…(arb. Minor Hajj | Pilgrimage | Visiting God’s House in Mecca) Performing the minor pilgrimage to God’s House in Mecca during the great pilgrimage season signifies the end of one’s life, or it could mean reaching the peak of one’s illness. Performing the minor pilgrimage also known in Arabic as ‘Umrah in a dream also could mean increase in one’s wealth, longevity, success in one’s life, or acceptance of one’s prayers. (Also see Pilgrimage | Rituals of the pilgrimage | Sa’i)…
Dream dictionary: rebuilding a house dream meanings
…in a dream represent adversities and distress for their owner, or for the person seeing the dream. A domesticated swine in a dream means good harvest, prosperity, or satisfying one’s needs and desires. Seeing a swine in a dream also may mean presiding over people of opposing or diverse opinions, or it could mean divorce, evil happenings, spendthrift, acquiring demonic nature, earning illegal money, or having a large progeny. If a pig causes harm to someone in a dream, it represents the perfidy of one’s rival. Swine’s milk in a dream represents a heartbreaking loss of money, or it could mean committing a major sin. If one sees little pigs entering his house in a dream, it represents an official inspection of one’s private life. If one sees himself kicking little pigs out of his house in a dream, it means that he will resign from working for the government….
…To dream that you’re always sick indicates that your affairs are not going well and that they’ll continue to worsen; also this type of dream usually refers to your health. To dream that a friend or loved one is sick suggests that your family or friends are likely to suffer a misfortune that will also affect you. To dream that any person is suffering any kind of disease, or if you’re the patient, announces complicated problems for you, so you should review all your matters before taking action, without neglecting your health. To dream that a nurse is staying at your house, suggests upcoming diseases and other problems, for example: the visit of unpleasant people. To dream that a nurse leaves your house suggests that everything is doing well, including your health. If a young woman dreams that she is a nurse, it suggests that her friends appreciate her….
…(Reverie | Satellite) The moon in a dream represents a just ruler, his chief minister, a great scholar, a handsome looking boy, a tyrant, or a liar. Seeingthe moon as it is in the skies in a dream represents the chief minister of the land. Seeing the moon sitting in one’s lap in a dream means getting married. Sitting in the moonlight and talking to one’s friend in a dream means reverie and idle talk. If a woman sees that the moon has fallen inside her house, then if she takes it and wraps it in a swaddle in a dream, it means that she will beget a son who will shortly die after his birth and she will suffer great sorrow from his loss. Seeing the moon turned to the dark side in a dream means dismissal of the chief minister from his post. Seeing the moon advancing…
…In a dream, a turtle represents a woman who likes to adorn herself and to make herself noticeable to please men. A turtle in a dream is also interpreted as a man of knowledge, or a chief justice, because she is most knowledgeable and God fearing amongst the sea creatures. In a dream, a turtle therefor could represent a devout worshipper who reads the scrolls of God’s prophet Abraham, upon whom be peace, or any of the holy scriptures. Seeing a pet turtle in a house or a town in a dream means that the people of knowledge in that locality are well respected. Seeing a turtle living in a dump, then it represents a knowledgeable person living in the midst of ignorant people who care little about learning anything from him. Eating a turtle in a dream means profits, benefits, or money. If one sees a turtle inside…
…To dream of seeing this vine running over and covering any house, is a sign of poverty, particularly if the ivy grows thick and abundant: if you dream that it covers your own house, the sign is still more sure: for a farmer to dream that he sees ivy covering a tree, denotes bad crops. A girl who dreams of being in a bower covered with ivy, will probably marry a poor and shiftless man. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 2….
…To dream of having your house or place of business whitewashed, is an excellent omen, as it promises you good health, and a good name and repute among your friends: if a woman dreams of whitewashing her house, or any part of it, it foretells that she will have a son who will be distinguished, or that some act of hers will attract public attention. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 42, 77….
For the healthy people it indicates gain and profit and troubles or inquietude represents for sick people. If the bees bring the honey in any part of the house, then it means that happiness, dignity, success will visit your home, but damages to the enemies of the house. Take them, profit and gain. Kill them, loss and ruin.
…(zool.) By God’s leave, a bat was one of the many signs of God’s prophet Jesus son of Marry, upon both of them be peace. In a dream, a bat may represent a monk. It also means glad tidings for a pregnant woman. Seeing a bat in a dream is not considered as a good omen for a traveller. If a bat flies into a house in a dream, it means the demolition of that house or the separation of that family. A bat in one’s dream also represents a witch, or an unjust person who may have suffered from deprivation in his childhood. A bat in a dream also signifies blindness, heedlessness, a child of adultery, or a bastard son. In a dream, a bat also means hiding from people because of one’s evildoing, such as theft or eavesdropping. Seeing a bat in a dream also means the…
…(Money | Sun-dried bricks) Seeing blocks of adobes in a dream signify money. Each adobe represents a denomination often, thousand or one hundred thousand units of money, depending on the type of work one does in wakefulness. If adobes are used for construction in a dream, then they mean good work, good deeds or they could represent a religious person. An adobe in a dream also represents a servant. Building a house with adobes in a dream means unity and love between the father and his children. If an adobe falls to the ground in a dream, it means the death of a sick person or disunity in the family or dispersal of one’s children. Manufacturing adobes in a dream means increase in the number of one’s workers or employees. Each adobe represents a worker. Building a house with adobes in a dream also means leadership. Apileof adobes in…
…(Beads | Garden | Glass | Pearls | Ribs | Silver | World) A beautiful looking woman in a dream represents a year of comfort, peace and prosperity. A woman in a dream also represents a coffer, one’s store, or his hiding place. A woman in a dream also represents the earth, the world or a graveyard, for one returns to it after that he cames out of it. A woman in a dream also represents a prison, a confidant, a tree, a well, an inkwell, a house, or a partner who shares wealth and pleasure with the husband. Seeing a beautiful woman entering one’s house in a dream means joy and happiness, money that will not last, or the reversal of one’s condition from harsh to amiable. A fat woman in a dream represents a prosperous year. Seeing an unknown woman in a dream has better connotations than…
…(Thief | Trifler | Womanizer | Year) In a dream, a wolf represents a fierce enemy, an unrelenting thief, or a liar. If one sees a wolf entering his house in a dream, it means that a thief will burglarize his house and that he will chase and capture him. If one sees himself raising a wolfs cub in a dream, it means that he will raise an abandoned child of a thief who upon growing up will bring that family much pain, suffering, divisiveness and loss of property. Seeing a wolf in a dream also could represent false allegations one may fabricate to assault an innocent person. If one sees a wolf turning into a steer in the dream, it means that a boy who is used to stealing will repent for his sin, turn to honesty, trustworthiness and grow to become a good and a generous person….
…In a dream, a barn represents profits, provisions, fodder, food, savings, coffer, bag, one’s house, one’s shop or one’s farm. (Also see Carriage house | Stableman)…
…To dream of traveling by railroad, foretells to people who keep house that they will break up their establishment: to young persons it indicates the loss of their home: to lovers it is a sign that if they marry they will not keep house long, if at all. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 3, 11, 33….
…Drink it warm, means danger to be apprehended from an incensed enemy, as harsh as the water is warm in a dream. Drink cold water, signifies tranquility of the soul, devoted friends. Water in general, abundance and multiplication. Holy Water, symbolizes purity, health. Warm water, danger of illness through sickness. Leap into water means persecutions. See water over your head, walk on it, symbolizes triumph, success. Water coming from a spot where it cannot be found, portends cares, torments, afflictions. Collect up some water, trouble proportionate to the quantity of water that has been collected. See it dry up means good times. Water carried in a broken pitcher, linen, or other thing which could not contain it, signifies losses, damages through abuse of confidence, or thefts in the house. When the water is not spilled or lost, absolute greatness of property. Concealment of this same water or what has…
…(Candor | Eagle | Enemy | Evil | Imbecile | Thieves) A vulture in a dream represents a stupid, abominable and a lewd person. When seen during a daylight dream, it means a grievous illness. If one sees a vulture inside his house in a dream, it means sending help to assist someone in difficulty. Capturing a vulture in a dream means a fight or war. A flock of vultures descending upon a town in a dream represent an occupying army with merciless soldiers who will plunder such town. If a sick person sees a vulture inside his house in a dream, it means the approach of his death. As for a tanner and a potter, or the like craftsmen, seeing a vulture in a dream means profits or benefits. As for physicians or sick people, a vulture in their dream purports evil. In general, vultures in a dream…
…To dream of white horses foretokens good luck of various kinds; of black horses, serious misfortune in the shape of accidents (frequently on the water), deaths, loss of money or property, violent quarrels and rupture in love affairs; of roan-coloured horses, journeys; of grey horses, good fortune in many forms, viz.: legacies, presents, success in love affairs and work; of brown horses, nothing in particular; of chestnut horses, danger of all sorts, from fire, water, and other accidents, from assaults, and from illness. To quote even half the horse-dreams that have been told me would fill a book, so I must content myself with merely quoting a few. Shortly before a violent rupture with her husband, which terminated in a divorce, one lady I met told me she had dreamed she heard a loud neighing outside her house, and, on looking out of the window, saw a gigantic black…
…no longer giving the access to your life to that certain person. If you see the front door of the house or any other place, then it shows your communication skills to the outside world. If you left the doors open, then it means you are open to new ideas and opportunities the life has prepared to you. If you see the doors that are made out of glass, then it shows the invisible shelter you have while dealing with your daily life and people that includes it. If you see the house or any other place that has no doors, then it means you are unable to escape some situation in your waking life. The dream, in which you see someone waiting at the door, signifies your attitude towards that person and the fact if you are going to open it for him or keep it closed. The dream,…
It symbolizes the separation between two worlds and between two stages of life. The dream foretells that you are approaching a crucial point of your life in which the orientation of your desires and ambitions will change. To stop in front of the threshold of a house and wish to take the first step, then it signifies about your desire to join some community, but you didnt make up your mind completely yet. If you stop in front of the threshold of some house, but do not cross it, then it shows how much you are protecting yourself.
This dream is almost always an indicator that important events will change our lives, due to a big change to which we must adapt. If in the dream youre about to cross the threshold of a house, you have to consider the kind of people youre going to find in there, the characteristics of the house and the entire atmosphere in it, to give proper meaning to the dream.
…To dream of seeing large logs around, is a sign that yon will soon move into a new house; but if you imagine that you are splitting the logs, it will spoil all this, for it shows that you will want a house badly without being able to get one to your mind. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 21, 18….
If you see the doll house in a dream, then it shows the perfection you are seeking while dealing with your personal life. Perhaps you wish things to be perfect, but you must understand that things changes and you never know what to expect from the others or the future. On the other hand, the doll house could reflect to life you have in reality.
…If you dream that you are looking at old ruins, or castles, or buildings, it is a sign you will travel in distant countries: to dream of the ruins of a house that has been burnt down, foretells that you will experience a loss of property: if, in your dream, you see the ruins of a house that has fallen down, it denotes the death of a friend or acquaintance. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 5, 12, 60….
…(Meat | Sheep) To see a slaughtered and skinned sheep hanging in one’s house in a dream means death in such a house. Herding sheep in a dream means presiding over people. Owning a herd of sheep or managing them in a dream means wealth and profits. Eating mutton meat in a dream means prosperity. (Also see Meat)…
…nasty “turns” by enemies, failures in work.I have often dreamed about fish. I remember once having a very vivid dream about a shark.I fancied I was bathing in a fresh-water pool close to the house where I was staying, when, to my surprise and horror, I suddenly saw the fin of a shark bearing straight down on me. I shouted for help, and the next moment found myself falling down a well with the shark, an enormous white shark, in full pursuit of me. On arriving at the bottom, I was abruptly transferred to the drawing-room of a house I had not visited or thought of for at least twenty years, when the first thing I saw on the tea-table, its baleful eyes fixed on mine with a malicious grin, was the head of the shark.I awoke in fear and trembling as indeed I might after such a startling…
…To dream that a house is jarred or shook by an earthquake, an explosion, or anything that may occur outside, is a sign that the head of the family in that house will be sick. Jars of preserved fruit or jellies, seen in a dream, are good omens; if you dream you are presented with one or more of them, it shows you will be long lived and thrifty. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 15, 39….
…one of the houses and fell in a heap at her feet.She then saw to her horror that it was metamorphosed into her father, and, sure enough, the very next day, she received a telegram to say that her father had died, quite unexpectedly, in the night. She also dreamed, a day or two before the death of her greatest friend that she was travelling by rail with two greyhounds seated opposite her in the same compartment. Another person told me; that, shortly before a fire in her house, she had a curious dream about a mastiff. The creature entered the room in which she was sitting, and suddenly flew at the hearthrug and tore it to pieces.Another lady I once questioned as to her dreams informed me that she had been engaged three times, and that prior to the termination of each engagement she had dreamed of a dachshund.There…
…(Fowl | Man | Woman) An unknown bird in a dream represents the angel of death. If one sees a bird diving to the ground to pick a pebble, a paper, or a worm, then if he soars away from a house that hosts a sick person in a dream, it means that the sick person will shortly die from his illness. If one sees a bird diving toward him in a dream, it means a journey. If one sees him standing over his head, or over his shoulders, or sitting in his lap in a dream, it denotes one’s work or profession. If the bird is white in the dream, it means that one’s work is clean, If his color is tanned in the dream, it means that one’s work is tainted. If a male bird sits in the lap of a pregnant woman in a dream, it…
…harvest unless it soaks the earth and disappear quickly, then it indicates loss of property and humiliations. If there are leaks in a house without rain, it announces mourning in that house. If it is just a leak, it means suffering and danger for the dreamer. If water runs through the walls, it indicates mourning relatives or friends. Seeing water flows inside a property of the dreamer, it announces great material prosperity accompanied by good feelings. Walking on water tells us we are going through a dangerous period. If we sink, we are in great danger. Seeing a lot of water stirred by strong waves indicates sorrows, if it reflects ourselves, it clearly indicates that we will achieve wealth, and if it reflects us more beautiful than we really are, it means we will find love in others. Drinking cold water presages health; and cold, disease. Taking a cold water…
…(Sing. Jinni) A creation from a smokeless fire. Among the Jinn, some are believers while others are satans. This is in contrast to human beings who are created from earth and among them some are believers and others are human satans. Jinn in a dream represent fraud, deceit, cunning, perfidy, treachery, theft, alcoholism, invented religious practices, travels, music, bars, tricks, sleight of hand, illusion, sorcery and magic. If one is transformed into a Jinni in a dream, it means that he will acquire such qualities. If one meets a Jinni who displays truthfulness, knowledge and wisdom which is recognizable by the person in the dream it means that he will receive good news. Seeing Jinn standing by one’s door in a dream means losses, a vow that must be fulfilled, or experiencing bad luck. Seeing Jinn entering one’s house and doing work there in a dream means that thieves…
…suffer from people’s slander and backbiting. He will also lose his good reputation to people’s envy and evil qualities and he will live in tight financial conditions. If one becomes an angel in a dream, it means that he will receive honor, power, overcome his adversities, dispel his distress and win his freedom, or it could mean that he will rise in station. If one sees the angels greeting him and shaking hands with him in a dream, it means that God Almighty will endow him with wisdom, clarity and insight. Angels in a dream also represent one’s closest witnesses, guardians, police officers or the emissar- ies of a ruler. Wrestling with an angel in a dream means loss of status. Wrestling with an angel in a dream also means suffering from distress, trouble, humiliation and falling in rank. Seeing angels entering one’s house in a dream means that a…
…father died, and I dreamed one huge magpie flew in at the door and perched on one of the knobs at the foot of my bed, exactly a week before the death of my eldest son.”I, too, have dreamed of magpies, and, as in the case I have just quoted, the dreams have always occurred shortly before a death. The night a very near relative of mine died, I dreamed a large number of magpies flew in at my window; and the day before a dog to which I was very much attached was run over and killed, I dreamed two magpies settled on my shoulder, and that I could not make them go. Also, when I was living in a big, rambling house in Cornwall, I dreamed a raven flew down the chimney and pecked me vigorously three times on the hand. Indeed, the pecks hurt me so much…
…means the death of such a great person. Dividing the meat of a ram in a dream means dividing the wealth of a great person after his death. Sacrificing a ram to eat and to distribute from its meat as a charity to poor and needy people in the dream means the release of a prisoner, his escape from capture, dispelling distress and worries, payment of one’s debts, attending the annual pilgrimage to God’s House in Mecca, or recovering from an illness. Slaughtering and skinning a ram then hanging it in a dream means stripping one’s enemy from his money and wealth. Seeing a skinned ram inside one’s house in a dream means the death of a relative. If it is the leg of a ram, then it means the death of the closest relative. Broiling a ram in a dream means governing for one year after which period one…
…To dream of leaving your mother’s house is a bad omen whence you extricate yourself with difficulty, elevation in dignity. If returning to your mothers house or return to your native country, if you have been away, then it means reunion of relatives and friends. Dwell with mother means peace, security. To see her, gain. Speak to her happy times. See her dead, peril in person or in goods….
…(Concealment | Gloom | Dream | Life | Rains | Skies | Soldiers | Sufferings | Vapor | Water) In a dream, clouds represent the course of life which provides people with rainwater to drink, water to wash their dirt, water for their crops and sustenance. Clouds in a dream also represent knowledge, understanding, wisdom, clarity as they show the divine kindness. Clouds in a dream also represent an army or friends who carry the water and the water represents life and the original element from which they were created. Clouds in a dream also represent ships, airplanes, or if they are black or carry stones or bring thunder, then they represent the antagonistic character of a leader who deprives his people from their rights or causes them to suffer through restrictive laws or harsh mandates. If one sees a cloud inside his house or descending upon him in…
…(Armistice | Cease fire | Cessation) Negotiating a truce, or witnessing one between two armies in a dream means cessation of fear, relaxing, recovering of a sick person from his illness, caring for the wounded, extending the chances of one’s survival, profits, business, marriage, rebuilding, doing good, or perform- ing one’s prayers….
If you dream about seeing the jockey, then such dream indicates some unexpected present you will receive shortly. If the jockey was thrown away from the house, then such dream represents that your help will be asked by unknown people.
…(Column base | Plinth) A column base or a plinth in a dream represents scholars, their circles, or their study room. A column base in a dream also could represent unmarried women, one’s wife, knowledge, a trade, or a craft, or religious precepts. Building or owning a column base in a dream also could signify marriage, children, guidance, knowledge, or a chronic illness. The column base of a mosque in a dream represents pious people and the column base of a house represent chaste women….