Apart from love of God, it symbolizes all kinds of pure and delicate loves.

…prejudices will not be so aggressive. Dreaming that a minister in a social way tells you that he has given up his work, foretells that you will be the recipient of unexpected tidings of a favorable nature, but if in a professional and warning way, it foretells that you will be overtaken in your deceitful intriguing, or other disappointments will follow. (These dreams are sometimes fulfilled literally in actual life. When this is so, they may have no symbolical meaning. Religion is thrown around men to protect them from vice, so when they propose secretly in their minds to ignore its teachings, they are likely to see a minister or some place of church worship in a dream as a warning against their contemplated action. If they live pure and correct lives as indicated by the church, they will see little of the solemnity of the church or preachers.)…

…To dream of sugar denotes purity: if a lover dreams that his sweetheart presents him with white loaf-sugar, it shows that her affection for him is pure and disinterested; it is therefore a good sign for him to dream of taking tea with her, as she would naturally put such sugar in his tea: to dream of sugar of any kind, or sugar candy, is an excellent omen. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 19, 48….

Eating dessert in a dream means sweet and pure love, happy businesses and good health.

Spirituality and delicacy. It is also a symbol of pure feelings.

…If you dream of angels it represents the dislocation in your soul. Usually angels represents chastity, innocence and purity. Make sure you heard what angels were trying to say to you in your dream, as this could be the main notification and key to your happy life and what you should do to reach that happiness. The other meaning of seeing angels in your dream could be that you are behaving irresponsibly without thinking of important things. If you see yourself as an angel it means that you behave very good with other people and this dream represents how good you feel about that. Seeing angels is always a good sign, it signifies spiritual and religious aspects of you, how deep you believe in God, how pure and innocent you are. If you see an angel holding the scroll it is very religious dream. Everything that is going to…

…Dreaming of a quiet, bright, green, and flowery countryside insinuates that the dreamer is at peace with himself or herself and spirit, thanks to advantageous conditions in not only sentimental affairs, but also materials and health. Dreaming of the countryside with vast and distant horizons is a symbol of great desire for freedom and the desire to travel. This dream is common in people who live in big cities and feel the need to breathe pure oxygen and receive sunrays, away from the crowds that oppress them. Dreaming of being in a country house or somewhere beautiful in a nice little town hints that the dreamer isn’t happy with living in the city which is why the dreamer is searching for a definite change or at least an extended vacation in a quiet place. Dreaming that the countryside surrounding the house or the village is in ruins, indicates that…

…Dreaming of violent winds or air, especially when they’re hurricane-like and worse if they blow over dirty and stinking swamps, is usually not good omen, as it warns of anguish and mental confusion. It can also mean irreparable losses. This interpretation varies when it’s fresh, soft and fragrant breezes, in which case it points to benefits in the immediate future. Dreaming of breathing hot air may mean that you’re falling under bad influences that are making you acquire bad vices and habits. Dreaming of breathing cold air can mean that your family, social or business relationships aren’t going well and that you need to pay attention to them if you wish to correct all of the mistakes. Breathing moist and heavy air may mean that something bad will hinder your plans, preventing achievement in the immediate future. Dreaming about breathing pure and fresh air may mean that your family,…

…your personality. Perhaps you need to become more positive and assertive. Alternatively, the white clothing indicates the innocent and pure features you have. If you were eating the clothes, then such dream shows the hardships you have while enjoying the life or the way you are. The dream, in which you see the layers of clothing, denotes to many different moods you are having at this time of your life. If the man is wearing clothing of women, then such dream shows that you are not what you are pretending to be. The mask you are wearing is totally different from who you are. The clothes that are old, represents the memories from the past or the old attitude you are still carrying with yourself. If you are wearing clothes of other people, then such dream shows the features you wish to adapt in yourself. The clothes that you wear…

If you dream of the clothesline where the clothes are hanging, then such dream represents the features of your personality you are trying to hide. The dream could also indicate the emotional problems and inhibitions. The clothes that are hanged on the clothesline and are white, represents the pure and immaculate aspects of your personality, therefore such dream is interpreted as the good omen.

…best. Bread in a dream represents woman’s chastity. Bread made with bleached flour means living a clean life, having pure knowledge, or a beautiful wife. If a student sees himself distributing bread among poor people in a dream, it means that he will attain his goals and succeed in his studies. If he is a preacher, it means that people are accepting his admonitions and advice. Otherwise, if he sees people crowding over him to get their bread in the dream, it means that people will seek what he has to offer. In that case, his position is better than theirs, for the giving hand is better than the receiving one. If one sees a deceased person offering him a piece of bread in a dream, it means that he will receive unexpected money from an unsolicited source. If one sees bread hanging in the skies, over the roofs or…

When you dream of seeing the deity face to face, then it shows happiness and joy. To talk to him, joy and pure felicity. If He appears to extend his arms towards the speaker, then it shows some kind of benediction, divine mercy or temporal prosperity.

…that you are riding is not in your control, then such dream represents your inability to manage your own life. Perhaps you did everything to reach your goals, but the luck was not with you. If the horse which you see in a dream is armored, then such dream represents the power, strength and ability to stand for yourself. You are the person who will never let others to humiliate yourself. This dream could also show that other people are afraid of you, because you look more after yourself than the others. On the other hand, if the horse is armored, then such dream could indicate your sexual wishes which have been suppressed. If you see yourself bathing the horse in a dream, then such dream symbolizes something new, fresh and pure in your waking life. At this time of your life you are ready to start anything new….

…This is an English word for a lump of gold: to dream of digging a big nugget of pure gold, is a sign of wealth and honours. Dreams relative to gold or silver promise good fortune always. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 4, 11, 44….

…no idle thing and that the haunting words had some deep signification? Out of pure mischief and curiosity I nodded a grave assent. “Do you intend to go?” I added.”Ere eight hours chime/’ was her reply, and the words brought with them a perfect recollection of my own dream-answer. Then I saw again the brown form and the brown river, and shuddered. The girl, I was sure from her face, perceived the tremor that made the cup and saucer I held vibrate in my nervous grasp.Meanwhile; the eyes of the man had never ceased to scrutinise me; I felt them like burning points.What an ill-looking ruffian he was — sinister and repulsive, jealous as Othello, and ready, I felt sure; for any pretext whatsoever to assassinate me.I was not surprised when he addressed me, and his voice was in admirable keeping with his person.”If you belong to the society, signor;…

…(Cane) A reed in a dream represents the worst of people, or it could connote engaging in a despicable and a loathsome conversation. Leaning on a stick of reed in a dream represents the short span of life which remains for such a person, and it could mean that he will become poor before he dies. Reed in a dream also represents a frugal person who has loyalty to nothing, and who has no respect for the common norms or ideals. If one sees strips of reed turn into strips of silver or gold in a dream, then they denote good and valued deeds. Reeds in a dream also signify prosperity and wealth which is made from lawful earnings, a pure and a chaste wife, or good children. However, reeds in a dream also represent hypocrites, and if one hears their sound in his dream, it means an argument,…

Give a kiss on the cheek indicates pure feelings. Slap or receive a slap is a sign of resentment in the family.

A written paper indicates that you will receive agreeable news. A white paper means love and pure pleasures. A painted paper is a signal of hypocrisy and jealously.

…This is a favorable dream, denoting pure and deep friendships for the young and a quiet and even life for the married. To kill a deer, denotes that you will be hounded by enemies. For farmers, or business people, Dreaming of hunting deer, denotes failure in their respective pursuits….

When you dream of Basil ir represents the love, fascination, affection and sensitivity. The dream symbolizes pure feelings and kindness. You will be completed with good emotions, so try to nourish these days as good feelings leve only magnificent affection.

…changing conditions in relation to women, children or properties. The opposite is also true. If one sees silver turning into gold in a dream, it means increase in value, the rising moon of one’s wife, children, business or clan. Any gold embroidered garment or fabric in a dream means religious offerings. Any gold plated ornaments in a dream means emulating mundane people, or outwardly imitating spiritual people, or ostentatiously acting like them. Pure gold or silver in a dream means purity and sincerity of one’s intentions, making a true covenant or signing a peace treaty. Gold plated or silver plated ornaments or gold leaf objects in a dream represent a short life, changing circumstances, spending long and sleepless nights, or it could mean forgetfulness. Wearing any manufactured or handmade piece of jewelry in a dream means perpetual earnings. The same interpretation is given to gold foils. (Also see Goldsmith)…

Dreaming you worship God, is good. If you dream you receive pure favours from him it shows health.

The sight of one or to make buildings burning yourself, with a clear and pure flame, with mount violence, without sparks and without being consumed or burned, means that the dreamer doesn’t have a very good fortune. If the flame is violent, shedding sparks consuming the house, then it announces great fortune for a dreamer. He won’t have to deal with any of the badness.

In the dream to have wings, means that you are very pure and sensitive person. Also this dream shows that you wish for protection from above in order to avoid stressful situations in your life. The other meaning may be that you are trying to fly away with these wings from negative and hard situation. If you see the wings of bird in your dream, then this denotes that you want to live free without any restrictions.

Dreaming you worship God, is good. If you dream you receive pure favours from him it shows health.

To see in the heaven a moderate fire, pure and luminous danger to your life or to some high place in your mind. See the heaven being very blaze an attack upon the nation, plague, famine, desolation. Make sure you pay attention to the fact from the side this fire falls will come the enemies or aggressors. If this fire jumping and about to extend or descend, the evil nature of the sign is magnified. The heaven that is seen with flowers means discovery of the truth. To ascend to the heaven, overwhelming honor will be received. (See Stars, etc.)

…Dreaming of eating jam, if pure, denotes pleasant surprises and journeys. Dreaming of making jam, foretells to a woman a happy home and appreciative friends….

When you dream of seeing yourself going bald, it is a sign of the fears you are having. Maybe you are worrying about being aged or maybe you do not trust yourself and underestimate yourself. Usually baldness represents modesty, innocence and dedication. This time of your life you feel clean and pure as you never did before. If you want to reveal more information abou your dream, please see the meaning of the Hair.

The snow in dreams usually tells about the person being very emotionless. Perhaps he doesn’t show his emotions to those around him. The snow that is pure and white denotes to good qualities of the dreamer and the dirty snow the bad characteristics about the dreamer. If you eat the snow, then such dream foretells about the loneliness the one who eats suffer.

To dream of predecessors, as grandfathers, and other ancestors, implies care. See Relations Deceased.

Seeing a refrigerator means expected relations will cool down. This dream can also mean having to terminate an unpleasant situation.

…Dreaming of abusing a person, means that you will be unfortunate in your affairs, losing good money through over-bearing persistency in business relations with others. To feel yourself abused, you will be molested in your daily pursuits by the enmity of others. For a young woman Dreaming that she hears abusive language, foretells that she will fall under the ban of some person’s jealousy and envy. If she uses the language herself, she will meet with unexpected rebuffs, that may fill her with mortification and remorse for her past unworthy conduct toward friends….

Difficult relations with those around you.

attending College, means purposes and successful projects, prosperity, problems solved. See a college represents harmonious relations.

…is chasing the dreamer, could mean that the dreamer is involved in illicit relations that are dangerous (it is equivalent to saying that the law is watching the dreamer). Dreaming of several small and playful dogs could signify that the dreamer is acting frivolously, without seriousness and without being constant. Dreaming of skinny and ugly dogs could mean that there will be problems in business, in the family, and even illnesses, particularly in the children. Dreaming of dogs barking could mean that soon there will be various problems, including losses. This dream should be taken with caution, since there could actually be a dog in the neighborhood barking. Dreaming that some dogs are biting you or are about to bite, could mean that soon there will be serious problems with matters that are being handled, with friends or family, all of it provoked by the dreamer’s selfish attitude, which means…

…excreting in a dream, it means spending money with a clear intent of benefiting from it. Seeing the anus of an unknown woman in a dream means material losses, or it could mean difficulties in ac- quiring the necessary money for one’s livelihood. Seeing worms coming from one’s anus means departing from one’s children or loss of one’s children. If a cloth comes out of one’s anus in a dream, it means severing relations with strangers who took advantage of one’s children and abused their rights. Having sexual intercourse with a woman through the anus in a dream means asking for something in the wrong way. If one sees a peacock coming out of his anus in a dream, it means that he will beget a beautiful daughter. If he sees a fish coming out of his anus in a dream, it means that his wife will beget an ugly…

Announces wicked relations.

If you are weeding in your dream, this is a sign that it is time for you to get rid of bad habits, negative attitude because it is time for you to step into new period in your life and grow yourself as a wise personality. This is the moment when the beginning and basis will be very important because you will build new relations or life. If you see dried weeds this shows your lost friendship.

…Dreaming that one’s nails are longer than usual, is a sign of profit; and the contrary, loss and discontent. To dream that one’s nails are cut off, shows to the party so dreaming that he shall suffer loss and disgrace, and have contention with his friends and relations….

Your relations will compromise you in illicit enterprises.