…(Astray | Injustice | Kill | Murder | Relief) In a dream, slaughter means displeasing one’s parents, or it could mean injustice. If one sees himself in a dream slaughtered, he should pray hard and seek refuge in God Almighty to help him. If one sees corpses of slaughtered people scattered around him in a dream, it means profits and achievement of his goals. Seeing slaughtered people in a dream also may mean that they have gone astray. If one sees a man or a butcher slaughtering him in a dream, it means that he will triumph over his assailant. If he is imprisoned, it means that he will be set free. If he is seized by fear, it means that he will reach safety and regain his equanimity and peacefulness. If he is a war captured prisoner, it means that he will be set free. If he is…

…one may get married to a noble and a wealthy woman. It also means acquiring knowledge. Harvesting dates out of season in a dream means that one will learn something good but fail to act upon it. If one see that he is fanning himself with a tender and a wet branch of a palm tree in a dream it means learning something beneficial from a hypocrite, or it may mean relief from distress. If a woman sees herself eating ripened dates that are dripping with juices in the dream, it means that she will receive an inheritance from her husband and that her name will be included in his will, even if she is divorced. If one sees himself taking a date, splitting it in half and extracting the date pit from it in a dream, it means that he will beget a son. Eating fresh dates in a…

…guided me to a path, and, after setting me in my course, left me to pursue my way as best I could. Plunging irresolutely into the gloom, I followed the winding of the path with considerable uneasiness, fearing to tread lest I should be precipitated into some abyss, and momentarily anticipating the appearance of the strange and uncouth race of people, previous experience had told me inhabited the wood. On and on I went, my fears increasing with the gloom, which, at last, became so impenetrable that I was compelled to halt. I could see nothing, nothing but the faint glimmer of tree trunks; for the rest, all was blackness. I was then suddenly whisked off my feet by a body that shot precipitately between my legs, and, with the wind howling like ten thousand demons through my ears, I was borne through space. For a long period all was…

The damson tree in dreams is interpreted as the symbol of wholeness and prosperity, but only if it had fruits growing on it. If you see yourself taking the plums from the tree and eating, them then it signifies the grief and frustration you are going to have. The dream indicates the dark period in your life.

…(Decree | Flyer | Letter | Publication | Public announcement | Record | Scroll | Write | Writing) Holding a book or a letter in one’s hand in a dream signifies power. A book or a letter in a dream also signifies fame or public knowledge. If one sees himself carrying a sealed letter in a dream, then it means that he will receive confidential news or a report. If a book or a letter is carried by a child in a dream, it means glad tidings. If it is carried by a servant or a housekeeper, then it means glad tidings and good news. If a letter is carried by a woman, then one could expect a quick relief from his trouble. If the letter which the woman is carrying in the dream is an open letter, and if the woman is wearing a veil, it means that…

The eating of almonds is a symbolism of growth especially financial one. If the almonds tastes horrible, then it shows the minor problems the dreamer will have to deal with. The tree of the almonds is known as an omen of fertility, joy and overall happiness. The tree of almonds that is ruined signifies sorrow and troubles.

…with his sword unsheathed in a dream, it means that he commands good, forbid evil, and that he will receive blessings and praises in this world and in the hereafter. This dream also can be interpreted as earning one’s martyrdom. If one sees himself sitting under the central Tuba tree in paradise in a dream, it means blessings and prosperity in this world and in the hereafter. If one sees himself sitting in the gardens of paradise in a dream, it means that he will be blessed with sincerity and perfect religious adherence. Eating from the fruits of paradise in a dream means acquiring knowledge. Drinking from its rivers of honey and milk in a dream means receiving wisdom, inner knowledge and prosperity. Leaning against a tree in paradise in a dream represents the chastity of one’s wife. Picking the fruits of paradise and feeding them to others in a…

It symbolizes what disappears or dies. The key to the dream is provided by the name of what is wrapped. The degree of opacity of the envelope is also important, it will indicate the degree of death or depth into which is buried in the subconscious.

Traditionally, seeing a tree with new green leaves can be interpreted as an omen of abundance which could mean that there will be economic and sentimental abundance. As well as it could mean that there could be ideas, that will be followed through. But on the other hand, seeing leaves fall from the tree means that you can lose something very important, but only for short period of time. It will come back again in your life.

…This dream is fairly common and frequent and has vast hues. First we must distinguish from seeing ourselves being abandoned or if we abandon someone or something. When the abandoned is oneself, it’s typically a bad dream, unless we are abandoned by powerful people, indicating the possibility of being free from their domain, which gives hope for a better life. Also when in our dream we are abandoned by a lover it may mean that we are being freed. In other cases, it always predicts problems and difficulties. If our mother leaves us, it signifies material difficulties, if it’s the father, it means lack of the necessary willpower to carry out what you want, if it’s the spouse, then it means difficult material circumstances that are occurring because of our own actions. When we ourselves give up something or someone, it means that we are living tied to principles…

…(Fruit) A quince in a dream denotes a sickness. However, if a sick person eats this fruit in his dream, it means that he will recover from his illness. If a governor eats quince in his dream, it means that he will achieve his goals. If a healthy person eats it in his dream, it means that he will receive spiritual guidance. If a merchant eats it in his dream, it means prosperity. Extracting juice from a quince in a dream means undertaking a business trip and reaping good benefits from one’s venture. A quince tree in a dream represents a prudent, discrete and a firm man from whom no one can benefit, or it could represent a vile person. A green quince in a dream is better than a yellow one. A quince in a dream also represents a beautiful and a noble woman. Many interpreters disliked the…

When you dream of the cypress tree, then such dream foretells about the tree of the cypress, then such dream indicates the unconscious mind of the dreamer, life after death and unknown aspects. The dream could also represent the melancholy and sorrow.

…Dreaming of seeing a juniper tree, portends happiness and wealth out of sorrow and depressed conditions. For a young woman, this dreams omens a bright future after disappointing love affairs. To the sick, this is an augury of speedy recovery. To eat, or gather, the berries of a juniper tree, foretells trouble and sickness….

…To dream of beautiful apples usually signifies as a good omen. If you see apples among green foliage, but those are within your reach and are ready to be eaten, it suggests a long-awaited success announcement. To that you’re cutting the apples from the tree and eating them indicates that what you have long-hoped for it’s close to become a reality. By contrast, to dream about apples that are located on top of a tree beyond your reach suggests that your goals will still take some time to be achieved, so in the meantime, you must work hard. To dream about apples that are on the ground and worse if they are unripe or rotten, it suggests that your goals are not likely to be realized and therefore you must think and work on other plans or projects. Sometimes these types of dreams indicate losses, either due to your…

…Eating mulberries or strawberries in a dream mean increase in one’s earnings, praiseworthy religious assiduity, good faith, certitude and leading a healthy life. Blackberries in a dream represent gold. The mulberry tree in a dream represents a wealthy person with many children. Mulberry in a dream also could mean borrowing money. A mulberry tree in a dream also represents a wealthy and a generous man with a large family. Eating black mulberry in a dream also means prosperity….

The prairie dog is interpreted as the symbol of some situations that are being wild, free and unexpected. The dream could also show that you wish to be free from all of the responsibilities and duties that you have. Perhaps you feel that you have too much on your shoulders.

To dream an acorn, represents you as a confident, strong and dexterous person. This dream represents the start of actions you will do, will make big and advantageous results. If you dream of seeings acorn on the ground and picking it up, represents the joy you will have after severe work you have done. This is the sign, that you willl be pleased. If you see yourself eating an acorn it is the sign of happy, easy future and wealtthy life you are going to have. If you see yourself trying to pluck the acorns from the tree and shaking the tree, it signifies your good impact on other people. You should be happy, as people around you, respect and admire you.

(Cypress | Pine) In a dream, an evergreen tree represents a beautiful woman or a man whose words do not conform to his actions, or it could mean a journey, children, longevity or a generous son. (Also see Tree)

Who dreams of planting poplars experiences a fast but temporary promotion. Removing the bark of the tree is a sign of an improving fortune. Dreaming that you cut this tree may indicate an immediate ruin.

…This tree symbolizes a long life, either for the dreamer or for a project that you are making or have planned to start soon. Other authors also indicate that just seeing the cedar tree, means you’re starting to stand out from others and if you see yourself getting close to the cedar means you’re recovering your illusions….

(Gum | Past | Tree) In a dream, glue represents blessings, nobility, or one who shares some of the good qualities and attributes pertaining to such a tree.

…(Food | Valuable gift | Unexpected favor) A gummy saccharine secretion found on a species of a Tamarisk tree. A manna tree is also found in the Egyptian Sinai. Eating manna in a dream means receiving lawful money without any labor or hardships, or it could mean a favor and a bestowal by the grace of God Almighty. Seeing manna in a dream also means spending money on God’s path, or escaping from a fatal accident or danger. Exchanging manna for green sprouts and garlic in a dream means humiliation and poverty. Eating manna in a dream means earnings lawful money….

To dream you see an olive tree with olives, denotes peace, delight, concord, liberty, dignity, and fruition of your desires. In dreams, the olive tree means the wife, and therefore it is good to dream that it is nourishing well, bearing fair and ripe fruit in season. To dream you beat the olives down, is good for all but servants.

(Fragrance | Seeds used in perfumes and in making sweets | Prunus Mahaleb, bot.) In a dream, a mahaleb tree represents blessed and sweet earn- ings. Seeing a mahaleb tree or a branch of it in a dream also may mean begetting a son.

…one of the houses and fell in a heap at her feet.She then saw to her horror that it was metamorphosed into her father, and, sure enough, the very next day, she received a telegram to say that her father had died, quite unexpectedly, in the night. She also dreamed, a day or two before the death of her greatest friend that she was travelling by rail with two greyhounds seated opposite her in the same compartment. Another person told me; that, shortly before a fire in her house, she had a curious dream about a mastiff. The creature entered the room in which she was sitting, and suddenly flew at the hearthrug and tore it to pieces.Another lady I once questioned as to her dreams informed me that she had been engaged three times, and that prior to the termination of each engagement she had dreamed of a dachshund.There…

To prepare one, news of an arguments or battle. To see one without a person being in it, affliction. To undress to bathe without entering the bath, disappointments, but soon will be forgotten. To enter into a bath that is too warm or too cold, domestic troubles, depending its size on to the degree of heat or cold. To enjoy a bath of warm and of soft water richness, pleasure, joy and health. A sea-bath symbolizes honor and profit. A shower bath is an omen of the headache.

…that he will be inflicted with a great calamity because of a falsehood he fosters, or innovations he practices. If one becomes a messenger in a dream or a caller to God Almighty, and if someone hearkens to him and accepts his message in the dream, it means that he will rise in rank. Otherwise, it means that he will become a broker, a liar, a defrauder, a swagger, depending on his level of knowledge, or it could mean that he will be struck with a major calamity in his life. Such a calamity will be of the same caliber, degree and nature that a messenger of God Almighty may have suffered from his own people. Seeing one of God’s prophets in a dream also means living the experience of time, space and condition in which he saw him in the dream. Wearing the cloak of one of God’s prophets…

Dream of your mother represents the maternal side of your personality. Mothers provide protection, comfort, life, support and love. Some people may have problems to break free from their mothers and are looking for their own individuality and development. Having a specific conversation with your mother represents an issue that is concerning you and you don’t know yet how to solve it. On the other hand reflects unsolved problems in the relationship with your mother in real life. Hearing to your mother calling you in a dream means you were negligent on duties and you will have concerns. Hearing your mother screaming in a dream denotes a certain disease or affliction.

To dream of seeing apricots growing on the tree, represents that your positive thinking while looking to the future will not appear as good as you think it is. Things will not go as smoothly as you would like them to be, so stay calm and do not stress, as you will sort it out and will find the solution. When you dream of seeing yourself eating the apricots, it symbolizes dissapointment and frustration on things you are doing at the moment. If you see others eating apricots it shows that you will have problems, but everything will pass away very quick.

…to accomplish his goals. A rich person in that case may get sick, or it could mean longevity. Walking on three feet in a dream means either that one will grow to be old, or that through an ailment, he will not die until he uses a cane to help him walk. If a ruler or a judge sees himself having many legs in a dream, it means that he has many helpers. If one’s feet turn into iron in a dream, it means longevity and prosperity. If they turn into glass in a dream, it means that he will live a short life and suffer a debilitating illness. If they turn gold in the dream, it means that he will use them to seek a lost property or a desired wealth. If they turn silver in the dream, it means that he is a philanderer and he will live…

…(Beads | Garden | Glass | Pearls | Ribs | Silver | World) A beautiful looking woman in a dream represents a year of comfort, peace and prosperity. A woman in a dream also represents a coffer, one’s store, or his hiding place. A woman in a dream also represents the earth, the world or a graveyard, for one returns to it after that he cames out of it. A woman in a dream also represents a prison, a confidant, a tree, a well, an inkwell, a house, or a partner who shares wealth and pleasure with the husband. Seeing a beautiful woman entering one’s house in a dream means joy and happiness, money that will not last, or the reversal of one’s condition from harsh to amiable. A fat woman in a dream represents a prosperous year. Seeing an unknown woman in a dream has better connotations than…

(Under garment | Underpants) In a dream, a slip represents a free woman. A woman wearing an underwear slip in a dream denotes marriage. If she is wearing a flashy red slip in the dream, it means that she will be accused of wrongdoing. If a respectable woman adventures with her slip into the streets in a dream, it means that her misfortune will become the talk of the town.

…(Disposer of estates | Guardian) In a dream, a woodcutter represents the person in charge of distributing one’s inheritance, since it is he who disposes of the dead branches of a tree. In a dream, a woodcutter also represents an agitator, winter profits, eavesdropping, gossip, burdens, or sins….