Honours. 254.

Seeming good luck, but in reality misfortune.

Getting released from great troubles.

Misfortune, sickness. 76.

Being honoured, making good business, becoming rich. 230.

Envy. 39.

Misfortune in one’s own family….

Wrong information, lies, deceit.

Glowing with love, excitement.

Loss, misfortune.

Getting invited to a festival. 26.

Becoming rich as an heir, fortunate marriage, many good children, powerful friends, being faithfully loved.

Large income.

Honour and riches. 78.

Deceit, avarice.

Good undertaking, having credit.

Trouble and vexation.

Loss of friends.

An unexpected inheritance.

Abhorrence, disagreeableness.

Riches, fortune.

Getting wealth, honour and a good wife, receiving money unexpected. 37.

Receiving proposals. 204.

great gain and profit.

Great honour, riches. 54.

A bad omen.

Wealth and luck. 63.

Denotes for single persons, good marriage; for married persons, blessed with children. 45.

Getting into disgrace, vexation, having trouble with employers. 78.

Fortune, good circumstances.

Denotes being cheated, or otherwise some loss. 126.

Support from friends and relatives.

Loss of friends, loneliness, sadness. 298.

Ruin of a member in the family, snares. 89.

A handsome and rich bride or bridegroom. 64.

Having false friends; misfortune and bad luck. 46.

Making long journeys.

Virtuous connections. 145.

Excitement and disaster. 209.

Wrath and- disunion. 320.