Dreaming of burning coal indicates the danger of breaking relations with a very important person. If the coal is off, then it shows that you feel a strongly repressed passion.

Eating them or growing them, sign of illness, sadness and loss; sharp and cold relations; hypocrisies and falsehood.

Dream of eating or growing legume indicates illness, sadness and loss. Also denotes some short and cold relations with hypocrisy and falsehood.

…Dreaming of your father-in-law, denotes contentions with friends or relatives. To see him well and cheerful, foretells pleasant family relations….

People are teasing you and you will suffer evil from your relations.

If you dream of the teacher, then such dream signifies your search for help, suggestion and intelligence. Try to pay attention of what kind of the teacher you were dreaming of, as the subject that this teacher taught you have some relations in today’s life. On the other hand, the things that are not related to the subject this teacher has taught you could have a huge impact in your life either. The dream about the teacher could also indicate the feeling of being a student in some situations of your life where you are taught many new things.

Dreaming of having a ferocious appetite means you need a dietary supplement. You must be careful with family and friends relations, avoid setbacks.

…Dreaming of a corpse is fatal to happiness, as this dream indicates sorrowful tidings of the absent, and gloomy business prospects. The young will suffer many disappointments and pleasure will vanish. To see a corpse placed in its casket, denotes immediate troubles to the dreamer. To see a corpse in black, denotes the violent death of a friend or some desperate business entanglement. To see a battle-field strewn with corpses, indicates war and general dissatisfaction between countries and political factions. To see the corpse of an animal, denotes unhealthy situation, both as to business and health. To see the corpse of any one of your immediate family, indicates death to that person, or to some member of the family, or a serious rupture of domestic relations, also unusual business depression. For lovers it is a sure sign of failure to keep promises of a sacred nature. To put money…

…the second place, to their insatiable love of foolish gossip. Now, however, as I gazed at the hideous countenance, and rubbed my eyes to make sure I was not dreaming, I felt that the gossip I had scorned was only too well founded, and I determined that nothing should induce me to sleep in that room again. The apparition was only visible for a very few seconds, and when I stirred it completely vanished. I have not only experienced this precursor of the occult myself, but I know others who have dreamed of ravens shortly before witnessing an occult phenomenon.I dreamed of a wren just before I got engaged to be married; and three of my correspondents always dream they see a wren prior to hearing of a marriage. Larks portend good news of friends and relations, and happy events generally. Linnets portend marriages; thrushes’ minor ailments and troubles….

To dream that you’re applying makeup to yourself means that you are trying to cover up your real self; that you want to put on a mask. On the other hand, it may also suggest that you’re trying to enhance a new image of yourself. To dream that you put on too much makeup may suggest hypocritical, false and deceitful relations.

…Dreaming of a hearse, denotes uncongenial relations in the home, and failure to carry on business in a satisfactory manner. It also betokens the death of one near to you, or sickness and sorrow. If a hearse crosses your path, you will have a bitter enemy to overcome….

Seeing a stuffed animal warns you not to challenge the claims of their professional relations.

Meeting of relations, vexation with friends and relatives. 233.

…dream also means marital relations, while the day means separation between them. In a dream, the darkness of night also represents heedlessness and particularly if one witnesses thunder and lightning in his dream. Seeing a complete darkness inside one’s house in a dream means taking a long journey. The night and the day in a dream represent two adverse rulers, or two competitors or adversaries. The night in a dream also represents an atheist, while the day in a dream represents a believer. The night in a dream also signifies comfort and rest, while the day means toiling and hardships. In a dream, the night also means sexual pleasures, while the day means divorce or separation. The night in a dream signifies economic stagnation, while the day means business, travels and hypocrisy. If the night in a dream is interpreted to represent the ocean, then the day means land. The…

…This dream denotes a withering state of things, and bodes no good to the dreamer. Dreaming of breathing hot air suggests that you will be influenced to evil by oppression. To feel cold air, denotes discrepancies in your business, and incompatibility in domestic relations. To feel oppressed with humidity, some curse will fall on you that will prostrate and close down on your optimistical views of the future….

…To make presents of cut glass ornaments, signifies that you will fail in your undertakings. For a woman to see her lover in a mirror, denotes that she will have cause to institute a breach of promise suit. For a married woman to see her husband in a mirror, is a warning that she will have cause to feel anxiety for her happiness and honor. To look clearly through a glass window, you will have employment, but will have to work subordinately. If the glass is clouded, you will be unfortunately situated. If a woman sees men, other than husband or lover, in a looking glass, she will be discovered in some indiscreet affair which will be humiliating to her and a source of worry to her relations. For a man Dreaming of seeing strange women in a mirror, he will ruin his health and business by foolish attachments….

…To dream that you’re acting fraternally with others implies that you want to link your interests with others to expand your social partnerships, and so accomplish something of common interest, for example: in political relations….

If in the dreams you talk about age, it indicates that your sincerity will be appreciated in your professional environment. If you feel concern about age in a dream, you should monitor your health. To hide the age means you will be betrayed by your relations.

…breaking off of a marriage through my agency; the lion, marriage.Shortly after this dream I went to the Pacific Coast of America; a great friend of mine was very successful in his speculations on the Stock Exchange but was much worried over a series of troubles at home; whilst another friend, equally dear to me, foolishly got engaged to the daughter of a nouveau riche who was vulgar even for a parvenu. A quarrel arising between them, owing to her grossly snobbish behaviour to some of his poor, albeit presentable, relations, he came to me for advice, and although I make a strong point of never interfering where love is concerned, I considered this an exceptional case, and strongly urged him to break off the engagement. He acted on my counsel, and within six weeks the girl married someone in her own set, as vulgar and pretentious as herself….

To dream about logs, plants, etc., is very frequent in people who live in the country, because of their constant contact with plants, which gives a symbolic value to the dreams. To dream with one or more logs lying on the ground, but with green and fresh foliage, means that you live a quiet life with good relations both with family and neighbors. To dream with one or more abandoned logs, with old dry branches and leaves, announces sadness, nostalgia, bad business, bad streaks and bad health. When a log is burning, whatever its state is, suggests that there will be heavy losses on business and affairs. To dream that a tree log is almost consumed by fire, announces that a beloved one is about to die, even if none of them is sick.

Health and great happiness, kind relations and warm friends.

…Dreams of apparel, denote that enterprises will be successes or failures, as the apparel seems to be whole and clean, or soiled and threadbare. To see fine apparel, but out of date, foretells that you will have fortune, but you will scorn progressive ideas. If you reject out-of-date apparel, you will outgrow present environments and enter into new relations, new enterprises and new loves, which will transform you into a different person. To see yourself or others appareled in white, denotes eventful changes, and you will nearly always find the change bearing sadness. To walk with a person wearing white, proclaims that person’s illness or distress, unless it be a young woman or child, then you will have pleasing surroundings for a season at least. To see yourself, or others, dressed in black, portends quarrels, disappointments, and disagreeable companions | or, if it refers to business, the business will…

…To dream that one’s nails are longer than usual, signifies profit, and the contrary, loss: to dream your nails are cut off, signifies loss and disgrace, and contention with friends and relations. If your dreams his nails are pulled off, it threatens with misery and affliction, and danger of death: for a man to dream he bites his nails, showing quarrels and dissensions: to dream of paring your nails, foretells lingering sickness. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 57, 8….

You will be mocked by your relations.

…Dreaming about your kidneys, foretells you are threatened with a serious illness, or there will be trouble in marriage relations for you. If they act too freely, you will be a party to some racy intrigue. If they refuse to perform their work, there will be a sensation, and to your detriment. If you eat kidney-stew, some officious person will cause you disgust in some secret lover affair….

…Dreaming that you see your own neck, foretells that vexatious family relations will interfere with your business. To admire the neck of another, signifies your worldly mindedness will cause broken domestic ties. For a woman Dreaming that her neck is thick, foretells that she will become querulous and something of a shrew if she fails to control her temper….

…The dreams about bullfights are generally an invitation to be bolder. It’s a clear indication that it’s time to make some brave and risky attempts in order to find a convenient and definitive solution to the relations that are disturbed by delicate and deep conflicts….

…to be, were two of his richest patients who had come to consult him. Whilst he was deliberating what to do, the door burst open, and his wife followed by all her relations dashed in and denounced him, whereupon he was taken to the police-station, and in the bitter rawness of a cold grey morning — hanged !In this dream, confused and nonsensical as it appears, there are yet many items of significance.The sunshine denotes success in love; the pink and yellow dress of the maid, a wedding and treachery respectively. The accident, reconciliation; running about in a state of nudity, success in work; the green in the mother-in-law’s face, success in the arts. Picking up money, petty troubles; water (clear), end of troubles and good fortune again; travelling by sea, a visit from a stranger and unexpected news. Accident to wife, trouble about a will. Kisses, inconstancy. Murder, domestic…

If a woman dreams of dirty cooking tools, then it means that sentimental disappointments will approach. If they appear clean and ready for use, then it indicates that romantic relationships will improve. This dream for a young, unwed woman can announce the formalization of relations with promises of marriage.

…Doing a good deed in a dream means repentance, reestablishing the connection with one’s blood relations, uniting one’s family with love or being charitable in helping a poor person. If one sees himself calling people to God Almighty in a dream, it means that he will be saved from hell-fire. Doing good deeds in a dream such as charity, prayers, invoking God’s blessings, helping others, protecting the rights of others, commanding what is lawful and shun- ning what is forbidden incurs the divine pleasure and bounty, and brings profits to one’s business, pays his debts, dispels his fears and leads him to receive a leading position in his community. Thanking God Almighty for His favors in a dream means receiving an inheritance. Doing a good deed in a dream also signifies receiving encouragement or having encouraging ambitions. To spend money on God’s path in a dream means receiving money…

Bad marriage, relatives’ problems from those you yearn to escape. Hypocrite relations, fleeting joy.

If we look at sculptures, it foretells useful and pleasant relations. If we see ourselves making a sculpture and recognize the persons we are modeling that expresses our desire to educate and shape their characters.

Yew Tree an indication of the funeral of a very aged person, by whose death the dreamer will derive some benefit, or a protecting hand among the relations of the deceased person.

…Red snake refers to developed sexual urges and overgrowth of erotic attractions. According to Sigmund Freud Teachings, the red snake is seen as a bloody phallic symbol and thus it signifies progressing sexual temptation, development of repressed erotic thoughts, evolution of raw energy in sexuality, or taboo in demonstration of sexual orientation. To dream of a red snake on your bed indicates that capacity for your sexual feelings of being overpowered or threatened has been developed to new heights. Inexperience, nervousness might be a reasons for that. If you are afraid of the red snake, it symbolizes the growth of your fear for sexual relations or intimacy. A fear for any obligation that restricts freedom of action also can be a reason of your dream. If you were eating a live red snake in a dream, then it means that sexual attractions have followed you into sleep. You have…

…higher levels. Red means energy, a change in business or work, etc. When a woman dreams of herself wearing defective, ragged or stained clothes, it can mean that she will be ill-treated due to misunderstandings with people she esteem. If, on the contrary, woman is wearing a beautiful dress, it means nearby successes, especially in social relations depending on the environment she works in. When the dress is white, it forebodes love for young women and more sincere and affectionate friendships for older women. If the dress is black, and even worse if it’s ugly and made of poor quality, it suggests there’s jealousies and selfishness around you. If it has a lot of colors or colored spots, then it symbolizes upcoming changes also ups and downs. Some people will express their care for you while others will attack you. A lot of the above also applies to men….

…To dream that one or more foreigners live in your home suggests that your family and fraternal relations are doing well. To dream that you’re the foreign person suggests that you’re searching for new friends that can help you achieve any personal purpose that will produce profits for you. To dream that you’re being kindly served by a nice and friendly foreign suggests that you enjoy good health, and will also have a successful future. To dream that you’re attacked and insulted by one or more foreigners suggests that you’ll experience an unpleasant situation….

Certain relations put you in a compromise in suspicious and illicit activities.

Dream about thunders means that personal matters are not going well and will get worse if they are not given immediate and wise attention. Problems will get worse if one receives water from the storm with nothing to cover. Dreams with thunder presage troubles and events which will disrupt our plans, making us doubt about the resolutions we have to make, especially in business. It is possible to have hard times regarding family relations. The good news is that, as in real life, thunders are fast and all these problems will be overcome in a short time. There’s no reason to lose hope.

If someone is winking at you in your dream, this means new love relations. This dream may bring you romantic love.

…Dream of weed suggests your need to get rid of the negative things in your life to move on and start life again. It’s time to hide the envy and structuring relations for the future. Dream of weeds means you have to get rid of some old ideas or negative thoughts in your mind. Weed is symbol of neglect. Weeds can also represent friendships or relationships that were bad….