Dreaming of potatoes is a good dream, and it usually announces something favorable, especially when the dreamer is eating. Dreaming of peeling potatoes announces that soon the dreamer will achieve his or her objectives. Dreaming of eating burnt potatoes suggests that soon there will be disappointments, failures, losses, etc.

The food in a dream denotes to the emotional and physical nutrition of the dreamer’s mind. Consider to pay attention to the kind of food you were eating, as it would tell much more about your dream and the meaning of it. While you ate the particular kind of foods, then it shows the necessity to obtain particular things in your personality. The dream in which you ate the fruits, symbolizes the freshness, vitality and rebirth. If you were hiding the food or storing it, then it means you are afraid of deficiency. If you ate the certain food in a dream, then such dream shows the things that lie within you. To get more detailed information, please see the meaning of Eating.

…In a dream, plums in season represent health and welfare. Otherwise, out of season, plums represent distress and difficulties. However, everybody draws benefits from seeing a plum tree in a dream. If one sees himself eating a sweet and ripened plum in a dream, it means that he will satisfy his pleasures, passions, and wantonness. If it tastes sour in the dream, then it represents his fear. A plum tree in a dream also represents a rich person, or a spendthrift who is also dangerous but courageous when facing adversities, and who may become wealthy early in his life though he may die young. Eating plum out of season in a dream means suffering from a severe illness. Plucking a plum from its tree in a dream means seizing money from a dying person. Plums in a dream also represent the glad tidings of recovering what is lost if…

If you dream of eating the beans it symbolizes the bond between your roots and mankind. Make sure you know what ties you up with people around you. The other explanation of seeing or eating beans says that the most important subject of your your being is the u quality of your soul and it represents the endless life which you should indicate and live as only you could live once. Keep in mind that the most important symbol of beans is the fecundity and productivity.

…If weeds grow at the same time in the dream, they connote negative effects. If a sick person sees such a dream, it means that he is nearinghis death. Grass growing over one’s stomach in a dream means his death or his burial after death. If grass grows all over one’s body but does not cover his head in the dream, it means prosperity and wealth. If the grass covers one’s eyes and ears in the dream, it means that he will become heedless and loses the advantages of his religious life. The same interpretation is given if one sees feathers growing over his body. If poisonous weeds grow over one’s body in a dream, they represent an illness or death. As grass is cattle’s food and cattle represents people’s wealth, then gathering and eating grass in a dream means prosperity. If an ascetic sees himself eating grass in a…

When you are dreaming that you are eating an exquisite bacon, then it is a good dream, because it shows that soon there will be some celebration. When you are dreaming of eating stale, decomposed bacon, then such dream foretells that you are suffering from indigestion or more likely that your affairs are going from bad to worse. When you are dreaming of bacon that is sliced in badly-shaped strips, then it indicates a mental and psychological disorder which will cause material losses and you will blame the bad luck or other external causes. In general, seeing slices of bacon in dreams is indication that you are an untidy person and that you should rectify the results if you wish to remake your life.

…(Grains) In a dream, wheat means money well earned. Buying wheat in a dream means increase in one’s earnings, or in the number of his children. If one sees a ruler placing a stick and steering inside a bushel of grains in a dream, it means rising prices. Planting wheat in a dream means doing a good deed for God’s pleasure. Walking in wheat fields in a dream means offering a service to God Almighty. If one plants wheat but it sprouts barley instead in a dream, it means ostentatiousness. If it grows blood in the dream, it means that he profits from usury. Eating green wheat in the fields from its spikes in a dream means gaining spiritual progress through ascetic detachment. Eating cooked wheat in a dream means afflictions. Holding a bundle of ears of wheat, or placing them inside a pot in a dream means profits…

(Bagel | Bread | Twist) Pretzels in a dream mean travels, hoarding money, evil, or having an argument. Eating a pretzel in a dream also means prescribing to a healthy diet. If someone who has no teeth receives a hard pretzel in his dream, it means distress, burdens and trouble. Eating a pretzel in a dream also means recurrence of good and bad experiences.

…(Argillite | Argillateous | Mortar | Mud | Plaster) In a dream, clay means sickness, disgrace or ignominy, except for one who works with clay or builds structures with it, then in his case, seeing clay in his dream means benefits, religious awareness and developing faith and certitude. Dry clay in a dream represents a cut in one’s earnings or living on a budget. If one sees himself plastering the walls of his house with wet clay in a dream, it means that he is a righteous person. If one sees himself eating clay in a dream, it means that he swindles money. Construction clay in a dream means benefits and money. Seeing clay in a dream also could mean death. If one sees himself waking in mud or wet clay, and if he works with it in a dream, it means falling sick or suffering from disgrace. Dry…

…of his status. Destroying or wasting garments in a dream brings glad tidings, unless if the person seeing the dream is incarcerated, or if he is a poor person, or if he is in debt. If a man sees himself wearing a woman’s outfit in the dream, and if in his consciousness he intended to act effeminately, it means that he will face a calamity and carry a great burden. If he thinks in his dream that he is a woman, then his humiliation will be greater. Heceiving used garments but in a good condition as a gift in a dream means money, though if they are in bad condition, they mean trouble. A dog wearing a woolen cloak in a dream represents a just ruler. If one sees a lion wearing a cotton or a linen cloak in a dream, it represents a ruler who confiscates people’s properties and…

…Dreaming of handling chestnuts, foretells losses in a business way, but indicates an agreeable companion through life. Eating them, denotes sorrow for a time, but final happiness. For a young woman Dreaming of eating or trying her fortune with them, she will have a well-to-do lover and comparative plenty….

…To dream that you’re eating butter symbolizes joy, good health and desire to work. To dream that your eating sour and bad smelling butter suggests that your health will deteriorate or you’ll experience any loss due to your negligence. When you dream that you just touch it symbolizes family problems due to gossip and intrigue. To dream that you’re selling butter symbolizes poverty, sadness and hardship….

…Dreaming of eating bacon is good, if some one is eating with you and hands are clean. Rancid bacon, is dulness of perception and unsatisfactory states will worry you. Dreaming of curing bacon is bad, if not clear of salt and smoke. If clear, it is good….

It reveals dissatisfaction due to mental, emotional or professional reasons. If we dream we eat something we do not like, it portends we will face something unpleasant. The meaning also depends on if we are chewing or swallowing. Eating with some company reveals friendship and affinity with others. Eating alone means sadness and depression. If we eat natural and simple foods means that we are taking advantage of life experiences. If we eat sweets, it means we have positive emotional experiences. If the dream informs us about the price, or we steal candy, it reveals an excess of sentimentality.

(Gruel) In adream, porridge means travel by land, abstinence, piety and fear of wrongdoing. Eating porridge in a dream means release from prison, attaining a high ranking position, finding a lost property, or having excellent religious standing. Porridge is mostly made from flour and milk. The flour comes out of grinding. The milk emanates from the udders of an animal and the porridge is cooked on fire, thus all three can be interpreted according to their individual meaning. Eating porridge in a dream during the summertime means stress, adversities, trouble and a fight. (Also see Breakfast food)

Dreaming of eating ice cream represents pleasure and satisfaction in your life. Eating ice cream may also symbolize good luck and success in love. If the ice cream in your sleep has no taste, it means disappointment and sadness. If the ice cream is melting, it means you’re unable to fulfill your desires and hopes.

…To eat grapes in your dream, you will be hardened with many cares | but if you only see them hanging in profuseness among the leaves, you will soon attain to eminent positions and will be able to impart happiness to others. For a young woman, this dream is one of bright promise. She will have her most ardent wish gratified. Dreaming of riding on horseback and passing musca-dine bushes and gathering and eating some of its fruit, denotes profitable employment and the realization of great desires. If there arises in your mind a question of the poisonous quality of the fruit you are eating, there will come doubts and fears of success, but they will gradually cease to worry you….

…If one sees himself as a calif or as an Imam in a dream and should he qualify, it means that he will receive such an honor, rank, trust and fame in the land, though his vice-regency will not become hereditary. However, it is a bad omen if he becomes a calif in the dream and does not qualify for such an appointment. In such a case, and by contrast, he will be humiliated and dispersed, and his own helpers will become his superiors, while his enemies will rejoice at his misfortune. If one sees himself as a king in a dream, though in reality he does not qualify, it means that he may die quickly, and the same is true if a sick person sees himself turned into a king. If he is healthy, it means that someone in his family may die shortly. Seeing a king in a…

To dream of eating such bread as is usual, or as the person dreaming is accustomed to, is good; but to dream of eating unusual bread is bad, and therefore for the poor to dream they eat white bread, denotes sickness; and for the rich to dream they eat brown bread, shows they shall meet with some obstructions in their affairs. To dream of rye bread is good for all, for it signifies health and content.

A fig tree represents a good harvest or increase in children for one who eats from it in a dream, or it could represent a wealthy person who benefits his community. Even his enemies will come to benefit from him, because many types of snakes live on a fig tree. No other fruit equals figs in benefits. Figs represent earnings without difficulties and it shows. Fig leaves in a dream represent distress, grief, depression. Eating a fig leaf in a dream means sorrow and af- flictions. Seeing black figs in season in a dream means comfort, while seeing white figs in a dream has a better connotation. Eating a fig out of season in a dream means jealousy. On the other hand, figs in a dream also could mean sorrow, representing the latter days of Adam and Eve when they first dwelled in paradise. (Also see Fig tree)

…(Cerebrum) In a dream, a brain represents savings. Having an oversized brain in a dream means reason. Having no brain in a dream means ignorance. Eating from one’s own brain or the marrows of one’s own bones in a dream means suspicious dealing with one’s own money. Eating someone else’s brain in a dream means that one may die shortly or that he may steal someone’s savings. A brain in a dream also may indicate one’s beliefs, religious life and the work of one’s innermost being. (Also see Body’ | Marrow)…

…Is favorable to persons engaged in mental work. To see a breakfast of fresh milk and eggs and a well filled dish of ripe fruit, indicates hasty, but favorable changes. If you are eating alone, it means you will fall into your enemies’ trap. If you are eating with others it is good. See Meals….

Chestnut symbolizes protection and forecast. If we eat raw chestnuts, it signifies that we have a strong and proactive personality. If we eat them cooked, it announces a meal among friends.

Symbolizes raw material. To dream of dry branches stacked next to a house or inside is an omen of illness or poverty. Tied branches being carried on the shoulders is an omen of heavy duty and poorly paid jobs. Wood cut into cubes or tables means a dream of wealth and satisfaction.

To see or to ride a motorcycle in a dream symbolizes a peaceful feeling, your need of freedom and your desire to make an adventure. A motorcycle is also a symbol of raw sexuality.

…To see dough in your dream represents changes and growth. To work with dough (kneading of dough) in your dream, signifies opportunity to create something valuable. Alternatively, dough in the dream can also be a metaphor to symbolize money. Overall, raw dough is very fortunate symbol of the dreams. For you mixture of flour and liquid means that there in current phase of your life are possibilities of fortunate changes with potential to create something big in value, that leads to growing financial gains. As external stimuli, dough can represent your desire for any product from bakery. Are you hungry? Or are you ready for changes? Dough mixed with something – If you had dream about dough with something mixed in it, then see the meanings of this particular element, like rice, corns, vegetables and etc….

…(Alcohol | Beer | Brewery | Cocaine | Drugs | Hashish | Injection | Inebriant | Marijuana | Opium | Sedatives | Spirits | Wine) In a dream, all intoxicants signify suspicions, apprehension and doubt about one’s resources, or the lawfulness of his earnings, the legitimacy of his children, or the religious legality of his marriage. Drinking alcohol in a dream means losing a fight. Using drugs or intoxicants in a contemptible way in a dream signifies apostasy, loss of honor, negation of the truth, corruption of one’s wife, or it could mean profanity. This is because the raw material and herbs used in the preparation of such drugs and herbs are sacred in their intrinsic state. Once mixed and taken to induce inebriety in a dream, they will produce the reverse effects. (Also see Drunk- enness | Marijuana)…

…When a professional appears in our dreams, that reveals that something exists in the profession or in its symbolism that has a special importance for us and we can unravel it meaning by paying special attention to their level. The lowest level corresponds to sailors and fishermen because they work at sea level. It also symbolizes the removal of the contents of the unconscious, we must confront the forces of the unconscious and passion. A higher level corresponds to the farmers, gardeners and other workers in the fields and valleys. These workers symbolize the same as the sea ones, but with some more intellect. The shepherds and farmers work on the slopes of the mountain and symbolize the same. The miners extract the treasures within. The blacksmiths and potters are shapers of our inner raw material. The top corresponds to the ascetics and sages who lead their lives in…

Wood symbolizes the raw material. Wood cut in cubes or boards is a dream of wealth and satisfactions.

…Red snake as a symbol of a fire represents most violent destructive power of burning fire. It can mean digging to raw energy, excavation of vitality power, finding of infinite light. It is positive signs because they represent a part of never ending cycle of life. Thus after this part, a calm period always come into waking life….

See them served on table, signifies joy and friendship. Eat them raw, denotes gain, success, good health.

To eat them well cooked, security in business and quick returns. Raw peas indicates delays, vexations.

To dream of any joint of veal being roasted is good; but boiled shows sickness; and raw a great disappointment: particularly to those who have recently formed an attachment or any new connection.

…(Swiss chard) In a dream, chard means blessings and profits. If one eats it raw in a dream, it means continuous indebtedness or indulging in loathsome and suspicious acts such as practicing anal intercourse with one’s wife or homosexuality or performing the forbidden sexual intercourse with one’s wife during her menstrual period. In a dream, chard also means slander….

…(Cup | Plate | Tray) In a dream, a bowl represents man’s money pouch or what his wife would like to receive from him. If one sees himself receiving a bowl filled with sweets in a dream, it means receiving abundance of love from one’s beloved. If the bowl is filled with sour food or some green raw vegetables in the dream, it means that animosity will develop on the part of his beloved, and it will provoke despise and fighting between husband and wife. Seeing a bowl in a dream also means increase in one’s earnings. A bowl also represents a servant, a child, a daughter, a nanny, or a handmaiden. Licking a bowl in a dream represents one’s earnings, and it could mean that he has consumed his lot in this life, or that he has reached the term of his life in this world. If one…

Seeing the leaves of an olive tree in a dream means following the straight path, or fulfilling one’s spiritual obligations, guidance, light, reading the Qur’an, comforting someone’s heart, making money for a poor person, except if one eats the olive raw in the dream, then it means the opposite, or it implies poverty, indebtedness, or it could denote the place, or the direction it comes from. The leaves of an olive tree represent righteous people or spiritual leaders. The fruit of an olive tree represents easy money, or living a rich and a happy life. Selecting olives or pressing them for oil in a dream means toiling, or hardships. As for a sick person, olives in a dream mean regaining strength and recovering from his illness. The fruit itself and the leaves also denote assiduousness and resoluteness, however, olives in a dream also denote slow growing. (Also see Oil)…

…To dream of veal being roasted is good; but boiled, shows sickness; and raw, a great disappointment; particularly to those who have recently formed an attachment or any new connection. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 48, 2….

(Sopphism | Tribadism. See Hone | Meat | Sexual intercourse)

…dream may denote that the husband and the wife sleep in separate beds, or it may mean poverty, or that one may die in a foreign land, or that the term of one’s life span in this world maybe extended. If one pulls out his teeth and buries them in the dream, it means that his entire clan or family will die before him. Pulling out one’s teeth in a dream also means exposing one’s secrets. Losing a tooth in a dream may imply a punishment for a wrongdoing. If one finds the teeth of his upper jaw and those of the lower jaw intermixed in the dream, it means that the women control the men in his or family. Flossing one’s teeth in a dream means dispersal of one’s family, or loss of money and property. If after flossing one’s teeth some meat fiber remains stuck between the teeth…

…dream signifies earnings from a local business. A bowl in a dream also repre- sents one’s condition, state, or the management of his affairs. Licking a bowl, or licking one’s fingers after cleaning the bowl with one’s hand in a dream means consuming one’s share in this world and the nearing of one’s death. A wooden bowl in a dream also represents a woman, a housekeeper, the workplace, or one’s shop. If one sees a gathering of people or scholars partaking in a sweet meal from a large wooden bowl in a dream, it represents a community project that unites people’s hearts and allows them to share their knowledge. If one sees a group of people gathering to eat a fish or a piece of rotten meat in a dream, it means that a group of evil people are gathered to take advantage of a prostitute. (Also see Bowl)…