…(Breach | Break | Enmity | Rift | Cutting off) Enmity among relatives and rupture of relations in a dream means straying away from God’s path, heedlessness, paying a penalty, or it could mean suffering from being exiled as a punishment. (Also see Enmity)…

To dream one sees and discourses with father, mother, wife, brother, sister, or some other of his relations and friends, though they are dead, is an advertisement for the party to mind his affairs, and to behave himself properly in the world. See Predecessors.

…If you dream of being annoyed at home by your relations, it is a sign that you will be the subject of much scandal: if, on the contrary, you imagine that your relatives visit you and give you great pleasure by their society, it foretells that you are talked about a good deal, but always with respect and veneration. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 70….

A handsome and rich bride or bridegroom. 64.

Good circumstances, luck. 15.

Soon marriage; for women, a safe delivery of a child.

Escape out of danger.

Good prospects in life. 199.

…dream means earning money from a woman. If the trees of one’s garden or farm do blossom in the dream, it means conceiving a child from such a woman. Watering a garden or a farm in a dream also means having sexual intercourse with one’s wife. If pure water gushes forth from one’s mouth in a dream, it means that he is a gnostic and people will benefit from his knowledge, wisdom and admonition. If one is a young merchant, it means that he is a truthful person. Sweet water in a dream also represents the element of faith in God Almighty, while saltwater represents the element of atheism. In a dream, water also means wealth. Seeping water from a crack in a wall means adversities and distress caused by a brother or an in-law. (Also see Distilled water | Earth | Ophthalmologist | River | Walking on water)…

…property means sadness, crying and sorrow and the same applies if one drinks from that water in his dream. If one sees several springs gushing forth in a dream, it means prospering through dirty actions and corruption. Seeing a spring in the valley in a dream means blessings for most people and particularly for the sick and the needy. A dried well in a dream means the opposite. If one who is suffering from depression sees a spring in his dream, it means relief from his difficulties, repayment of his debts, recovering from his illness, or repentance from his sins. A spring of sweet water in a dream also means collecting one’s profits or rents. If one sees a rivulet carrying pure and sweet water to his house in a dream, it means profits, easy life and blessings that will be driven to him. (Also see Rivulet | Spring)…

…with rainwater, the gushing forth of springs with sweet, fresh and pure waters. Rain in a dream also means reviving an old and a stagnant matter, or it could mean benefits, profits, blessings, relief from distress, payment of debts, or feeling relief. In a dream, a good rain means blessings, a good harvest and profits for a farmer. If the skies rain honey, butter, oil, or food people like in the dream, it means blessings for everyone. Rain in a dream also represent mercy from God Almighty, a helping hand, knowledge, wisdom, the Qur’an, rejuvenation, revival, resurrection and life. If one sees himself standing under a cover, a roof, or behind a wall to take shelter from a rainfall in a dream, it means that he may suffer because of someone slandering him. If the rain falls in season in one’s dream, it means roadblock barring travels, business losses, inability…

…business or pleasure. Air in a dream also represents one’s desire and passion. Thus, disobeying one’s mind, desire and passion in a dream means entering the heavenly paradise. Following one’s desires in a dream means negligence of once religious duties. Standing up in the air and speaking loud in a dream means blessings, favors, money, honor and fame. Sitting in the air in a dream means arrogance and self- deception regarding religious opinions. Building a house up in the air or placing a mat in the air or raising a tent in the air means death of a sick person, and what is built in this case is one’s own coffin. If a governor sees that dream, it means his dismissal from his office or his death. Seeing that dream after a wedding or after having marital relations with one’s wife means mistrust and loss. It also means involvement in…

…such straits that reconciliation will be improbable if not impossible. To see them soiled, foretells that you will be corrupted by indiscriminate associations. To see pure white ones in large lots, foretells that you will resist the insistent flattery of unscrupulous and evil-minded persons, and thus gain entrance into high relations with love and matrimony. To see them colored, denotes that while your engagements may not be strictly moral, you will manage them with such ingenuity that they will elude opprobrium. If you see silk handkerchiefs, it denotes that your pleasing and magnetic personality will shed its radiating cheerfulness upon others, making for yourself a fortunate existence. For a young woman to wave adieu or a recognition with her handkerchief, or see others doing this, denotes that she will soon make a questionable pleasure trip, or she may knowingly run the gauntlet of disgrace to secure some fancied pleasure….

Dream of a fleur-de-lis indicates pure feelings towards you and sincerity in the affective and friendly relations.

…as I beat and prodded it against the jagged edges of my teeth. But all to no purpose; my head remained full and my stomach empty.”A whole lifetime seemed to pass in this tantalising, agonising manner, and then into the room, in Indian file, stalked all my friends and relations, each carrying in their hands a champagne glass. My uncle, who had been dead and buried at the very least thirty years, headed the procession. Walking solemnly up to me, he took hold of my nose, twisted it round like a tap, and down through my foaming mouth poured the whiskey. As soon as his glass was full he raised it above his head, and exclaimed in a sepulchral voice, ‘ Health! Health! Health!’ to which all the company in chorus responded ‘ Amen! Amen! Amen!’ One after another my relatives and friends followed his example, and twisted my nose…

…To dream that you’re watching pictures announces disappointments, frustrations and deteriorating relations, particularly sentimental relations. To dream about a picture of your beloved one implies infidelity, and so it makes you feel disappointed. To dream that others are shooting pictures announces upcoming unpleasant visits. To dream that you’re watching your own picture suggests that your misconduct is hurting other people who deserve your respect and esteem….

…If you see your uncle in a dream, you will have news of a sad character soon. Dreaming you see your uncle prostrated in mind, and repeatedly have this dream, you will have trouble with your relations which will result in estrangement, at least for a time. To see your uncle dead, denotes that you have formidable enemies. To have a misunderstanding with your uncle, denotes that your family relations will be unpleasant, and illness will be continually present….

…Dreaming of friends being well and happy, denotes pleasant tidings of them, or you will soon see them or some of their relatives. To see your friend troubled and haggard, sickness or distress is upon them. To see your friends dark-colored, denotes unusual sickness or trouble to you or to them. To see them take the form of animals, signifies that enemies will separate you from your closest relations. To see your friend who dresses in somber colors in flaming red, foretells that unpleasant things will transpire, causing you anxiety if not loss, and that friends will be implicated. Dreaming you see a friend standing like a statue on a hill, denotes you will advance beyond present pursuits, but will retain former impressions of justice and knowledge, seeking these through every change. If the figure below be low, you will ignore your friends of former days in your future…

…Dreaming that you are the victim of any scheme, foretells that you will be oppressed and over-powered by your enemies. Your family relations will also be strained. To victimize others, denotes that you will amass wealth dishonorably and prefer illicit relations, to the sorrow of your companions….

…Parents or guardians usually symbolize intellectual relations and conflicts with the outside world. This dream represents the world of the commandments and prohibitions, because parents are those who restrains and hinders freedom and subversion of instincts. If the father appears in severe attitude it means a guilt complex or the imminence of discussions with our superiors. If in a dream we mourn his death the guilt is even greater. If we dream him with a benevolent, loving expression, it can reveal a great need for protection and affection, or it can show that we have good relations with our superiors. If in adulthood we dream of the father too often it’s an indication that something is wrong in our psyche and we would do well if we consult with the psychoanalytic….

…Dreaming of playing with cards suggests carelessness and superficiality in handling affairs. Dreaming of betting money with cards is a warning that the dreamer is risking a lot and that in the end there will suffering due to losses and problems. Dreaming of playing with cards with several people, but without money being involved just for pure fun, suggests good social relationships. Dreaming of losing by playing with cards announces the presence of adversaries waiting for the opportunity to attack the dreamer, even legally. If a young woman dreams that her fiancé is playing with cards, is a warning that he is not a man who would be good for her, since he is only looking for fun. Cards in dreams usually have the following meanings: CLUBS: difficult and complicated marriage. CUPS: Love, fidelity, an acceptable marriage, but not a happy one. SWORDS: becoming a widow in a short…

…For a business man Dreaming that his proposition has been accepted, foretells that he will succeed in making a trade, which heretofore looked as if it would prove a failure. For a lover Dreaming that he has been accepted by his sweetheart, denotes that he will happily wed the object of his own and others’ admiration. If this dream has been occasioned by overanxiety and weakness, the contrary may be expected. The elementary influences often play pranks upon weak and credulous minds by lying, and deceptive utterances. Therefore the dreamer should live a pure life, fortified by a strong will, thus controlling his destiny by expelling from it involuntary intrusions….

…To come close to a person in the dream with a pure and sweet breath, commendable will be your conduct, and a profitable consummation of business deals will follow. Breath if fetid, indicates sickness and snares. Losing one’s breath, denotes signal failure where success seemed assured….

Dreaming of one or more acacias is a sign of the existence of pure and loyal affection. If you are sitting at the foot of an acacia, or contemplating it, it usually indicates platonic love.

To dream that your sweetheart is sulky and diffident, proves his intentions are pure.

To dream that your sweetheart is sulky and diffident, proves his intentions are pure. But to dream that he has an insinuating address, fond of making you presents, is playful, and mildly intruding, proves that he is artful. Beware!

Pure feelings towards you. Honesty in affective relationships and friendships.

…Red currants announce a faithful and constant love. The white currants mean pure satisfactions of love. The black currants show loving carnal pleasures. If we dream of currants out of the season in which they mature it’s an omen of infidelity….

To dream of white clouds, signifies joy and prosperity, but black clouds means trouble. Thickset clouds moving rapidly in the air, grief and trouble to the dreamer. Clouds disappearing and the pure sky, denotes prosperity.

If you are in good health it is a happy and very positive omen that speaks of love and marriage. Orange denotes pure, warm and passionate love that promises numerous offspring. If the flowers of orange tree are wilted or the oranges spoiled those loves are waning or have not been taken advantage of it.

The sky in a dream represents eternity of potential and freedom of human beings. The dream in which the sky is clear and blue, promises pure living, while the cloudy and dark sky indicates sad mood and troubles.

To dream of bird-nests signifies in maidens, pure virginities, but if the birds away be flown, it shows her maidenhead is gone.

If you dream of the snowflake, then such dream shows the pure and innocent side of the dreamer. Alternatively, the dream could be an indication of something the one is longing for.

…A frog in a dream represents a pious and a religious person. Sitting with frogs in a dream means having a good relationship with one’s family and being friendly with one’s neighbors. Eating a frog in a dream means receiving benefits through a relative or a neighbor. Eating a frog in a dream also means gaining authority or accumulating extensive wealth. Frogs in a dream also represent people who practice magic arts and sorcery. If one earns his livelihood from dealing with sea life, or if he sells spring water for living, then seeing frogs in his dream means profits. If one sees frogs leaving a town in a dream, it means that a calamity is lifted through prayers and atonement. Hunting frogs in a dream means winning over one’s rivals or competitors. Frogs in a dream also represent lobbyists, readers, dervishes, ascetics or they could represent noisy people…

The feathers in dreams could have various interpretations depending on the circumstances of the dream. The dream in which you see floating feathers that are white, pure and beautiful, always brings luck and joy to your life, especially on the financial aspects. The feather that are black or dirty shows that the joy will be false and you shouldn’t trust those around you, because they might promise you the great things, but you will get bad ones. The dream in which you brush feathers means joy and happiness.

…(M’izaab) If one sees the Gutter of Mercy in a dream, which is located on the roof of the Holy Ka’aba in Mecca inside a mosque or a house in a dream, it carries the same interpretation as that of seeing the Well of Zamzam in a dream. Standing under the Gutter of Mercy at the Holy Ka’aba in a dream means that one’s wishes will come true, and particularly if pure fresh water pours through it. However, if murky water comes through it, then it means the opposite. (Also see Gutter | Ka’aba | Zamzam)…

Symbolizes the ideal, the soul and everything pure and precious that can exist inside the impure and perishable world. The pearls that have holes in it are interpreted as the dream about the necklace, which means that when they are putted together they symbolize the continuity. The single pearl symbolizes purity, wisdom and goodness. If the necklace of pearls breaks and all of the pearls fall out on the ground, then such dream represents the misfortune and disappointments you will suffer.

Beautiful and happy events; sincere person with pure feelings is near you. Tranquility.

…(Dollar | Money) A banknote in a dream represents a pure intention, a beautiful son, a treasure, an agreement, a consent, deputyship, devotion, straight path, swearing in, testimony or wisdom. Losing a banknote in a dream means losing one’s son or missing one’s prayers. If one sees himself moving piles of banknotes to his house in a dream, it means that money will be delivered to his hand. Though banknotes are blessings and they are what people need, nevertheless, they are also Satan’s arrows. If one sees himself handling a large quantity of banknotes in a dream, they mean trusts he receives for saving or as a business. If one sees himself holding a banknote in his hand in a dream, it means that he has entrusted something to a friend who will deliver it back to him on demand. A counterfeit banknote means illegal money or income from…

…Dreaming of being in a beautiful and fertile country, where abound rich fields of grain and running streams of pure water, denotes the very acme of good times is at hand. Wealth will pile in upon you, and you will be able to reign in state in any country. If the country be dry and bare, you will see and hear of troublous times. Famine and sickness will be in the land….