In the dream to have wings, means that you are very pure and sensitive person. Also this dream shows that you wish for protection from above in order to avoid stressful situations in your life. The other meaning may be that you are trying to fly away with these wings from negative and hard situation. If you see the wings of bird in your dream, then this denotes that you want to live free without any restrictions.

To dream that you are widowed represents loneliness and sadness. You may feel isolated or abandoned. On the other hand, it may mean that you have the ability to free yourself.

…(Hog-like wolf) A hyena in a dream represents a fierce, an unjust and a perfidious enemy whose actions stem from the directives of an evil and an ugly old witch. If one sees himself eating the meat of a hyena in a dream, it means that he is bewitched and does not know it, though subconsciously, he will desire and seek to be free from such an evil spell. Riding a hyena in a dream means marriage. A lame hyena in a dream represents a witch, or the wife of an unknown person, a jobless person, a loafer, or a cheater. Riding a hyena in a dream also means gaining authority. A hyena in a dream also may denote exposing one’s secrets, interfering in people’s business, effeminacy, a her- maphroditic person, a wretched wife, or an ugly, treacherous and a disloyal woman. Thus, when interpreted to means a woman,…

…In a dream, a lamp stand represent humankind and their character- istics. The lamp itself represents one’s soul, the oil represents one’s blood, and the wick represents his temperature. Once the wick is used up, and the oil is burned in the dream, it means one’s death. If one sees the wick in good condition, and the oil clean and radiant in the dream, it means that he will enjoy a life of purity and happiness. If the wick is black and the oil is murky in the dream, it means experiencing a wretched life. If the stand itself has some deficiencies in the dream, it means an illness in one’s body. If the stand is strong and clean, it means that one’s body and blood are free from illness. A broken lamp stand in a dream represents a terminal illness. (Also see Lamp’ | Wick)…

A vagabond dream indicates failure to meet responsibilities. On the other hand, this dream shows the need to escape your responsibilities of life and your desire to be free without worry.

The bond in which you are bonded with particular person while dreaming signifies the fact that you are feeling special feelings towards this person. In some cases the bond shows your fear of not being free.

To dream that you are drinking some kind of alcohol signifies your desire to escape your problems. Perhaps you are feeling very sad or even depressed, therefore you wish to escape the situations you are unable to change or cope. Alternatively, if you are young and free and dream of drinking, signifies that you are having the time of your life, where fun meets booze. Beware of drinking and partying too much.

Unless the dream indicates that the rest is caused by a disease, then it shows a happy and relaxed period, which is free of concerns and setbacks.

Dreaming about the countryside is interpreted as symbol of the search for easiness. You want to have life, which is less stressful and more playful. Think about that. Are you seeking for a simpler way of life? If this assumption is correct, then you need to relax, rest. Go to holidays and take some time for yourself. Change place, forget everything for some time and free your mind. There is also more negative interpretation of rural area. Dream about countryside shows that you have feeling of limitation of you abilities. Also it means restriction of your freedom. Are you lacking these qualities in your life? If yes, then try to have more acceptance to the activities of your daily routine.

The dream symbol of a zero has an infinity meaning. In the dream you see a zero, this shows that you are free and independent person. But a zero as a circle has a negative meaning in the dream, this may show that you are moving in the same and not interesting life circle. You do not have any ability or opportunity to open the circle and to create new life.

If you dream seeing an alligator, it indicates perfidy and guile. This dream could be a sign of taking the new chances which are ahead of you. It could also symbolize your capacity taking apart two different systems: spiritual side of yours and fundamental side of yours. The alligator could also symbolize the curing kinds and potency. When you see yourself running away from alligator in your dream, it indicates hidden fears and pain you are suffering from. What you should do is try to find the reasons why you are experiencing this pain, only then you will be able to set your soul free and live peacefuly with yourself and those around you.

…(Boy | Broom | Employee) A toothbrush in a dream is a sign of hygienic conditions, prosperity, purity, cleanliness, repentance, or asking someone for forgiveness. Brushing and cleaning one’s teeth in a dream is also a sign of being religious, a family person, a concerned relative and a generous kin. If one sees himself brushing his teeth, and if his gums bleed in the dream, it means that he will become free from his sins and curtail his evildoing, or it could mean the opposite, that is to proceed with abhorrent actions, cause harm to one’s own family, steal their money, or defame them. Brushing one’s teeth in a dream also could mean reservation and prudence with one’s words, purifying oneself from sin, faith after disbelief, paying one’s debts, doing what pleases God Almighty, fulfilling one’s promises, a pregnancy, or a marriage. (Also see Broom)…

…Dreaming of being bound in chains, denotes that unjust burdens are about to be thrown upon your shoulders | but if you succeed in breaking them you will free yourself from some unpleasant business or social engagement. To see chains, brings calumny and treacherous designs of the envious. Seeing others in chains, denotes bad fortunes for them….

When you take a trip in a dream, then such dream suggest you to make some time for yourself. Perhaps you are too tired both mentally and physically, therefore try to make some free time for yourself. The dream could also offer you to make some variations in your life and make it more interesting.

…(Atonement | Penance) In a dream, a tithe collector represents someone who interferes in people’s business. Seeing the tithe collector in a dream also denotes adversities, calamities, heavy losses , disasters, or trials that befall a believer to direct him to repent, to wash his heart from impurities, and to free him from the burdens of his sins. (Also see Atonement)…

…shows friendliness and at other times demonstrates his enmity. If one sees that his wife has just delivered children who are playing around him in a dream, it means distress or misfortune and the consequences could be either good or bad. Carrying a child in a dream means managing an inheritance or a financial investment. If an elderly person sees himself roaming as a little child in a dream, it means that he will commit an act of ignorance or lose his dignity, ideals or sense of honor. On the other hand, if such an elderly person who sees himself in a dream as a little child is suffering from depression or financial difficulties or health problems, then it means relief from distress and good health and that he will become free from his sins, like the day his mother gave birth to him. If one sees that he has…

If there are sexual implications in the dream, the meaning is clear, but otherwise it can be interpreted as the desire to be free from hypocrisy. If we are happy, as we are naked, it may be a way of escaping from social conditioning. But if we feel uncomfortable, it may reflect a latent helplessness.

The dream about clouds that are clearing in order to show the sun, denotes to clearing emotions of the dreamer. The dream, in which the sun clouds are hiding the sun, represents the ending of you’re the good times. When you see yourself flying in the clouds, then such dream indicates the freedom. Perhaps you wish to escape the every day’s responsibilities and become free. If you see the clouds that are particularly shaped, then such dream represents your imagination and creativity. Consider what kind of shape the clouds were. If the clouds are bright, then it shows minor issues you will have to deal with. The dark and stormy clouds indicate some problem that makes you worry a lot. The dark clouds could also represent the aggression and anger of the dreamer.

The butterfly in dreams means that you are making some kind of transition in your waking life. Perhaps you are moving from one direction to another, therefore you dream about the butterfly. The butterfly is also a symbol of your ability to be free from all of the stress. Perhaps you are feeling overwhelmed, therefore you see the butterfly in the very good way. Sometimes the dream could indicate the fact that you are making new decisions or moving from one phase to another.

…To dream that you’re eating ham suggests a desire for pleasant walks, parties and a comfortable life. When a woman dreams that she’s cooking ham, it symbolizes a happy, calm, problem free and pleasant home, and that she’ll have good social relationships. To dream about abundance of hams, and worse if they are in their rotting process, it suggests that someone is trying to scam you. To dream that you’re cutting slices of ham suggests that you’ll finally have control over all resistance and obstacles that you’re facing. To dream that you’re preparing a ham to start serving it to your guests suggests that you’ll receive attention from others. To dream that you’re trading or selling hams suggests upcoming prosperity and good health for you and your family. To dream about a ham’s roasting aroma suggests that soon you’ll be rewarded due to the intervention of others….

Dream of funeral symbolizes that in your life some situations will end. Dream of attending a funeral indicates that you want to finish some negative issues with someone. Dream of attending a funeral of a family member means you will try to separate from family relations and be free.

Dreaming that you are granted a US visa, has the symbolic significance of the state of being free within society from oppressive restrictions imposed by authority. US Visa in the dream also represents how you feel about the United States and what it means for you. As example, if the US stands for freedom, then being granted a visa from the US may demonstrate your life situation in which you experience some newly founded liberty. It may represent that you may be travelling through an unfamiliar area in order to learn about something.

…If you see your own father in a dream, then such dream symbolizes shelter, security and safety. The dream may indicate your desire to become more free and independent. Please also pay attention of how strong bond you have with your father in the waking life. If you see your father being dead, then it shows your fear of losing him. The death of the father could also indicate the failure within your business. If you are beating your father, then such dream indicates your desire to be loved and sheltered. Alternatively, the dream may show the anger you have towards your father….

…a dream means controlling one’s business, respecting one’s promises or fulfilling one’s vows. Performing the mid-morning prayers (arb. Dhuha) in a dream means amnesty, innocence, making a true oath, happiness and being free from polytheism. If one performs the prayer of a sick person in a dream, it means lack of luck and doubt about one’s faith. Grouping two prayers at one time or shortening them in a dream, means travels or temptation. Performing one’s prayers directly on a filthy, wet and impure ground without a prayer mat means poverty, humiliation and needs. If one sees himself praying without properly covering his or her modesty as required in a dream, it means committing wrong while fasting or giving charity from unlawful earnings, following innovation, falling victim to passions or professing that one is right however he does his prayers. If one performs the prayers of fearing something in a dream,…

…(Cage | Clothing | House | Luck | Robe) In a dream, dwellings are man’s abode or his world. One’s dwellings in a dream are a reflection of his deeds in wakefulness. If one finds himself in a newly built house which is freshly painted and has all the needed amenities and comforts in a dream, it means prosperity. If he is a poor person, then it means that he will meet his financial obligations with ease. If he is under stress, it means that he will become free from such burdens. If he is a craftsman, it means that he will master his craft or acquire authority equal in dominance to the beauty and perfection, size and details of such a dwelling he saw in the dream. If he is in sin, it means that he will repent. The spaciousness or tightness of one’s dwellings in a dream…

…as a result of having neglected his duties and responsibilities. If someone dreams of himself as an actor (especially when this person is young), it means that he’ll have to work to survive, even if it’s not nice, you better work with enthusiasm and resignation. When a woman dreams of being married, engaged or making moves to a famous actor, reveals her imaginative mind, which means that she doesn’t have her feet on the ground. Therefore, this is a dream that warns you that illusions don’t get you anywhere. When a man dreams of himself having fun with a famous actress, it reveals that he longs for breaking free from some pressures, perhaps as a result of strained relationship with his wife (or girlfriend if he’s not married), or a close relative (usually the mother, aunt, etc.), and it also means that this relationship becomes more strained every day….

If we are the soldiers, the dream shows us about a precaution that need to have because of a difficult situation in which we suspect we will have to fight, so this dream means that we are preparing for it. If during the dream we see soldiers around us, they symbolize obligations and a duty that is given to us by society. It implies that we are being tied down by an obligation from which we want to be free of, the type of uniforms worn can give us some clues about the origin of this repression.

If you became settle for something, then such dream shows the barriers you set up for yourself or others made it for you. Make sure you get rid of those obstacles and make some free time for yourself as it will make the work you do or the life you live more fulfilled.

Symbolizes the duties and obligations that society subject to us. This dream often reveals that we are subjected to a form of coercion from which we want to free ourselves. If we are young and the dream is unpleasant, then it denotes a desire to integrate into the community and abide by its rules. If the dream is accompanied by an agonizing feeling of wearing the uniform which is incomplete, untidy or dirty then it refers that in our life we are subjected to constraints of professional, family or social aspects. If the weather is nice in the dream, then it is about our subordination and obedience to a higher law that come from ourselves. If we are not the soldier, nor we see them as isolated individuals, but armed and marching in formation, reveals the existence of some danger that threatens our independence or personal security.

To have interaction or to encounter or to see a flying fish, when you are dreaming, is symbol of emotional freedom. Flying fish is interpreted as signal that your psychological health is very favorable. You are feeling emotionally free and uninhibited.

Dreaming that you are on a safari, has the symbolic significance of not being civilized. Safari in the dream, means the need of total freedom from society. Maybe the dreamer want to reject societal norms and rules. Safari is also interpreted as trying to break free from the situations that confines the dreamer. Often these situations are created by borders of regulation in civilization.

…all, but long rows of grotesque creatures, black and green — half human and half bestial — that, clutching hold of and encircling each other’s waists with their arms, swayed to and fro with ill-suppressed laughter. As I stared at them they suddenly shook themselves free, and with heads lowered so that I could perceive nothing of their faces, came bounding toward me over the grass. By a merciful providence, the train now took it into its head to move, and, getting up a tremendous speed, it was soon travelling along at a record pace; indeed, it went so fast that the coaches eventually left the rails, and it was their continual bump, bump, and bump on hilltops and trees that awoke me.The significant features of the dream may be characterised thus: Travelling per train portended trouble; the accident I witnessed, danger from drowning, which was further emphasised by the…

…dream also denotes exposing hidden secrets. If a philosopher or a fortuneteller sees himself transformed into a king in a dream, then it denotes glad tidings should he not complain about it in his dream. If a slave sees himself becoming a king in a dream, it means that he will be set free. If one sees himself becoming one of the great kings of this world in a dream, it means that he will attain worldly success in his life, though it will be accompanied with religious failure. If the person is a natural con artist, it means that he will be captured and imprisoned. If a man sees himself awarded a knighthood that is suitable only for woman, then it means his death. If one sees the kingreprimandinghim in a dream, it means peace between them. If one sees himself arguing a case with knowledge and wisdom before…

the uniform symbolizes the duties and obligations that society engulfs to us. This dream often reveals that we are subjected to some form of coercion from which we want to free ourselves. If the dream is accompanied by an agonizing feeling because of wearing the uniform that is incomplete, untidy or with undisciplined attitude, then it means that in our life we are subjected to professional, family or social constraints.

It is a symbol of labor, success in job. Seeing bees being free is a happy presage. Seeing them going from a flower to another: it indicates a new love. If a bee stings you, your reputation is in danger. If bees are angry or they attack us, it indicates problems with partners or difficulties at work with consequent ruin. Killing them indicates that disappointment is inevitable and coming up next. Shatter the hive points that we are antisocial and misfit the environment.

…It is a symbol of work, job success. To see the bees free is a happy omen. To see them flying from flower to flower, it indicates a budding love. If a bee stings you, there is a danger to your reputation. If they’re angry or they attack, then that indicates problems with partners or sloppiness at work with consequent ruin. Killing them indicates that ruin is inevitable and is close. Shattering the hive is a sign that we are antisocial and misfit with the environment….

…To dream of a sleigh-ride, where the sleighing is good, and the sleigh glides free and noiseless, is an excellent omen, as it foretells success and good fortune generally, particularly to farmers: but if you imagine the sleighing is poor, and that the runners screech on the ground, it foretells trouble and unhappiness. Young men who dream of sleigh-riding with girls, stopping at taverns, drinking, getting the girls boozy, and then performing unnameable pranks, are thus forewarned that they with be poor and shiftless as such dreams are certain omens of misery and disgrace. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 67, 40….

The milk in dreams is mostly a good omen. If you bought the large quantity of milk in order to sell it to others, you will experience the luck within your business matters. The milk that is wasted or given to others for free, shows the generous aspects of your personality. You give more to others than you receive from them. If the milk was spilled, you will have regrets for trusting your friends, because they will bring you misfortune in your business deals. If you drank the milk, but was not able to swallow it, you are in huge danger that was caused by those you trusted.

Clearing all hindrances away; beginning a new start in life free from debt. 270.

…a sarcastic commendation that matches the smell of his fart. If one breaks wind in a dream while sitting with a group of people who are experiencing difficulties, it means that their difficulties will be dispelled, and their suffering will ease. If they are merchants, it means that their merchandise will move faster. If one forces himself to break wind in a dream, it means that he will carry a burden greater than he can bear. If one breaks wind along with passing gas in his dream, it means that he will attain success in his life, and he will receive honor and profits from an important business trip. However, it is possible that his interests will become diverse, or that he could lose his focus, then he will return home free from such burdens. To fart from the mouth in a dream means faltering or a slip of a…