Of a relative, of a friend, or a great man. Joys, riches, legacies, advantageous marriage. Funeral of the stranger, or of a person that you know very little, scandal, deep underhand practices.

…a dream, they represent his livelihood. Owing money in a dream means that one will be summoned to testify in a court of justice. If his pennies are old, chipped, or broken in the dream, they denote a faltering faith. Losing a penny in a dream means wasting time and money, or wasting one’s words, or advising an ignorant person who will not heed his advice. If one’s pennies carry the picture of a person in a dream, it means that both the carrier and the one who mints these pennies are innovators. Broken pennies in half in a dream represent an enmity that cannot be healed. Receiving money in a dream is better than giving it. If one’s actual liquid asset turns into pennies in a dream, it means insolvency or bankruptcy. If one’s little money grow in a dream, it means prosperity. (Also see Cent | Money)…

Dreaming of salt is always an announcement of unpleasant situations in the near future (for example, fights, rumors, gossips, doubts, failures, losses). Dreaming of eating something salty or chewing salt can mean that you have little or no chance of overcoming your problems. A young woman dreaming of eating salt or something very salty can safely assume that she will soon break romantic, friendly, or work relationships; it can even mean a rupture inside the family nucleus.

If a herring is eaten in the dream, it is a sign of disdain by your loved one. If you fish the herrings in your dream, it is a sign of hard work and little profits.

…(Dining table) A dining table with its food ready to serve in a dream means blessings, accepting an invitation to dinner or lunch, financial comfort, status and winning victory over one’s enemy. In this case, one’s enemy is hunger. The food placed on the table represents a booty. Clearing the dinner table in a dream means cessation of comfort and blessings. The dinning table of one’s house in a dream represents his livelihood and sustenance, an important project that requires the help of many people, or a great person who is gracious, true and generous. Sitting on such a table in a dream means joining the company of such great man. If the dining table is topped with clean food and fresh bread in the dream, it means love between friends and brethren. To have little food and some bread on the table in a dream means lack of…

…(Bigfoot | Fabulous being | Fictitious creature) In a dream, a Sasquatch represents a person of little intelligence and who leads himself to a breakdown. Such a person disrupts his life by his own actions and becomes despised in people’s eyes….

…Museum usually symbolizes or reveals a person of high level of culture and the capacity to enjoy the little pleasures in life. The richer and better stocked the museum the better the omen of wealth and well-being will be. If it’s abandoned and dusty museum, it is a sign of warning which reveals a state of hopelessness and pessimism….

(See Little)

…Dreaming that you take pills, denotes that you will have responsibilities to look after, but they will bring you no little comfort and enjoyment. To give them to others, signifies that you will be criticised for your disagreeableness….

It is always about little annoyances, sometimes real, something unreal.

…Dreaming that you are abandoned, denotes that you will have difficulty in framing your plans for future success. To abandon others, you will see unhappy conditions piled thick around you, leaving little hope of surmounting them. If it is your house that you abandon, you will soon come to grief in experimenting with fortune. If you abandon your sweetheart, you will fail to recover lost valuables, and friends will turn aside from your favors. If you abandon a mistress, you will unexpectedly come into a goodly inheritance. If it is religion you abandon, you will come to grief by your attacks on prominent people. To abandon children, denotes that you will lose your fortune by lack of calmness and judgment. To abandon your business, indicates distressing circumstances in which there will be quarrels and suspicion. (This dream may have a literal fulfilment if it is impressed on your waking…

Doing something, like seeing, eating or any other action, with hot pepper, when you are dreaming, has meaning of passionate characteristics of your personality. Is your temper hot like these peppers? Alternatively, hot red pepper may represent an overheated debate or argument, which is becoming very hot. On the other hand, there can be third explanation, it can be interpreted as symbolism that your relationship must be more spicy. Try to add a little fire and spice into your relationship.

Ants in the dreams symbolize organized and proactive work. If ants invade your house, it announces some crowd will make little annoyances. If ants attack your body, it foretells an accident or illness.

…If we are counting coins of little value it’s an omen of economic difficulties. If we lose coins it’s a warning about our lack of finances. If we find coins, then that reflects our intimate desire to undertake more lucrative tasks….

Seeing a stool in our dreams predicts that we’ll receive help and support that, despite its little importance, will be enough for us to successfully overcome the problems that afflict us.

If you dream of back-biting about someone, shows that you will be in a trouble if you will not stop doing something you are doing at the moment. Make sure you think of your own actions, because the consequences will be terrible. This might mean that every little mistake you might do will be very unpleasant. If you dream that someone is back-biting about you, means that you will suffer of troubles in your family life.

…Seeing nails in a dream means tenacity and ability to manage a tough business. The dream may also symbolize hard work and little pay. Dream that you’re injured with a nail suggests you need to be careful with what you say….

Dreaming that we feel cold when in fact the room temperature is not cold, it can be interpreted in two ways: On one hand as a harbinger of longevity but with little energy, and on the other hand as a sign of a need for solitude and spirituality. Other authors believe that dreaming of cold outside the winter season is a harbinger of misfortune.

Dreaming that you are worshipping an idol, stands as a symbol and sign for little progress in attaining your goals. You are worshipping false values and plans, ideas, schemes, or methods.

…— CoronaAustralis means marriage — Corona Borealis means forgiveness and safety — Cygnus means a swan — Grus means departure — Libra means adultery — The Celestial equator means happiness — The Little Bear, the Great Bear, Aquila, Orion, Spica, Arietica or Aquarius among others, if one sees them or owns them or controls them or recognizes their names in a dream, it means befriending someone or marriage to a woman with that name or zodiac sign or character, or it could mean begetting a son. The celestial pole in a dream represents a devout worshiper or a high ranking commander — Pollux means delays — The Ursa Major and Ursa Minor mean pursuit, following, signs of guidance or tracks of moving around — Triangulum means conditions — Vela means confrontation — Viergo means a contraceptive — and Vulpicula means screaming. (Also see Celestial spheres | Dog | Star)…

If you see a terrarium, then such dream indicates the advantages within you and desire to get creative. On the other hand the terrarium could symbolize the protection you have made for yourself. Maybe you feel insecure while being around other people, therefore you made your little world to shelter yourself from others.

The cats are known for bad luck in dreams, because they are very mysterious. The little cats that are known as kittens are good omen especially for woman, because it gives the birth of healthy children. For a man the cat is not a very good omen, because he will have a bad luck.

…Dreaming that you have aches, denotes that you are halting too much in your business, and that some other person is profiting by your ideas. For a young woman Dreaming that she has the heartache, foretells that she will be in sore distress over the laggardly way her lover prosecutes his suit. If it is the backache, she will encounter illness through careless exposure. If she has the headache, there will be much disquietude of mind for the risk she has taken to rid herself of rivalry. This dream is usually due to physical causes and is of little significance….

Seeing a jester in a dream symbolizes that the little things and hobbies prevent you from paying attention to important things.

…orchard that’s infested with worms indicates problems and tribulations of all kinds. To dream that you’re caught inside an orchard indicates love or business jealousy, and selfishness of your rivals. It also suggests that there is or there will be problems at home and in your marriage. To dream that you contemplate a barren orchard, i.e., without fruit and with very little foliage, it suggests that the opportunities to obtain what you desire are becoming scarce. To dream that in midwinter the orchard is covered with foliage and greenery suggests that you’ll stop thinking about your future due to the pleasures and fun that you’re actually experiencing, and that will be a very difficult to resolve situation. To dream that high winds lash against plants and trees that are inside an orchard suggests that you’ll have an unpleasant visit or that you’ll be given an undesirable task to accomplish….

…(Condiment | Veteran) In a dream, salt means easy money, common people and a good person. Seeing an argument between two adversaries and witnessing salt placed between them in a dream means that they will allay their differences and make peace. If common salt becomes spoiled in a dream, it means that a plague, injustice, or a drought will befall the people of that locality. Salt in a dream also signifies hard work, or an illness. Table salt in a dream also means asceticism, renunciation and detachment from the material world. It also means blessings, honesty and comfort. Eating bread with salt in a dream means contentment with little from this world. A salt shaker in a dream represents a good and a dutiful woman. Discovering salt in a dream means adversities and a severe illness. Salt in a dream also represents balance, usability of things and acceptability of…

…To dream that you live in small hut is a sign that you will shortly have a house of your own, in your dream, you visit a little hut which is inhabited, it shows that you will be invited to partake of the hospitalities of some family. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 29,70….

Portends well-being and wealth that will come with an effort. If the candles go out during the dream, then such dream portends that our work will be in vain. When the flame of a candle is strong, light and rises vertically with little smoke, then it shows that we know very well what we want in life. A flickering candle flame that is burning with difficulty, then it indicates that our ideas are fragile and unstable. If it goes off, then it shows that we are reaching the limits of our possibilities. It imposes a break. When we light a candle to illuminate a dark place and it lit well, it indicates that we will undertake decisively and effectively a spiritual journey. If it burns with difficulty, then it indicates that we are not yet ready for this trip.

(Abstinence | Asceticism | Bat | Celibacy | Extremism | Fear | School of thought) Living a monastic life in a dream means walking away from common traditions. Becoming a monk in a dream means receiving praises, respect, or commendation, though one will become uptight because of it, or have limited resources, little money, lives meekly, have constant fears, or it could mean hiding away from people.

…Dreaming of lumber, denotes many difficult tasks and but little remuneration or pleasure. To see piles of lumber burning, indicates profit from an unexpected source. Dreaming of sawing lumber, denotes unwise transactions and unhappiness….

…If you dream of seeing a very large hawk, it shows that you will soon begin a new enterprise; if the hawk darts down and takes a chicken, a bird, or a fish, you will probably be successful; if little birds attack the hawk and drive it away, you will have difficulties in your undertaking and may possibly fail in it. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 5, 55….

…(Fire worshipper | Magi | Magus | Mazdaism | Sorcerer) Seeing an old man worshipping fire in a dream means facing a person who cares little about obliterating his enemy. Seeing oneself worshiping fire in a dream means apostasy, committing adultery, theft, murder, making a false oath, polytheism, or being an unjust person. Turning away from worshipping fire to embrace Judaism or Christianity in a dream means experiencing major changes in one’s life. Worshipping fire in a dream means desiring worldly pleasures. Worship- ping the fire in a dream also means desiring to work for the ruler or a king, or it could mean going astray. If the fire one is worshipping is not lit in the dream, it means that he is seeking unlawful earnings….

(zool. Lizard | Monitor lizard | Varanidae | Varanus Niloticus) A monitor lizard in a dream represents a vile, mean and a contemptible enemy who has little determination, though he is feared, and who is short of proof.

Symbolically stair is a passage from one level to another, and we must take into account the kind of ladder, the shape of the steps, and if we are rising or falling when interpreting the dream. Sometimes, when a spiral staircase appears in the dream it’s accompanied by some anguish that indicates a waste of time and energy by achieving a goal that seems to have little value. Many authors also attend the spiritual meaning of the rise.

Arduous and heavy work. Little remuneration.

…(Gourd | Squash | Zucchini) In a dream, a pumpkin represents a scholar, or a highly trained physician who cares about his patients and who is loved by the people, who asks for little and who rarely asks for anything for himself. A pumpkin in a dream could also denote medicine and particularly when cooked. Eating pumpkin in a dream also means guidance, following good example, or it could mean temptation. Eating a pumpkin in a dream also means recovering a lost object, or reuniting with one’s beloved, or correcting one’s spiritual thoughts. Eating raw pumpkin in a dream means becoming scared of roaming spirits (See Jinn), or it could mean fighting with someone. Resting under the shade of a pumpkin in a dream means soliciting peace and safety. It is also said that a pumpkin plant in a dream represents a poor person. Finding a pumpkin in the…

When the flame of a candle is firm, bright and rises vertically with little smoke, it means we know very well what we want in life. A candle with flickering flame, which burns with difficulty and abundant smoke indicates that our ideas are fragile and unstable. If it fades, it means we are reaching the limits of our possibilities. A break will be imposed. When we light a candle to illuminate a dark place and it burns well, it indicates that we will undertake some preparation for an inner journey decisively and effectively. If it burns with difficulty, it indicates that we are not yet ready for this trip.

Dreaming of lozenges, foretells success in small matters. For a woman to eat or throw them away, foretells her life will be harassed by little spites from the envious.

Seeing pepper in a dream indicates that you should put a little more spice and variety in your life.

…If you dream you see trees or plants in blossom, it predicts that you will get some money, or some article that you little expected. It also signifies that you will be pleased at something that will soon happen. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 43, 14, 7….