(See Pederasty)

(See Pederasty | Sodomize | Sodomy)

Good times.

Happiness, gain. 48.

Distinction, getting an office of high rank. 127.

Being deceived. 21.

Wedding. 158.

Promotion, high office, riches. 7.

Tribulation, sorrow.

Being honoured a short time. 19.

Revealing secrets. 8.

One must carefully consider before commencing an intended undertaking.

Great misfortune. 207.

Profit and good prospects in business. 36.

Bad news, getting into a quarrel.

Loss of relatives, children or property.

Getting into difficulties. 78.

Luck, honour, riches.

A very happy omen. 321.

Luck in love, happy news from friends and relatives.

Great gain. 16.

Inheritance, money left in the family by a deceased relative.

Refusal of a request, disappointed hopes.

Getting into dispute and law-suits. 7.

Joy, advantage.

Receiving joyous information or news, happiness in being betrothed, and pleasant matrimonial life. 28.

Having a quarrel and fight. 396.

Denotes light in an obscure affair. 48.

Warning to be cautious against bad people, losing the first lover, being cheated in business.

Getting into danger; so be very careful where you go.

Disturbance, domestic disunion.

Great fortune. 8.

Good circumstances, luck. 15.

Denotes a prosperous year; plenty of food.

Case of death.

Loss, damage. 166.

Danger of life, sickness; or, being happy after having troubles. 43.

Mockery, ridicule.

Becoming old.

Happiness, or gaining a prize. 99.