…Dreaming of finding a nest of eggs, denotes wealth of a substantial character, happiness among the married and many children. This dream signifies many and varied love affairs to women. To eat eggs, denotes that unusual disturbances threaten you in your home. To see broken eggs and they are fresh, fortune is ready to shower upon you her richest gifts. A lofty spirit and high regard for justice will make you beloved by the world. Dreaming of rotten eggs, denotes loss of property and degradation. To see a crate of eggs, denotes that you will engage in profitable speculations. Dreaming of being spattered with eggs, denotes that you will sport riches of doubtful origin. To see bird eggs, signifies legacies from distant relations, or gain from an unexpected rise in staple products….

…It symbolizes the life force of humans and of all beings. The dreams in which a spring appears, such dreams highlight our hopes for regeneration, purification or initiation into the mysteries of life. If the spring is dry it means that all our hopes are in vain. If we are prevented from drinking from it, that means we still have to wait some time before those hopes become reality. If we can drink from the spring and the water is clear and fresh it is an omen that all our needs will be fulfilled. If the water flows murky it’s a threat of moral or material ruin. If the spring is born in our garden it is the best symbol of prosperity in every way….

…To dream of a fresh made grave, is a sign of losses: a man of business will probably lose money that is owing to him. But to lovers, this sign is apt to be a “grave to their dearest hopes:” such a dream is decidedly a bad one for them. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 21, 72….

If the bacon is fresh and good quality, then it indicates money earning, success in business, joy and happiness.

…Climbing a mountain, enjoying its vegetations and drink- ing from its fresh and sweet water in a dream means sheltering one’s chastity in the company of one’s wife. (Also see Kfiimar | Veil)…

…If we dream pear tree full of fruit it’s a symbol of material wealth and spiritual fruitfulness. If it’s dry due to lack of water or the pears have falling it’s an indication that we are neglecting our material, sentimental or spiritual issues. To see the flowers of the pear tree fresh and beautiful is a good omen. If the flowers are wilting or falling it might be a sign of illness….

Dreaming of getting a bit wet because of a fresh dew suggests that you’re entering a stage of fever or other disease. Dreaming of drops of dew on plants and grass at the beginning of the day suggests that you’ll receive some rewards in the near future, perhaps distinctions and fortune (at least if that’s what you want). This especially applies to young women who want to have an advantageous marriage.

…(Drain pipe | Gutter of Mercy | Roof gutter) In a dream, a gutter represents someone who is gracious from time to time. Seeing water flowing through gutters without a rainfall in a dream means corruption, or people who are spreading evil in that locality. Each gutter in such a dream also represents the loss of one life. Gutters in a dream also represent servants and housekeepers who faithfully manage their duties, or they could mean relief from distress or pressures. A gutter in a dream also may represent a trustworthy emissary or a reliable letter carrier. If blood flows through a gutter in a dream, then it represents a tyrant and bloodshed that will take place in that locality. If fresh water flows through it, and if people seem to benefit from it in the dream, then it represents economic growth, peace, safety and tranquility. If murky water…

…(M’izaab) If one sees the Gutter of Mercy in a dream, which is located on the roof of the Holy Ka’aba in Mecca inside a mosque or a house in a dream, it carries the same interpretation as that of seeing the Well of Zamzam in a dream. Standing under the Gutter of Mercy at the Holy Ka’aba in a dream means that one’s wishes will come true, and particularly if pure fresh water pours through it. However, if murky water comes through it, then it means the opposite. (Also see Gutter | Ka’aba | Zamzam)…

If you dream about some kind of dirt, then such dream is understood as the symbol of fertility. The very rich dirt could be a symbol of new and fresh start. If you dream about barren dirt, then it signifies all of the negative aspects of your personality. It could be some situation that happened to you suddenly or general uninterested things that are happening in your life.

…in black in your dream suggests failures and problems in business and other activities that you are taking care of. It also indicates that a person you love a lot can die, or that there can be misunderstandings in the family, which can cause significant material losses. Seeing a corpse in his coffin announces immediate problems, since it refers to something very dear that is lost, like friends, business, jobs, properties, etc. Seeing of the corpses in the dreams indicates distrust of the business and affairs being handled and that there will be sadness and absence from your loved ones. This is a dream mainly had by young people when they suffer or they fear a disappointment. Dreaming of a battlefield covered with fresh dead bodies insinuates wars, battles, disasters that will seriously affect many people, including the dreamer. Seeing the corpse of one or more animals indicates that you…

…represents his finances, knowledge, sharing, hospitality and generosity. If one’s own dwellings looked renovated in a dream, it means regaining or developing one’s business for the better. Its fresh paint means fulfilling one’s religious commitments. Its tiles or marble floors represent his pleasures or wife. Dwellings of solid iron cast means longevity and authority. If one enters an unknown house and finds departed souls dwelling therein in a dream, it means that he has entered the realms of the hereafter. If such dwellings are built of mud or plaster, this will be a reflection on his adverse conditions. If one enters such dwellings, then walks out of it in a dream, it means that he will become sick and nearly die of his illness before he recovers from it. If one walks out of it angry in a dream, it means that he will be imprisoned. If he sees someone…

…Dreaming of leaves, denotes happiness and wonderful improvement in your business. Withered leaves, indicate false hopes and gloomy forebodings will harass your spirit into a whirlpool of despondency and loss. If a young woman dreams of withered leaves, she will be left lonely on the road to conjugality. Death is sometimes implied. If the leaves are green and fresh, she will come into a legacy and marry a wealthy and prepossessing husband….

…Dreaming of swimming in clear and fresh waters can mean that difficult issues and problems are about to end. Dreaming of swimming in dirty and muddy waters suggests that the dreamer is going through a difficult situation that will get worse in the near future. People who are in love who dream of swimming in clean waters suggests that there will be a marriage soon and that it will be a happy one. If the water is dirty, then dream’s meaning will be the complete opposite. Dreaming of swimming symbolizes success, progress, comfort, and enjoyment of life. But if in the dream there is a feeling of sinking and drowning, then it means the complete opposite. Dreaming of diving suggests that the dreamer has the skills and inclination of investigating and searching in a difficult way the solution to various problems, and also that he or she is very…

Dreaming of general groceries, if they are fresh and clean, is a sign of ease and comfort.

…To dream of sweet and wholesome fresh meat is a sign you will be coquetted by a lady, and perhaps fall in love with her; but if the meat is putrid or maggoty, it foreshadows sickness and death. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 8, 16….

Burning, which cannot be quenched, represents sadness. During burning thirst, to quench it through drinking fresh clear water, shows wealth and contentment. To quench it by drinking warm, foul water, implies afflictions and maladies, continuing during the entire night.

To have interaction or to encounter or to see a ghoul when you are dreaming, can be interpreted as symbolism that your habits and negative ways are hindering your growth. The dream may also indicates or communicates as sign or symbol of a fresh beginning.

If you have a hysterectomy in a dream, then it denotes to something new in your waking life. You will have a fresh start.

(See Fresh)

…(Loaf | Knowledge | Life | Longevity | Money | Mother | Nanny | Needs | Pros- perity | Religion | A strong person.) When bread is made from bleached flour in a dream, it means blessed earnings and a comfortable life. When it is made with unbleached flour in a dream, it means disturbances in one’s life. It is said that each loaf of bread represents forty years of one’s life. Each loaf of bread also may represent money in denominations of tens, hundreds or thousands, all relative to the financial standing of the person in the dream, or the type of work he performs. Whole wheat bread, barley bread or sweet bread made with honey or sugar in a dream means rising prices. Eating bread with its crusts in a dream is like eating honey with its beeswax. Oven fresh bread when eaten in one’s dream is…

…one you already have. Dreaming about an abandoned tomb with little details of joy, like a fresh flower, or something that indicates a recent visit, means that the bad streak you’re going through is about to end, giving way to joy, expectations and new hopes. Dreaming about digging a grave while bothering other people, suggests that misconducts or indiscretions can create enmities. If you end the grave in the dream, it may mean that simple enmities will become serious enemies. If this happens in the sunlight, it means that there will be solutions to the problems. If you are the corpse inside the grave it means that you’re in serious depression, sadness and despair, which must be fought. Dreaming about mausoleums is a sign of sickness and death of a beloved one, in some cases. To dream that you are inside a grave is a warning of close disease….

To dream of a christening, has meaning of restart in situation or birth of something very positive. Christening in the dream also stands as an omen for a spiritual renewal and fresh beginning in relationship. You may be undergoing a change, transformation or alteration where you want to better understand yourself as important person.

…Dreaming of sleeping on clean, fresh beds, denotes peace and favor from those whom you love. To sleep in unnatural resting places, foretells sickness and broken engagements. To sleep beside a little child, betokens domestic joys and reciprocated love. To see others sleeping, you will overcome all opposition in your pursuit for woman’s favor. Dreaming of sleeping with a repulsive person or object, warns you that your love will wane before that of your sweetheart, and you will suffer for your escapades. For a young woman Dreaming of sleeping with her lover or some fascinating object, warns her against yielding herself a willing victim to his charms….

Usually the gardens are the symbols of great joy and happiness. If the garden is not created by human, but made by nature, then it shows that you will struggle at some situations, however if the garden is beautiful, the universe will help you solving the situation. The garden that is full of flowers signifies joy and happiness in love affairs if the flowers are fresh. The garden that is filled with vegetables represents fertility, financial luck in your deals. The garden that is old and messy with no beauty in it, signifies the losses the dreamer will suffer and the unhappiness he will face.

If the carrots in the dream are freshly harvested or remain fresh, then it is usually a sign of happiness in the family and understanding with those who surround us. However, when the carrots in the dream are spoiled or rotten, then it usually predicts the fact that we will be responsible for the separation from other people, whether intentionally or not.

…to help the needy. If one sees him (uwbp) bare footed in a dream, it means that one has neglected to do his regular prayers. To see him (uwbp) and to shake hands with him in a dream means that one is truly his follower. If one sees his blood mixed with that of God’s Prophet (uwbp) in a dream, it means that one will marry a woman from among his descendents, or that one will marry the daughter of a great religious scholar. If God’s Prophet (uwbp) gives someone some type of greens or herbs in a dream, it means that one will escape from a great danger. If he (uwbp) gives him something fresh or honey in the dream, it means that one will learn the Holy Qur’an and acquire a great knowledge and wisdom according to the amount he receives in his dream. If one returns the…

Dream of washing yourself means you’re proud of your social life and personal efforts and may also mean you’ll receive some fame and prestige. On the other hand, it symbolizes cleansing from unhappy experiences or emotions in your life. Dream of washing your feet means you’ll change your line of work and undertake a more fruitful work. Dream of washing your car suggests your troubles will soon pass. You may be ready to go through life with a new perspective and fresh attitude.

…with rainwater, the gushing forth of springs with sweet, fresh and pure waters. Rain in a dream also means reviving an old and a stagnant matter, or it could mean benefits, profits, blessings, relief from distress, payment of debts, or feeling relief. In a dream, a good rain means blessings, a good harvest and profits for a farmer. If the skies rain honey, butter, oil, or food people like in the dream, it means blessings for everyone. Rain in a dream also represent mercy from God Almighty, a helping hand, knowledge, wisdom, the Qur’an, rejuvenation, revival, resurrection and life. If one sees himself standing under a cover, a roof, or behind a wall to take shelter from a rainfall in a dream, it means that he may suffer because of someone slandering him. If the rain falls in season in one’s dream, it means roadblock barring travels, business losses, inability…

…(Any broad-mouthed earthenware container.) In a dream, an earthenware jar represents a deceiving employee who is entrusted with the accounting department of one’s business. Drinking fresh water from an earthenware jar in a dream means earning lawful money and comfort in one’s life. Drinkinghalf of the water contained in a jar in a dream means having consumed half one’s life span. Drinking from a tight mouthed earthenware container in a dream also means tempting a female worker. If one’s wife is pregnant and he sees himself carrying an earthenware jar that falls and breaks, it means that his wife may die from complications during her delivery or after giving birth to the newborn. In a dream, an earthenware jar also can be interpreted as a hard-working woman, or a servant, though a copper jar represents a noble woman. Ajar of wine in a dream represents woman’s menstrual period. If…

Dream of a young person symbolizes fresh new perspectives and ideas.

…mountain in his dream, it means that he will surely suffer for his sins. Swallowing a mountain in a dream means commanding and controlling ruthless and strong men. Climbing a mountain until one reaches a flat surface in a dream means serving orphans, or nursing sick people. Entering a cave inside a mountain in a dream means reaching safety. The good or evil emanating from seeing a mountain in one’s dream depend on its fertility or bareness. Climbing a mountain and enjoying its vegetations and its sweet fresh waters in a dream means sheltering one’s chastity in the company of one’s wife, or learning a knowledge or a trade that will satisfy one’s needs. Climbing a mountain through a straight path in a dream means facing things the way they are. If one sees mountains moving forward with him, it means a war or a major conflict between people of…

…(Cure | Bitter almond | Sweet almond | Truth) In a dream, almond represent a cure for an illness, impeachment of a governor or loss of one’s job. In a dream, almond also represent a deceased person in his shroud or in his grave. Yet, seeing fresh green almond in season in a dream means profits and blessings. Sweet almond in a dream represent lawful money or earnings, depending on the quantity one sees in his dream. Eating sweet almond in a dream means profits, though to be earned with a fight. Plucking almond from a tree in a dream means earning money from a niggardly person with a fight. An almond tree in a dream also represents one who is stingy with people, though generous with his wife and children. Eating sweet almond in a dream also means tasting the sweetness of one’s faith. Bitter almond in a…

…(Dining table) A dining table with its food ready to serve in a dream means blessings, accepting an invitation to dinner or lunch, financial comfort, status and winning victory over one’s enemy. In this case, one’s enemy is hunger. The food placed on the table represents a booty. Clearing the dinner table in a dream means cessation of comfort and blessings. The dinning table of one’s house in a dream represents his livelihood and sustenance, an important project that requires the help of many people, or a great person who is gracious, true and generous. Sitting on such a table in a dream means joining the company of such great man. If the dining table is topped with clean food and fresh bread in the dream, it means love between friends and brethren. To have little food and some bread on the table in a dream means lack of…

To have interaction or to encounter or to see a minstrel, when you are dreaming, shows new beginnings. It indicates fresh start of some journey in your life.

If it is fresh, it shows advantageous social situation.

…Standing in the air in a dream means being honored or acknowledged by a governor, though it will not last. If one has exaggerated hopes, arrogance, pride, or if he is a self-centered individual, then his floating in the air represents mere disturbed dreams. Walking in the air without ascending or descending in a dream means receiving dignity, honor and earning lawful money. If one does not qualify for it, then walking in the air in his dream means travels. Hanging in the air between the heavens and the earth in a dream represents a concerned heart and uncertainty about what to do! Falling in the air in a dream means despair or loss of status in wakefulness. Falling in a dream also means relief from distress, wantonness, or satisfying one’s needs. Clear, fresh and pure air in a dream represents a good time to take a trip for…

If the petals are fresh, then it announces delicate feelings and sweet thoughts. If the petals are wilted, then it indicates that our actions will make us separated from our beloved one.

To have interaction with a tool with a sharp point and cutting edges for making holes in hard material in your dream is a symbol of fresh start and new beginnings. To see a drill, when you are dreaming, is interpreted as suggestion that you are headed toward a new direction in life. You are opening yourself up to new experiences. You will get new insights in your own life throughout practical contact with and observation of new facts and events.

The flowers are known as the symbol of appreciation, goodness, purity, beauty, love and affection. The flowers could also represent spiritual aspects of the dreamer, depending on the kind of the flower. Consider that flowers may indicate different stages of the life, just like different seasons of the year. The white flowers represent purity or sadness one is suffering from. The flowers that are rotten or withered shows the frustration and disappointment someone or something in your waking life. The dream may also show that you are not using your talents, therefore everything is dead around you. If someone has given you a bouquet of flowers, then it shows how much appreciated and loved you are especially by those who gave you the flowers. If you see flowers that are blooming, then you should prepare yourself for a fresh start of some project or even new relationships.