To dream that you became a volunteer denotes to your desire to help others. Perhaps you are trying to find the real answers to the questions of the life, therefore you become a volunteer to help those that have worse conditions of the life, than you have.

If we reach the summit of the mountain that indicates that in real life we will achieve our goals, and if we are more spiritual that indicates that we will achieve spiritual elevation. If we just reached the summit and we fall or we do not get to the top we will not achieve success due to weakness of character.

Dream of your mother represents the maternal side of your personality. Mothers provide protection, comfort, life, support and love. Some people may have problems to break free from their mothers and are looking for their own individuality and development. Having a specific conversation with your mother represents an issue that is concerning you and you don’t know yet how to solve it. On the other hand reflects unsolved problems in the relationship with your mother in real life. Hearing to your mother calling you in a dream means you were negligent on duties and you will have concerns. Hearing your mother screaming in a dream denotes a certain disease or affliction.

…When a woman dreams of being a queen, and she’s young and single, it suggests that she wants to get married, have luxuries, and to live with particularly economic commodities. However, if she’s married, then this dream suggests that she wants luxury, wealth, material assets and a total absence of problems. In some cases this dream means the desire of a change in life that leads you towards self-improvement, when you have intellectual, artistic or spiritual ambitions. Dreaming that you are a grumpy queen, who is badly dressed, suggests that this is the state that you hold in real life, perhaps as a result of negative people who are always bothering you, humiliating you, or criticizing you. Dreaming of traveling next to the queen of a nation suggests that you crave for social success, distinctions and honors of political nature, for example, but they have little chance of realization….

…The ink in dreams announces good news, except in those cases when the ink pours or spills, if it happens so, then such dream announces discord. If the ink is black in dreams, then it foretells the imminent arrival of a family member or a friend that we value. If it is red, then it is a sign that our behavior could be misunderstood. If the ink is green, as in real life, it is a symbol of hope. Dreaming of seeing the ink stained clothes indicates the fact that there are slanders and intrigues around the dreamer. There is also a possibility of gossip you should be mindful about. This meaning is particularly serious if a young woman dreams about it. If you see yourself with ink on the fingers, then it shows that you are being jealous and if the ink is red, then it represents the…

…Dreaming of a shop being ruined is a threat of disaster in real life. The closed shop ensures that serious problems lie ahead. A well-organized and carefully packed store is an excellent omen of material and spiritual wealth. – If we see ourselves being exposed in the window, then such dream reveals a strong inferiority complex….

Dreaming of a trainer performance in front of a wild animal implies that in real life the dreamer is fighting his or her own weakness of character, which prevents the dreamer to clearly see the opportunities that there are in life. This dream suggests that the dreamer feels admiration for those who are easy to dominate others wills.

Dreaming of being short-sighted without actually being short-sighted in real life, indicates ignorance of one-self, which will produce bad results. It also implies infidelity from the dreamer’s partner. Dreaming that a romantic partner is short-sighted implies that this person is indifferent to the love of the dreamer.

Dreaming of climbing a mountain is a good dream, and it indicates self-improvement with probabilities of success. But if the dreamer fails in his attempt of going up the mountain and falls, then it indicates the opposite. When a young woman dreams of climbing a mountain in company of a male relative, it suggests that she will be the victim of gossip and slander. However, if she seems tired and she refuses the man’s help or other people’s help, it indicates that in real life she’ll waste the opportunity of self-improvement. Dreaming of climbing a mountain covered with lush vegetation is a symbol that there will be improvement in matters that are being handled. But if the mountain is rugged, without any vegetation, and the dreamer does not get to the summit, then it indicates that the dreamer must work hard to achieve his or her goals.

Dreaming of shooting a gun means you have ambition and know your life goals. Your plans to achieve them are successful. If you shoot another person directly, this represents your aggression and anger towards that person. To dream that someone shoots you, can mean that in real life you are experiencing confrontation and may feel a victim of this situation.

If you are being hooded, it means that you are hiding something from the others. You don’t want to show your real face or you are afraid of something, because it might harm you.

This dream reveals that in real life we are accumulating resentment, fear and contempt for others. When we see our home invaded by insects, earwigs or louses that reveals our fear of judgments and gossip from others. If the insects attack us, it shows that there are people that we cannot control despite how we consider them inferior to us. If the insects become gigantic and they corner us they represent bosses who are feared and despised at once. If we perceive the inconvenience of insects but without feelings of rejection, fear or repulsion they reflect minor discomfort, loss or concerns that accompany a task that has become tedious for us.

Shooting in a dream can be meaningless. Dream representation of a real noise.

…Surgery in a dream represents the real limb which is operated on in one’s dream. If a young man or a young woman see themselves having an operation where their chest is opened, or having an open heart surgery for example in a dream, it means that they are in love. As for elderly people, it means distress. Having a minor surgery on the thumb in a dream means signing a loan. (Also see Body 1 | Chest)…

…If we are criminals indicates that in real life we feel guilty of having committed some injustice. If it’s someone else, it predicts scandal and disgrace….

Dreaming that you are looking for a job means you are not satisfied in real life. It represents your current job satisfaction. It may also mean that something should be done immediately. To dream of work indicates that you experience anxiety over a project. It may also mean that you need some rest. Dreams about previous work, means experience should be applied to your current situation. To dream of hard work may suggest success and merit. Alternatively, you can suggest anxiety about a job or current project.

…The kettle in dreams is interpreted as the symbol of your everyday life. There is a possibility that you pay too much attention to minor things instead of seeing the real problems. If the kettle is boiling, then such dream denotes to good choices you’ve made in your career. If the kettle which you see in the dream is whistling, then such dream indicates the patience you have lost. You are no longer able to control your anger and disappointment….

…To dream that something of your property is on fire, and the fire is stunning, it suggests that you’re at risk of losing something, and it’s worse if there are victims in such fire. In case there are no victims, and you can see yourself as a spectator, then it suggests that your enemies or competitors are losing their chance to beat you. To dream about a bright and smokeless fire suggests that you enjoy inner-peace, which will give you great opportunities to succeed in life. To dream that you’re handling fire without getting burned announces major successes. To dream about a place where a fire occurred suggests grudge, revenge, and resentment towards others and from others towards you. To dream about a major fire when in you’re real life you’re planning a trip suggests that the trip will be successful and enjoyable. For a person linked to an…

If, during the dream, it’s the dreamer himself/herself who’s shaking, and the trembling is caused by fear of something or a decease, this is usually a warning that you need to take care of yourself if you wish to avoid any inconvenience or condition that you may suffer. This dream is provided that the trembling is not real and the person is already suffering some kind of illness that’s making him/her shake.

…Dreaming of pastry, denotes that you will be deceived by some artful person. To eat it, implies heartfelt friendships. If a young woman dreams that she is cooking it, she will fail to deceive others as to her real intentions. See Pies….

If it is a pipe or ourselves, it means that there is a fact that we have not been able to assimilate in real life. If it is a car or vehicle in which we travel, it means we have made a mistake.

If you have got the tattoo in a dream, then such dream could reflect your real desire to get a tattoo. On the other hand, the dream could indicate your desire to be noticeable and seen by others. Many people look very similar and to get the tattoo is one of the ways to be individual. Those who have the tattoos in their waking life, know more about their meanings and importance as the symbols which represent them as the individuals.

The dream in which you are awakening denotes to the duality of your mind. Perhaps you are feeling lost and not sure of what is real and what is fake. The dream could also symbolize the desire to get help from others. The dream about waking up could imply to the things that are lacking in your life. Perhaps there are some factors that have not been fulfilled completely.

The Island symbolizes helter, security and freedom. If our island is sinister and uninhabited that reflects the despair and helplessness of our timidity. If we take refuge on an island fleeing from our enemies, then that reflects the desire to escape from our current conditions. If the island has many people on it, then it means that in real life we feel alone and we fight to find new friends and companions.

(Planet) In a dream, the planet Saturn represents subjugation, rulership, deputyship, power of attorney, or seeking any of the above. If one sees the planet Saturn close to the moon in dream, it means that he is thinking of business expansion, real estate, properties, or buildings. The planet Saturn in a dream also represents a person who lives in the wilderness and mixes with wildlife, buffalos, dears, peacock, francolin, parrots, or any beautiful looking animal, or it could represent a caterpillar, silk, or a stripped fabric denoting an architect, or a caller to prayers, or any courteous employee who willingly and wholeheartedly serves others. The planet Saturn in a dream also means punishment, poverty, business losses or adversities.

Dreaming of a flagman or being a flagman means that we are on track to a professional promotion that will be good or bad according to the consequences that occur in the dream. Being a flagman in a match in which a brilliant victory is achieved without great losses, means that we already have the necessary skills and knowledge to successfully perform the promotion or the responsibility. If the victory is bloody, it means that we are not prepared for such promotion. And that we may be tempted to use unethical methods to achieve it. But if in our dream our side is losing, we must consider whether to reject the proposition or a job that is above our real possibilities and can eventually be disastrous under all concepts.

…Dreaming about your legs means that you have recovered your security and you will take control of your life again. Dreaming that your legs are weak means that, from the emotional point of view, you feel vulnerable. Dreaming that you have wounds on your legs or that you can’t walk represents the lack of balance or independence in your life. Dreaming that you have three or more legs means that you include too many actions in your real life. It’s better to do a few things properly rather than doing too many badly….

To see something sunk is a good omen. It announces an inheritance or a promotion at work. To sink yourself indicates obstacles in any sphere, unless we are tired in real life, in which case it means we need a vacation.

If you dream of the want, then such dream indicates the wishes you have in your real life. On the other hand, the want could indicate your ability to achieve particular goals.

Dreaming of having a mustache, when in real life you don’t have one, is a warning which indicates that your own vanity and selfishness will cause different problems, especially in the emotional and social areas of your life. When a man dreams of shaving his mustache off, it suggests that he want important changes in all aspects of his life. When a woman dreams of admiring a man’s mustache is warning that there is a risk of starting behaving in an illicit way.

Getting into possession of real estate.

Being indecisive in a dream means you’re like this in real life and that you live in constant uncertainty and distrust, the reason why you lost opportunities and other important things in life. This indicates your doubt about your own abilities as the main reason to feel insecurity. This dream usually is a self-reproach for acting with falsehood, hypocrisy and with intent to harm other people, in which case the dreamer is an unreliable person.

To show it in dreams is a guarantee of your determination to achieve your goals in real life.

It is always about little annoyances, sometimes real, something unreal.

The woods shows your connection with the nature. There is also a possibility that you feel the lack of connection with the real world, because of the work and responsibilities you do in daily life. If you are lost in the woods, then you are looking for the exit of some situation, but have no idea how to solve it, therefore you feel confused. Otherwise, being lost in the woods promises riches, but only if you are poor. Walking around in the woods picking up the berries, mushrooms and enjoying the nature while dreaming shows your inner harmony.

…he saw,’ for what one sees in such a dream is the truth which resides in the realms of the unseen. In the second saying, when God’s Prophet, upon whom be peace, said – “It is as if he has truly seen me,” it means that if one had seen him during the time of delivering God’s massage, the example will be the same. Thus, the first saying signifies what is real and true while the second saying implies the physical reality and its example. If one sees God’s Prophet, upon whom be peace, coming toward him in a dream, it means blessings and benefits, and if one sees God’s prophet (uwbp) turning away from him in a dream, it means the opposite. Al-Qadi ‘Iyad, God bless his soul, in- terpreted the words of God’s Prophet (uwbp) in his saying – “Has truly seen me,” to mean – “has truly…

…When we deal with a volcanic eruption: the volcano symbolizes a sudden mutation of real life and the long-repressed passions that can get to explode with all virulence. If we manage to tame these passions they become a source of spiritual life. If it’s a skin rash, then the dream announces fears, concerns and problems painful to bear….

If you see the nativity in a dream, then such dream shows the new features you have found in yourself you didn’t know you have. The dream also shows the understanding of the real meaning of life where the most important things are the spiritual ones and definitely not the material ones.

…in the immediate future, there will be some short trips made and some issues that disturb your tranquility will be controlled. Dreaming about being worried about losing your own car, but then finding it, indicates that these setbacks, you’re experiencing, will disappear soon. The solutions and the time in which you find the car are the same you’ll solve your problems in real life. Dreaming of a new luxury car indicates that you want to have, though not luxurious. It also means the visit of very dearly people, or that you will have to make a short trip to visit someone simply for affection and pleasure. Dreaming of driving a luxury car, especially if it’s black, it insinuates diseases because of neglecting your health. This is actually a warning so you can avoid greater evils. Dreaming of simply driving indicates that you are restless, despite of having nice living conditions;…

Seeing that you’re left-handed in your dream, if you are not in real life, shows that you will receive aid and protection in your decisions.