Quiet and happy life. 8.

Partaking of joy and happiness. 38.

Damage by fire. 89.

…— so beautiful” that I thought I should never tire looking at her. Pooh! Lil, you needn’t be jealous, old girl! She is none of my sort, anyhow.”Now!” she exclaimed with a queer kind of snarl, as she took off the glove of her left hand so as to show me the tell-tale band of gold on the third finger — ” now, Mr. Bailey, are you satisfied ? There is nothing of the missionary about me, is there?” And when I saw the long, pointed nails, pink and polished like sea-shells, just as I’ve always been told they do them at the lady-barber’s, I coughed. Observe my astuteness, Lil. I saw now that she was no prig from a church or chapel, but a member of what folks call “The Smart Set.” Yet how did she know Mr. Towell, and what brought her here? Was she one of us…

If you dream of the tower, then such dream indicates the high expectations you have set for yourself. To be on the top of the tower, means that you already achieved what you were aiming for. If you looked at the tower from the above, then it shows that you set the right target to achieve the success. If the tower was set up in the water, then it signifies your hidden feelings. Probably you feel a very strong affection to a certain person, therefore you are willing to reach that love. If you tried to climb into the tower, then it symbolizes the hard work you will have to go through while you will achieve what you were looking for.

…(Astray | Injustice | Kill | Murder | Relief) In a dream, slaughter means displeasing one’s parents, or it could mean injustice. If one sees himself in a dream slaughtered, he should pray hard and seek refuge in God Almighty to help him. If one sees corpses of slaughtered people scattered around him in a dream, it means profits and achievement of his goals. Seeing slaughtered people in a dream also may mean that they have gone astray. If one sees a man or a butcher slaughtering him in a dream, it means that he will triumph over his assailant. If he is imprisoned, it means that he will be set free. If he is seized by fear, it means that he will reach safety and regain his equanimity and peacefulness. If he is a war captured prisoner, it means that he will be set free. If he is…

To dream of seeing or being a soil, denotes to development and productivity one carries. The dream also shows the basic standards the one has set for himself. Make sure you set the right goals for yourself.

…(Setting the tooth on its edge.) To set one’s tooth on its edge in a dream means a betrayal carried by a member of one’s family the tooth represents. This includes one’s children, wife, partners, or employees. To set one’s teeth on their edge in a dream also could mean changes in one’s behavior that may lead to a changing attitude on the part of such family members. (Also see Body 1 | Tooth)…

April is a symbol of rebirth and joy. If your dream is set in this month, it indicates that things have started well and you will soon achieve the things you had been craving for. If your dream is set in April, but the sky is cloudy, and worse, cold and stormy winds are blowing, it indicates that the things you are working on (business, love, etc.), will go wrong in the immediate future; there will be failures, but they won’t be permanent.

If you dream of seeing a wall while dreaming, then such dream symbolizes the barriers, limitations and obstructions. The dream suggests you to take a better look of what you are surrounded by. You must understand that there are no limits of what you can achieve. If you demolished the wall, then it means you started to get your way through the barriers that have been set up for you. If you build the wall, then it shows the limitations you have set up for yourself and now you are unable to get things sorted. If you were hiding behind the wall, then it denotes to your shy personality. Perhaps you wish to get what you want, but afraid because of your shy attitude. If someone has shoot at you through the wall, then you should prepare for things are unexpected.

The mountain is the symbolism of the highest spiritual reach the one is willing to get. The dream in which you climb the mountain could show the hard work you put into gal that has been set. Usually dream with mountains predicts the view you have towards some purpose and if you see many mountains, it shows that you are not ready to go and get whatever you wish for. However, if you feel excited about climbing the mountains, you will reach whatever you wish. The mountains could also denote to your connection with the nature and how important it is to you.

The staircase in a dream, denotes to borders and steps the one has set up for himself.

…that he is over-zealous, and should forebear worshiping God by tongue-lashing his neighbor. Dreaming of the devil as being a large, imposingly dressed person, wearing many sparkling jewels on his body and hands, trying to persuade you to enter his abode, warns you that unscrupulous persons are seeking your ruin by the most ingenious flattery. Young and innocent women, should seek the stronghold of friends after this dream, and avoid strange attentions, especially from married men. Women of low character, are likely to be robbed of jewels and money by seeming strangers. Beware of associating with the devil, even in dreams. He is always the forerunner of despair. If you dream of being pursued by his majesty, you will fall into snares set for you by enemies in the guise of friends. To a lover, this denotes that he will be won away from his allegiance by a wanton….

…breaking off of a marriage through my agency; the lion, marriage.Shortly after this dream I went to the Pacific Coast of America; a great friend of mine was very successful in his speculations on the Stock Exchange but was much worried over a series of troubles at home; whilst another friend, equally dear to me, foolishly got engaged to the daughter of a nouveau riche who was vulgar even for a parvenu. A quarrel arising between them, owing to her grossly snobbish behaviour to some of his poor, albeit presentable, relations, he came to me for advice, and although I make a strong point of never interfering where love is concerned, I considered this an exceptional case, and strongly urged him to break off the engagement. He acted on my counsel, and within six weeks the girl married someone in her own set, as vulgar and pretentious as herself….

…To dream of the traffic, denotes to obstacles, barriers and walls you will face while getting to the point. You may feel trapped in some situations, however the traffic is not going to stay forever, you will move to the destination you set up, only it will go forward much slower than usually….

If you are in the conference in your dream, then such dream suggests you to think twice about the ideas you have set, before making the final decision. Make sure you deliberate and discuss the issues with different people.

…(Interlacing yarn or thread | Weaving) In a dream, knitting represents a problem solver, garments, travels, or hesitation. Knitting in a dream also means the passing of one’s life and the nearing of its end. Knitting in a dream also means living under acceptable conditions, or experiencing the gifts of life between exhilaration and deflation. Knitting a garment in a dream means travels. If one sees himself wrapping the knit in a dream, it means that his mind is set on travelling. If one unravels his knit after completing it in a dream, it means that his goal was reached then obstructed. In such a dream, if one is incarcerated, it means that he will be released. If he is disputing something, it means that his disagreements will be solved. Knitting in a dream also could denote sodomy….

The dream, in which you were climbing up something, denotes to your try to get the best you could get. The dream also shows that the target you have set up for yourself is almost achieved. The climbing also shows the relationships you are in at the moment how you are trying to get the best of it. If you were climbing down, then it shows you are hoping on the wrong direction as there is a possibility you will not obtain what you were hoping for. Perhaps you are very negative at some aspects of yourself therefore you are unable to achieve what you are willing for. The emotional state of yours doesn’t let you to keep your mind crystal clear and tranquil.

If you dreamed of seeing a spire, then such dream shows the expectations, tasks and targets the one has set for himself. Such dream also signifies the belief in yourself you have.

If you were dreaming of watching a baseball game, it indicates your calm and balanced peace of mind. The game is a symbol of smooth and carrying on place. Usually when the dreamer sees himself playing a game it shows that you do not see a purpose of your life. Sometimes it is difficult to know what do you want and set your aims knowing that they will fulfill your desires and wishes. In reality, people often compare baseball to sex, as the meaning of someone setting a goal to achieve the target. Consider, that your dream might indicate sexual desires you have and are not be able to express them.

…Dreaming that your are atacked{sic} from ambush, denotes that you have lurking secretly near you a danger, which will soon set upon and overthrow you if you are heedless of warnings. If you lie in ambush to revenge yourself on others, you will unhesitatingly stoop to debasing actions to defraud your friends….

…Dreaming of making a political one, signifies your opposition to approved ways of conducting business, and you will set up original plans for yourself regardless of enemies’ working against you. Those in power will lose. If it is a religious people conducting a campaign against sin, it denotes that you will be called upon to contribute from your private means to sustain charitable institutions. For a woman Dreaming that she is interested in a campaign against fallen women, denotes that she will surmount obstacles and prove courageous in time of need….

…In a dream, the stomach represents the elements of property, family, secrets, one’s mate, prison, grave, health, sickness, friend, wayfarer, one’s religious life and nature of one’s devotion. If in a dream one sees his stomach open, it means that his business may be temporarily put out of commission, or that he may lose any benefits he used to derive from it up to then. The other aforementioned elements also may apply. If the person in question is a pregnant woman, and if she sees her baby or any part of it comes out of her open stomach, this may mean that a jailed person in her family will be set free, or that the family graves will be desecrated, or that the body of someone in her family will be exhumed, thus uncovering its diseases and infestations, or it could mean that one’s personal life will become public…

…To see a mouse-trap in dreams, signifies your need to be careful of character, as wary persons have designs upon you. To see it full of mice, you will likely fall into the hands of enemies. To set a trap, you will artfully devise means to overcome your opponents. See Mice….

…dream also denotes exposing hidden secrets. If a philosopher or a fortuneteller sees himself transformed into a king in a dream, then it denotes glad tidings should he not complain about it in his dream. If a slave sees himself becoming a king in a dream, it means that he will be set free. If one sees himself becoming one of the great kings of this world in a dream, it means that he will attain worldly success in his life, though it will be accompanied with religious failure. If the person is a natural con artist, it means that he will be captured and imprisoned. If a man sees himself awarded a knighthood that is suitable only for woman, then it means his death. If one sees the kingreprimandinghim in a dream, it means peace between them. If one sees himself arguing a case with knowledge and wisdom before…

To dream that you set up the trap for somebody else, denotes to the things in your life you are trying to hold on. Probably the relationship you are in not working anymore, or the job you were doing does not satisfy you either, but you want it hard to let go, because of the passive lifestyle. If someone has made a trap for you, then such dream indicates the fear you have of certain people or situations.

…If you dream that you are in your nightgown, you will be afflicted with a slight illness. If you see others thus clad, you will have unpleasant news of absent friends. Business will receive a back set. If a lover sees his sweetheart in her night gown, he will be superseded. See Cloths….

…borne at a terrific speed through every description of varied scenery, in a country that was entirely new to me. I saw bare mountains rising to a prodigious height; wide plains where never a blade of grass grew; great sweeps of prairie alive with every kind of vegetable life; slow rivers, narrow rapid streams, and cataracts of hellish fury; forests of pines, moaning as in a hurricane; trees with strange faces like living things; woods full of flowers and peopled by maidens of exquisite beauty; meadows bathed in sunlight; and lofty cities built of coloured marble.And I was borne past all these and set down at the entrance to a sombre city, whose black and silent streets re-echoed to my footsteps. Cold with fear, — for every building I saw was black, and destitute of any sign of life, whilst overhead the blue sky had turned to an intense grey…

…Dreaming of falling into a rat-trap, denotes that you will be victimized and robbed of some valuable object. To see an empty one, foretells the absence of slander or competition. A broken one, denotes that you will be rid of unpleasant associations. To set one, you will be made aware of the designs of enemies, but the warning will enable you to outwit them. See Mouse-trap….

When you see yourself on the magic carpet, then such dream shows the high tasks you have set for yourself. Perhaps you are the person who wants to achieve the maximum. The dream about magic carpet shows that you will overcome the barriers and difficulties easily.

Dreaming of churning, you will have difficult tasks set you, but by diligence and industry you will accomplish them and be very prosperous. To the farmer, it denotes profit from a plenteous harvest | to a young woman, it denotes a thrifty and energetic husband.

…To dream of writing with a steel pen, is a sign you will get yourself into a bad scrape, by tattling about your friends and neighbours. If the pen be gold, it foreshadows good news, and success in business and love affairs. To dream you are making a quill pen, is a sign you have many enemies, but that you will triumph over them, and be successful in all you undertake. But this dream does not amount to much, as it is only a “set-off” to dreaming of a penknife, which is a bad omen. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 28, 6….

…Dreaming of dust covering you, denotes that you will be slightly injured in business by the failure of others. For a young woman, this denotes that she will be set aside by her lover for a newer flame. If you free yourself of the dust by using judicious measures, you will clear up the loss….

…To dream of these gems, denotes poverty and misery, if a girl dreams that a lover gives her a piece of jewellery set in pearls, it shows that he will never be well off; and if she imagines that he presents her with a string or necklace of pearls, she may safely calculate that he will turn out to be a wretchedly poor man. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 56….

To dream of your own uncle, denotes to the special bond between you and your family. The dream of the uncle is also associated with new purposes you have set.

If you became settle for something, then such dream shows the barriers you set up for yourself or others made it for you. Make sure you get rid of those obstacles and make some free time for yourself as it will make the work you do or the life you live more fulfilled.

…(Tricktrack) Playing backgammon in a dream means having an imposing character, being highly skilled and efficient, scheming, mental keen- ness, playing a ruse or eliciting admiration. Playing backgammon in a dream also denotes someone who is highly qualified or it may demonstrate the type of character one assumes in his daily life, or it could mean arguing with others, mockery, deception, gambling, mixing with evil people for business, or it could mean pleasure. It also means indulging in sin, fear of exposure or maneuvering a business scheme. If one sees the game set but no one is playing it in the dream, it means lack of work, dismissal from one’s job, walking the wrong tracks. Playing backgammon in a dream also signifies a fight, an argument or a dispute between business partners, each of them seeking his personal interests. (Also see Chess | Games)…

See one means sensual pleasure. Set one, abundance. Break one, removal.

…Dreaming of weighing, denotes that you are approaching a prosperous period, and if you set yourself determinedly toward success you will victoriously reap the full fruition of your labors. To weigh others, you will be able to subordinate them to your interest. For a young woman to weigh with her lover, foretells that he will be ready at all times to comply with her demands….

…Dreaming that you are walking in a street, foretells ill luck and worries. You will almost despair of reaching the goal you have set up in your aspirations. To be in a familiar street in a distant city, and it appears dark, you will make a journey soon, which will not afford the profit or pleasure contemplated. If the street is brilliantly lighted, you will engage in pleasure, which will quickly pass, leaving no comfort. To pass down a street and feel alarmed lest a thug attack you, denotes that you are venturing upon dangerous ground in advancing your pleasure or business….