If you dream about the echo, then it means that someone doesn’t hear you or doesn’t believe you, therefore much of work will have to be done in order to be heard by that particular person. If you are making an echo in wildness, then you are going to suffer from illness or will become free from all your worries.

…Dancing in a dream means a calamity. If one sees himself dancing for someone else in a dream, it means that he will share his problems with him. Dancing alone in one’s house in a dream signifies joy and satisfaction. If a sick person sees himself dancing in a dream, it denotes his anxiety. If one is pulled to a dancing circle in a dream, it means that he will be saved from tribulation or be declared innocent from false allegations. If a child is seen dancing in a dream, then it means that he may lose his speech or become dumb, because when a child dances, he mostly moves his hands to express himself. If a prisoner sees himself dancing in a dream, it means that he will be set free. Dancing on top of a table, a raised stage or on top of a hill in a…

To dream of the bird swallow means that you should try harder in your life instead of flying around. Otherwise, the dream shows that you wish to be free just like a bird.

…(Splice | Entwine | Twine) To splice a rope or a thread, or to twist a rope around oneself, or to whorl it around a spindle, or to make a bobbin in a dream means undertaking a journey. If it comes out thin in the dream, then the outcome of one’s journey is meager. If the rope comes out thick and strong in the dream, it means that the outcome of one’s journey is beneficial. If the twisting of the rope or the thread is easy in the dream, it means that one’s endeavor is free from constraint. If one sees himself plucking the hair of his beard and twisting it like a rope in a dream, it means that he will receive a bribe to make a false testimony in court. Twisting a rope or a thread in a dream also could mean signing a contract, establishing a…

…(Auditory meatus | Cerumen) If one sees himself cleaning the yellowish waxlike secretion found in the canal of his external ear, or if he is cleaning it from someone else’s ears in a dream, it means that he will acquire a needed antidote or poison or become free from the plot of envious people. If one cleanse his ears from earwax or from other dirt in a dream, it means that he will hear good and pleasing news. If one sees himself eating the earwax he extracts from his own ears in a dream, it means that he is a child molester. Cleaning the wax of one’s ears in a dream also means hearing pleasing news. (Also see Ear)…

Dreaming that you obtain a visa to visit other countries represents that you feel isolated and want to free yourself. On the other hand, it can mean that you want certain things to happen.

Being on shipboard and to see a clear light in the distance means that a sea voyage is free from all manner of storms or dangers, and successful future is beyond expectation. See a great number of lights, denotes profit, riches.

The foot in dreams is known as the symbol of stability, but only if it is in a healthy condition. The foot that is broken, injured or hurt, signifies your desire to be more independent and free. On the other hand, the injured foot could represent the wrong path that you have chosen. To get more detailed dream interpretation about the foot please see the meaning of Feet.

…sold. Being auctioned in a dream means evil. To sell means to part with. In a dream, the buyer is the seller and the seller is a buyer. Selling means giving preference and value to the merchandise. If what is being sold is worldly, the preference is then given to one’s benefits in the hereafter. Selling in a dream also means exchanging one condition with another. However, bartering in a dream means to exchange the benefit of things, or to share them. If for example one sees himself in a dream trading something of no value for something precious, and if he is a warrior, it means that he will die as a martyr. Selling a free man in a dream means rotation of power and reaching a praiseworthy end. As it happened in the story of Joseph son of Jacob, upon both of them be peace. (See Introduction)…

Dreaming of walking or trying to walk in a quagmire, mud or swamp, is a warning which tells you that you’ll suffer humiliations and insults. But if you walk on clean and clear dirt that is very wet, soft, and gummy, then it indicates that soon you will be free of the acknowledged attacks.

Indicates that you will know how to free yourself from ties which make your existence difficult.

…A man to dream he takes a wife shows prosperity. To see her die, that he’ll be free from adversity….

The floodlights shows that you wish to see things as clear as it is possible. You pay a lot of attention to one particular thing, person or situation that takes a lot of your free time. The floodlight that burns out signifies that you will be out of sight and won’t know how to deal or escape the particular situation.

…(Bewitch | Free | Gecko | Independent | Wall gecko | Witch) Seeing a lizard in a dream means greed, gluttony, or difference in opinion and taste. A lizard in a dream also represents a person who swindles people’s money. It also means a sickness, or it could represent a wicked, damned and abhorred person, or a lonesome person. Perhaps seeing a lizard in a dream may mean suspicious or tainted money, someone of an unknown lineage, a reincarnated or transformed person in the form of a lizard. Noting here that transformation of the human being into another creature in reality represents a divine punishment, though it may not last for more than three days. God knows best. (Also see Wall gecko | Monitor | Transformation)…

To dream that you are riding on a horse is interpreted as your desire to be free or your will to control someone.

To see or use a harness in a dream, symbolizes controlled freedom. Also, it is an omen of deficiency to act free. Possibly you feel that you are being suppressed either by your own apprehension or by others. You need to explore more options in your life in order to act without restriction.

To run away from danger indicates luck. The kind of danger we run away from will tell us what we free ourselves from.

…Dreaming that you’re bleeding but you’re not feeling pain, and you can’t identify where the blood comes from, suggests that you long for breaking free from any annoying situation that prevents you from achieving what you have been trying to get for a long time. When the blood is abundant, then it means that the thing you crave for is very close, for example, succeeding in the affairs you have been handling. Dreaming of bloodstained clothes announce the presence of enemies that try to prevent that you succeed in the affairs or business that you are managing, therefore, you must be careful with your new friends and keep an eye on the old ones. Dreaming that you have blood on your hands announces a streak of bad luck if you are not careful with yourself or in the things you’re handling. Dreaming of a wound that hurts and makes…

To dream that you are using the tape, means that you want to make a special bound with someone particular, especially if you are the one who bought it. The tape could also mean that you feel too much of the attachment and wish to be free at some point of your life. You’re lacking of freedom.

(Under garment | Underpants) In a dream, a slip represents a free woman. A woman wearing an underwear slip in a dream denotes marriage. If she is wearing a flashy red slip in the dream, it means that she will be accused of wrongdoing. If a respectable woman adventures with her slip into the streets in a dream, it means that her misfortune will become the talk of the town.

Dream of your mother represents the maternal side of your personality. Mothers provide protection, comfort, life, support and love. Some people may have problems to break free from their mothers and are looking for their own individuality and development. Having a specific conversation with your mother represents an issue that is concerning you and you don’t know yet how to solve it. On the other hand reflects unsolved problems in the relationship with your mother in real life. Hearing to your mother calling you in a dream means you were negligent on duties and you will have concerns. Hearing your mother screaming in a dream denotes a certain disease or affliction.

…If we are left: If powerful people or our lover left us, it indicates the possibility to liberate ourselves from their influence. If our mother leaves us we will have economic problems. If it’s the father, it indicates our lack of will to realize our projects. When it’s our husband/wife it means there are some economic problems because of us. If it’s you who leaves someone: what we leave in this dream will indicate what or who torments us and what we must modify or what we must break free from. In every other case there will be problems and difficulties. In any case there are dreams in which our unconscious tells us something isn’t right inside us without reacting to any external suffering, and then we will go to the doctor who will clear up if we are ill without knowing it….

…Dreaming of dust covering you, denotes that you will be slightly injured in business by the failure of others. For a young woman, this denotes that she will be set aside by her lover for a newer flame. If you free yourself of the dust by using judicious measures, you will clear up the loss….

If you see a giant in your dreams maybe you’re feeling little in some part of your life. If you are the giant, it will mean the opposite, although you will have to carefully analyze the feelings that accompany that dream. Some authors claim that dreaming about giants represent all that we must overcome to free ourselves and expand our personality.

Dreaming of clean handrails of any kind suggests that the dreamer has a free path to develop plans and projects, with the probability of success. Dreaming of dirty, broken, or old railings is a warning that the people who the dreamer will have to negotiate with will be stubborn and resistant.

…represent good health. It also could mean correcting one’s religious and spiritual attitudes. In fact, it all depends on one’s own consciousness in his dream and how he perceives the bleeding of his nose. Thus, feeling bad about it or weak from it means poverty. If the blood stains his clothing in the dream, it means that he will receive unlawful money or commit a sin. If the blood does not stain his clothing, then he might walk free from an ill he had indulged in. If the blood from one’s nose drips on the road in the dream, it means that he regularly pays his due alms which he distributes to poor people in the streets. It is also said that seeing one’s nose bleeding in a dream means finding a lost treasure. Otherwise, it means distress and depression. (Also see Bleeding | Cut | Injury | Wound)…

…If you dream of seeking rank or advancement through the influence of others, your desires will fail to materialize | but if you are in an influential position, your prospects will assume a bright form. To see friends in high positions, your companions will be congenial, and you will be free from vexations….

…First we should see if there are sexual implications, in which case the meaning couldn’t be more evident. If that’s not the case, then: seeing ourselves naked equals seeing ourselves free of all hypocrisy. If we feel happy that reflects the tiredness of continually pretending like society imposes. In extreme cases it might reveal the desire to leave all social life. If the nakedness makes us uncomfortable then it reflects hopelessness, an impotence we experiment, socially or professionally. It can also represent shame of our own body. If we see other people naked it might mean sexual desire, or the desire to know the thoughts and intentions of others about us….

…To dream that you fall and are not frightened indicates that you are able to deal with your feelings and understand your emotions. Additionally, it represents that you‘re able to overcome your adversities with easiness. To dream that you fall and are frightened indicates negative emotions and the need of help. It also means that in some aspect of your life is a lack of control, feeling of insecurity and the need of support. Are you experiencing some major fight in overwhelming problem? To be afraid of falling in your dream may represent that you lost right path in your life. Maybe you have failed to achieve a goal that you have set forth for yourself. To dream that you are free-falling through water, symbolizes intense emotions. Are you feeling overwhelmed with emotional state of mind? You can feel that it is much easier to give up then to…

It represents all that we must overcome to free ourselves and expand our personality.

Dream of having hair that are black, short and crispy, signifies sadness and misfortune. Hair that are well combed indicates friendship, and free time of troublesome matters. Hair that are messy means annoyances, sorrows, outrages and fights. Hair falling out loss of friends, ideas or your own identity. Dream of being unable to brush your own hair from knots, problems and long period of difficulties. Dream of having the hair as long as a woman, and in waking life you are a man, effeminacy and weakness will come on your way. Dream of having it longer and even blacker than usual, increase in honor and riches. Dream of having the hair thinner than usual, affliction and poverty. Dream of seeing it growing white an exhausted treasury, annihilation of fortune or wisdom. Seeing a woman all bald, poverty and sickness. Seeing a man without a hair, abundance, riches and health.

…(Censure | Rebuke | Reprimand | Reproof) Blame in a dream signifies pursuing Satan in his evil actions and it means failing one’s promise. Blaming oneself in a dream means doubt, disturbance and confusion for which one will be rebuked. He will then be relieved to pursue his enemy, to overcome him and become free from people’s reproach. Blaming someone in a dream, means the same in wakefulness, and consequently, one will suffer from people blaming him. If one sees people showering him with money in a dream, it means that they are speaking ill of him or blaming him. If one sees people praising him in a dream, it also means that he is praiseworthy and does good. (Also see Censure)…

…(Deception | Plot | Profits | Fall) Digging a hole, a water well, or an irrigation and planning to water the plants with them in a dream means attending one’s needs and serving the interests of his family. Eating from the dirt one piles from digging in his dream represents a swagger, or someone who acquires money through deception. Seeing oneself inside a hole in a dream also means divorce. To see oneself outside of such a hole looking at it in a dream means having an argument with one’s spouse that will end in reconciliation. If a sick person or a prisoner sees himself coming out of a hole in a dream, it means that he will become free from his trials. Falling into a hole and crying for help to no avail in a dream means taking a short trip. A hole in a dream also represents…

To dream of ice, shows that the person you would wish to be your companion for life is cool, of an amiable temper, free from choleric passions, and faithful.

…(Angels | Spiritual) Representing the heedful angels in charge of guarding the writings of the Preserved Tablets, and the heavenly beings or scribes in charge of recording peoples’ deeds. In a dream, the blessed angels in charge of keeping peoples’ records represent the gnostics, the renowned people of knowledge, religious scholars and the trustworthy ones. Seeing the scribes of the records in one’s dream brings him glad tidings in this life and in the next. If the person lives a pious life, it means that the heavenly paradise is his final abode, but if he is impious, it could represent a clear warning. Meeting the blessed angels in charge of keeping peoples’ records in a dream also means facing adversities, then becoming free from one’s trials. (Also see Scribes 2 )…

…(Butter | Purified butter) In a dream, ghee represents knowledge, spiritual excellence or purity of faith that is free from doubt. Ghee in a dream also could represent a woman who can win people’s hearts, though she exaggerates a little in her expressions of friendliness. If a woman sees herself unusually fat in a dream, it means that a swagger will take advantage of her. When ghee is seen in a bowl in a dream, it means knowledge, spiritual awakening for the right people, medicine for a sick person, or it could mean his recovery. Extracting ghee from butter in a dream means lawful and blessed earnings, prosperity, comfort, and healthy living….

When a wheel is revolving in your dream then it shows that your life is too boring and all the situations repetitive. You have to free yourself from routine and express yourself more impulsively without thinking. Also the wheel may symbolize the beginning and movement toward your desires. If you have lost a wheel of a vehicle then this dream signifies that you are lost your own path and now it is hard for you to make a decision where to move.

Seeing someone aching within a dream, is a signal of affliction. If the dreamer is the one aching, it means that he’ll be free from all evils.

…from the dirt one digs in his dream, means profits earned from deception. Finding oneself inside a hole in a dream means that one may divorce his wife. If one sees himself outside a hole, looking at it in a dream, it means an argument with her which will end in reconciliation. If a sick person sees himself coming out of a hole in a dream, it means recovering from illness or being set free from prison. If one sees himself digging the earth in a dream, it also means muddling in falsehood to earn nothing but wrath. Digging a cavity through a mountain in a dream represents a person who associates himself with a difficult but a beneficial person. Digging a well in a dream also represents a crafty and an artful deceiver. A person digging the ground in a dream also represents a jailer, or veiling abominable actions….

Dreaming that you carry a heavy burden, signifies that you will be tied down by oppressive weights of care and injustice, caused from favoritism shown your enemies by those in power. But to struggle free from it, you will climb to the topmost heights of success.