…Dreaming of your genealogical tree, denotes you will be much burdened with family cares, or will find pleasure in other domains than your own. To see others studying it, foretells that you will be forced to yield your rights to others. If any of the branches are missing, you will ignore some of your friends because of their straightened circumstances….

…A crack in a tree in a dream means that one’s family members will brace against him….

Seeing a palm tree in a dream indicates serenity, high aspirations and victory.

Rats, ravens, or reeds show ill-will, death and disgrace.

(See Tree)

Yew Tree an indication of the funeral of a very aged person, by whose death the dreamer will derive some benefit, or a protecting hand among the relations of the deceased person.

Mostly the palm trees are very positive omen of tranquillity, joy and easiness. The ones that are being sere, denotes to sad news you will hear in the short period of time. If you see many palm trees with big green leaves, then it will bring much joy, but if you see only one palm tree, you will lose an important friendship.

To dream of being under the shade of an oak-tree, and that you pick up an acorn and eat it, shows that you will become rich when you are past the meridian of life, but to drop the acorn on the ground again, denotes that you will be rich, but another will enjoy your property.

To dream of the bay-tree, denotes a rich and fair wife; and also ill success of affairs, because it is bitter; but it is good for physicians, poets and divines to dream of it.

Green or in blossom, symbolizes forgetfulness of sorrows past, joy, unexpected recreations. Overturned, burnt, or struck by lightning, represents vexation, fears, grief, and despair. Without flowers, the end of business. A blighted tree, foretells unexpected loss, abuse of confidence. In full bloom means joy and sweet satisfaction. Covered with fruits signifies riches. To be mounted in a large one, signifies power and dignity, good news. To cut one down, cruel evil and loss. To fall from one means loss of employment. To gather the fruit from an old one means legacy from aged people. To be changed into one, sickness.

(See Tree)

There are many kinds of willow trees but the branches are always as thin as the emotions. If it’s a curlicue tree it symbolizes the emotional conflicts that prevent us from finding serenity. It will be very important to analyze the other elements of the dream to find the reasons of the conflict that bothers us. If it’s a weeping willow by association of the name it symbolizes sadness.

Dreaming of willow trees, or weeping willow trees usually presages that soon you will have to make a sad journey. However, you will always have the support and comfort of your family and friends, which will help you cope with the feelings of sorrow. Willow trees in dreams are usually a symbol of immortality and protection, so it’s very good omen. If we dream of being asleep under a willow tree, this means that we have superior protection but our life apparently is filled with trouble.

…To dream you are a free mason denotes you will soon make a number of new friends who will treat you on the square, it also foretells you will take a journey to the east. If you are already a member of that celebrated Order, and dream you attend a meeting of the lodge it portends sickness, and a heavy loss of property, to dream you are expelled from the Order shows you will attain a higher station in life. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 2, 78….

…Dreaming of a Christmas tree, denotes joyful occasions and auspicious fortune. To see one dismantled, foretells some painful incident will follow occasions of festivity….

(See Tree)

To dream of puree means financial problems and homelessness.

Dreaming of a magnolia tree indicates need for attention and highlight. You do not trust your own abilities. Alternatively, it represents the need to feel protected and safe against life problems.

When you dream of seeing an apple tree it signifies greatness and nobility. This dream represents your personality as the person who believes in himself and has big expectations. You are not afraid to give a challenge to yourself. This dream symbolizes your big dreams for the future, which you will achieve if you will stay as confident as you are at the moment.

…last half -hour. I came here to be alone — utterly alone — save for him!” and here she gave a kind of convulsive sob and stretched her hands appealingly before her. The woman interested me, and I felt that there was much in her that would furnish me with copy — copy for some article on real humanity, on the flotsam and jetsam of womanhood.And so, instead of obeying her injunctions to go, I stayed.Tell me,” I said persuasively, your history. You can confide in me; I am old — old enough to be your ” — then I thought of my bare thirty-seven summers, and blushed — ” well, old enough to be your uncle. May I sit down? “The seats,” she murmured, are free to all. I can go!”She rose, and I touched her gently on the arm. Come! I said, “You can trust me. I’m only…

Dream of a Joshua tree symbolizes spirituality, purity and natural achievement. It also represents strength and courage.

{See Mulberry tree)

(Sycamore, bibl.) In a dream, a mulberry tree represents a person in a high position who has many children, who is big in size but ill mannered, who benefits no one, though he remains well respected. If one gets some of its fruits in his dream, it means that he will receive something from such a person. If he is hurt by its thorns in the dream, the same will take place in wakefulness. When maple trees, tamarisk trees and shrubs are mixed together in a dream, they mean victory and glad tidings for one who is contemplating a war or gearing for a fight. However, for the rest of people, these trees in a dream mean poverty and meekness.

(See Evergreen | Tree)

See one, warns the dreamer about some kind of danger to his fortune through negligence or idleness. If the tree is with its fruits, then it means honor, riches.

(See Tree)

To dream of the number three is a good omen, because it signifies harmony and stability.

(See Tree)

Dreaming of a maple symbolizes humility, warmth, and openness. It also indicates increases, positive happiness and fullness of life. Seeing a maple tree falling indicates dissonance and broken family ties. Finding a maple leaf in your dream represents each of the five senses and what it has to offer. Also, denotes a helping or protective hand.

(See Olive tree)

A hazelnut tree in a dream represents a mature and a strong person, while its fruit represents money. However, throwing hazelnut at someone in a dream means stoning him to death. (See Hazelnut | Stoning)

(See Tree)

Symbol of material protection. If we see one or leafy and more strong trees, the better protection will be received. If the trees are weak, it is indication of being helpless. If they are full of flowers or out-of-season fruits, it indicates sorrow. If this occurs in the right season for it, then it signifies friendship and love. If they are dry, it indicates misfortune. With broken branches, illness. Full of green leaves trees will bring profits. Climbing one, honors and fortune. Falling from one, loss of favor from our superiors. If the fall is from a low height then it will bring funny situations. If the tree (walnut, palm) is nesting birds then it symbolizes success and fortune. If these birds are black, people want to hurt us because of envy.

(See Tree)

(See Tree)

The tree that is blooming indicates new phases in your life. The spring time came into your life. The trees that have no leaves signify the melancholic and maybe even sad period of your life time. Trees during the winter indicates the stagnation. Trees on summer time, the best days in your life.

To dream that you see the tree, is an omen of the growth, fertility and living energy.

If you are in good health it is a happy and very positive omen that speaks of love and marriage. Orange denotes pure, warm and passionate love that promises numerous offspring. If the flowers of orange tree are wilted or the oranges spoiled those loves are waning or have not been taken advantage of it.

Dreaming you see an olive tree de- notes peace, delight, concord, and fruition of his desires.

(See Tamarisk | Tree)