…little present. Are you fond of roast mutton?””Yes, ma’am,’ I replied, feeling very hungry all of a sudden, for the smell of all those good things I have told you about, sir, really made my mouth water.”And tripe? She went on”.”Again I answered, ‘ Yes”.”Then that is all right,’ she said, with a sigh of relief.” My husband and I ordered what we fancied you would most appreciate — a good, homely fare and plenty of it — so don’t be afraid to have a second helping. Now, Willie dear, let us begin”.”Well, sir, we all sat down. It was by far the” queerest meal I have ever had, and I cannot say I enjoyed it, for the meat was tough and the vegetables half raw. But there was no help for it.When I had got one plateful down and was congratulating myself that I could now give my jaws…

…then finds his body spattered with her ova and semen in a dream, it means that he has committed something which he regrets. Consequently he will suffer losses because of it. To have a wedding with a deceased person and to move to his or her house in the dream means one’s own death. Walking behind a deceased person and entering an unknown house from which one does not come out again in the dream means death. If one follows the deceased person and does not enter such a house in the dream, it means that he will near his death, then recuperate from his illness. If a deceased person beats the person seeing the dream, it means that one has displeased his Lord and has committed an abominable act from which he should repent, for in the abode of truth, a deceased person accepts only what pleases God…

…upon whom be peace, did return the eye of his companion Qutadah to its place and made his sight sharper than it was by God’s leave, after Qutadah had lost his eye during one of the battles with the unbelievers. If a traveller in the desert sees God’s Prophet (uwbp) in a dream, or if there is drought somewhere, it means that rain will fall and springs will gush forth, as water gushed from between his blessed fingers when he placed his blessed hand over a half filled cup to quench the thirst of an entire army. If calamities, starvation and drought has befallen a land and someone sees Him (uwbp) in a dream, it means that such calamities will be lifted and life will return to normal in that place. If a woman sees him in a dream, it means that she will reach a high spiritual station, honor,…

…prayers in a mosque, then leaves it to attend to other duties in a dream, it means that whatever he attends to will be blessed, and he will profit from it. If one sees himself praying while riding in a dream, it means that he is struck with fear , or that he may face a fight. If one sees himself performing the obligatory (arb. Fardh) prayers shortened to two groupings of prostrations (arb. Rak’at) in a dream, it means travels. If one sees himself praying while eating honey in a dream, it means that he may engage in sexual intercourse with his wife during the fasting hours. If a woman sees herself performing the obligatory (arb. Fardh) prayers shortened to two grouping of prostrations in a dream, it means that she will have her monthly menstrual period on that day. If one discovers that he has missed the time…

…(Flower garden) A garden in a dream means repentance, and repentance from sin in a dream means a garden. Watering one’s garden in a dream means having marital relations. If one sees his garden dry in a dream, it means that his wife has commenced her menstrual period during which he is not permitted to have sexual intercourse with her. If he sees someone else watering his garden in a dream, it means that such a person will betray him with his wife. If one sees himself entering an unknown garden with its trees unattended and its pasture unkempt in a dream, it means distress and worries. A garden in a dream also represents a woman. They both need water and they both bear fruits or children. In this case, if the garden is interpreted to represent a woman, then its trees and fruits represent her tribe, family and…

…motionless. There was then a great stir and the crowd, moving away, bore me with them through innumerable streets — streets that, narrow and winding, and crossing each other irregularly in all directions, were in reality alleys. The houses in them were fantastically picturesque. At all the windows stood, or leaned, men, and women, and queer looking things for which I can find no suitable name — they were part human and part animal — and all shouted, and yelled, and gesticulated, regardless of sense and order. At last, when the confusion had reached a climax, the crowd, again obeying some secret order, dived up another street, and the most deathlike hush ensued. Then, from far away in the distance, came the pattering of many soft-clad feet, and a long procession filed past me — knights in armour on richly caparisoned horses, standard bearers, palanquins, litters with fair-haired ladies, men-at-arms,…

…help someone in paying his debt, then extol his good virtues in public. If one enters a mosque riding on an animal in a dream, it means that he will cut off his connection with his relatives, leave them behind and forbid them to follow him. If one dies in a masjid in a dream, it means that he will die as a true penitent. If the carpet or the straw mat of a mosque becomes a shredded rag in the dream, it means that the community of that masjid is divided and corrupt. Building a masjid in a dream also means overcoming one’s enemy. Entering the Sacred Mosque in Mecca in a dream means arriving with one’s bride to their new home and it could mean fulfillment of a promise, being truthful, dispelling one’s fear and reaching the shore of safety. (Also see Minaret | Minbar | Mosque)…

…represents the Qur’anic revelation, the ocean of knowledge, a place of purification and washing one’s sins, the graveyard where submissiveness and contemplation are evoked, the washing and shrouding of the dead, medicine, silence, focusing one’s intention and facing the qiblah at the Ka’aba in Mecca. Seeing the main city mosque in a dream also means to recognize something good and to act upon it. It also could be interpreted as the shelter from one’s enemy, and a sanctuary and a shelter of the believer from fear, and a house of peace. The ceiling of the mosque represents the intimate and vigilant entourage of a king. Its outstretch represents the dignitaries. Its chandeliers represent its wealth and ornaments. Its prayer mats represent the king’s justice and his knowledgeable advisors. Its doors represent the guards. Its minaret represents the king’s vice-regent, the official speaker of the palace or it announcer. If the…

…a dream, it means that his father and mother are pleased with him. If the moon splits in two halves in a dream, it means that harm will befall a great person, or that a major sign will manifest to show the divine power in that locality. If one sees a lunar eclipse, or if the moon becomes opaque, or turns reddish in a dream, it means that major changes will take place in one’s life. The moon in a dream also represents one’s bosom friend, an unjust governor, his chief minister, his assistant, a gambler, an oath, recovering from an illness or suffering from eye irritation. Seeing a full moon during the early days of the lunar month, when it is supposed to be only a crescent in a dream means benefits while the opposite means harm. The moon in a dream also represents a scholar, an astrologer, an…

…A vagina in a dream signifies relief for someone who is experiencing hardship, pressure, or sorrow. It also could mean satisfaction of one’s needs, fulfillment of one’s desire, marriage, partnership, exposing a secret, working with minerals, protecting women’s chastity, imprisonment, the house entrance, the front door, travels, the prayer niche inside a mosque, one’s innermost secret, running water, heat, an oven, a garment, a canyon, discovering a cure for an illness and feeling happy about it, finding an elixir, feeling relief after having sexual relationship with one’s spouse, a grave, distress, one’s wife, fire, a burning desires, family reunion, having children, dispelling doubt about what is right and what is wrong, clearly identifying true from false, finding guidance, or heeding admonition. If a man looks at a woman’s vagina in a dream, it represents his wicked state of mind, needs, desires, humiliation, or it could represent the high standard…

…right in one’s eyes in the dream, then it means adversities. If one sees the holy Ka’aba as his own house in a dream, the holy Ka’aba then represents the Imam of all Muslims who is the representative and vice-regent of God’s Messenger (uwbp), and it means that one truly follows the Imam. Praying on top of the holy Ka’aba in a dream means becoming an apostate. Entering the holy Mosque in Mecca and praying on the roof of the holy Ka’aba in a dream represents peace, tranquility, presiding over others, it also means that one will become victorious wherever one goes, though with a questionable conduct, he also may follow innovation and depart from the traditions and teachings of God’s Messenger, upon whom be peace. Walking by the holy Ka’aba, or leaving it behind in a dream means going against the traditions of God’s Prophet, upon whom be peace,…

…utmost blessings. If one feels scared of the angels in his dream, it means that a fight, an argument or awesome trials will befall that locality. In general, to see the angels descending from the heavens to the earth in a dream means enfeeblement of those who have doubt, and strength for those who have faith and certitude. If one sees the angels prostrating to him in a dream, it means that all his needs will be satisfied and he will be endowed with good conduct, good behavior and a blessed fame. If one sees them looking like women in the dream, it means that he lies before God Almighty. If a pious person sees an angel telling him in a dream – “Read God’s Book.” It means that one will attain happiness in his life. If an impious person sees an angel in a dream telling him – “Read…

…the second place, to their insatiable love of foolish gossip. Now, however, as I gazed at the hideous countenance, and rubbed my eyes to make sure I was not dreaming, I felt that the gossip I had scorned was only too well founded, and I determined that nothing should induce me to sleep in that room again. The apparition was only visible for a very few seconds, and when I stirred it completely vanished. I have not only experienced this precursor of the occult myself, but I know others who have dreamed of ravens shortly before witnessing an occult phenomenon.I dreamed of a wren just before I got engaged to be married; and three of my correspondents always dream they see a wren prior to hearing of a marriage. Larks portend good news of friends and relations, and happy events generally. Linnets portend marriages; thrushes’ minor ailments and troubles….

…dream suggests that she wants luxury, wealth, material assets and a total absence of problems. In some cases this dream means the desire of a change in life that leads you towards self-improvement, when you have intellectual, artistic or spiritual ambitions. Dreaming that you are a grumpy queen, who is badly dressed, suggests that this is the state that you hold in real life, perhaps as a result of negative people who are always bothering you, humiliating you, or criticizing you. Dreaming of traveling next to the queen of a nation suggests that you crave for social success, distinctions and honors of political nature, for example, but they have little chance of realization. A young woman who dreams of accompanying a queen is a sign that is not in accordance with the level or social environment in which she is located, or that she wants to get married soon….

…a mosque as an offering for God’s pleasure in a dream, it means that he will rule his subjects with justice, command what is lawful and forbid what is unlawful. If he builds a school, it shows him to be a man of knowledge. If he builds a hospice in a dream, it means that he is an ascetic. If a sick person sees himself building a house in a dream, it means that he will recover from his illness and enjoy good health. Seeing buildings in a dream explains one’s determination, it also means one’s wants for himself when he rejoices at finding something suitable for status. If one sees his house bigger than it is in reality in a dream, it means expansion in one’s material resources. If it grows beyond the normal norms in a dream, it means anxiety, or a delegation that hastens to enter that…

…one of the houses and fell in a heap at her feet.She then saw to her horror that it was metamorphosed into her father, and, sure enough, the very next day, she received a telegram to say that her father had died, quite unexpectedly, in the night. She also dreamed, a day or two before the death of her greatest friend that she was travelling by rail with two greyhounds seated opposite her in the same compartment. Another person told me; that, shortly before a fire in her house, she had a curious dream about a mastiff. The creature entered the room in which she was sitting, and suddenly flew at the hearthrug and tore it to pieces.Another lady I once questioned as to her dreams informed me that she had been engaged three times, and that prior to the termination of each engagement she had dreamed of a dachshund.There…

…For a man to dream of seeing a queen, foretells the loss of money, either by robbery or bad debts: if he is presented to a, queen, the dream is still worse in respect to losses. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 39, 60….

Being honoured, making good business, becoming rich. 230.

…God’s revelations, or denying God’s favors, or questioning some of them. If one does something to the Holy Book in his dream that he would abhor to do in wakefulness, it means that he has lost his religious devotion and faith. Carrying a copy of the Holy Book in a dream means attaining power and acquiring knowledge. The Holy Book in a dream also represents a husband, a wife, a son, or wealth. If a sick person sees it in his dream, it means that he will recover from his illness. If the one who sees it in his dream is facing an enemy, it means that he will triumph over him. If he is a sinner, it means that he will repent of his sins and turn to his Lord, or it could mean that he may receive an inheritance. If one sees himself following innovations and he recognizes…

…it is the leg of a ram, then it means the death of the closest relative. Broiling a ram in a dream means governing for one year after which period one may be imprisoned. The number of rams in a dream represents the number of years. Thus, seeing them also represents the number of years one will serve in his job. The wool of a ram in a dream means money. A ram in a dream also represents the muezzin in a mosque, a general in the army, a deposed ruler, or a humiliated person. If a ram attacks someone in a dream, it signifies an attack by one’s enemy. If a ewe becomes a ram in a dream, it means that one’s wife will no longer bear children. If one is not married, then it means winning victory in his life. (Also see Ewe | Sacrifice | Sheep)…

…(Column base | Plinth) A column base or a plinth in a dream represents scholars, their circles, or their study room. A column base in a dream also could represent unmarried women, one’s wife, knowledge, a trade, or a craft, or religious precepts. Building or owning a column base in a dream also could signify marriage, children, guidance, knowledge, or a chronic illness. The column base of a mosque in a dream represents pious people and the column base of a house represent chaste women….

…and their dwellers, a woman and a pimp, or a cadet posing as her husband. If one goes to a public bath, then after completing his wash wears a white garment, and takes a carriage back home in his dream, it means that he will shortly die and the elements of his dream represent his washing, shrouding, coffin and funeral. The element of a bathhouse in a dream also represent a library, knowledge, guard’s post, house of worship, a mosque, a church, idol worship, a prison, or a marketplace. It also represents repentance, guidance, richness, healing, an ocean or marriage. If one sees himself taking a bath with his clothe on in a dream, it means that he will fall prey to an attractive prostitute who will deceive him and lead him to commit his religious life to waste. (Also see Bath | Bathroom | Hell-fire | Turkish bath)…

…wife, or learning a knowledge or a trade that will satisfy one’s needs. Climbing a mountain through a straight path in a dream means facing things the way they are. If one sees mountains moving forward with him, it means a war or a major conflict between people of knowledge. Falling down from the top of a mountain into the middle of beasts, crows, vultures, snakes, mammals, mire, filth, or rats and their different kinds in a dream means abstaining from sins, or refraining from innovation if escaping from them leads one into a mosque where he can enter to pray, or a garden where he can rest in peace. If the mountain crumbles, and if it is transformed into ashes or dirt in the dream, it means that whoever is meant in that dream shall lose his devotion and waste his life. (Also see Ascending in the skies)…

…Planting seeds in a dream represent the element of progeny and procreation. Scattered seeds on the ground in a dream mean bearing a child for each seed. As for the grains that are germinated for medicinal purpose, when seen in a dream, they mean acquiring knowledge that helps the person in question to increase his or her piety and ascetic detachment from worldly matters. Pumpkin, cucumber, eggplant, sweet basil, chard, onion, cabbage, Indian corn and melon seeds in a dream mean abating or ceasing of difficulties and disturbances, or they could mean recovering from a terminal illness. If one sees himself trying to plant something which is not a plant, or to place a seed in an unsuitable ground in a dream, it means that he is wasting his money and squandering his property. To plant seeds in a dream also could mean knowledge, wealth or recognizing a noble…

…(arb. Alcove | Niche | Prayer niche) In a dream, a prayer niche or a mihrab represents a leader, a guide, or the Imam of a mosque. Praying at the mihrab in a dream means glad tidings. If a woman sees herself praying at the mihrab of a mosque in a dream, it means that she will beget a son or a daughter. In a dream, the alcoves or shelters that poor people use for their retreats in a mosque represent sincerity, love, devotion, remembrance of God Almighty, standing in night prayers, and aloofness. Building a mihrab inside one’s house in a dream means bearing male children. Otherwise, it means that such a property will be donated by its owner for religious use. Seeing an incorrectly positioned prayer niche in a mosque in a dream means deviation for God’s path and erring in one’s words and actions. In a…

…(Early companions | Legist | Masjid | Men of knowledge | Mosque | Reli- gious doctors | Righteous men) A scholar in a dream represents glad tidings, a promotion, or a commendation and it represents one who acts upon what he knows and says. Seeing one of the early scholars in a dream means increase in one’s knowledge, for they were the wise representatives of God’s message on earth. Seeing them also means increase in one’s wisdom, happiness, joy, and one’s dream could mean that one will stand to admonish people or counsel them. Seeing the early righteous people and the blessed companions of God’s Prophet, upon whom be peace, in a dream means growth of one’s righteousness. If one sees a scholar who is considered to be a reference in religious knowledge, and if one accepts his admonition in the dream, though in wakefulness he does not follow…

…dream means hiding a testimony. Chewing on pearls in a dream means backbiting people. Vomiting pearls in a dream means scheming against people and deceiving them. Throw- ing a pearl into a river in a dream means helping people. Extracting a pearl from its shell, then throwing the pearl and keeping the shell in a dream means that one is involved in body snatching and in desecrating the graves. Opening a closet with a key and pulling out stored pearls from inside it in a dream means asking a question from a scholar. Counting pearls in a dream means going through hardships. Seeing pearls in a dream means becomingjoyful and happy. Receiving a gift of pearls in a dream denotes a political appointment. Pearls in a dream also denote good words, money, or servants. A pearl necklace in a dream means marriage, or a bundle of money, or it could…

…or consequences of such a battle will bring him honor and exalted station, or it could mean winning the battle against one’s enemy. If a sinner sees himself praying and repenting at Mount Arafa or near the Mount of Mercy in the Plain of ‘Arafat in a dream, it means that his repentance will be accepted, or that a secret will be exposed, or it could mean that a reunion of beloveds will take place shortly after one’s dream. If one sees himself standing in ‘Arafa during the night time in a dream, it means that his goals will be attained and that he will satisfy his quest. If one sees himself standing in ‘Arafa after the sunrise, it means that his question will find no answer. (Also see Circumambulation | Cradle of Ishmail | Ka’aba | Muzdalifa | Pelting stones | Responding | Station of Abraham | ‘Umrah)…

…and strong policeman suggests that there will be attacks from enemies or moments of bad luck as well as changes in life. Dreaming of being a cop suggests the probability of being involved in a delicate matter that will question the dreamer’s honor and prestige. Dreaming of being followed by a policeman could mean that the dreamer is participating in illegal and dangerous affairs and businesses. Dreaming of cops is always a bad dream, because it suggests that soon there will be diverse problems, even though they may not be caused by the dreamer. Dreaming of being arrested by a policeman, accused of a crime in which the dreamer is innocent, is an announcement that soon the dreamer will experience setbacks but in the end he or she will triumph. Dreaming of a parade of policemen indicates serious changes in life, if the dreamer is not a cop. Dreaming of…

…Going to the marketplace in a dream means seeking knowledge, or looking for work. A marketplace in a dream also represents a mosque, or winning a war. In fact, the merchants and the customers bargain with one another, some win and some lose. If a knowledge seeking student sees himself in a marketplace that he does not recognize, then if he walks away from it in the dream, it means that he will cease schooling or interrupt his studies and fail to acquire his degree, or it could mean that he has missed his Friday congregational prayers. It also could mean that the knowledge he is seeking is not intended to please God Almighty. If one sees himself shoplifting in a dream, it means that he steals, or holds contempt and conceit in his heart, or if he is a man of knowledge, it means that he will foster…

…a ditch or flies into the heavens in his dream, all of which also means recovering from an illness or undertaking a long journey, or it could mean returning home from a long journey. If on the other side of the bridge one ends in a fertile farm, luscious fields, or meets with an old woman in his dream, it means money, benefits and prosperity. If the other side of the bridge leads to a mosque in the dream, it means that one will achieve his goal, fulfill his intention or perform a pilgrimage to God’s House in Mecca. If one becomes a bridge in a dream, it means that he will acquire extensive powers or becomes an inspiration to others, or that people will come to need his authority and help. Crossing a wooden bridge in a dream means meeting with a group of hypocrites. (Also see Bridge)…

…after a wedding or after having marital relations with one’s wife means mistrust and loss. It also means involvement in an uncouth action, lacking knowledge of the Holy Book and prophetic traditions, because what one has built lacks a foundation. Flying in the air in a dream may mean travels. Flying with wings in a dream has stronger connotations and is safer. The wings here will represent money or power. Swimming in the air means benefits or business travels. If the air looks opaque in one’s eyes, so he cannot see the skies in his dream, it means problems with one’s superior. If one does not have a boss, then it means that he may lose his sight. If all the people witnessed the air opaque or red in the dream, then it means a major calamity and a trying adversity. (Also see Ascending in the Skies | Flying)…

…If the water is pure and clean in the dream, it means depression along with a strong and a healthy body. What is disliked in such dreams is the murky water. If one owns a stream in a dream, it represents one’s livelihood, his shop, business, work, or one’s good deeds that remain beneficial even after his death and until the Day of Judgment such as a blessed progeny, a school or a mosque he builds, a road he opens, a book of knowledge he leaves behind, or a charitable endowment. Seeing waters overflowing from a fountainhead and flooding one’s property means sadness, crying and sorrow and the same applies if one drinks from that water in his dream. If one sees several springs gushing forth in a dream, it means prospering through dirty actions and corruption. Seeing a spring in the valley in a dream means blessings for most…

…Dreaming of a king or queen’s crown suggests the desire to change your life, especially if you have bad habits or bad friends, or annoying and difficult chronic diseases. Dreaming of wearing a king’s crown or a crown of flowers on your head is a symbol of vanity. When it’s a wreath for the dead, then it indicates illness or loss of values. Dreaming of putting a crown of any kind on another person indicates self-humiliation or inferiority complex. Dreaming of speaking as king or queen and having a crown placed on your head indicates that there are strong desires to soar in politics, or at least the desire to enter into social relationships at a very high level. Dreaming about being a spectator during a coronation, especially in the case of a king or queen, indicates that you want to relate to high society personalities. When a woman…

…(Ali bin Abi Talib, God bless his countenance, cousin and son in-law of God’s Messenger, upon whom be peace.) Seeing him in a dream means victory over one’s enemy. Seeing him in a place or a mosque where people are mourning him or performing the funeral prayer on him or carrying his coffin or prostrating to him in a dream means becoming a Shia or gathering one’s strength for a rebellion or to create divisiveness, or it could mean hypocrisy. If a scholar sees him in a dream, it means that he will earn increased knowledge, asceticism, reverence and strength. Seeing him in a dream also means capture by one’s enemy, migrating from one country to another and mostly to die as a martyr. Seeing Ali in a dream also means having a blessed progeny, vanquishing one’s enemy, presiding over the believers, hardships during travels, booty, manifestation of blessings…

…(Spiritual guide | Letter carrier | Lighthouse | Minaret of a mosque) In a dream, the minaret of a mosque represents a righteous man who fosters unity and love between people, who calls them to live by their religious covenant and guides them on the path of God Almighty. If a minaret is demolished in a dream, it represents the death of such a spiritual guide, fading of his name, dispersal of his community, and perhaps it could lead to the reversal of their conditions. The minaret of the city’s central mosque in a dream represents a letter carrier, or a guide calling people to God’s path. Falling down from the top of a minaret into a well in a dream means marrying a strong minded woman who uses vicious expressions, when one already has a pious wife with whom he enjoys peace and tranquility. It also means losing…

If you dream of seeing an antiques it represents your past and old roots. This dream shows something unique and exclusive about you. Make sure you keep good values from your past, as it might be very useful in the future. If you dream of seeing antiques, but not enjoying the view of it, it represents that some things in the past did harm you and now you are suffering from it. The other meaning of this dream could be , that you trying to avoid something, which you should not.

…(.arb. Jumu’a, the sixth day of the week.) Recognizing Friday, the sixth day of the week in which the believers gather for their congregational prayers in a dream means receiving God’s blessings, recuperating a lost property, receiving compensation for one’s losses, and changes in his financial conditions from tightness to ease. If one sees people gathered to pray the congregational Friday prayers at the grand mosque while he is still in his house or shop, and if he hears the call and segments of their prayers, or if he suspects people to be leaving the mosque to return to their homes in the dream, it means loss of his status in that town. If one joins the congregational prayers in the dream, it means that he will receive protection and honor in that town. If one thinks it is Friday in his dream, then the meaning will be more…

…Dreaming that you are being shaved, portends that you will let imposters defraud you. To shave yourself, foretells that you will govern your own business and dictate to your household, notwithstanding that the presence of a shrew may cause you quarrels. If your face appears smooth, you will enjoy quiet, and your conduct will hot be questioned by your companions. If old and rough, there will be many squalls or, the matrimonial sea. If your razor is dull and pulls your face, you will give your friends cause to criticize your private life. If your beard seems gray, you will be absolutely devoid of any sense of justice to those having claims upon you. For a woman to see men shaving, foretells that her nature will become sullied by indulgence in gross pleasures. If she dreams of being shaved, she will assume so much masculinity that men will turn…

It means the end of a moral or material dependence, unless we are kneeling before it, in which case it portends sorrows.