Good prospects for the future.


Symbolizes the duality and inconstancy. It refers to people who despite being good cannot be trusted because they do not keep their word.

Success in every undertaking.

…(Cure | Bitter almond | Sweet almond | Truth) In a dream, almond represent a cure for an illness, impeachment of a governor or loss of one’s job. In a dream, almond also represent a deceased person in his shroud or in his grave. Yet, seeing fresh green almond in season in a dream means profits and blessings. Sweet almond in a dream represent lawful money or earnings, depending on the quantity one sees in his dream. Eating sweet almond in a dream means profits, though to be earned with a fight. Plucking almond from a tree in a dream means earning money from a niggardly person with a fight. An almond tree in a dream also represents one who is stingy with people, though generous with his wife and children. Eating sweet almond in a dream also means tasting the sweetness of one’s faith. Bitter almond in a…

…In a dream, plums in season represent health and welfare. Otherwise, out of season, plums represent distress and difficulties. However, everybody draws benefits from seeing a plum tree in a dream. If one sees himself eating a sweet and ripened plum in a dream, it means that he will satisfy his pleasures, passions, and wantonness. If it tastes sour in the dream, then it represents his fear. A plum tree in a dream also represents a rich person, or a spendthrift who is also dangerous but courageous when facing adversities, and who may become wealthy early in his life though he may die young. Eating plum out of season in a dream means suffering from a severe illness. Plucking a plum from its tree in a dream means seizing money from a dying person. Plums in a dream also represent the glad tidings of recovering what is lost if…

…Dreaming of cutting unripe peaches is a symptom of decay, various pains and sorrows, particularly from old memories and from missing people. Dreaming that peaches are cut green and eating them hints illness in the family and other problems. Dreaming of eating one ripe and juicy peach straight from the tree indicates joy of living, reasonable profits in business or work that will result in peace, harmony and home health. Dreaming of only seeing the peaches on the tree announces diseases of relatives or discomfort by having to handle unpleasant business matters that prevent you to enjoy travels and entertainment. When peaches are in the tree with a lot of foliage it indicates that, with effort, you will achieve your goals. Dreaming of peaches in the beginning of their growth in the tree indicates that the dreamer’s objectives are still very far from being achieved, and there will also…

…I dream I am in the entrance hall of a huge castle. The walls, floor, and ceiling are all of stone. There is no one about, and throughout the vast building reigns an omnipotent hush. Confronting me is a broad spiral staircase, which I proceed to ascend. Up, up, up I go, and I am beginning to despair of ever arriving at the summit, when from far below comes the faint sound of footsteps. I pause to listen, and my blood turns to ice. There is something in those footsteps that suggests the grotesque and sinister. Panic-stricken, I assay to run, and my feet seem weighted with iron. The footsteps grow more and more audible. They are no longer walking but bounding — bounding prodigiously, three stairs at a time. Wild with terror, I struggle feebly on; the footsteps draw nearer and nearer — three stairs — two stairs…

…(Bondman | Servant | Submission) If a free man sees himself as a slave, and if he recognizes the person who enslaved him in the dream, it means that he will serve such a person, or perhaps he may blackmail him. Becoming a slave in a dream also means excessive borrowing of money until one becomes a slave to his lenders, or that the compounded interest of his loans weigh heavy on his family, or it could mean reorganization of one’s business, or that he may work for his lender to repay his debts, or it could mean that he may develop heart problems, or any debilitating illness. If one is sold as a slave in a dream, it means that he will regain honor and dignity, or perhaps fall in a trap, for selling a free person in a dream means humiliating him. Selling a human being in…

…journey by land. A banner or a flag in a dream also means that one will be wrapped in ambiguity in relation to a particular matter and he will not find a way out. If one sees a flag and a brigade in a dream, it means that he will be able to find his way through the difficulties and overcome his sadness and adversities. His heart will have peace and his path will open before him. If the flag represents a country in the dream, it means that one may visit such a country. If a woman sees herself burying three banners in a dream, it means that she will marry three men who belong to the noble class of the society. Such three people will die one after the other. As for a pregnant woman, a flag in a dream means a son and for an unwed woman,…

A fig tree represents a good harvest or increase in children for one who eats from it in a dream, or it could represent a wealthy person who benefits his community. Even his enemies will come to benefit from him, because many types of snakes live on a fig tree. No other fruit equals figs in benefits. Figs represent earnings without difficulties and it shows. Fig leaves in a dream represent distress, grief, depression. Eating a fig leaf in a dream means sorrow and af- flictions. Seeing black figs in season in a dream means comfort, while seeing white figs in a dream has a better connotation. Eating a fig out of season in a dream means jealousy. On the other hand, figs in a dream also could mean sorrow, representing the latter days of Adam and Eve when they first dwelled in paradise. (Also see Fig tree)

To dream of the green and beautiful trees, denotes to new opportunities, wishes and growth. The trees are the symbol of power and balance the one is able to keep. Perhaps at this time of your life you are trying to find out of who you are. If you were climbing into the tree, then such dream denotes to your desire to reach the targets. Consider how hard it was to climb, as it would indicate the difficulty of getting to the point you aim for. If you saw the tree that fell down or was destroyed by the force, then it signifies the lost control of your life. If you cut off the tree, then it signifies the useless strength and power you invested.

…means a coffer, a beehive, or a honey- comb. If the seeds are white in the dream, they represent little money. If they are red, then they represent a sizeable profit. A pomegranate in a dream also denotes fear or a journey. A fresh looking pomegranate in a dream represents a young virgin. A broken pomegranate in half in a dream represents a deflowered girl, a divorcee or a widow. A rotten or a spoiled pomegranate in a dream represents an unchaste woman. A sour tasting pomegranate in adream represents unlawful money, worries, or disturbances. If one sells pomegranates in a dream, it means that he will sell the everlasting reward of the hereafter for the temporary pleasure of this world. Drinkingpomegranatejuice in a dream means spending for one’s livelihood. A pomegranate tree in a dream represents a pious, respected and a rich man. If he is a merchant, his…

…prospect of being now able to quench my thirst, I hastened to the pool, and, kneeling down, dipped my mouth in it. But alas! Try how I would, I couldn’t drink the water — every time I touched it with my lips it slipped away and I gulped at nothing. With a tin dipper, that I found lying close beside me, I tried to ladle the water out of the pool, but all to no purpose — ^the water was in the pool, and in the pool it meant to stay. At last, worn out with trying to coax the water into my mouth, and perceiving some luscious-looking plums growing on a tree nearby, I resolved to slake my thirst with them instead. But the moment I touched a plum it changed into a reel of cotton. One plum after another I touched, but there was no exception to the…

…Chains are a symbol of slavery in every aspect, like the psychological and mental auto- limitations that stop the self-improvement of spirit. In the religious area, it means to undergo religious concepts and beliefs even against your own thinking. And all this is somehow manifested in dreams, especially when there is repression. Dreaming of being chained suggests a change of life, perhaps a change of home, job or affections; it shows future of being in uncomfortable situation by improper treatment or because you aspire to something better. It indicates the inability to break free of what is bothering you. Dreaming of being chained but that you are able that break free, means that you can break free from what bothers you and you will succeed. Dreaming of chains indicates the risk of falling into an environment that is unsuitable for your personality. This usually happens when you plan to…

A walnut tree in a dream represents a stingy foreigner, a backbiter, a slanderer, a difficult person who cares only for his selfish interests. A walnut in a dream also represents a healthy body, or it could mean extensive travelling. Playing with walnut in a dream means playing with unlawful earnings. If a woman sees a walnut tree in her dream, it means longevity. A walnut in a dream also means a husband. Crushed walnuts in a dream mean easy money. Eating pecans from a hickory tree in a dream means speaking the truth.

…a beast talks to someone in a dream, it means his death. If one’s head or nose talk to him in a dream, it means that whoever these two members represent in one’s life (See Body’) will suffer from an adversity. If a tree speaks to someone in his dream, it means benefiting from that line of thinking. A talking tree in a dream means a fight, or the end of one’s exile. The speech of a tree in a dream also could mean exaltation. Whatever a baby says in a dream is true. It also could mean falling into sin. If a godly and a spiritual person sees a baby talking to him in a dream, it means that he will witness wonders or a miracle, or become a witness to an unbelievable agreement. The speech of inanimate objects in a dream always means good, provides a lesson or…

…(Dried fruits | Fresh fruits) In a dream, a sweet tasting fruit represents blessings, knowledge or money. Even a sour tasting fruit means the same when it suits the taste of the person eating it in his dream. When a sour tasting fruit does not agree with the person’s taste in the dream, then it means unlawful earnings or aggravation of his illness. Eating or drinking any by-product that is made of fruit in a dream means debts or facing challenges in a foreign land. Seeing one’s most preferred fruit in a dream represent profits earned from one’s own sweat and such profits will equal the amount of efforts exerted to earn them. A large size fruit in a dream represents earnings that are not yet free from due alms. A fruit without seeds or hull in a dream represents success and lawful earnings. Eating fruits out of season…

…he is not really my cousin, you know — he is a middy, and I secretly adore him — kissed me!I felt certain he was in love, only he was too shy to say anything and — well, I never thought he would have clinched matters so precipitately. But my duck-dreams are always good. When I dreamed of them once before, what do you think I got in the morning? Why, a gold watch from a great-aunt, who had never in her life before made me a present of anything. So, you see, I just mean to dream of ducks as often as I can.”The experience of an elderly married lady, who until recently resided in Upper Norwood, is not so pleasant. “I dread either seeing or dreaming of magpies, she said to me;” they always foretell “a death. I dreamed three magpies crossed my path the day before my…

(A gummy compound with a volatile fragrance from the camphor tree. Camphor tree | Evergreen tree) In a dream, camphor represents a commenda- tion, honor or giving charity in secret, conceiving a child, or it could mean good deeds. (Also see Shrouding | Mummification)

…In a dream, apples represent beautiful children. An apple in a dream also denotes one’s determination and good will. To a king, apples in a dream represent his kingdom. To a merchant, they represent his merchandise, and to a farmer they represent his crop. E ating apples in a dream means determination. Eating a sweet apple in a dream means lawful earnings, while eating a sour tasting apple means acquiring unlawful earnings. Sour apples in a dream mean divisiveness and hurt, while its tree represents torpor. If a king throws an apple at one of his subjects in a dream, it means good news or attainment of one’s goals. Planting an apple tree in a dream means adopting or caring for an orphan. An apple tree in a dream represents a good man and a believer who serves and benefits his community. Eating an apple in a dream also…

…dream, it means a quick death. A broken staff in a dream represents a sickness that will lead to debilitation and complete loss of power. A staff in a dream also means giving orders, victory over one’s enemies, or attainment of one’s goals. If the staff is made from a branch of a palm tree in a dream, it means isolation. If it is made from a branch of an almond tree in the dream, it means banishment. If it is made from a branch of a plum tree in a dream, it means religious hypocrisy. A staff in a dream also could represent a snake or sorcery. Hitting someone with a staff in a dream means using harsh language with him. If a poor person hits a rock with his staff, and if water gushes forth from the rock in the dream, it means prosperity. If a rich person…

…(Seeds | Terebinth | Tree) Pine trees and their fruit in a dream mean loneliness and bewilderment during travels. Climbing a pine tree in a dream means triumph, success and hearing good news. Pine nuts in a dream represent the pine tree itself. A pine nut in a dream also represents a renowned person who has a noble character, a godly person who is respected, holy but poor, or it could represent someone who has little to offer, or a person who shelters thieves out of compassion. The same interpretation applies to owls and crows. Building a door for one’s house from pine wood in a dream means hiring a servant or a doorman who has little politeness and who is filled with foolish ideas. If a merchant or a businessman builds such a door in a dream, it means that he will unknowingly employ a thief….

When the dreamer sees a trunk in his dream, then such dream symbolizes the past, old thoughts, undiscovered paths. Perhaps the dream shows the troubles that have not been solved in the past. If you saw the trunk of the vehicle, then such dream promises you the joyful trip you are going to have. If the dreamer saw the trunk of the tree, then such dream could represents the strong personality he has, but only when the trunk is firm and hard. On the negative note, the dream shows your weaknesses, but only if the trunk of the tree is lean and petty.

…This is a very good dream to the majority of people. To see red apples on trees with green foliage is exceedingly propitious to the dreamer. To eat them is not as good, unless they be faultless. A friend who interprets dreams says: Ripe apples on a tree, denotes that the time has arrived for you to realize your hopes | think over what you intend to do, and go fearlessly ahead. Ripe on the top of the tree, warns you not to aim too high. Apples on the ground imply that false friends, and flatterers are working you harm. Decayed apples typify hopeless efforts….

To dream of the trapeze, denotes to free lifestyle you are willing to live. Probably you wish to be more thoughtless and free from your responsibilities and control. The dream could also indicate the sexual needs you have such as the variety of different poses, especially if you were swinging on a trapeze.

…When a woman dreams that she’s harvesting corncobs, or baby corn, it indicates that she’ll soon be in a position that she has longed for, but this may happen as long as she continues to work with the same enthusiasm. To dream about corncobs is positive; it announces good times, good news and a plentiful life. To dream about yourself wondering in a corn field and seeing how it has germinated, i.e., that green plants have raised above ground, suggests that what you are doing in your daily life will bring good results in a short term. However, if the plants you see are wilted, it symbolizes bad news. To dream of yourself shaking the reeds that carry the cobs suggests that you’re too eager for the results of your work, what is something not so good. This dream is a type of warning against an exaggerated impatience feeling….

…(Food) Anointing oneself with oil in a dream means receiving blessed and lawful earnings, or it could mean recovering from an illness. Drinking oil in a dream has a bad connotation and implies a bad omen, an evil spell or an illness. However, olive oil in a dream also represents knowledge, wisdom, spiritual guidance, inner light, blessings and lawful earnings. Drinking any other type of oil in a dream such as oil from rape seeds of the crucifer family tree (Brasica napus), or cashew oil from the terebinth tree {Pistacia terebinthus), then it represents earning money from a suspicious source, or receiving illegal money. Oil in a dream also represents the light of the heart, spiritual growth, a growing insight, or it may denote birth control, murders, assassinations, or braking someone’s bones. Oil in a dream also denotes a broker. If good oil turns putrid or stale in a…

The symbol of the triangle can have several different explanations depending on the situation in your waking life. Firstly, the dream could indicate the relationships you are in which includes three people and one of these persons is unable to choose between two. Secondly, the dream may symbolize the three different elements of the dreamer: spiritual factors, thoughts and physical aspects.

…Any number above one and below seventy-eighty is deemed to portend good fortune to the dreamer, but forty-nine is the luckiest. All numbers above seventy-eight are uncertain, except three hundred and forty -three, and that is a very lucky number. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 49, 10, 13….

To see the Statue of Liberty when you are dreaming, acts as a symbol of freedom. The Statue of Liberty in the dream is a sign for the expansion of personal and cultural connections. Maybe dreaming about the Statue of Liberty is the representation that you become free from some difficulties. Alternatively, it means your own independence in full power. Or maybe you are learning to stand on your own. The Statue of Liberty is also a symbol of patriotism. If you have business, then this dream indicates bright future of free enterprise.

…To dream that you’re eating any kind of fruit is usually an unfavorable dream, especially when the fruit is still green. To dream about unripe fruit that it’s still on the tree announces a prosperous future. To dream about small green fruit that’s still on its tree suggests that you’ll have to make a great effort to be able to achieve your goals. When a woman dreams that she’s eating unripe fruit, it suggests that she’s being discredited through slander and gossip. To dream that you’re buying or selling fruit symbolizes that your business is productive. If the fruit is unripe, it suggests that your affairs will not go well and that you won’t gain profits in a long time….

…Firewood in a dream means slander and backbiting. If one puts two or three logs to burn in the fire in a dream, it means that an argument will take place or that an exchange of rough words will grow beyond one’s control. If a religious person sees timber in his dream, it means that he will commits a major sin such as theft, murder, or adultery, he will then be caught and put to justice. If anyone kindles a fire in a dream, it means that he will report someone to the authorities. Carrying firewood in a dream means exchanging harsh words, slander, rebuke or calumniation. Seeing timber in one’s house also means profits, fulfilling needs, inheritance or endowments. If the timber needs cutting in the dream, it means earnings that involve great efforts, or earnings that bring about evil. If the timber is already cut for the…

…The dream, in which you see the three-leaf cover, indicates three different times: past, present and future. The dream shows how you are coping with your life and what it will bring you in the future. The dream, in which you see the four – leaf clover, represents good fortune. Perhaps the dream indicates the situation you made to become favorable to you….

…if he is sick, he will recover from his illness. If one is transformed into a beautiful shoot of green or a blossoming branch of a tree in a dream, it means that he may die within a short time. Becoming taller in a dream means longevity, prosperity, or begetting a son. If one finds himself missing partial mental keenness or physical abilities or a limb in a dream, it means that he may suffer losses relating to his worldly interests. If a man sees himself transformed into a woman, and wears her apparels, ornaments and make-up in a dream, it means that he may suffer humiliation, adversities and abuse. If a woman sees herself transformed into a man, or if she grows a beard in a dream, it means that she will reestablish her connection with a missing child. As a man in the dream, and if she is…

Oak in a dream represents a difficult person who loves to hoard money, or it could represent a great shaikh, or a rich person. (Also see Oak tree | Tree)

…(See Blossom) To dream of green and flourishing trees is an excellent omen, as it foretells riches — the larger the trees, the better the fortune: if you dream of climbing into a high tree, you will not only be rich, but will come to great distinction. If a girl should dream of seeing her lover up a tree, she will marry a wealthy and distinguished man. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 4….

Eating a lemon in a dream means blame or falling sick. However, if one sees a lemon and does not eat it in the dream, then it means money. Giving someone a lemon in a dream means criticizing him, or it could mean a bust, total loss, or a bad deal. (Also see Lemon tree | Lemon | Tree)

Dreaming of a decorated and lighted Christmas tree announces upcoming joys and a streak of good luck in business or money aspects. Dreaming of a Christmas tree without ornaments or lights, suggests that soon there will be unpleasant and unfortunate incidents after having enjoyed prosperity and happiness.

…The peach tree symbolizes spring and abundance. Its flowers are marriage flowers. Its wood provides magical protection. Peaches symbolize prosperity and love. To dream of a peach tree means that we will receive protection and assistance. If we see it with flowers it’s an omen of happiness and love. If it’s full of peaches fruits, especially if you eat any of them, the protection and support will serve to achieve wealth and happiness….