To dream of martin means fortune. The dream shows that you like communicating with other people, going out and having little chats with them. Alternatively, the dream may show that you are tired of being surrounded by other people and wish to have some privacy.
Dream dictionary: san martin de porres dream meanings
…their hands at her. As she gazed at them, dumb with the agony of despair, there was a hideous rending, tearing and tottering of woodwork and masonry, the entire building fell to the ground with the noise of thunder, and, with this appalling crash still resonating in her ears, Mrs. P awoke. This dream occurred contemporary with the last great fire and earthquake at San Francisco, and those to whom she narrated it namely, those who, like myself, knew the city were assured that her description of it was exact in every detail. Here again projection may explain much.Mrs. P , forewarned by a super physical power of a danger threatening those between whom and herself there was a strong bond of spiritual sympathy, had in her sleep unconsciously projected herself to the spot where the catastrophe was taking place, hoping thereby to save those she loved from…