The animal that helps you to do something in your dream is interpreted as the suggestion to be more trustful to your inner voice.

…Reading the holy Qur’an or part of it in a dream means rising in station, gaining power, repenting from sins, prosperity, paying one’s debts, witnessing the truth, or delivering a trust to its rightful owner. Reciting the holy Qur’an with a beautiful voice in a dream means honor, dignity and good fame. Reading the holy Qur’an and adding one’s own words to it in a dream means wavering from the truth, or betraying one’s promise or covenant. If in the latter case one does not understand the meaning of what he is saying in the dream, it means that he will give a false testimony in a court of justice, or that he will be involved in something evil the consequences of which cannot be foreseen. If one sees people listening to his recital of the Qur’an in a dream, it means that he will command a job, and…

They represent everything that is uneasy to us, as a voice of conscience that reminds us of our actions.

Dreaming that you are in a broadcast, shows your strong feeling of wanting to have your voice heard. Do you want to translate some message out there to the public? Maybe you need to speak out more in order to achieve some goal. Are you expressive enough?

…it means a calamity. If one receives an engraved coin in a dream, it means that he may be hurt by his own family, or for the sake of a protege 1 of his. If one sees a deceased person giving him a coin of money in a dream, it means that he will be spared from an unjust trial. If he refuses to take the money from the deceased person in the dream, it means that he should beware not to be unjust toward others or fall prey to their injustice. If one who has ten coins finds that he only has five coins in the dream, it means that he will lose accordingly. If he has five coins then sees them doubled in the dream, it means that he will double his money. (Also see Banana | Banknote | Bones | Counting money | Pastry | Voice)…

…To see a panther and experience fright, denotes that contracts in love or business may be canceled unexpectedly, owing to adverse influences working against your honor. But killing, or over-powering it, you will experience joy and be successful in your undertakings. Your surroundings will take on fair prospects. If one menaces you by its presence, you will have disappointments in business. Other people will likely recede from their promises to you. If you hear the voice of a panther, and experience terror or fright, you will have unfavorable news, coming in the way of reducing profit or gain, and you may have social discord | no fright forebodes less evil. A panther, like the cat, seen in a dream, portends evil to the dreamer, unless he kills it….

Seeing old people in dreams is a sign of great adversities at work or in daily life. If the old man gives you advice in your dream, you better take it into account, since it’s your voice of experience who is talking to you.

Dreaming you see an old man is a sign of great adversities at work or in private life. Dreaming that the old man gives you advice means that you should listen carefully to the elderly because they are the voice of experience.

(Human sound. See Voice)

If you dream of getting an advice from someone, it symbolizes that you have to listen to yourself, make sure you hear what the inner voice is telling you. When you dream of giving and advice to someone, it signifies that you could assist someone who needs an assistance. Make sure you do not refuse helping the others.

…earn one’s livelihood. If a wall speaks to someone in a dream, it means a warning of separation, or it could mean renouncing the city and seeking to live in the wilderness, near uninhabited ruins, or near a graveyard. Hearing a voice commanding one to do something in a dream means glad tidings. Hearing God Almighty on the Day of Judgement in a dream means rising in station, performing good deeds and nearness to one’s Lord. Listening to the Holy Words of God Almighty in a dream also denotes the spread of justice and righteousness, and such a dream could represent a ruler who cares for his subjects. If a godly and a pious person sees that in a dream, it means that he will renounce the world and seek the comfort and the blessings of the hereafter. (Also see Exhaustion from speaking | Listening | Sounds of animals)…

…(Flute | Musical instruments | Wind instruments) In a dream, an oboe means amusement, distractions, entertainment, pleasures, celebrations, weddings, enticing rebellion, or corruption. If one receives an oboe as a gift from a governor in a dream, it means that he will preside over an administration. Placing one’s fingers over the holes of an oboe in a dream means learning, memorizing and understand- ing the Qur’anic revelations. Playing the oboe in a dream also means having a beautiful voice and good diction. Carrying a golden oboe in a dream represents a wise man. If a sick person sees or holds an oboe in his dream, it means his death. If a backbiter holds an oboe in his dream, it means slander, and if one who desires to have a son sees himself carrying an oboe in a dream, it means that he will beget a son. (Also see Flute)…

Dreaming that an echo of any kind is heard, and worse if it’s the dreamer’s voice, suggests that the dreamer will suffer from early setbacks as a result of wrong behavior in sentimental, work, or other aspects.

Talk to a wise man: they will provide useful advice. Listen to the voice of experience.

The dream in which you are being caught by doing something you shouldn’t do, indicates the things in your waking life you are doing wrong and your inner voice is telling you to stop doing it. The dream could also indicate you’re childish and irresponsible side of the personality. If you got caught by taking what belongs to you, it shows that you feel the life is very unfair even if you try to work very hard.

…Being under the spell of an orator’s eloquence, denotes that you will heed the voice of flattery to your own detriment, as you will be persuaded into offering aid to unworthy people. If a young woman falls in love with an orator, it is proof that in her loves she will be affected by outward show….

…Dreaming that you gather white chrysanthemums, signifies loss and much perplexity | colored ones, betokens pleasant engagements. To see them in bouquets, denotes that love will be offered you, but a foolish ambition will cause you to put it aside. To pass down an avenue of white chrysanthemums, with here and there a yellow one showing among the white, foretells a strange sense of loss and sadness, from which the sensibilities will expand and take on new powers. While looking on these white flowers as you pass, and you suddenly feel your spirit leave your body and a voice shouts aloud {Glory to God, my Creator} foretells that a crisis is pending in your near future. If some of your friends pass out, and others take up true ideas in connection with spiritual and earthly needs, you will enjoy life in its deepest meaning. Often death is near you…

…(Chanting | Song) Singing in a dream means falsehood and trouble. Having a beautiful voice in a dream may represent a profitable business. Otherwise, if one sings off key in his dream, it means that he is venturing into a losing business. A singer in a dream also represents a wise person, a preacher, or a physician. The location where the singing has taken place in the dream will experience lies, falsehood and separation between beloveds because of jealousy, envy and perfidy. Singing in a dream also connotes evil, disputes and fights. If a professional singer, a musician, or a music writer sees himself singing his repertoire in a dream, it means benefits and profits. If the singing is bad, or off key in the dream, then it could mean lack of work, meekness, or it could mean having little opinion about oneself. If one sees himself singing while…

…Dreaming of doves mating and building their nests, represents peacefulness of the world and joyous homes where children render obedience, and mercy is extended to all. In the dream to hear the lonely, mournful voice of a dove, portends sorrow and disappointment through the death of one to whom you looked for aid. Often it portends the death of a father. To see a dead dove in the dream, is ominous of a separation of husband and wife, either through death or infidelity. To see white doves, denotes bountiful harvests and the utmost confidence in the loyalty of friends. Dreaming of seeing a flock of white doves, denotes peaceful, innocent pleasures, and fortunate developments in the future. If one brings you a letter, tidings of a pleasant nature from absent friends is intimated, also a lovers’ reconciliation is denoted. If the dove seems exhausted, a note of sadness will…

The dream of speaking with difficulty, or that you try to say something and cannot, means difficulties and problems hard to bear. Talking with someone with a sweet and pleasant voice means help and support from this person.

…(Baby | Chicken | Fowl) A chick in a dream represents a stolen or a missing child. The sound of chicks in a dream represents the voice of insolent people. Eating chick’s meat in a dream means receiving unlawful or stolen money. Chicks in a dream also signify something that will develop fast and produce its results without much effort on the part of the person caring for them….

Loss of voice.

…few yards away from me, and in a quavering falsetto voice cried out to me to stop.Complying with his request, I approached the edge of the pit, when out of it sprang an enormous lion. It had hurled me to the ground, and was in the act of mauling my throat, when I awoke. I interpret the foregoing dream thus:The kangaroo signified a journey; the bees, success in financial matters; dancing, minor troubles; whistling, a lover’s quarrel; metamorphose to a monkey, the breaking off of a marriage through my agency; the lion, marriage.Shortly after this dream I went to the Pacific Coast of America; a great friend of mine was very successful in his speculations on the Stock Exchange but was much worried over a series of troubles at home; whilst another friend, equally dear to me, foolishly got engaged to the daughter of a nouveau riche who was vulgar…

…Red and black snake in a dream symbolizes sexual balance between temptation and celibacy. Also, it means ability to balance power and authority. Alternatively, it shows departed fear for intimacy and elimination of hidden threat. As transformation dream, red snake fighting and killing black one means the beginning of changes. If black kills red one, then transformation has reached the end. Thus it represents unknown area in which you be led by your new personality. As healing dream, black losing against red snake means resurrected vitality. If red snake is dead or killed by black one, it means the absence of illnesses. For creativity black and red snakes in the dreams mean undiscovered talents. If a dream refers to subconsciousness, then red with black snake means calmness of inner voice….

In a dream, the cooing of a pigeon represents a person of understanding, a scholar, a well mannered person, a gentle soul who has little money but many friends or the followers of a wise man. The cooing of a pigeon in a dream also represents the voice of a teacher. (Also see Sound of animals)

…When you dream of a baton it denotes to your wish of giving your voice out loud. The main meaning of this dream is that you want to be seen or heard. Maybe you feel the lack of attention from those around you, or maybe you feel a very opinionated person. Consider that sometimes being to loud could lead you to negative image. If you dream of seeing the baton which police officers have it denotes to men’s capacity, potency and sexuality….

…coming distress, unless you follow the advice given you. Disastrous consequences could often be averted if minds could grasp the inner workings and sight of the higher or spiritual self. The voice of relatives is only that higher self taking form to approach more distinctly the mind that lives near the material plane. There is so little congeniality between common or material natures that persons should depend upon their own subjectivity for true contentment and pleasure. Paracelsus says on this subject: {It may happen that the soul of persons who have died perhaps fifty years ago may appear to us in a dream, and if it speaks to us we should pay special attention to what it says, for such a vision is not an illusion or delusion, and it is possible that a man is as much able to use his reason during the sleep of his body as…

…(Dismay | Fright | Terror) In a dream, fear means the opposite. In fact, fear in a dream represents peacefulness and repentance in wakefulness. If one sees himself scared and running away from fear in a dream, it means that he will win the upper hand. If one sees himself in a dream waiting to battle with fear, it means that he will join a war. If one sees himself afraid, and if a voice says to him – “Do not be afraid, you will not die, nor will you be able to bear this life,” it means that he may become blind. If one sees himself as a God-fearing person in a dream, it means that his worldly fears will dissipate and he will develop true devotion and constant remembrance of his Lord. The person or object causing fear in the dream represents harm and aversion. To feel…

(See Shout | Voice)

(See Shout | Voice)

To hear barking in your dream, symbolizes your attitude towards the others especially when you are talking to them. It might be that when you have a conversation you are raising your voice up or giving orders to them instead of talking calm and nicely. Consider that the dream also could show how irritating and annoying you are to the others. If you dream of a dog that is barking nicely it signifies happiness and energy. When the dog is barking brutally it symbolizes your unpleasant talking towards the others. Keep in mind that the dream could also show unpeacefull friends or colleagues that you are surrounded by.

When you see yourself looking at advertisements in your dream it means that there is a message your subliminal wants to tell you. What you have to do is think over of what part of your life needs to be changed, make sure you hear out your inner voice, the message that has to be told. If you dream of your friends, family or someone you know advertising themselves, this is a sign that the person who is advertising himself can help you with your future. Make sure you are going to ask for assistance if you need one. When you dream of yourself putting out an advertisement it symbolizes how tough is going to be for you when you will try to reach out your dream. Make sure you are going to work hard, otherwise you will not succeed.

…Dreaming of a ventriloquist, denotes that some treasonable affair is going to prove detrimental to your interest. If you think yourself one, you will not conduct yourself honorably towards people who trust you. For a young woman Dreaming she is mystified by the voice of a ventriloquist, foretells that she will be deceived into illicit adventures….

If we throw up in dreams, then it indicates that we reproach dishonest actions. We feel shame and humiliation. To see another person’s vomit foretells that what was taken from you will be returned. This dream could also tell you that your inner voice wants you to communicate with something that has vital importance.

…(Allot | Distribute | Gift | Offer) Giving something in a dream indicates the value or worth of the giver. If one gives his workers or a needy person little money when they merit more, it denotes his disobedience to the commands of God Almighty, or straying away from the prophetic traditions. If one is denied what he is asking for in a dream, it means failure in his religious practices, suffering from the consequences of challenging others and arguing about religious laws, or it could represent one’s perilous pursuit of heedless thoughts. If a sick person sees himself paying his debts in a dream, it means his death or the spoiling of his wealth. If he is healthy, then it denotes a case of mental derangement, anger, lack of self-control or raising one’s voice unnecessarily. If a poor person sees himself paying someone’s debt in a dream, it…

…This may be the reflection of some pain. If not: To dream that we lose the voice is an omen of the danger of losing money. If we cannot swallow or we find it very difficult indicates the difficulty of enjoying our goods. If our tonsils are removed it’s an omen that our economic difficulties will disappear….

When you dream of the intercom, then such dream shows the tendency of yours to help others when it’s needed or when you are asked. The dream also indicates the perspicacious aspects of your personality. When you hear the voice because of the intercom, then it indicates the subliminal mind of yours and what it has to say to you. Perhaps the unconscious mind of yours suggests you to look deeper into some problem.

(Commander | Military) In a dream, an army general or a com- mander represents someone famous who is self assured and dauntless. If one sees himself as an army general in a dream, and should he qualify for such a position, it means prosperity, honor and blessings. If one does not qualify for such a position, then it may mean his death. If a poor person sees himself as an army general in a dream, it means disturbances and that he will raise his voice. As for a prisoner, it means his release from jail.

…To hear the solemn, unearthly sound of the muffled voice of the owl, warns dreamers that death creeps closely in the wake of health and joy. Precaution should be taken that life is not ruthlessly exposed to his unyielding grasp. Bad tidings of the absent will surely follow this dream. To see a dead owl, denotes a narrow escape from desperate illness or death. To see an owl, foretells that you will be secretly maligned and be in danger from enemies….

…To dream of purchasing a pair of ear-rings is a good dream to the fair sex; to widows and maids they signify marriage; to those that have no children, that they shall have children; and to those that have husbands and children, purchases and riches; for as women are provided with these decking, so shall they be stored with husbands, children, and goods. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 32….