To have interaction with an Indian or to encounter one or to see an Indian, when you are dreaming, has the symbolic significance of primal instincts. Indian in the dream represents the primitive and instinctual qualities of your character. Indian in your dream may suggest for you to be in more control of situations and surroundings in your life. Maybe you also need to be more self-reliant. Are you exercising your personal power enough? On the other hand, there can be different explanation. Alternative meaning of this dream about Indian has symbolism of superior aspects of yourself. Indian stands as an omen for honesty, dedication and knowledge, wisdom.

…(zool. Shah’in) In a dream, an Indian falcon or a Shah’in represents an unjust ruler who keeps no promises. If one sees himself turned into a Shahi’n in a dream, it means that he will be appointed at a high ranking seat of authority, then be quickly dismissed or impeached from office….

When you dream about the Star search, it shows that you are looking for something very hard and unable to find it, because it is very difficult to see. Sometimes the dream shows that you are lurking for attention, appreciation and acceptation. You try to live and give others a lot, but perhaps don’t feel appreciated enough.

If you were in search of something, then such dream shows that you find it hard to find the answer to particular question or situation you are in at the moment.

(See Boiled vegetables | Stew)

(See Boiled vegetables | Stew)

If we are looking for something, it portends that we will easily overcome difficulties. When we are looking for someone, it reflects our concern about that person.

If in the dream you are looking for a lost object it mean that probably you will find it when you wake up. And if you are looking for a person possibly you will receive by any means, some news about that person. If what you’re looking for is a direction, the dream is reflecting your desire to change domicile, work or personal situation….

…To dream that you are searching indicates that the path to achieving your goals can be difficult. However, it is necessary for growth and progress. To dream that someone or something is looking for you indicates that you refuse to recognize certain viewpoint or idea. To dream of looking for someone suggests that they are denying your energy and influence. You need to regain your strength and focus your efforts on something else. Dreaming that you’re looking for something means the need to find something missing or needed in your life. You can also be searching for a solution to a problem….

(See Piercing a hole | Pursuit | Tunnel)

…(Indian meal | Indian stew) Cooking a dish of boiled meat and vegetables in a dream means profits and prosperity for a poor person. Cooking Indian stew which is a meal consisting of corn and other vegetables in a dream means poverty, worship, or devotion. Cooking unripened vegetables in a dream means an illness. If one cooks a nice meal for himself in a dream, it means that he will be honored, or it could mean a political appointment, or money. If someone else cooks one’s meal in a dream, it may denote double-crossing, deception, or perhaps it may mean receiving help from someone according to one’s own intention or state. (Also see Boiled vegetables | Kitchen | Ladle)…

To dream you see an Indian in his native dress, shows to a man he will travel, and to a woman she will wed a foreigner. To dream you see an Indian female, predicts to a man that he will wed a rich widow and to a woman that she will have a son who will raise himself to great power and honour in the Indies, and bring wealth and honour to his kindred.

An ebony tree in a dream represents a rich Indian woman, or a rich strong man.

…as I beat and prodded it against the jagged edges of my teeth. But all to no purpose; my head remained full and my stomach empty.”A whole lifetime seemed to pass in this tantalising, agonising manner, and then into the room, in Indian file, stalked all my friends and relations, each carrying in their hands a champagne glass. My uncle, who had been dead and buried at the very least thirty years, headed the procession. Walking solemnly up to me, he took hold of my nose, twisted it round like a tap, and down through my foaming mouth poured the whiskey. As soon as his glass was full he raised it above his head, and exclaimed in a sepulchral voice, ‘ Health! Health! Health!’ to which all the company in chorus responded ‘ Amen! Amen! Amen!’ One after another my relatives and friends followed his example, and twisted my nose…

…person of his time. If one happens to be a politician, it means that he will gain greater advancements in his life. If the falcon flies away in the dream, it means that one will lose his seat but retain his fame. If one catches few feathers of a falcon in a dream, it means that some power will remain in his hand and serve his interests. Slaughtering a falcon in a dream means the death of a king or a ruler. Eating falcon’s meat in a dream means a financial endowment given by a ruler. If one kills a falcon inside his house in a dream, it means that he will capture a thief. If a falcon flies away from under one’s chair in a dream, it means that he will walk in the company of a person whose earnings are unlawful. (Also see Indian falcon | Sakr)…

…Planting seeds in a dream represent the element of progeny and procreation. Scattered seeds on the ground in a dream mean bearing a child for each seed. As for the grains that are germinated for medicinal purpose, when seen in a dream, they mean acquiring knowledge that helps the person in question to increase his or her piety and ascetic detachment from worldly matters. Pumpkin, cucumber, eggplant, sweet basil, chard, onion, cabbage, Indian corn and melon seeds in a dream mean abating or ceasing of difficulties and disturbances, or they could mean recovering from a terminal illness. If one sees himself trying to plant something which is not a plant, or to place a seed in an unsuitable ground in a dream, it means that he is wasting his money and squandering his property. To plant seeds in a dream also could mean knowledge, wealth or recognizing a noble…

(Indian oak | Timber) In a dream, teak represents a feverish illness.

…are grimmer stories in connection with Pomeranians. One man I met told me that he once dreamed he saw his little boy worried to death in the most horrible manner by a Pomeranian dog, and that, on the following evening, his house was broken into by burglars.Another person — if I remember rightly, an Anglo-Indian doctor — once told me that he dreamed he was alone in a very gloomy church, and that a gigantic man in a black surplice suddenly appeared in the pulpit, and, after making the most hideous faces was transformed into a monstrous Pomeranian dog. What happened then the dreamer could not recollect, but he thinks it must have been something very alarming, as he was bathed in perspiration when he literally awoke to the fact that his bed was gently rising beneath him. Unable to determine whether he was still dreaming, he gave himself a…

…Dreaming of an Indian fakir, denotes uncommon activity and phenomenal changes in your life. Such dreams may sometimes be of gloomy import….

…children.Another case, in which the mouse-dream foretold illness, is that of a lady who dreamed that she was at a dance one night, and as she was about to commence waltzing a mouse suddenly leaped from off her partner’s head on to her own, and bit her on the ear in the most vicious manner. She awoke smarting with the pain and, a few days later, was laid up with a severe attack of influenza. The dream had been so vivid that she could not help remembering it, and associating it in some way with her sickness.And to quote a case in which the mice-dream foretold death, a lady I once met dreamed that, on going to bed one night, she saw a succession of mice, in Indian file, run across her dressing-table; and on the following morning, she heard one of her brothers had been drowned at sea….

If someone gave you a haircut, then it means you are losing some part of identity. The haircut could also indicate the loss and grief you will suffer. In Indian culture the haircut in dreams represents the poverty and miserable life.

…It means protection and transcendence. A big castle symbolizes the search for a more spiritual life. If the castle is white, then it shows the desire of a quiet life in meditation and spirituality. If it’s dark, it symbolizes a struggle to emerge from a spiritual confusion. If it’s black, it reflects fear of fate, not reaching salvation. If we talk in a less transcendent sense and everyday life, then it shows that when we see a castle, wealth will be obtained depending on your status. If it is dilapidated but still beautiful, we will have problems while achieving wealth but in the end, we will get it. If we live in the castle, then wealth is assured….

If you dream of the teacher, then such dream signifies your search for help, suggestion and intelligence. Try to pay attention of what kind of the teacher you were dreaming of, as the subject that this teacher taught you have some relations in today’s life. On the other hand, the things that are not related to the subject this teacher has taught you could have a huge impact in your life either. The dream about the teacher could also indicate the feeling of being a student in some situations of your life where you are taught many new things.

Search of protection. Need for a friendship.

It symbolizes external help that can be beneficial in the search for solutions to your concerns. If the lamps are turned off during the dream, then it can indicate that you are losing arguments or failing in certain attempts.

…in a dream, it denotes his thirst for knowledge, search for a business, or profiting through patience and endurance. If one sees his hair infested with lice in a dream, it means that he has a large family. If one sees his hair longer or thicker, and if he wishes in the dream to have that in wakefulness, it means that he will attain his goals, pay his debts, or prosper. If the length or thickness of one’s hair is uncommon, and if one feels no offense to walk with it in the streets in his dream, it means debts, distress and inability to take care of one’s family. Long hair in a dream also means naughtiness and adversities. Thick and long hair in a dream also can be interpreted as having many children, or it could represent fear of wrongdoing, or thinking about an important person, or it could…

…young eagles in their eyrie, signifies your association with people of high standing, and that you will profit from wise counsel from them. You will in time come into a rich legacy. Dreaming that you kill an eagle, portends that no obstacles whatever would be allowed to stand before you and the utmost heights of your ambition. You will overcome your enemies and be possessed of untold wealth. Eating the flesh of one, denotes the possession of a powerful will that would not turn aside in ambitious struggles even for death. You will come immediately into rich possessions. To see a dead eagle killed by others than yourself, signifies high rank and fortune will be wrested from you ruthlessly. To ride on an eagle’s back, denotes that you will make a long voyage into almost unexplored countries in your search for knowledge and wealth which you will eventually gain….

If this letter appears clearly is a message of expansion and search, as the tensioning bow before launching the arrow.

When you are hunting in a dream, then such dream shows the search for satisfaction in some aspects of your life. Perhaps you are trying to satisfy the inner needs. The dream about hunting is also related to the sexual aspects of the dreamer, where he is trying to receive the attention from potential sexual partner. When you are hunting and kill any kind of the animal, then such dream suggests you to suppress your instincts. If someone was hunting you in a dream, then it shows the frustration and tiredness you are suffering from while dealing with all of the issues. You are too tired to run away from all of the hunting. When you see other people hunting in a dream, then it shows your wish to keep away some parts of your personality.

To dream about the equator, indicates the search for spiritual expansion and your new Ego. Alternatively, it means that you are exploring hidden aspect of yourself in order to become more whole. Are you seeking for complete completeness?

To dream of the canteen denotes to the search of satisfaction and happiness of the emotional necessity. Perhaps you are trying to find some easy way of joy.

Dreaming of a conjuror, denotes unpleasant experience will beset you in your search for wealth and happiness.

Dream of seeing or using mace indicates your search for objectivity over subjectivity. You do not let your emotions rule over your actions.

…Dreaming of living in a hotel, denotes ease and profit. To visit women in a hotel, your life will be rather on a dissolute order. Dreaming of seeing a fine hotel, indicates wealth and travel. If you dream that you are the proprietor of a hotel, you will earn all the fortune you will ever possess. To work in a hotel, you could find a more remunerative employment than what you have. Dreaming of hunting a hotel, you will be baffled in your search for wealth and happiness….

…(Toy) To see oneself in a dream swinging on a rope means faltering in one’s faith. Swinging on a suspended seat in a dream also means heedlessness, or looking at random in search for a true religion….

…The marketplace represents the theater of our external existence and material things. The people we see there, are those that are ordinarily in our real life. The corridors and marked trails in the market represent the paths of our life. The market and its stalls tell us that in this life we must pay a price because we acquire and possess. Seeing a market from afar, with no details, and doing nothing to approach it, often reflects a period of material hardship. To enter the market without actually buying reflects the search, the need to find the means or the most appropriate way for the realization of our projects and ambitions. Also entering without buying can mean a simple desire for promiscuity that usually appears in our life when we lack human warmth or communication. Not to find in market what we look for or feel overwhelmed by the…

…Dreaming that you resort to patent medicine in your search for health, denotes that you will use desperate measures in advancing your fortune, but you will succeed, to the disappointment of the envious. To see or manufacture patent medicines, you will rise from obscurity to positions above your highest imaginings….

…(Claim | Search | Wanted) In a dream, pursuit means one’s destiny, or death. If one sees himself wanted by his enemy in a dream, it means that he may die shortly. On the other hand, pursuit in a dream also could represent things that foster one’s pride, such as knowledge, schooling, degrees, money, or work. If one sees himself pursued by someone in a dream, it means sorrow and distress. Pursuit in a dream also represents one’s goal in life. If one is not a fugitive, then to see himself wanted in a dream means appeasement of his fears. If one sees an ugly looking person searching for him in a dream, he then represents an unwanted catastrophe, or a mishap. If one is caught by his claimant, then it means increase of his fears. If one sees himself pursuing something, or seeking to get something in a…

If you are healing in a dream, then it could indicate the actual process of healing you are having in your waking life and have no problems while moving on. Alternatively, the dream about healing might show the desperate search of comfort and help.

…If you yawn in your dreams, you will search in vain for health and contentment. To see others yawning, foretells that you will see some of your friends in a miserable state. Sickness will prevent them from their usual labors….