Dreaming of a referee indicates the possibility of finding yourself in a fight in the near future that should be avoided.

The referee in dreams is the symbol of someone special in your waking life who has the power to control you at some way. You feel that this person is like your leader and you would follow him and ask the questions from him about anything you wish to know.

If one dreams he sees a mulberry-tree, it implies an increase, with abundance of goods and children.

Dreaming of a referee means an internal battle between your own ideals and values and the ideals and values of others.

(See Tree)

…To see a pine tree in a dream, foretells unvarying success in any undertaking. Dead pine, for a woman, represents bereavement and cares….

(Pitch | Resin) In a dream, a conifer tree means travels. (Also see Resin)

(See Oak tree)

Triumph over enemies. 3.

Being honoured. 209.

Denotes having secret enemies.

Power and honour, good news. 208.

Loss of a situation, loss of favours or reputation, trouble and insults. 40.

Mistrust the affirmations of your rivals.

Heritage, property left to one’s self….

The dream indicates financial concerns and moral helplessness.

Death, disappointment, loss. 120.

Separation of a loving couple.

Good news.

(See Oil | Olives)

Having a large number of relations. 88.

Having unknown enemies, deceit in love, disappointment. 248.

A palmy leisure awaits you in which you will meet many pleasing varieties of diversions. Much knowledge will be reaped in the rest from work. It is generally a good dream for everybody….

Misfortune. 295,

Denotes Fortune. 198.

Being, honoured, being engaged to a young lady a long time. 234.

Symbolizes fertility, regeneration and victory. The palms trees in the dreams are an excellent omen which promises the realization of our wishes even when everything seems to go wrong.

(See Camphor)

True and loyal friendships. Help and protection.

Palm trees seen in your dreams, are messages of hopeful situations and happiness of a high order. For a young woman to pass down an avenue of palms, omens a cheerful home and a faithful husband. If the palms are withered, some unexpected sorrowful event will disturb her serenity….

It indicates that we have or will have a sincere friend that we should not neglect.

Being lucky in love, earning esteem and love, marrying a handsome girl.

Usually trees that appear in our dreams symbolize material protection, which strength will depend on the appearance and power we see on them, if we embrace them or whether they have fruit. The dream can also tell us the need to deepen our roots, whether genealogical or spiritual.

Seeing a willows and osiers trees in the dreams represent mourning and sadness.

Trouble and work without success. 143.

(See Book)

(See Camphor)

Strengthening of love, faithfulness.

(See Mill)

A fortune made quickly.