To dream that you are looking out for cops or even calling them, means that you are feeling very sensitive and need for help. You do not feel safe in your environments. If you feel afraid of the cops, it means that there are some things that were done by you and now you feel guilty about it. You feel afraid of being caught by what you did, therefore you see cops in the dream.

Dream of committing adultery means you will have a very difficult time with a lot of problems. If it is you who commits adultery you, then should step back and think about it’s time to defining your life before being in serious and sensitive issues.

The hare is the symbol of fear, sensitivity and fertility. The dream could show that you are afraid of something in your life, therefore you feel like the rabbit. Some people who are very sensitive while dealing with their emotions also dream of hare. The hare is also very common dream for the women, because they tend to think about their fertility and the hare is the symbol of fertility. These qualities could be applied not only to the dreamer but also to the person the dreamer knows very well.

If you dream of sharpen object, then it means that there is something you are afraid of or have a very strict personality. Maybe you should be more sensitive and indulgent towards other people opinions. Make sure you think about others as much as you think about yourself.

If you see insects in a dream, then such dream indicates small barriers you will have to face in your waking life. The problems you have aren’t big ones, therefore it will be easy to deal with them. On the other hand, the dream about insects could symbolize the sensitive aspects of your personality. The dream could also suggest you to become more organized while dealing with minor problems in your waking life. Make sure you pay attention to that.

To dream of tasting something bitter, foretells about current state of your mind. There are some circumstances at this time of your life that you find hard to stand. The bitterness is one of the most sensitive of the tastes, which is sensed as unpleasant and sharp. If the dreamer enjoyed the taste of something that is bitter, then the bitterness stands for good health. Alternatively, the dream could represent the feeling of fault. The subliminal mind of yours foretells about your suffering soul.

To dream about canary means that you are a very sensitive person in a good way. You tend to sympathize other people, especially if they are feeling bad. The canary could also signify the fact that you are living your life to the fullest. You enjoy your life and feel happy about it as well. The canary dream could be applied to other people as well not only to you, but to those who are in your waking life.

…(Khati’b | Sermon) A preacher delivering his sermon in a dream represents purity, submission, repentance, crying, rising in station, longevity, mixing with a fellowship of believers, commanding what is good and forbidding what is evil, celebrations, weddings, or anniversary meetings. If an unwed woman sees him in her dream, it means that she will get married through a third party involvement. The same goes for an unwed man, or it could indicate his search forawife. If a suitable person sees himself being a preacher in a dream, it means that he will be appointed to manage a sensitive position of authority. If one sees himself delivering a sermon (Kh utba) in accordance with the prescribed method and prophetic traditions in a dream, it means that he will be helped at doing his work. If he wears a white garment instead of a black one when delivering his sermon in…

…then this symbolizes difficulties while recognizing the familiar and intimate aspects of yourself. Maybe you find it difficult while expressing feminine or masculine side of your personality. Otherwise it could show the lack of internal safety in your own life. When you are dreaming that you’re going to bed with someone else – stay careful. It seems that you find it very easy to start new relationships, but remember that trusting everyone is not the best idea, as sometimes people give us wrong impression which leads us to disappointments. The dream of the bed that is floating in the air or you are flying out of bed, indicates your separation from everything that is happening around you. Maybe you became a bit irritating or even annoying and that is the main reason why people are avoiding you. Trying to be calmer and more sensitive is always the attractive feature….

If you dream of hearing the French language, but have no a clue what it means, because you do not speak French, then such dream indicates the sensitive and amorous aspects of your personality. In many countries the French language is known as the language of love. If you were talking in French, but in reality do not speak this language, then such dream denotes to new things you wish to learn or it is the way you show your love and affection.

Dreaming that you’re restless and uneasy because you’re keeping a secret, indicates that you are very sensitive, and have a temperamental character that is unpleasant for others. In general, dreams with a secret indicates that you’ll hear confidential information that you should kept secret, and it will be important that you do this because your own reputation depends on this and will also affect the confidence that we inspire in others.

If you dream that you are being experimented, it is interpreted as the nightmare. The dream could also indicate the very sensitive features of your personality. Perhaps you are feeling that you are used by others.

To dream of the brick, denotes to your independence and creativity. The proficiency that you had in life has stiffened you. If in a dream you were building the wall that is made of bricks, then it means you are trying to secure yourself from the outside world. Maybe someone has hurt you in the past, therefore you are trying to protect yourself. The dream about bricks could also show the tough personality you have, at least for those around you, even if you are very sensitive on the inside, but do not show it to others.

In the dream to have wings, means that you are very pure and sensitive person. Also this dream shows that you wish for protection from above in order to avoid stressful situations in your life. The other meaning may be that you are trying to fly away with these wings from negative and hard situation. If you see the wings of bird in your dream, then this denotes that you want to live free without any restrictions.

If you dream of the thermometer, then such dream dignifies how sensitive or insensitive you are. The temperature that is set on thermometer would tell much more about the dream, depending how high or low it is.

…The dream of a well indicates your qualities. You have lots of hidden talents, skills which are buried deep inside. This is a sign that it is a time for you to show and to use them all. The dream symbol of a well marks that you are very sensitive and emotional person. All your feelings come from the deepest place of your inner world….

…still felt a hellish pain in my eyes, and ears, and all the most sensitive parts of my body.A lady once told me that the night before hearing of the unexpected promotion of her son, she dreamed she saw him standing in a pool of water literally surrounded by huge salmon that rubbed themselves affectionately against his legs in the manner of a dog.And another dream, that has been told me relative to the same fish, was to the effect that shortly before the dreamer received a high official appointment in the East Indies, he dreamed he was paddling in a brook, when he suddenly trod on a huge salmon, that leaped out of the water and went on rising and rising in the air, till it finally disappeared altogether.It is no uncommon thing for me to dream about eels, and whenever I do, something unpleasant is sure to follow….

…To smell something in a dream symbolizes the sensitive aspects of the dreamer. Depending of the smell different explanations comes out of it. Consider what kind of smell it was, pleasant or not the pleasant one. The smell is also something we communicate with, especially when choosing the partner. Please check the different explanations of different smells….

…Dreaming of any secret order, denotes a sensitive and excited organism, and the owner should cultivate practical and unselfish ideas and they may soon have opportunities for honest pleasures, and desired literary distinctions. There is a vision of selfish and designing friendships for one who joins a secret order. Young women should heed the counsel of their guardians, lest they fall into discreditable habits after this dream. If a young woman meets the head of the order, she should oppose with energy and moral rectitude against allurements that are set brilliantly and prominently before those of her sex. For her to think her mother has joined the order, and she is using her best efforts to have her mother repudiate her vows, denotes that she will be full of love for her parents, yet will wring their hearts with anguish by thoughtless disobedience. To see or hear that the…

When you are hugging someone in a dream, then such dream represents the affection and care that lies within your personality. Perhaps there is something you are attached to very much. On the other hand, the dream may suggest you to be more sensitive with others.

Dream of acquiring or a piece of ivory means sensitive person, whether the loved one, a relative or child who needs your attention and care. Also, ivory is a sign for sadness and loneliness.

Perhaps you are feeling very sensitive and vulnerable. If the intruder came into your surroundings when he/she shouldn’t be there, it means that you are suffering from the lack of the privacy.

When you dream of the hedgehog, then such dream represents the gentle aspects of your personality. Perhaps you are very sensitive to the others opinions about you. Try to be more positive and don’t mind what other are saying to you.

If you dream of a shirt, then such dream indicates the emotional state of your mind depending on the color as for example the black one would stand as a good omen and the white one as a good omen. If you gave a shirt to someone, then it shows how generous and sensitive you are.