It symbolizes our moral dependency on another person and protection of our body. Untying a persons strap (opposite sex) symbolizes that we will get their favors. If we break the strap or it is taken from us, then it represents a loss of authority.
Dream dictionary: sex dance indian arabxxxxxx dream meanings
Dreaming that you sleep with one of your relatives means that youll have economic security with your partner and you are both happy; dreaming that you sleep with someone thats really attractive means that youll be disappointed; dreaming that you sleep with an ugly person means death or illness; and if you dream that you sleep with someone of the same sex, it means anger and concerns.
Dreaming we are tied means a dependence that weighs too much. If we manage to untie ourselves, we will find liberation. If we tie someone, it means that someone will commit an injustice, unless it is of the opposite sex, in that case, it means attraction.
…They represent at the top, husband or wife and at the bottom, the family. To have them broken or forced in, means conjugal quarrels, soon made up, or with parents and relatives, depending to location of the injury or the sex of the dreamer. To have them stronger and larger than usual people have, means huge happiness, contentment, coming from the family or those taking an interest in the dreamer’s affairs. To have a side being swollen, riches for the husband or wife….
It symbolizes intimately desired things. If we want to get some dollars it symbolizes the desire for another person of the opposite sex. To find dollars and be afraid of being seen taking them refers to illicit relations. To buy something and be given more dollars or find dollars means that what we bought had a value higher than we imagined, in the moral, material, or sentimental sense. If our lover steals from us it means we exaggerate our love sacrificing things that are also important. To lose money indicates we fear losing something very dear.
Being sick: attack from your enemies, gossip and quarrels. Seeing someone with measles: the emergence of conflicts and misunderstandings with a person of the opposite sex.
If you are celibate in a dream, then it means you are frightened of getting intimated. Perhaps you are trying to put some walls and barriers in your sexual life. Alternatively, the dream could indicate the lack of sex in your life, therefore you feel like you are on celibate, even if you dont want to.
When a woman dreams that she has changed her sex, it symbolizes conception of a male child who will do honor to his family. When the dreamer is a man, it indicates dishonor and infamy.
…body is in need of it, but when this is not the case, it symbolizes that we are living hectic moments, with a lot of tension, and long for peace. Dreaming of bathing in water that its not very clean suggests a burning desire to meet and get along with a person of the opposite sex; this dream is common in women and young widows of marriageable age. Dreaming of swimming with others, for example in a pond or pool, is warning that indicates that you need to avoid bad company that will create rumors, and other damaging things, this dream is more serious if the water is muddy. Dreaming of bathing in very hot water is usually a bad sign, because it could mean that the body is beginning to have a fever, or that the atmosphere surrounding the dreamer is exceptionally hot. If these are not the cases,…
…To dream of dropping or breaking a lighted lamp, denotes disappointment. If, in your dream, you see the bright light of a lamp at a distance from you in the dark, and you approach it, it shows that you will either have good luck, or will be invited to visit somewhere and meet an agreeable person of the opposite sex. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 19….
…Dreaming of any secret order, denotes a sensitive and excited organism, and the owner should cultivate practical and unselfish ideas and they may soon have opportunities for honest pleasures, and desired literary distinctions. There is a vision of selfish and designing friendships for one who joins a secret order. Young women should heed the counsel of their guardians, lest they fall into discreditable habits after this dream. If a young woman meets the head of the order, she should oppose with energy and moral rectitude against allurements that are set brilliantly and prominently before those of her sex. For her to think her mother has joined the order, and she is using her best efforts to have her mother repudiate her vows, denotes that she will be full of love for her parents, yet will wring their hearts with anguish by thoughtless disobedience. To see or hear that the…
If you were dreaming of watching a baseball game, it indicates your calm and balanced peace of mind. The game is a symbol of smooth and carrying on place. Usually when the dreamer sees himself playing a game it shows that you do not see a purpose of your life. Sometimes it is difficult to know what do you want and set your aims knowing that they will fulfill your desires and wishes. In reality, people often compare baseball to sex, as the meaning of someone setting a goal to achieve the target. Consider, that your dream might indicate sexual desires you have and are not be able to express them.
If you dream of having an intercourse, it could be interpreted as your desire for actual sexual activity in your waking life. It is very common dream, especially for single people or those who wish to have more sex.
…Dreaming of a store filled with merchandise, foretells prosperity and advancement. An empty one, denotes failure of efforts and quarrels. Dreaming that your store is burning, is a sign of renewed activity in business and pleasure. If you find yourself in a department store, it foretells that much pleasure will be derived from various sources of profit. To sell goods in one, your advancement will be accelerated by your energy and the efforts of friends. Dreaming that you sell a pair of soiled, gray cotton gloves to a woman, foretells that your opinion of women will place you in hazardous positions. If a woman has this dream, her preference for some one of the male sex will not be appreciated very much by him….
…If you are pregnant in reality this dream is nothing more than a reflection of your current state. If that’s not the case it reflects a desire to marry or a quieter existence. If the dream is distressing it reveals fear of sex. If it’s a nightmare that ends with a terrible birth, then that reveals an obsession with venereal diseases or physical malformations….
…(See Thick.) For a girl to dream of baking pancake is a sign that some gentleman is in love with her; and if a married, woman has such a dream, she may be sure that some man, other than her husband, admires her; to dream of eating pancakes, foretells falling in love, to either sex; and if you relish them, you will be successful in your love. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 36….
If you were dreaming of watching a baseball game, it indicates your calm and balanced peace of mind. The game is a symbol of smooth and carrying on place. Usually when the dreamer sees himself playing a game it shows that you do not see a purpose of your life. Sometimes it is difficult to know what do you want and set your aims knowing that they will fulfill your desires and wishes. In reality, very often people compare baseball to sex, as someone is setting a goal to achieve the target.
If someone makes you a favor then it means false flattery. Asking for a favor means your way of acting will be reproached. If you receive a favor from a person of the opposite sex, then it means happy marriage.
…For a girl to dream of accidentally sticking a thorn into her finger is a sign she will have a ring presented to her, probably a wedding ring: if a married woman dreams this, some outsider will make love to her by first offering a ring. If anyone dreams of sticking a thorn in either foot or leg, it foretells improper intimacy with the opposite sex which will not end in disgrace, but in marriage: married people who dream this will do the same thing and not be found out. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 39….
It symbolizes the union, the union until death, and if possible, beyond. This dream reveals our inner desire to form an imperishable union with someone or something. To see ourselves tied means a tie that weighs too much on us. If we manage to untie ourselves we will find liberation. If we tie someone else it means we will commit an injustice, unless it is a person of the opposite sex, then it means attraction.
In the dream you became an animal, this dream shows that you follow your instincts, you desire to forget civilization and to act wildly and extremely crazy in your life. You want to express your independence with such a wild behavior. Also this dream may show your primal sexual desires, you want a wild and noncommittal relation or sex. But it is really important what kind of animal you became.
…To dream of the screwdriver could relate to the same symbol of the screw, which means that you are thinking about having sex with someone. Or the dream may be an indication about small details you really care or do not care, because of the saying “all screwed up”….
Kissing a person of the opposite sex and not our partner means harbinger of infidelity, but kissing our partner on the other hand, it indicates that good times are coming. Kissing the ground is a sign of feeling humiliated or scared of arriving penalties. Some authors add that seeing us in a dream kissing a dead, presages heritage. Also in this dream we must take into account that it could be showing repressed sexual tendencies.
If you hear it, it means youre listening to the call of an instinct and if you are playing it perhaps you are trying to get the attention of someone from the opposite sex.
If you give one to a person of the opposite sex, you will have an unexpected encounter that will fill you with joy. If you dream that you kiss your parents, it means that some problems that are haunting you will end soon. If you kiss a stranger, it means that it is not good to over trust people.
If you kiss someone of the opposite sex means you´ll have an unexpected encounter that will make you very happy. If youre kissing your parents means problems that worries you will end soon. If you kiss a stranger means you should not abuse of the confidence of others.
…Opening a door using a key announces that we will enter a new situation, good or bad according to the context of the dream. To own a large bunch of keys symbols the purchase of goods or knowledge proportional to the number of keys in the bunch. Having problems turning the key in the lock promises that we will find difficulties and obstacles in obtaining what we want. A broken or lost key is an omen of trouble and problems that stop us from realizing our desires. To open a door and walk into a room where there’s a person of the opposite sex announces marriage….
Symbolizes the mother and the desire or the need for tenderness and protection. It can also symbolize insatiable for greed, sex and possessiveness.
…If you dream that your navel is out of shape, or looks queer, it is a sign of misfortune in connection with the opposite sex, unless you are married, in which case it denotes the birth of a child: for unmarried people to dream such dreams foretells trouble and disgrace. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 35, 17….
Dream of being hungry indicates that you lack money, sex, or fame. This dream may also indicate that you want to get something important for a long time. Moreover, dream of being hungry may indicate that youre really hungry.
…Take unusual care of all depending upon you. Calamity awaits you and yours. Both property and life are in danger. Young people should be decidedly upright in their communications with the opposite sex. Character is likely to be rated at a discount….
Dream of being prey of the whims of a person of the opposite sex means your relationship with a loved one can break or be prejudiced if you do not water and care every day as a plant.
To dream you see this goddess, or as a statue or picture, denotes an intrigue in which you will be engaged: and the more important will this affair prove if the planet Venus reigns at the time as an evening or morning star. To think Venus appears to you in mortal form and speak to you, is a token of a happy marriage to either sex. To dream of the star Venus, shows you will not be very constant in the affairs of the heart.
The condom in a dream shows the protection you are using to preserve yourself from unexpected. The dream could indicate the actual fear of having kids and responsibilities that come along with them. The condom could also indicate the fear of diseases that you might get if having unprotected sex. The condom could also show the lack of sexual intercourses in your life, which makes you feel sad and irritated. Perhaps you need to let go the tension you were holding for a while. If you or your companion wore the condom, then it foretells about the protection you get from that certain person.
Hugging someone from the opposite sex within dreams is a sign of happiness and joy in love; to hug a kid indicates that you dont want to let go of something or someone that brings you a huge amount of happiness. Hugging a stranger means that youll make a small trip.
It is considered to be a sex symbol and its often related to some kind of fear or feelings of jealousy. In relation to sadism or even the fear of being dominated by a possessive passion.
…Dreaming of a large mouth and big lips is a sure sign you will be kissed by some one of the opposite sex: to dream of a mouth out of shape, or with a hare lip, denotes to a woman that she will have a deformed child, and to a man that he will get into a difficulty by means of his intimacy with a woman: to dream of a small mouth and thin lips is a sign of loud and angry words, and that someone will give you a scolding. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 27, 6, 3….
Dream of losing one or more keys indicates the possibility of losing your job. On the other hand it indicates clarification of confusing attitudes and projection of new goals. Dream of opening a door with a key means you will enter a new situation. You must pay attention to the context of the dream, if the situation is good or bad. Dream of opening a door and entering a room where there is a person of the opposite sex means upcoming marriage. Dream of having a lot of keys symbolize a purchase of goods or knowledge, proportional to the number of keys in hand. Dream of having difficulty in turning the key in a lock means you will have some difficulties and obstacles in good situations. Dream of a broken key portends trouble and problems that will block the realization of a wish.
…To dream of purchasing a pair of ear-rings is a good dream to the fair sex; to widows and maids they signify marriage; to those that have no children, that they shall have children; and to those that have husbands and children, purchases and riches; for as women are provided with these decking, so shall they be stored with husbands, children, and goods. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 32….