…deeds and leading a devout life not knowing whether his deeds will be accepted by God Almighty or not. As for a married person, planting the fields in a dream means that he will conceive a son, and for an unwed person it means that he will get married, while for a businessman in a dream, it means increase in his profits. Seeing a green crop in a dream means longevity, while a dried crop signifies the near end of one’s life. Planting wheat in a dream means charity, and it will multiply one’s reward. Spike of grain or ears of grain mean a misfortune or miseries. Seeing barley corns in their fields in a dream means spiritual awakening and a conscious endeavor to do good. If one recognizes his crop in a dream, then they represent his worldly and spiritual deeds. (Also see Farm | Harvest | Planting)…

If you dream of having warts in the summer season, it is good to all persons. If the dream be in the cold or winter season, it shows the contrary. Also to dream of corns indicates the same.

It is considered a priceless good. Corns in the dreams mean richness and a happy ending of work. Wealth is proportional to the amount of corn in the dream, just as what happens to the corn (harvest, meal, rye, cereal), for good or bad, is what will happen to our wealth. Dreaming of corn (harvest, meal, rye, cereals) on the bed is an omen of a future pregnancy.

…To see dough in your dream represents changes and growth. To work with dough (kneading of dough) in your dream, signifies opportunity to create something valuable. Alternatively, dough in the dream can also be a metaphor to symbolize money. Overall, raw dough is very fortunate symbol of the dreams. For you mixture of flour and liquid means that there in current phase of your life are possibilities of fortunate changes with potential to create something big in value, that leads to growing financial gains. As external stimuli, dough can represent your desire for any product from bakery. Are you hungry? Or are you ready for changes? Dough mixed with something – If you had dream about dough with something mixed in it, then see the meanings of this particular element, like rice, corns, vegetables and etc….

If you dream of having warts in the summer season, it is good to all persons. If the dream be in the cold or winter season, it shows the contrary. Also to dream of corns indicates the same.

To dream of using or seeing a sledgehammer, offers to remove the barriers you have made for yourself. Maybe there is a fear to do so, however, after removing them you will be able to accomplish things much easier.

Removing hindrances; or, if in love, not very successful. 90.

…investing it. Otherwise, if a poor person, or a blind person braids his or her hair in a dream, then it means complications and difficulties, and particularly when they are accustomed to doing so. If a sick woman sees herself braiding her hair in a dream, it means that she will die from her illness. If one sees his hair long to the extent that he could braid it together with his beard in a dream, it means debts. Shaving one’s moustache, or under one’s armpit in a dream means paying one’s debts, dispelling distress, or following good hygienes. Braiding one’s hair in a dream also means mastering one’s craft. Shaving one’s head during the pilgrimage season in a dream means safety and protection. Shortening one’s hair, or removing unwanted hair during makeup in a dream means dispelling stress, or being coerced to pay one’s debts. If a thief or…

…To dream that you’re standing before a clean and beautiful tablecloth bodes well, because it suggests that at least in the immediate future you’ll enjoy prosperity. A clean tablecloth indicates the desire and likelihood of receiving an important invitation. To dream that you’re removing a tablecloth from the table to just put it away indicates that such invitation will not be received, or in case it is, the dreamer will not be able to attend. To dream about a dirty, old, stained and torn dining tablecloth, suggests that you’re having problems with co-workers, which have increasingly worsen, or those problems may also be with your children or other members of your family (usually with people who economically depend on the dreamer); this can occur after enjoying a pleasant situation like a party or trip….

…a woman. Carrying a red flag in a dream also could represent an evil woman. If it is a white flag, then it represents a pious and a chaste woman. Carrying a flag of many colors in a dream represents a corrupt woman. If one is given a flag to carry, and if he leads a parade of colorful flags in his dream, it means that he will rise in station and receive honor. To take a flag away from someone in a dream means removing him from office. If one sees a black flag in a dream, it could represent an ominous woman. A black flag in a dream also represents a man of knowledge. A white flag in a dream represents jealousy. A yellow flag represents an epidemic disease and a green flag means a journey by land. (Also see Banner | Colors | Honor | Laurel)…

…(Glass slippers | Hoof | Protection | Wooden clogs | Wooden slippers.) Slippers in a dream represent property, protection, a ring, or preventing evil happening. Wearing a pair of slippers in a dream also means a journey, or travelling by sea, or it could mean buying a new vehicle. Tight slippers in a dream means tightness in one’s livelihood, entanglements, or being pursued by debt collectors. Removing one’s slippers in a dream means putting an end to one’s strains. Wearing embroidered slippers coupled with a shawl over one’s shoulders in a dream means increase in one’s wealth and respect. Wearing them in the winter is more beneficial then wearing them in the summer where they mean distress. Seeing one’s slippers on fire or if they fall into a well in a dream may mean the death of one’s wife. In a dream, a pair of new slippers that are…

To dream of removing your residence denotes bad news, especially if the dreamer be in debt. To see someone moving, danger to his property.

Skywriting in the dream represents the spirituality of the dreamer. Dreaming about skywriting, has also the symbolic significance of the secret message, which refers to non material or religious content. Alternatively, the dream about the words in the sky, in the form of smoke trails made by an airplane, stand as a symbol of the connection and the union between spirituality and materiality. Skywriting in the dream means that the spiritual realm and the physical realm are joining together. Maybe you have been looking for the action of removing doubts or fears. Skywriting is the message from your subconscious, that foretells complete reassurance for your success in the future of your life.

…Dream of your hands represents your relationship with the people in your life and how you interacting with the world. Hands are a form of communication between people. In dreams the left hand symbolizes your goodness and feminine qualities and the right hand symbolizes masculine attributes. Dream of taking someone’s hand represents your union with this person. Dream of having very large hands indicates that you will succeed and achieve your objectives. Dream of having your hands stained with blood means you feel guilty about something in real life. Dream of washing your hands means there is a matter that concerns you and you should face it. On the other hand, it indicates you are removing some responsibility off your shoulders….

Dreaming about removing something means recovery and development.

If you dream of being in enclosure, then such dream indicates the state of your mind where you feel you need to protect yourself. Perhaps there is some situation in your waking life that makes you be aware of the surroundings now and in the future either. If you are in the enclosure that is shrinking, then such dream shows the suppressed emotions you have made, because of some matter. You should start removing these barriers that you have made for yourself, because no matter what the protection you have, things that meant to be will happen anyway. If you see yourself in the enclosure that is made out of glass, then such dream foretells about the invisible protection you are putting against the others.

…Circumcision in a dream means purification, cleanliness, discard- ing impurity, celebrations or happy reunions. If one sees himself being circum- cised in a dream, it means that he did something good which God Almighty has accepted, and by its virtue, God Almighty has forgiven him his sins, or it may mean that he will undergo an operation to open his veins or to bleed them. If a young virgin girl sees herself being circumcised in a dream, it means either marriage, or encountering her first experience with her monthly period. Circumcision in a dream also means undergoing an operation of removing one’s testicles, undergoing a prostate operation, or it may mean clearing one’s name from slander and accu sations, or it may mean separation between husband, wife and children, or children leaving their parent’s home, If one discovers that he is circumcised in a dream, it means that he…

…the khimar is made of black torn fabric in the dream, it means poverty of one’s husband, or his being natural, or unsophisticated. Damage to one’s veil in a dream means difficulties affecting one’s marriage, loss of business or a calamity caused by a guardian, a father or a brother. If a man sees himself wearing a mask in a dream, it means that he will commit adultery with his servant. If a woman sees herself removing her veil in public in a dream, it means that she will be tried with a calamity that will take away her sense of shame. If she loses her khimar in the dream, it means that she may lose her husband. If she finds it again in the dream, it means that her husband will return to her. In a dream, a khimar also represents one’s religion. (Also see Veil | Yashmak)…

Removing of troublesome persons. 48.

If you dream of being assaulted suddenly from ambush be aware of that as there might be some kind of threat. There is something that is disturbing you from moving forward and trying to reach the target you were aiming for. This dream represents your strengths and your ability of moving forward and removing obstacles you are facing of. When you dream of seeing yourself lying in the ambush it represents that you will cheat on people you love, so you should try to avoid that and be honest with them.

Removing unpleasant or disagreeable things. 3.

Being forced to give up a project, also, removing an obstacle in your path. , 123.

Dream of putting your socks on indicates safety and firmness of purpose. Removing the socks means there will be some family problems. If you dream of cotton socks it is indicative of sincerity and loyalty from your friends. Dream of silk stockings means you’ll receive unexpected news. If the socks are broken, portends separation from relatives.

…(Door lintel | Doorplate | Threshold) In a dream, the doorstep of one’s house represents one’s power, or it could mean marriage. If one sees himself removing the doorstep of his house in a dream, it means losing his power. If he removes the door lintels of his house in a dream, it means divorcing his wife. If the door lintels are taken away and one could no longer see them in the dream, it means his death. If he can still see them in the dream, then it means a sickness from which he will recover. The door lintel in a dream also represents a woman or the house bottler. If a governor sees the doorsteps of his house being removed in a dream, it means that he will be impeached. Whatever happens to the doorsteps in a dream should be interpreted as relating to one’s wife or…

If you dream about the safe, then such dream indicates your desire to hide something. Perhaps there is something you wish to hide, therefore you dream about the safe. The dream could also show that you have some walls that build in order to protect yourself from the harm that other people can cause you. If you are removing some item out of safe, it could either mean that you feel relieved and no longer need to hide something, or it could mean that you have to reveal your secrets.

Who dreams of planting poplars experiences a fast but temporary promotion. Removing the bark of the tree is a sign of an improving fortune. Dreaming that you cut this tree may indicate an immediate ruin.

Dreaming of this little flower starring the grass at your feet, is an omen of joys laden with comfort and peace.

…(Wrap) A shroud in a dream means coveringone’s private parts, or it could mean having a secret affair, concealing one’s action while displaying a deceptive appearance, or it could mean marriage with an incompatible spouse. Wearing a shroud in a dream also may mean earning money from adultery. If one sees a shroud and does not wear it in his dream, it means that he will be lured to engage in adultery, though he will abstain. Being wrapped in a shroud like a dead person in a dream means one’s death. If one’s head and feet are still uncovered in the dream, it represents his religious failure and corruption. The smaller is the wrap shrouding the deceased in a dream, the closer he is to repentance and the larger is the wrap and more complete is his preparation for burial in the dream, the further he is from repentance….

The heaven in dream is the symbolism of happiness, joy, and divinity. You are feeling free and enjoying the life you are leading. Alternatively, the dream may suggest you to look at things in more serious way, otherwise you won’t be able to recognize the evil and danger situations. Make sure you keep the tranquility that is in you, but at the same time keep your feet on the ground.

…To dream of an actor or actress portends success in courtship; an author, a rencontre with an old friend; a baker, missing a train; a builder, a present in the way of dress; a clergyman, neuralgia or biliousness; a coachman, an injury to the head; a chemist, getting into debt; a dentist, ill-ness or death; a dressmaker, kisses; a doctor, danger from cows and horses; a gardener, an accident to the feet or legs; a grocer, sickness; a lawyer, pecuniary losses and danger from dog-bites; a manicurist, presents from a lover, success in courtship; a parvenu, danger from tramps; a publisher, danger from stinging; a member of Parliament, a birth; a sailor, an accident to a clock or watch; a soldier, breaking china or glass; a tailor, quarrel with parents-in-law; a tinker, visit from mother-in-law, or debts incurred by wife or sweetheart; a tramp, present of a dog or…

To dream of jumping up, foretells high station; to jump down, poverty, if you fall; if you alight on your feet, you will be neither poor nor rich. To jump in the mire, disgrace.

…To find yourself stepping into puddles of clear water in a dream, denotes a vexation, but some redeeming good in the future. If the water be muddy, unpleasantness will go a few rounds with you. To wet your feet by stepping into puddles, foretells that your pleasure will work you harm afterwards….

…time the dull glow around me was transformed into a lurid sheet of violet fire by the lightning, whilst the sky heaved up and down in the most terrifying manner as it volleyed forth peal after peal of demoniacal thunder. And amidst all this titanic uproar a long slender hand arose out of the water, and, turning slowly round, clenched and unclenched its white, tapering fingers three times, and then sank out of sight. Instantly the wind, and the thunder, and the hissing and seething of the waters ceased; the lake at my feet disappeared; the trees and hut sprang up; the sky shone and all was once again as before the storm. And thus the dream ended.In this dream, which ended happily, the violet signified success appertaining to the arts; and the storm, followed by a general reparation of all the mischief it had done, portended a quarrel, which,…

…of the bargain; keep yours. Quick! The three hundred and fifty pounds!””But, instead of giving it me, she burst out shrieking again, and, rushing to the door, shouted, Help! Murder! Help!””Then for the first time I suspected treachery, and determining she should lose something at all events, I swept everything worth having off the dressing-table into my tool-bag, and, making a dart for the window, was preparing to jump out of it, for it was wide open and the garden did not look more than twelve or so feet beneath it, when there was a sharp bang, and, the next instant, my right arm dropped helplessly to my side. There was another bang, and I lost the use of my left. Faint and dizzy from the loss of blood, and utterly bewildered at the unexpectedness of the onslaught, I staggered back, and, coming into collision with a chair, crashed heavily…

…(Bond | Shackle) To see one’s feet put in irons or fettered in a dream represents evil people, or it could mean travels or leaving one’s homeland. (Also see Bond’)…

…Dreaming that you have a fester on your hand, or fingers, is a sign that you will give somebody a present; if on your feet, or legs, it shows you will go to see someone who will be glad to see you. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 7, 6, 14….

…Dreaming of clear water, foretells that you will joyfully realize prosperity and pleasure. If the water is muddy, you will be in danger and gloom will occupy Pleasure’s seat. If you see it rise up in your house, denotes that you will struggle to resist evil, but unless you see it subside, you will succumb to dangerous influences. If you find yourself baling it out, but with feet growing wet, foreshadows trouble, sickness, and misery will work you a hard task, but you will forestall them by your watchfulness. The same may be applied to muddy water rising in vessels. To fall into muddy water, is a sign that you will make many bitter mistakes, and will suffer poignant grief therefrom. To drink muddy water, portends sickness, but drinking it clear and refreshing brings favorable consummation of fair hopes. To sport with water, denotes a sudden awakening to love…

…(arb. Sirat) This is the bridge people have to walk on after the Day of Resurrection to meet their Lord on the Day of Judgement. The ease of crossing it depends on the weight of deeds one is carrying. Some cross like lightening, while others have to carry their burdens and move at varying paste. Walking on it in a dream means a journey. If the bridge caves under one’s feet in the dream, it means destruction and death. Seeing this bridge in a dream also represents knowledge, truth, believing in God’s oneness and following the teachings and example of God’s Messenger upon whom be peace. If one’s foot slips while crossing in the dream, it means that he will miss the true path. If one sees himself walking the path in a dream, it means that he is on the right track, follows what is commanded and abstains…

…water is colorless and sweet tasting. If one sees himself as the owner of a stream, a spring, or a watercourse which he establishes as a charity in a dream, it means that he will become a leader, a president, or happily serve his community. If one cleans a rivulet then finds it filthy again, or finds it filled with trash in his dream, it represents diarrhea. If he sees water flowing under his feet in a dream, then it means dropsy. If one sees a stream of water running through a town where people are filling their jars, drinking its water and thanking God for His blessings in a dream, it means that a calamity is removed and is replaced with peace, safety and tranquility. If the people are inflicted with adversities or a drought, then it means prosperity and rains, food, or money and their merchandise will not…

…A chronic illness in a dream means hindrances or suspension of one’s travel plans, or difficulties in earning one’s livelihood in a work that involves using one’s hands and feet, or it could represent impediments to achieving one’s goal….