives, or distant cousins. The molar teeth represent the male members and the incisors represent the female members. Unnecessarily pulling out one’s teeth in a dream means paying a fine, losing one’s capital, or severing relationship with members of one’s family. Discovering one or two cavities in one’s teeth in a dream means that one may beget one or two sons. Developing bad mouth odor in a dream means belittling someone’s ideas, or it could mean a family dispute. Fallen teeth in a…

…(Interpreter | Pen | Speech writer | Stinger | Translator) In a dream, one’s tongue represents his translator or his business manager. One’s tongue in a dream also represents the chief cause of sin. Moving one’s tongue without speaking in a dream means committing a sin. Seeing an increase in size, width, or length of one’s tongue in a dream means strength and overcoming one’s enemy. If one’s tongue becomes elongated with no cause for dispute or argument in a dream, it means having a bad tongue, or backbiting others, speaking ill about others, or using base and despicable language. Having a long tongue in a dream also could mean clarity in one’s speech and eloquence in one’s expressions. Having two tongues in a dream means acquiring a second language or a second trade, using a proof other than one’s own in a court of justice, or winning victory…

…Dreaming of goats wandering around a farm, is significant of seasonable weather and a fine yield of crops To see them otherwise, denotes cautious dealings and a steady increase of wealth. If a billy goat butts you, beware that enemies do not get possession of your secrets or business plans. For a woman Dreaming of riding a billy goat, denotes that she will be held in disrepute because of her coarse and ill-bred conduct. If a woman dreams that she drinks goat’s milk, she will marry for money and will not be disappointed….

…(Immolation | Sacrifice | Vow) In a dream, an offering represents the wife who is the delight of her husband, or the child who is the delight of his father. An offering in a dream also represents one’s good deeds, although it also could mean trouble, adversities, enmity, dispute, fight, argument with one’s family, an invasion, or profits from hunting. (Also see Immolation | Sacrifice)…

…Wearisome toil; to gather them, quarrels; to eat them, losses in business. Cabbage. Health, long life. Cauliflower: Sickness, infidelity; Beans: Criticism; green beans: considerable loss; Peas: Good fortune; Asparagus: Profit, success; Artichokes: Pain, embarrassment; Turnips: Annoyance, disappointment; Cucumber: Serious indisposition; Onions: Dispute with inferiors; Leeks: Labour; Lettuce: Poverty; Garlic: A woman’s deception; Rue: Family annoyances; Herbs: Prosperity; to eat, grief. Corn, Riches and happiness; Walnuts: To dream that one sees and eats walnuts, or hazelnuts, signifies difficulty and trouble….

To dream that you are insulted by someone, is interpreted as a clear sign that you will have a dispute with some person.

Buying a cradle or sitting in a cradle in a dream means blessings, grace, profits and comfort. A cradle in a dream also represents a stepson or the stepchild of a young woman. For men, a cradle in a dream signifies sorrow, distress, imprisonment or a small and restrictive dwellings. As for an unmarried man, seeing a cradle in a dream means that he will get married. As for a woman, seeing a cradle in a dream means that she will bear a child, and it could mean distress, trouble, adversities, uptightness, lamentation and crying. In a dream, a cradle also represents singing, an amusement club, an argument or a dispute. A cradle in a dream also represents a coffin. (Also see Cage | Cradle of Ismail)

…(Tricktrack) Playing backgammon in a dream means having an imposing character, being highly skilled and efficient, scheming, mental keen- ness, playing a ruse or eliciting admiration. Playing backgammon in a dream also denotes someone who is highly qualified or it may demonstrate the type of character one assumes in his daily life, or it could mean arguing with others, mockery, deception, gambling, mixing with evil people for business, or it could mean pleasure. It also means indulging in sin, fear of exposure or maneuvering a business scheme. If one sees the game set but no one is playing it in the dream, it means lack of work, dismissal from one’s job, walking the wrong tracks. Playing backgammon in a dream also signifies a fight, an argument or a dispute between business partners, each of them seeking his personal interests. (Also see Chess | Games)…

…(Banner | Woman) In general, flags in a dream represent leaders, governors, judges and scholars. Carrying a flag in a dream means signing a marriage contract. A flag in a dream also means avoiding a dispute. Carrying a flag and a spear in a dream represents one’s death or the sudden death of his son. A hoisted banner inside one’s house in a dream means a funeral. Carrying a flag in a dream also connotes a woman. Carrying a red flag in a dream also could represent an evil woman. If it is a white flag, then it represents a pious and a chaste woman. Carrying a flag of many colors in a dream represents a corrupt woman. If one is given a flag to carry, and if he leads a parade of colorful flags in his dream, it means that he will rise in station and receive honor….

…himself entering the city of Mecca in a dream, it means that he will repent for his sins. If one has a dispute and sees himself entering Mecca in a dream, it means that he will lose his argument. Entering Mecca in a dream also means reaching safety and peace in one’s life. Leaving one’s homeland and travelling to Mecca in a dream means that God willing, he will shortly join the pilgrimage caravan and perform his Hajj. If a sick person sees such a dream, it means that his illness will be long and that he may die from it, or he may join the company of the dwellers of the heavenly paradise. Seeing oneself in Mecca and residing in the lodge one usually uses in a dream means extension of one’s contract, or reappointment at a previously held position. If Mecca becomes one’s home in a dream, it…