…Dreaming of porcelain, signifies you will have favorable opportunities of progressing in your affairs. To see it broken or soiled, denotes mistakes will be made which will cause grave offense….

Dreaming of a portfolio, denotes that your employment will not be to your liking, and you will seek a change in your location.

Porcelain shows o’er winnings at play you’ll loudly sing….

Port in a dream announces that you will get to the proposed goals. Also, foretells good luck and happiness.

…great success; whereas to dream of vultures portends failure and illness.Magpies, whether single or in numbers; mean death — if in flight, the death of some acquaintance or relative; if motionless, the death of the dreamer.To dream of hawks signifies the making of an enemy; to dream of owls implies the breaking of a friendship, the breaking off of an engagement, serious illness, accident, or death.Parrots in dreams are significant of impending scandal and gossip; pigeons are significant of presents of all kinds.Ravens portend grave misfortunes, and not infrequently the near presence of some phantasm; sparrows signify petty losses and quarrels; swallows portend grief — grief at someone’s illness, misfortunes or death— but grief, invariably grief.Storks in dreams mean an approaching birth; wrens an approaching engagement or marriage.The following are a few of the many accounts of bird-dreams upon which I have based my assumptions: “A lady writing to me…

To dream that you are a miser, shows the way of your thinking about yourself. It represents your inadequate sense of low self-worth. Maybe you have put on limitation on your abilities, you have decreased your own value. You must think more clearly about potential, that you have for sure. Also look around and see what broad range of resources are available to you.

(Cable | Rope) A hawser in a dream represents a robbery, profits, longevity, or marriage.

…Dreaming of serpents, is indicative of cultivated morbidity and depressed surroundings. There is usually a disappointment after this dream. See Snakes and Reptiles….

…To a man this dream symbolizes enemies and ingratitude, to a woman indicates some approaching seduction she should be aware of. To see one who curls, twists, and crawls, indicates unpleasant issues, however the one will deal with them easily. To kill one means triumph over enemies. To capture one, you will destroy jealousy. For a husband to dream of a serpent with many heads, indicates that his wife’s infidelity with one or more of his intimate friends is possible….

…(Barber) In a dream, a hairdresser represents a person who justly manages people’s assets, or directs them through the right channels….

If you are the composer in a dream, then such dream shows the progresses in your life you are making while creating something new and unseen.

To dream you see a serpent turning and winding himself, signifies danger and imprisonment.

…Should you visit a hair-dresser in your dreams, you will be connected with a sensation caused by the indiscretion of a good looking woman. To a woman, this dream means a family disturbance and well merited censures. For a woman Dreaming of having her hair colored, she will narrowly escape the scorn of society, as enemies will seek to blight her reputation. To have her hair dressed, denotes that she will run after frivolous things, and use any means to bend people to her wishes,…

Serum or whey, in many of its forms, is not generally a good omen if it appears during a dream, and it usually predicts that you’re fall victim to various obstacles, there’ll be fights, money problems will emerge, and restlessness and anxiety will reign.

To dream you see a serpent turning and winding himself, signifies danger and imprisonment.

To dream you see a serpent turning and winding himself, signifies danger and imprisonment; it denotes, also, sickness and hatred. To dream you see many serpents, signifies you will be deceived by your wife.

…To dream of a miser is a sign of waste, loss, or destruction: if you see him counting and hoarding money, it forebodes you will either lose or be robbed of some: to see him patching his clothes or coming out of barn signifies worries. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 34, 56….

Serpents denote a prison, and the dreamer will encounter many dangers.

(Military) To see oneself as a sergeant in the army, or as a lieutenant in the police in a dream means gaining power, respect, fame, commendation, or perhaps one may become a muezzin in a mosque.

…(See Domestics.) To dream that you are robbed by your servants, is a sign that someone among them that you think the most of is deceiving you: if, in your dream, you imagine you have had your silver stolen by a servant, it shows that you will have a difficulty, and discharge one who will be replaced by a dishonest person. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 71, 40, 11….

…Dreaming of a servant, is a sign that you will be fortunate, despite gloomy appearances. Anger is likely to precipitate you into useless worries and quarrels. To discharge one, foretells regrets and losses. To quarrel with one in your dream, indicates that you will, upon waking, have real cause for censuring some one who is derelict in duty. To be robbed by one, shows that you have some one near you, who does not respect the laws of ownership….

…To hear a serenade in your dream, you will have pleasant news from absent friends, and your anticipations will not fail you. If you are one of the serenaders, there are many delightful things in your future….

Secret enemies. To hear them talk, implies malice, scandal and minor problems. Female servants, suspicions.

Dreaming about any kind of water dispenser predicts the arrival of sincere and noble love. It generally means that a happy time will come soon and it’ll bring quietness for the spirit.

To see the sky that is serene, means joy and happiness in all aspects of your life.

To see one near his strong chest containing his reserves means that very shortly will receive a legacy, which amount will be appropriate to the extent of the miser’s obtains….

The geyser in dreams is the symbol of emotional explosion. The dream warns that you should not be afraid while expressing your dreams, otherwise they will show up at inappropriate time.

The interpretation must be done as if it was a thing or an animal reproduced.

Making an agreeable acquaintance.

Mysteries, things that are hidden from sight.

A delicate affair or an embarrassment.

Long life. 25.

(See Painting)

(Apple tree)


Hearing about happy affairs, luck and honour. 245.

Long life.

(See Bacon and Ham)…

Please see the interpretation of the dolphins.

This dream signifies about some situation or people that are very dangerous to your personal life. Be aware of that.