(Kiln | Oven) In a dream, a furnace means distress, burdens, trouble and suspicion. Seeing a limekiln in a dream means backbiting people of knowledge or religious scholars. As for a brick-kiln in a dream, it means oppression, injustice or polytheism. A furnace or a kiln in a dream also represents hell-fire and its people.

…To blow into fire in a dream means kindling a conflict or exasperating and intensifying it. Blowing into the ground in a dream means unveiling a secret or reprimanding one who does not keep a secret. Blowing into the vagina of a woman in a dream means that she will become pregnant. Blowing the trumpet of resurrection in a dream means salvation of the righteous ones. Hearing the first sound of the trumpet of resurrection in a dream means announcing the truth or hearing shocking and worrisome news. Hearing the second blow of the trumpet of resurrection in a dream means exposure of secrets, recovering of the sick, release of the prisoners, reunion of beloveds, loss of one’s capital invest- ment or the flow of wealth. (Also see Bellows | Trumpet of Resurrection)…

…To console persons at funerals shows a sick bed, to be consoled yourself is, by fire you’ll fall dead….

…(Murder | Suicide) Killing in a dream represents a major sin. If one kills himself, or commits suicide in fear of the consequences of his sins in a dream, it means that he is offering true repentance from his sins, though committing suicide is a major sin that will lead its author to eternal sufferings in hell-fire. Killing a human being in a dream means committing an evil and an atrocious sin. On the other hand, committing an outrageous sin, or a conspicuously objectionable act in a dream may mean killing someone. If one is killed in a dream, it means longevity and that he will acquire a great wealth from the one who kills him in the dream. If one kills someone without slaughtering him in a dream, it means that the victim will benefit greatly from his assailant. Slaughtering in a dream means injustice. Killing someone in…

To see a fire damper in the dream represents the friendliness of persons around you. They may have a lot of love to offer for you. Alternatively, it may represent your blockings and annoyance. You are holding yourself in your harmful emotions. You must be more positive. If the damper is broken, then it indicates a situation or relationship that has made you emotionless and hostile.

…falsehood or become affected. If one sees a common marketplace on fire, or filled with people, or with a stream of fresh water running in the middle of it, or if it is fragrant with perfumes in the dream, then it represents good business for everyone and increase in their profits, though hypocrisy will later on spread among the people. Otherwise, if one finds the shops closed, the merchants drowsing and spiders webs spreading in every corner and covering the merchandise in the dream, it means stagnation of business or suffering major losses. Seeing the marketplace in a dream is also interpreted to represent the world. Whatever affects it will show in people’s lives, in their mosques, churches, or temples including their profits, losses, clothing, recovering from illness, lies, stress, sorrows or adversities. If the market is quiet in the dream, then it represents the laziness of its salespeople. (Also…

…(The prophet Aramaea, upon whom be peace.) Seeing him in a dream means that a fire will consume one’s city, house or rural district….

…Without going into detail with regard to variety in shade, colour in dreams, especially when it is vivid and predominant, has much significance. The separate meaning of each separate colour in dreams is as follows:Light blue signifies impending trouble, particularly matrimonial and domestic troubles; serious quarrels between husband and wife, and parents and children; also suicide and murder.Dark blue, recovery from illness; reconciliation of husband and wife, relatives and friends; presents of animals.Brown, success in work and business.Black, illness; and death.Green, success in anything appertaining to the arts; also an impending visit from an occult presence.Gold, success in speculation, commerce, and courtship.Grey, trouble and even danger from unsuspected quarters.Mauve, death; and violent catastrophe, not infrequently with regard to the sight.Orange, illness; treachery.Pink, a wedding or engagement.Purple, accidents, more particularly on land.Red, quarrels, voyages, great changes; and accidents, chiefly by fire.Violet, success in the arts — viz. painting, music, literature.Yellow,…

…of Mount Judiyyi. If the seer desires a son, then he will beget a righteous son, because it is the month in which God’s prophets Abraham and Jesus, upon both of them be peace, were born. If the person seeing the dream is suffering from tight financial circumstances and if he desired a way out, it means that he will see the light or escape from the danger of his enemy, because this is the month in which God’s prophet Abraham was saved from the fire of Nimrod, or perhaps, if he had followed a path of innovation and falsehood, he will turn back to God Almighty and repent of his sin, because it is also the month in which God Almighty forgave the prophet David, upon whom be peace. If the person in the dream is impeached from his leadership position or stripped from his status, he will return…

…(Oppression | Suppression | Tyranny) Terrorizing others or oppressing them in a dream denotes a mental sickness, depression, psychological weak- ness, or actions that will bring their author closer to hell-fire. Terrorizing others in a dream represents one’s own losses and humiliation. Terrorizing people in a dream also means poverty, loss of business, a severe illness, or it could represent profits that will turn into losses. (Also see Oppression)…

…income which one’s adversaries will eventually unveil or expose. If such tears are finally shed in the dream, they mean that one will willingly spend such money, or get rid of it to conceal his act. If one sees tears running from his right eye and entering his left eye in the dream, it means that his son and daughter may engage in sexual intercourse, and he must immediately separate between their rooms, and teach them about the lawful and the unlawful. Tears which come during yawning in a dream signify payment of an unjust fine. Seeing tears during the daylight time, or under the sun, or in front of a fire in a dream means business losses caused by one of these three elements. Tears in a dream also signify loneliness, leaving one’s homeland, or yearning to see one’s beloved, or they may represent pearls. (Also see Pearl)…

…(See Tobacco.) To dream you are smoking a sager, is a sign you will have misfortunes and troubles with your business matters: if you imagine the fire of your Segar goes out, it is a sign you will meet with losses: in love matters this dream is a bad omen. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 49, 7, 9….

Dreaming of fire weapons means sickness and death. To be injured with a sharp object is a sign of envy, jealousy and dislikes. Having a gun in your hand is a sign that you need material things to feel fully satisfied. To see or to hold a weapon in your dream indicates a need to defend and protect yourself emotionally and/or physically. You are experiencing some conflict in your waking life. Alternatively, the dream may also indicate a hiding desire to hurt someone or something. Your dream provides a safe asylum to express these desires. To dream that others are rich suggests you have to look help on those around you.

Chopping weapons indicate problems with family relationships. If you fire weapons, then it signifies the fierce and aggression.

…In a dream, a honeycomb represents an inheritance of a lawfully earned money, or money from a business partnership, or profits in general as long as the fire does not touch it. If a honeycomb is placed before someone in a dream, it means that he has knowledge which he wants people to hear about or to learn. If the honeycomb is placed as if on a table in the dream, it means a booty, or blessed earnings. If it is placed in a bowl in the dream, it means lawful profits. If one sees himself feeding it to the people in the dream, it means that he will chant the Qur’an with embellishment and awaits people’s praises and request to encore his recital. Eating from a honeycomb with honey still in it in a dream means having sexual intercourse with one’s own mother. Eating a honeycomb in a…

The light announces pleasant news. Fire means marital happiness, serenity. A candle means threat of disease.

…of its dwellers. Seeing a well-built village in a dream shows the piety and righteousness of its people. Seeing ancient edifices or ruins inhabited again in a dream represents people’s repentance from sin. A village in a dream also could signify injustice, innovations, corruption, disregarding the divine laws, or discarding the moral standards set by the community. A village in a dream also could represent ants’ underground nest or colony, while an anthill in a dream represents a village. If a village is completely destroyed by fire, or floods, or freezing temperature, or by locusts, or plagues in one’s dream, it means suffering under the oppression of an unjust ruler or a tyrant, or it could mean destroying an anthill. Moving from a village into a city in a dream means leaving one’s toiling and hardships behind him. Moving from a city into a village means the opposite, and signifies…

…(bot.) In a dream, anemones represent fire, red cheeks, blushing, a beauty mark, the sickness of one’s brother or sister….

…To dream of being scalded with hot water, is usually a sign of injuries by the elements; it may foretells losses by floods, by fire, or by winds, or by thunder-storms: if you dream of scalding your tongue with hot tea, it is a sign that you will scandalize a neighbour with some ill-natured remark. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 3, 12, 36,…

…Dreaming of fighting flames, foretells that you will have to put forth your best efforts and energy if you are successful in amassing wealth. See Fire….

Joy, above all if the fire is lighted.

…(Caller to prayers | Muslim caller on the hour of prayers) In a dream, a muezzin represents someone who calls for what is good and blessed, a broker, an officiant who performs the wedding ceremony, the messenger of the king, or his door attendant. If a muezzin recites the entire call to prayers in a dream, it may denote the pilgrimage season. The call to prayers in a dream also may represent a siren announcing a burglary or a fire. If a woman calls to prayers on top of a minaret in a dream, it means innovation and that a major trial will emerge in that locality. If a child calls to prayers from the top of a minaret and at a time other than the hour of prayers in a dream, it means that ignorant people will rise to govern and lead his community. The call to prayers…

Dreaming of one or more crosses is a warning that suffering is approaching for various reasons, not necessarily caused by the dreamer (natural disasters, fire, etc.). Dreaming of one or more people carrying a cross, perhaps to take it to a cemetery, suggests that soon someone will approach for help. Dreaming of a crucifix is a symbol of upcoming problems that affect several people, including the dreamer. Dreaming of kissing a crucifix with respect suggests that in the immediate future problems will arise but will be able to be tolerated. When a woman dreams of owning a crucifix it indicates that she accepts with serenity the life that she has, which attracts the understanding and affection of her friends.

…(Farmland) In a dream, a farmland represents wealth and benefits, for cities live from the produce of a farmland. A farmland in a dream also represents stored grains or fruits or vegetables. Anything that affects the farmland, such as drought, inundation, diseases or a fire in a dream will manifest in people’s life in the cities. A farmland in a dream also may represents one’s livelihood and earnings, a patient and a helping wife, or a hard-working and a patient husband. If one sees a blossoming farmland in his dream, it means blessings, growth and profits from his work. A farmland in a dream also means wasting one’s life in useless endeavors, or it could mean heedlessness, lack of comfort, pleasure in one’s life or neglecting to seek knowledge while occupying oneself in pursuing mundane objectives. (Also see Farm)…

We must consider whether we are blowing to keep a fire alive, or to put out something, because in the first case it symbolizes our effort to maintain a positive situation alive, which is usually sentimental, but if we are blowing to put out something, we need to be aware of the object that we are blowing on because it will give us clues about the situation that we want to end.

Nightmares and bad dreams full of angst and fear are usually caused by persistent desires and hopes that are perfectly logical and legitimate (they are natural and likely to happen). In any case, these dreams announce that you will soon succeed in achieving your goals. Dreaming of being distressed when in real life you are proceeding unlawfully in your affairs, indicates that you are taking serious risks and playing with fire, which will easily lead you to fail. Dreaming that you’re in a state of anguish too often without having real causes in your everyday life, can mean that this has a pathological origin, so you should go to your doctor.

To dream, el a flag signifies loss by fire.

(Desire) In a dream, to fulfill a desire with great passion denotes the actions of the dwellers of hell-fire. (Also see Desire)

To dream of wandering about, signifies loss of goods by fire. To dream of a wandered denotes shame.

(See Extinguishing a fire)

To blow the fire express the hope to keep alive the flame of love, an ideal or a friendship. To blow it off denotes to desire and the need to finish a relationship that is being untenable.

…(Fumes) In a dream, smoke means a partnership, an investment, or it could represent outside money which someone has placed with one’s own capital for business. Smoke in a dream also may mean meekness, or loss of property or capital. However, seeing smoke in a dream may mean profits only for one whose livelihood stems from dealing with fire. In a dream, smoke also represents an appalling or a horrifying calamity wherever it may appear. (Also see Clouds of smoke | Sparks)…

…(Atmospheric) Cold temperature in a dream means poverty. A windy and cold weather in a dream means aggravation of one’s poverty. If it is sunny and cold, and if ones sees himself sitting in the sun, then the condition of his poverty will be removed. If one sees himself in a dream under the heat of the sun and seeks refuge away from it in the shade, it means that his stress and sadness will dissipate. If he sees that dream during the summertime, it means prosperity. If one sees himself seeking a fire or a smoke to warm himself with it in a dream means that one is seeking a job that entails danger. If it is burning coal which he seeks for warmth in the dream, then it means that he will swindle money from an orphan. Cold weather in winter is insignificant and in the summer…

Dream of writing a manuscript signifies your fear of not achieving great desires. Dream that your manuscript is rejected by a publisher denotes temporary despair. To dream that a manuscript is on fire means your hard work will give you benefits and a rise on the social ladder.

Seeing a pentagram in a dream represents your connection with the earth, the air, the fire, and the water. These elements contribute to the aspects of your comfort. Seeing an inverted pentagram means conflict, aggression and dispute.

…(Love | Poverty) To see oneself inflamed with love for someone in a dream represents distress, adversities, blindness, deafness or notoriousness. Such a case may draw people’s compassion. If a sick person sees himself in a dream inflamed with love it may mean his death. Fire in a dream also means love. Love in a dream also means heedlessness and failure to fulfill one’s religious obligations. It also means financial losses, losing one’s child, divorce, despise of one’s friends, hunger, travels, sickness or dangers. Being enamored with God in a dream means a strong devotion and certitude. Pretending to be in love in one’s dream means straying from God’s path. If one finally reaches his beloved to mates with in the dream, it means that adversities may strike at him, or affect his or her beloved. (Also see Love)…

Dreaming of a Tarot reading indicates your current situation and state of mind. You are open to explore your unconscious thoughts and feelings. Attention should be given to what the tarot cards say in your dream and the tarot card meanings. Wands represent fire, inspiration, spirituality and psyche. Swords represent air, determination, strength, conquest of fear. Water symbolizes emotions, purity and you outlook towards life. Pentacles mean financial gains, social influence, knowledge and connection with nature and earth.

…(Moth | Silkworm) In a dream, a butterfly signifies ignorance, lack of experience with people, or inexperience with the proper protocol. A butterfly in a dream also could signify love and sacrificing one’s life for others. A butterfly in a dream also represents fire worshipers, fear, or a weak enemy who speaks big words. If a farmer sees butterflies in his dream, it means hardships and lack of work, or consenting to evil by associating with evil companions, or befriending vile women. A silkworm in a dream represents the best of people who spend in charity from their best and who curtail their evil, or it could represent children who live a short life in this world, or people who leave a sizeable estate for their posterity. A silkworm, or a butterfly in a dream also could signify a short life, the near end of one’s life, a miller,…

…(zool.) A mole in a dream means blindness, uncertainty, unavoidable circumstances, disappearing from social circles, or it could mean incompetence in one’s field. A mole in a dream also could mean having sharp hearing, or correcting one’s vision if one happens to have hearing disability or sight problems. If a mole is seen beside a deceased person in a dream, it represents hell-fire. Seeing a mole in a dream also may indicate finding support in mundane endeavors. It also means trickery, insolence, or finding a permanent residence….

…(Glass slippers | Hoof | Protection | Wooden clogs | Wooden slippers.) Slippers in a dream represent property, protection, a ring, or preventing evil happening. Wearing a pair of slippers in a dream also means a journey, or travelling by sea, or it could mean buying a new vehicle. Tight slippers in a dream means tightness in one’s livelihood, entanglements, or being pursued by debt collectors. Removing one’s slippers in a dream means putting an end to one’s strains. Wearing embroidered slippers coupled with a shawl over one’s shoulders in a dream means increase in one’s wealth and respect. Wearing them in the winter is more beneficial then wearing them in the summer where they mean distress. Seeing one’s slippers on fire or if they fall into a well in a dream may mean the death of one’s wife. In a dream, a pair of new slippers that are…