You will grow to be stout and large, fortunate marriage. 66.

Hate and hostility. 186.

Time of war; ill-omen.

Convalescence of a sick friend.

Death of a friend or acquaintance.

Good progress. 6.

Being rescued from danger.

Receiving satisfaction.

Losses; beware of cunning persons, sickness.

Misfortune, sickness. 76.

Plenty of money and property.

Secret grief, near parting.

A good sign. 269.

Disaster, death of relatives or acquaintances; or, loss of a lover. 230.

Getting into a law-suit.

Bad delusion or affliction. 32.

Receiving proposals. 204.

Uncertain and doubtful success in business.

Approach of afflictions, warning to be cautious.

Receiving benefits and reward.

Release from danger. 5.

Getting into disgrace.

Betrothal, marriage.

Denotes light in an obscure affair. 48.

Forced to make a journey very soon. 3.

Getting into bad reputation.

Temptation, perhaps seduction.

Death or poor circumstances of one’s parents….

A good omen. 9.

Good circumstances. 216.

Death of a friend or relative, being pursued by enemies, getting into danger. 90.

Great change in fortune. 203.

Being friendly received in company. 39.

Making use of time.

This is a good sign. 87.

Loss of money. 177.

Having luck and happy days.

Being surrounded by false advisers.

Honour and luck. 7.

Venation, danger and persecution. 44.