…(Damp | Food | Humid | Produce | Ripe | Tender) Fresh vegetables or fruits in a dream and in their season represent a political appointment in a populated village or a small town. Eating fresh produce out of season in a dream means an illness. As for a merchant, eating fresh produce in a dream means profits and plenitude. Fresh or ripened fruits in a dream represent glad tidings, spiritual awareness, victory over one’s enemy, chastity, lawful earnings or absence of trouble. Eating a ripened fruit out of season in a dream also may mean a miraculous recovery from illness and a blessing….

Disturbance in business.

A good sign.

Becoming sick.

Honour and riches bestowed upon you. 9.

(Fresh seafood) A fresh fish salesman in a dream represents a jeweler, one who earns lawful money, knowledge, strive, trickery, exposing secrets or defamation. To buy a fresh fish in a dream also may mean gettingmarried. (Also see Seafood restaurant)

…Dreaming of dirty, stagnant water, even if it’s streaming, indicates evil, corruption, and larceny. Dreaming of clean, clear water in any form, it is always a good sign of joyful motivation to live in prosperity, tranquility, etc. When you see dirty water within dreams, in whatever form it appears (the worst is the muddy water), suggests poor health or unpleasant events, undesirable and hypocritical friends. Dreaming of clean, fresh water that falls on the face or head of the dreamer, announces that love illusions are going well. When the water is clear, clean and seems still or perhaps with gentle waves, and reflecting the sky, it’s reflection of cosmic things and quiet meditation. Dreaming of playing with clean water or walking on it, announces that there will soon be pleasing illusions, which is more probable if you can see decorative plants and aquatic flowers in the water. Dreaming of…

…Dreaming of violent winds or air, especially when they’re hurricane-like and worse if they blow over dirty and stinking swamps, is usually not good omen, as it warns of anguish and mental confusion. It can also mean irreparable losses. This interpretation varies when it’s fresh, soft and fragrant breezes, in which case it points to benefits in the immediate future. Dreaming of breathing hot air may mean that you’re falling under bad influences that are making you acquire bad vices and habits. Dreaming of breathing cold air can mean that your family, social or business relationships aren’t going well and that you need to pay attention to them if you wish to correct all of the mistakes. Breathing moist and heavy air may mean that something bad will hinder your plans, preventing achievement in the immediate future. Dreaming about breathing pure and fresh air may mean that your family,…

…If you dream that you see a house in a dream, then such dream indicates the inner phases of your personality. The certain parts of the house represents specific aspects of your identity. If you see the house which is empty, has no people, furniture or any appliances in it, then such dream indicates the emptiness you feel inside yourself. Perhaps you feel lonely and denied by others. If you see the house that is renewed, then such dream shows that there is something important in your waking life that is changing very quickly, therefore you see yourself changing either. If you are cleaning the house in a dream, then such dream indicates how you are trying to clean up your thoughts. You are ready to take the new chapter of your life and you wish to start fresh and new beginning. If you see yourself living in the…

…he will play with money and confuse himself. Fresh potable water or a well in a dream also could be the immediate cause of a trial, fight or calamity. Giving someone a glass of water in a dream is glad tidings of a child. Drinking a glass of spring water in a dream means conceiving a child, or that he will receive benefits from his wife. In this sense, glass in a dream represent the substance of a woman and water represents a fetus. Drinking hot water in a dream means distress and adversities. If one is pushed into a pond or a river of clear water in a dream, it means receiving a pleasant surprise. Seeing oneself submerged in a body of water in a dream means facing a trial, distress, bewilderment and adversities. Carrying a jar of clear water in a dream means receiving an inheritance. Asking people…

…(Garden greens | Herbs | Legume | Sprouts) A bouquet of fresh garden herbs in a dream represent a man in sorrow and distress. Gathering a bunch of mixed herbs from one’s garden in a dream signifies trouble caused by a female members of one’s family. If it is a bunch of fresh sprouts, then one should be careful about an evil mishap. Dry sprouts in a dream signify money that will salvage a bad investment. (Also see Sprouts)…

…(Dried fruits | Fresh fruits) In a dream, a sweet tasting fruit represents blessings, knowledge or money. Even a sour tasting fruit means the same when it suits the taste of the person eating it in his dream. When a sour tasting fruit does not agree with the person’s taste in the dream, then it means unlawful earnings or aggravation of his illness. Eating or drinking any by-product that is made of fruit in a dream means debts or facing challenges in a foreign land. Seeing one’s most preferred fruit in a dream represent profits earned from one’s own sweat and such profits will equal the amount of efforts exerted to earn them. A large size fruit in a dream represents earnings that are not yet free from due alms. A fruit without seeds or hull in a dream represents success and lawful earnings. Eating fruits out of season…

To have interaction with or to see something decay, when you are dreaming, stands as a symbol of the degradation of a situation or circumstance. Rotting can be symbol of the death in some situation. Putrefaction and decomposition may also be a sign of the rebirth into a new stage.

…To dream that you’re eating ham suggests a desire for pleasant walks, parties and a comfortable life. When a woman dreams that she’s cooking ham, it symbolizes a happy, calm, problem free and pleasant home, and that she’ll have good social relationships. To dream about abundance of hams, and worse if they are in their rotting process, it suggests that someone is trying to scam you. To dream that you’re cutting slices of ham suggests that you’ll finally have control over all resistance and obstacles that you’re facing. To dream that you’re preparing a ham to start serving it to your guests suggests that you’ll receive attention from others. To dream that you’re trading or selling hams suggests upcoming prosperity and good health for you and your family. To dream about a ham’s roasting aroma suggests that soon you’ll be rewarded due to the intervention of others….

…Dreaming of potatoes, brings incidents often of good. Dreaming of digging them, denotes success. Dreaming of eating them, you will enjoy substantial gain. To cook potatoes in the dream, indicates congenial employment. In the dream to plant potatoes or to see others planting them, brings realization of desires. To see rotten potatoes or to make them rotting in the dream, represents vanished pleasure and a darkening future….

To dream that you go to a fish market, stands as a symbol for pleasure and joy. To have interaction with rotting fish, means extreme anxiety, sorrow, or pain. In the dream to see decayed fish at the fish market, announces distress that will come in the disguise of happiness.

The shoe lace shows how much you look after yourself, you like to keep things in place. You will good when you are controlling the situation. To try on the shoelace means that you are looking for different ways in order to keep everything perfect. Sometimes the shoelace indicates things that you are no longer interested to and the fact that you have a new and fresh start.

…(Beverage) Drinking an unknown sweet drink or a glass of a cold and fresh water in a dream means guidance, knowledge, having good taste, and the diligence of the people of the path. Drinking a glass of cold sweet water in the early morning in a dream means lawful earnings and profits for everyone, except for someone who is used to drinking hot boiled water which means sickness, stress, depression and a scare from evil spirits. Any yellow colored drink in a dream means sickness. Drinking an infusion of a violet flower in a dream means recovering from an illness, or avoiding certain food in one’s diet. If one is unwillingly drinking a bitter medicinal syrup in a dream, it means that he might suffer a light illness. If he drinks apple juice or honey or myrtle drink or any other delicious drink in a dream, it means happiness…

…Dreaming of seeing fresh, crisp stalks of celery, you will be prosperous and influential beyond your highest hopes. To see it decaying, a death in your family will soon occur. To eat it, boundless love and affection will be heaped upon you. For a young woman to eat it with her lover, denotes she will come into rich possessions….

Fresh fruits in a dream denote money that does not last, while dried fruits represent money that will last. (Also see Fruits)

…that you are riding is not in your control, then such dream represents your inability to manage your own life. Perhaps you did everything to reach your goals, but the luck was not with you. If the horse which you see in a dream is armored, then such dream represents the power, strength and ability to stand for yourself. You are the person who will never let others to humiliate yourself. This dream could also show that other people are afraid of you, because you look more after yourself than the others. On the other hand, if the horse is armored, then such dream could indicate your sexual wishes which have been suppressed. If you see yourself bathing the horse in a dream, then such dream symbolizes something new, fresh and pure in your waking life. At this time of your life you are ready to start anything new….

…to the ground. The next instant there was a rush from the doorway, and a crowd of servants, men and women, were pommelling me without mercy.”It was in vain I reminded them I was wounded,” it was in vain I implored them to desist. Whenever they left off, the voice of their dastardly mistress from the background goaded them on to fresh endeavours, and I verily believe they would have finished me off altogether had not half a dozen policemen burst into the room, and sent them to the right-about. I was then lifted up and my wounds attended to, whilst the lady poured forth her tale.”I was at dinner,” she began,” when, hearing a noise upstairs””What sort of a noise?” the sergeant asked.”Oh, a dull thud,” the lady said, lying glibly. ” Fearing that it might be my husband, who was lying down in the dressing-room as he was…

…means a coffer, a beehive, or a honey- comb. If the seeds are white in the dream, they represent little money. If they are red, then they represent a sizeable profit. A pomegranate in a dream also denotes fear or a journey. A fresh looking pomegranate in a dream represents a young virgin. A broken pomegranate in half in a dream represents a deflowered girl, a divorcee or a widow. A rotten or a spoiled pomegranate in a dream represents an unchaste woman. A sour tasting pomegranate in adream represents unlawful money, worries, or disturbances. If one sells pomegranates in a dream, it means that he will sell the everlasting reward of the hereafter for the temporary pleasure of this world. Drinkingpomegranatejuice in a dream means spending for one’s livelihood. A pomegranate tree in a dream represents a pious, respected and a rich man. If he is a merchant, his…

…a sore, a gangrene in this place of beauty, cleanliness and elegance; and as I am wondering at the strange incongruity of it, he solicits me for alms. I refuse. He asks again. I threaten him with the police. He is at once silent. Turning my back on him, I continue my promenade. Someone in the street utters a cry of horror. I swing round, and as I do so, the tramp stabs me in the back. I catch a look of hellish vindictiveness in his eyes, and then, seized with an instantaneous and dreadful sickness, I stagger, reel and fall, struggle, gasp — and die!I think this dream must be intended as a warning, and I never visit a fresh seaside place — particularly abroad — without considerable anxiety as to the appearance of the front. So far, I have found no place to correspond quite with that in…

To dream about logs, plants, etc., is very frequent in people who live in the country, because of their constant contact with plants, which gives a symbolic value to the dreams. To dream with one or more logs lying on the ground, but with green and fresh foliage, means that you live a quiet life with good relations both with family and neighbors. To dream with one or more abandoned logs, with old dry branches and leaves, announces sadness, nostalgia, bad business, bad streaks and bad health. When a log is burning, whatever its state is, suggests that there will be heavy losses on business and affairs. To dream that a tree log is almost consumed by fire, announces that a beloved one is about to die, even if none of them is sick.

In a dream a red snake refers to the evolution of the subconscious. Red creatures that are slithering along the ground may represent your growing subconscious mind. If a red snake is swimming in the water, it is a reflection of the strong surge in the suppression of the emotions. If you were dreaming about of a red snake inside a box, then it symbolizes your refusal to acknowledge newly developed part of your subconscious. The red snake dream always is alerting you to look around. It is also carrying highly developed hidden message. It means that something important is going around your for some time. The hidden message is not about a fresh thing from your waking life.

…To dream that your face is swelled, indicates an augmentation of wealth and honour; but if it grove’s pale or emaciated, you will be severely disappointed. Of a fresh smiling face, friendship and joy; blackface, long life; washing, repentance. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 5, 11. 55….

…It symbolizes the life force of man and of all beings. The dreams in which a fountain appears highlight our hopes for regeneration, purification or initiation into the mysteries of life. If the fountain is dry in dream it means all hopes are in vain. If we are prevented from drinking from it that means we still have to wait some time before those hopes become reality. If we can drink from the fountain and the water is clear and fresh it means all our needs will be fulfilled. If the water flows murky it means risk of moral or material ruin. If the fountain flows in our garden it’s the best symbol of prosperity in every way….

If you dream that you are on battlefield it signifies the contradiction that is taking place in your awekening time.Keep in mind that the dream could also refer to new upcomings in the future. There is a possibility of new relationships, fresh tasks and unknown targets. You will have to work hard if you want to win and be the leader of the situation.

The dreams in which a fountain appears highlight our hopes for regeneration, purification or initiation into the mysteries of life. If the fountain appears dry those hopes are vain, but if we can drink from it and the water is fresh and clean it will be a good omen that our emotional needs will be satisfied. Other authors warn of unsafe water from the fountain believing that in that case the dream will be harbinger of moral ruin.

The seafood is the symbol of luxurious and healthy life. If the seafood is fresh and well prepared while you are eating it, it means that you have the ability to enjoy life to its fullness. Sometimes the seafood denotes to changes in your waking life that have been done by you.

If you dream that you are taking a bath, it symbolizes purification of your soul. This dream is a good sign as you move forward as new, fresh and clean person. Alternatively the dream says that you are attached to the old habbits which gives you negative affection, especially to your behaviour. It seems that the dream symbolizes much needed requirement to let go evrything that has happened in the past, as you can not change the things that already happened. If you dream of giving a bath to someone, it indicates your wish to be more in touch with that particular person. Maybe you wished you could spend some quality time with that person.

…same plight. Oh, what a day we’re having!’ But, before she had finished, Mrs. Gardner (don’t ask me to describe her) had fled from the room with a shriek; and I, catching sight of myself in the mirror, had all but fainted. I was nude — quite nude — absolutely and wickedly nude!”Well, cheer up! I ejaculated, “For you have got plenty on now, at any rate” — which was only too true, for Mr. Simpson was one of those people who, not content with excluding the fresh air, only partly undress at night and go to sleep in more than half the clothes they have been wearing in the daytime. On our arrival in port he received the welcome news — which he certainly lost no time in making public — that he had been promoted to another and more lucrative living.Dreams of this sort generally augur well….

…To have cradle or to encounter or to see a cradle, when you’re dreaming, has deep meaning and stands as an omen for dependence. Cradle indicates that you’re relying on or requiring the aid of another for support. Maybe you are in dependent relationship. You may feel the demand to be protected and cared for by the person, which is very close to you. Maybe he or she is not paying enough attention to you. Alternative interpretation gives advice for you to be more independent. Maybe you are in the process of regaining some control in your life. On the other hand, there is third meaning of a cradle, and it has the symbolic significance of a new task, project, plan, scheme. A small low bed for an infant also symbolizes fresh start and new beginnings….

…To see dahlias in a dream, if they are fresh and bright, signifies good fortune to the dreamer. See Bouquet…

…his life, all replayed or screened before his eyes at the point of descending into his grave, or as a book one reads after his death. If he does wake up and finds himself healthy and fit, it means that he will become a tyrant, an unjust person, an atheist and a reprobate. If one sees himself descending a staircase that leads him into a mosque, lush foliage, green fields, a fresh breeze of spring, or into a pond to take a ritual ablution to perform his prayers in the dream, it means that he will become a true believer, repent for his his sins and abandon his blameworthy conduct. Otherwise, if he descends upon adverse elements such as snakes, lions, steep hills, corpses, or a field of scattered remains in a dream, then it represents major trials and adversities. If the steps are made of clay in one’s dream,…

If you dream of almonds it signifies rich and stable life, after the disappointments you have been suffering. This will be the time, when you will be relaxed and all the negative emotions will be released. Maybe you should think of taking a break and make yourself a holiday. When you see yourself in the dream eating fresh almonds it represents better and wealthier financial status. If you dream of seeing almonds growing on the tree it symbolizes healthy life, luck and mercy. Keep in mind, that almonds represents happy marriage as well.

…people’s crops in a dream, it means bad news. Blocking the path of a stream in a dream means separation between a husband and a wife, or avoiding a sinful action between unmarried relatives. If one sees himself standing behind a rivulet in a dream, it means that his wife will inherit him. If one sees the water of a stream flowing toward his own home or garden, and if he finds that its water has turned into blood in the dream, it means that someone will marry his wife after him. Drinking fresh water from a rivulet, a stream, or a river in a dream represents the joy of living or longevity. A murky water of a rivulet or a stream in a dream means a fright, difficulties, or a sickness. Streams in a dream also represent the veins and the blood that flows through the human body. (Also…

…Dreaming of being in a beautiful and well-kept cemetery, you will have unexpected news of the recovery of one whom you had mourned as dead, and you will have your title good to lands occupied by usurpers. To see an old bramble grown and forgotten cemetery, you will live to see all your loved ones leave you, and you will be left to a stranger’s care. For young people Dreaming of wandering through the silent avenues of the dead foreshows they will meet with tender and loving responses from friends, but will have to meet sorrows that friends are powerless to avert. For brides to dream of passing a cemetery on their way to the wedding ceremony, will be bereft of their husbands by fatal accidents occurring on journeys. For a mother to carry fresh flowers to a cemetery in the dream, indicates she may expect the continued good…

Cutting your hands forecast loss and disease. Thick and strong hands indicate increase in the number of the family or expansion in the circle of friends. Hairy hands are a sign of small problems. If you dream of losing your hands portends possibility of job loss or death of someone known. Quarrelling with against another person with your hands means struggle or conflict with a powerful person. Fresh and beautiful hands are a sign of happiness and family harmony.