Dreaming that you are fishing sardines unsuccessfully, announces failures in different fields. Dreaming of trying to fish sardines with a fishing net and other people trying to do the same thing may mean that there is a very strong competition around you and that your business and affairs are at risk. When it comes to love, it warns you of the presence of dangerous rivals, and in the case of businesses, it means that there are competitors who are ready to fight. Dreaming that you caught plenty of fish with a net announces major profits and success. If the dreamer is married or has a solid relationship and is dreaming of sardines, then it usually indicates that the dreamer feels unjustified jealousy.

…To eat sardines in a dream, foretells that distressing events will come unexpectedly upon you. For a young woman Dreaming of putting them on the table, denotes that she will be worried with the attentions of a person who is distasteful to her….

Dreaming of sardonyx, signifies gloomy surroundings will be cleared away by your energetic overthrow of poverty. For a woman, this dream denotes an increase in her possessions, unless she loses or throws them away, then it might imply a disregard of opportunities to improve her condition.

(Casket | Coffin | Mummy case) A dead person or a mummy inside a sarcophagus in a dream represents unlawful money. If the coffin is empty in the dream, then it represents a house of evil, or an evil person who is sought by people of the same trade. (Also see Coffin)

Dreaming about sardines means hard times for you or a disagreement with a family member.

Bitterness, minor domestic arguments.

Announces success to your companies.

It means the end of a moral or material dependence, unless we are kneeling before it, in which case it portends sorrows.

Luck in love and sentimental success.

…tightening of one’s means or imprisonment. Seeing oneself buried alive and wearing one’s shroud in a dream also could mean marriage. To unearth someone’s grave in a dream means seeking to pursue his trade. If it is the grave of a scholar, then it means wanting to acquire his knowledge. If it is the grave of a rich person in the dream, then it means becoming rich or receiving an inheritance. If one sees the deceased person alive in his grave in a dream, it means that such money will constitute unlawful earnings, while in the first instance, the knowledge or wisdom one is seeking will be true, except if the person in the grave is dead in the dream. A stone tomb or a sarcophagus in a dream means profits, a war prisoner, a booty or exposing one’s personal secrets. (Also see Burial | Cemetery | Exhume | Sarcophagus…

…Dreaming of a dragon, denotes that you allow yourself to be governed by your passions, and that you are likely to place yourself in the power of your enemies through those outbursts of sardonic tendencies. You should be warned by this dream to cultivate self-control. See Devil….

…(Lubrication | Oil) In a dream, grease is a sign of distress or depression. If one sees himself smearing his hair with excess grease, and if grease starts to run over his face in a dream, it means adversities, burdens and a painful depression. If it is a normal quantity, then it means beautifying oneself. If the grease smells bad in the dream, it means sarcastic praises equivalent to the degree of its stench, or it could represent a prostitute, or an insolent man. Rubbing oneself with mercury or a fragrant cream mixed with musk in a dream means hearing favorable praises and earning a good reputation. Lubricating someone else’s head in a dream means evil and the subject should take precautions toward the one greasing his head. Having ajar of grease or cream to rub one’s body with it or to apply it to others in a dream…

(See Grave | Sarcophagus)

(See Sarcophagus)

…a sarcastic commendation that matches the smell of his fart. If one breaks wind in a dream while sitting with a group of people who are experiencing difficulties, it means that their difficulties will be dispelled, and their suffering will ease. If they are merchants, it means that their merchandise will move faster. If one forces himself to break wind in a dream, it means that he will carry a burden greater than he can bear. If one breaks wind along with passing gas in his dream, it means that he will attain success in his life, and he will receive honor and profits from an important business trip. However, it is possible that his interests will become diverse, or that he could lose his focus, then he will return home free from such burdens. To fart from the mouth in a dream means faltering or a slip of a…

…Cracking one’s fingers in a dream means exchanging bad words between relatives, being sarcastic, or making fun of others. (Also see Body 1 )…

(Comedian | Storyteller) In a dream, a humorist represents frivolity, prankishness, satire, falsehood, deceit, or sarcasm. (Also see Comedian)

The dream means sarcasm, mockery or laughter from a person who is inferior to the dreamer.

…A battle between spearmen in a dream represents a blow of fate, a mishap, or a calamity. The way to avoid such a mishap is by spending money and efforts on God’s path. Such a battle also could mean an attack against one’s religion, a calumny, or mocking another person’s faith, or speaking ill of righteous people, or being sarcastic about religion, or it could mean slander, defamation, confuting someone, defaming him, vilification, or making libelous statements against someone. If one sees himself stabbing someone with a spear, a sword, a lance, or a wooden post in a dream, it means making or publishing libelous statements about someone, and in that case, he is the assailant and he is liable for his actions, also he will be subjected to the same destiny. If one stabs, wounds, or threatens someone with any of the above weapons, or if he points…

…forwardness. Any defect or crookedness in them in a dream will mirror in wakefulness. If a toe or a finger is bitten or crushed in a dream, it denotes evil or perhaps an accident. If one sees milk coming forth from his thumb and blood coming forth from his index finger in a dream, it means that he will marry a mother, then will he marry her daughter, or it could mean that he will rape the mother, then her daughter. Cracking one’s fingers in a dream means exchanging bad words between relatives or being sarcastic or making fun of other people. If one’s fingers are paralyzed in a dream, it means that he has committed an awful sin. If one sees his right hand paralyzed in a dream, it means injustice toward a weak person or inflicting losses upon an innocent person. If one’s left hand is paralyzed in…

…the dream, it means that he will forget about something important or dear to his heart. If one enters the graveyard calling to prayers in a dream, it means that he will admonish people, commands what is good and forbids what is evil. If one sees himself entering a graveyard and walking over the scattered bones of the dead people in a dream, it means that he will die and be buried there. A cemetery in a dream also represents admonition, reading the Qur’an, crying, reminiscence, piety, surrender to one’s destiny and discarding worldly gains. A cemetery in a dream also may represent the scholars, ascetics, governors, leaders, camps or a brothel. The graves of saints or shrines in a dream signify innovation, heedlessness, intoxication, adultery, corruption and fear. A stone tomb or a sarcophagus in a dream signifies profits, war prisoners, a booty or exposing one’s personal secrets. (Also…

(See Sarcophagus)

(Conjurer | Illusionist | Prestidigitator | Trickster) In a dream, a juggler represents amusement, distraction, a sleight of hand, sarcasm, mockery and lies. A juggler in a dream also represents a prostitute, an adulteress, a procuress, or a servant. (Also see Juggling)

…Garlic in a dream means agony and distress. Eating raw garlic in a dream means receivingunlawful money, speakingbad words, making sarcastic praises or bartering good for evil. However, eating cooked garlic in a dream means repentance. Only a sick person can benefit from eating fresh garlic in a dream. Gathering garlic in the fields in a dream means suffering from harm caused by one’s own family….

(See Sarcophagus)

(Celestial beings | Heavenly beings) If one sees the heavenly angels (arb. Mala’ika) coming before him to congratulate him in a dream, it means that God Almighty has forgiven that person his sins and endowed him with patience, through which he will attain success in this life and in the hereafter. If one sees the heavenly angels greeting him or giving him something in the dream, it means that his insight will grow, or that he maybe martyrized. If one sees angels descending upon a locality that is raging with a war in a dream, it means that the dwellers of that place will win victory. If the people are suffering from adversities, it means that their calamities will be lifted. Flying with angels or visiting the heavens in their company in a dream may mean that one will die in the station of a martyr and receive…

…dream, it means that he indulges in drinking alcohol or uses intoxicants. If he is lashed eighty times in a dream, it means that he slanders married women. If he is whipped by a deceased person in the dream, it means that he is pursuing wrong ideas and should reverse his course, for a deceased person dwells in the kingdom of truth and follows only what pleased God Almighty. However, if one sees himself in a dream beating a deceased person, this could be interpreted to denote the strength of his faith, certitude, prayers and charitable nature. It also could mean benefits from a business trip or pursuing a lost interest. Beating in a dream when it causes no pain, bleeding or scratches means receiving a new garment, paying debts, or hearing sarcastic comments. Beating an animal in a dream means either training him, or it could mean ignorance and…

…great wealth. If one sees himself hiding inside a coffin in a dream, it means fearing one’s enemy and that one is incapable of facing him, though this element in a dream also could mean salvation or escape from dangers that will follow. If one sees himself riding on top of a coffin in a dream, it means that either his name is mentioned in a will, or that he will face a dispute regarding an inheritance that will turn to his advantage. If one is given a coffin in a dream, it means that he is given knowledge, peacefulness and dignity . A coffin in a dream also represents stress and worries or a travelling vehicle. A miller’s flour mixing container which traditionally used to look like a coffin in a dream represents a just man or a man of knowledge and a true guide. (Also see Sarcophagus)…

…(Attic window | Aperture | Opening | Peephole) In a dream, a large window represents a woman of good character and conduct, while a tight window means the opposite. If a man sees himself sitting inside a window in a dream, it means that he will divorce his wife in public. If one sees himself sitting at a distance from the window in a dream, it means that he will secretly divorce his wife. In a dream, the windows of a house also represent an outsider who is aware of the inner secrets of such a house. A window in a dream also means relief from difficulties, overcoming distress, renewing festivities and celebrating anniver- saries. Depending on their direction in the dream, windows also mean news, women, or children. Seeing the glass of one’s window tainted or colored means planting seedlings, inflorescence, conceiving children, continuing one’s education, buying new…