…Majesty and reverence in a dream represents glad tidings, or rising into a high raking position and earning an exalted station in God’s sight whether the person seen in such a state is alive or dead. To recognize a state of reverence and majesty in a dream also means receiving guidance on the straight path, or repenting from one’s sins….

…Dreaming that you accuse any one of a mean action, denotes that you will have quarrels with those under you, and your dignity will be thrown from a high pedestal. If you are accused, you are in danger of being guilty of distributing scandal in a sly and malicious way. See similar words in following chapters….

…Reading the front page of a letter, a paper, or a book in a dream means receiving an inheritance. Reading the last page, or the back cover of a book in a dream means indebtedness. Reading a book in a dream also means receiving an inheritance. If one finds himself as a lettered person and if he reads well in his dream, it means that he will attain a high ranking job. If one sees himself reading his book of records in a dream, it means that he will repent for his sins. Reading a book in another language in a dream means travelling to such a country, or going to places one is not familiar with and performing a job that will earn him fame. If one sees himself reading a book in a foreign language and is unable to properly decipher its words in a dream, it…

…(Straw mat) Owning a carpet or a straw mat on which one sits in the wintertime in a dream means comfort, promotion, high ranking status and exaltation. A carpet in a dream also represents the master of the house. All types of carpets or mats are included in this category. If one sees himself sitting on a carpet in a dream, it means that he will purchase a property or a farm. In a time of war, sitting on a carpet in a dream means safety from danger. If one sees himself gazing at a carpet in the dream, and if he sees in it the image reflection of a person he recognizes, it means that the figure drawn on the carpet is a person who has gone astray. It also means that such a person will present him with an amazing report that will be infested with falsehood….

…A tavern in a dream means getting high after feeling low and depressed. It also means dispelling one’s strains and distress, or it could represents a prostitute, an abused woman, or adversities because of the damages and liabilities a tavern may bring. If one promises to do something, then if he sees a tavern in his dream, the tavern then represents the terms of his agreement, or that he is engaged in a shabby or a covert action against his boss. If a sick person sees himself in a tavern in a dream, it means that his time is up. If a pious person sees himself entering a tavern in a dream, it means that he may be lured into temptation….

…Symbolizes the character and value. Seeing someone with a different forehead from the one they have in reality reflects their true character. If we dream of a high forehead it’s a serious, intelligent person we can trust. If it is elusive it is a wicked person who will try to steal from us. If is covered with stains the person will try to betray us shamefully….

In a dream, a marble cutter represents wealth, a palace, high class, beauty, unity and love. Laying marble in a dream means preparing oneself for the next move, or completing a pathway. (Also see Marble)

…Dreaming of light fabrics for women’s clothing insinuates that the matters you’re handling will soon improve. Dreaming of people wearing high quality fabrics insinuates that you’ll receive economic benefits in the near future; for example, dividends, lotteries, inheritances, etc. This meaning is applicable to a greater extent if the dreamer sees himself/herself wearing fine fabrics. But if they look stained, dirty or damaged, then the meaning is the opposite. Generally, when fabrics are seen in a good condition and a beautiful color, we can expect good times with great success in the future. If, on the contrary, they seem dirty, damaged and are linked to unpleasant feelings, they’re an omen for a disappointing future in which our projects will fail. When you buy or sell fabrics in a dream, it predicts that your financial situation will improve quickly and unexpectedly. It’s a sign of happiness in life and great…

…If you dream of seeking rank or advancement through the influence of others, your desires will fail to materialize | but if you are in an influential position, your prospects will assume a bright form. To see friends in high positions, your companions will be congenial, and you will be free from vexations….

…Stammering in a dream means acquiring knowledge and a better religious understanding, or it may mean eloquence in speech. Stammering in a dream also means attaining a high ranking position, or winning victory over one’s enemies….

To dream that you see the magic lamp means that you have some kind of high expectations which you wish were fulfilled. You have some dreams that are very hard to become true. The gene who is in magic lamp is not good to you, then it means your dreams won’t come true.

Becoming high-minded.

…If a mulatto appears to you in a dream, beware of making new friendships or falling into associations with strange women, as you are threatened with loss of money and of high moral standing. See Negro….

…they indicate positive signs. However, a stairway could be regarded as unfavorable if its steps are made of backed bricks. If they are made of stones in the dream, they mean business success, along with a heart like a stone. If the staircase is made of wooden steps in the dream, it means reaching a high rank which is compounded with hypocrisy. If they are made of gold in the dream, then they mean achieving success and gaining authority. If they are made of silver in the dream, they represent one’s entourage and attendants. Climbing a staircase in a dream also means sharpening one’s intellect and awareness. In a dream, a stairway is also interpreted to mean leading a life of ascetic detachment and devotion. Coming near a staircase in a dream also means attaining success and a growing piety. Each step represents a different station. Climbing a staircase in…

…(The Glorious Throne of God Almighty.) Seeingthe Divine Throne of God Almighty in its perfect form means blessings, glad tidings and correct- ness of one’s faith. If one sees the Divine Throne missing one of its attributes in a dream, it means heedlessness and innovation. Seeing the Glorious Throne of God Almighty in a dream may entail whatever good or evil destiny one may go through. Seeing the Divine Throne in a dream also means receiving a high ranking position or assuming a noble function, if one qualifies, or it could represent one’s wife, house, vehicle, victory over his enemy, writing poems, or doing good deeds for the one who sees it in its perfect, radiant and glorious manifestation. If one sees the Divine Throne, and if he sees God Almighty sitting on it in a dream, it denotes his faith, certitude, determination and correct religious adherence. If one…

If any one dreams of this abode of the blessed that he or she is ascending to Heaven, or is already enjoying its delights, it shows that some joyful event is to happen, such as the birth of an heir to childless people, good fortune to those who are poor, distinction to the wealthy, and high honours to the ambitious. If lovers have such a dream, it foretells an early marriage under the most auspicious circumstances, and that their wedding will be attended with troops of congratulating friends, who will shower presents upon them.

…(Canopy | Furniture | Love seat) A raised couch in a dream represents one’s wife, midwife or a high ranking position. If it is made of wood in the dream, it indicates respectability, and if it is not upholstered in the dream, it means lowness or inferiority. A fabric stuffed couch in a dream signifies honor, welfare, promotion, good words, new clothing, love, affection and unity. (Also see Bed | Mattress)…

…Dreaming of jewels, denotes much pleasure and riches. To wear them, brings rank and satisfied ambitions. To see others wearing them, distinguished places will be held by you, or by some friend. Dreaming of jeweled garments, betokens rare good fortune to the dreamer. Inheritance or speculation will raise him to high positions. If you inherit jewelry, your prosperity will be unusual, but not entirely satisfactory. Dreaming of giving jewelry away, warns you that some vital estate is threatening you. For a young woman Dreaming that she receives jewelry, indicates much pleasure and a desirable marriage. Dreaming that she loses jewels, she will meet people who will flatter and deceive her. To find jewels, denotes rapid and brilliant advancement in affairs of interest. To give jewels away, you will unconsciously work detriment to yourself. To buy them, proves that you will be very successful in momentous affairs, especially those pertaining…

…Dreaming that you are defrauding a person, denotes that you will deceive your employer for gain, indulge in degrading pleasures, and fall into disrepute. If you are defrauded, it signifies the useless attempt of enemies to defame you and cause you loss. To accuse some one of defrauding you, you will be offered a place of high honor….

Traditionally symbolizes the character and personality, so if the forehead is ours or someone else’s, then it symbolizes the qualities of courage or tenacity. Other authors consider that if it’s a very high forehead, then it symbolizes that person deserves our confidence, but if it is a narrow or sloping forehead, we must be wary.

…Dreaming of being in company with a Jew, signifies untiring ambition and an irrepressible longing after wealth and high position, which will be realized to a very small extent. To have transactions with a Jew, you will prosper legally in important affairs. For a young woman Dreaming of a Jew, omens that she will mistake flattery for truth, and find that she is only a companion for pleasure. For a man Dreaming of a Jewess, denotes that his desires run parallel with voluptuousness and easy comfort. He should constitute himself woman’s defender. For a Gentile Dreaming of Jews, signifies worldly cares and profit from dealing with them. To argue with them, your reputation is endangered from a business standpoint….

To see a unicorn in a dream means high ideals, hopes and show that you are understanding a current situation. It also symbolizes power and purity. Alternatively, unicorns can represent your unilateral views.

…Any dream in which you see the Pope, without speaking to him, warns you of servitude. You will bow to the will of some master, even to that of women. To speak to the Pope, denotes that certain high honors are in store for you. To see the Pope looking sad or displeased, warns you against vice or sorrow of some kind….

…Dreaming of stepping on a curbstone, denotes your rapid rise in business circles, and that you will be held in high esteem by your friends and the public. For lovers Dreaming of stepping together on a curb, denotes an early marriage and consequent fidelity | but if in your dream you step or fall from a curbstone your fortunes will be reversed….

Dream of climbing a hill with huge difficulty, but assisted by a strange man, signifies that by the advice of a new acquaintance you will accomplish at great aim. To the lover who dreams of travelling over high hills, indicates some rivals that will give some of the uneasiness.

To dream that you are seeing a macadamize, signifies your desire to explore the world. If you are the one who drives it, then you will have some unexpected journey. The children who dream about it are having high expectations about their lives and looking for support from their families.

…(Darkness | Heedlessness | Ignorance) In a dream, a moonless night represents lack of work, stagnation, or losing one’s job. If one sees the whole world in the dark and the moon is still radiant in the skies in a dream, it means that the governor will temporarily relinquish his entire duties to his chief minister or secretary, and that thieves and robbers will cluster around them for business. If one then sees the daylight in his dream, it means that such an adversity will pass. If people are under siege in the dream and the daylight dawns after a long dark night in a dream, it means that their siege will be lifted. If people are suffering from high prices and someone sees that dream, it means that prices will go back to normal. If they are suffering from tyranny, it too will pass. The night in a…

…Dreaming of crystal in any form, is a fatal sign of coming depression either in social relations or business transactions. Electrical storms often attend this dream, doing damage to town and country. For a woman Dreaming of seeing a dining-room furnished in crystal, even to the chairs, she will have cause to believe that those whom she holds in high regard no longer deserve this distinction, but she will find out that there were others in the crystal-furnished room, who were implicated also in this sinister dream….

Your ambitious are too high. You are trying to achieve impossible. You expect too much from yourself or those around you.

…Dreaming of wearing silk clothes, is a sign of high ambitions being gratified, and friendly relations will be established between those who were estranged. For a young woman Dreaming of old silk, denotes that she will have much pride in her ancestors, and will be wooed by a wealthy, but elderly person. If the silk is soiled or torn, she will drag her ancestral pride in the slums of disgrace….

To see in the heaven a moderate fire, pure and luminous danger to your life or to some high place in your mind. See the heaven being very blaze an attack upon the nation, plague, famine, desolation. Make sure you pay attention to the fact from the side this fire falls will come the enemies or aggressors. If this fire jumping and about to extend or descend, the evil nature of the sign is magnified. The heaven that is seen with flowers means discovery of the truth. To ascend to the heaven, overwhelming honor will be received. (See Stars, etc.)

…Dreaming of acrobats in action suggests that the dreamer is exposed to misunderstandings and embarrassments because of unfounded fears of other, which is exercising negative influence on the dreamer. Dreaming that the acrobats fail at any of their acrobatics suggests that there will be losses in the businesses you are managing. Dreaming of yourself performing and failing implies that you feel limited or unable to do your things due to constant interference of hidden and hypocritical enemies. Doing a perfect performance suggests a high probability of success in all your affairs. Dreaming of women performing acrobatics suggests that the name of the dreamer will be discredited by rumors, which will disturb your working or romantic life. If a young woman dreams of performing acrobats, it indicates that she is being or will be courted by men that are not serious and not even of her liking. A young woman…

To dream about the number eleven is interpreted as the symbol of very high spiritual aspects the dreamer is carrying with himself/herself.

…or it could mean the death of a great man of knowledge or the emergence of such a gnostic or wise man in that city. If the person seeing the dream is a sinner, it means that he will repent of his sins, for God Almighty has accepted the repentance of Adam, upon whom be peace, during that month. If the person in the dream is one who hopes for a station of honor, he will attain it, because God Almighty has raised the prophet Enoch (Idris) upon whom be peace, to a high station during that month. If a traveller sees a dream during that month, it means that he will safely return home from a long journey, because it is the month in which the prophet Noah upon whom be peace, was saved with his people, and it is the month in which the arc settle on top…

…A pitcher, a jog or any similar container in a dream means repentance for a sinner. It also means a son for a pregnant woman. A pitcher in a dream also represents an extremely intelligent child who is recognized to fathom many hidden secrets. Collecting pitchers in a dream represents good deeds that can lead one to paradise. A pitcher in a dream also represents a sword. When a pitcher is highly priced in a dream, it denotes the high rank of the one who is interested in buying it. A pitcher in a dream also means playfulness, joy or laughter. A glass pitcher in a dream represents one’s wife, marriage to a rich and a beautiful woman, a secret affair, or a friend one is proud to have. A glass pitcher in a dream also represents a spouse who cannot be trusted with a secret, or someone who…

To dream of white clouds, is a sign of prosperity, clouds mounting high from the earth, de- notes voyages and return to the absent and revealing of secrets. Clouds red and inflamed, show an ill issue of affairs; to dream of smoky, or obscure clouds, shows an ill time, or anger.

…When you dreaming of Aborigine it signifies soft side of your personality. This means that you are innocent and decent person. The meaning of dream explains, how you need to find the connection with your natural self and insight you have in yourself. It also offers that you must become less high – pitched and forgiving beyond others. You may harm yourself thorough your abandonment. It also means that you are going to become psychologically unsteady….

…(Authority | Mace) A scepter in a dream means good conduct, emulating the leading example of the Prophet Muhammad, upon whom be peace, rising to a high ranking position, or becoming an authority. A scepter in a dream also could represent a wild son, a crooked man, or a hypocrite. Playing with a scepter in dream means using the help of such a person and assisting him to lay hands on his rivals. The crosier represents the human heart and the staff represents man’s tongue. Thus, playing with a scepter in a dream means playing at will. Whatever may affect a scepter in a dream can be interpreted as affecting one’s son or his tongue. If one sees himself hitting a small ball with a septer, or playing with a ball in his dream, it represents a dispute with his wife, or a fight with a hypocritical person. A…

…For a young woman Dreaming that she shakes hands with some prominent ruler, foretells she will be surrounded with pleasures and distinction from strangers. If she avails herself of the opportunity, she will stand in high favor with friends. If she finds she must reach up to shake hands, she will find rivalry and opposition. If she has on gloves, she will overcome these obstacles. To shake hands with those beneath you, denotes you will be loved and honored for your kindness and benevolence. If you think you or they have soiled hands, you will find enemies among seeming friends. For a young woman Dreaming of shaking hands with a decrepit old man, foretells she will find trouble where amusement was sought….

Promotion, high office, riches. 7.