…To dream about many large containers filled with milk suggests an upcoming good run and/or good business, beneficial partnerships, etc. But if the containers have little milk, and worse if they are empty, it indicates the opposite. To dream that you’re loading a container with milk suggests that you work serving others and you aren’t comfortable with it because you aspire something better. To dream that you’re drinking milk is a favorable dream as it announces abundance for your home, leisure, good businesses and positive social relationships. To dream that you negotiate with milk suggests that soon your business will improve. To dream that you throw away milk warns that you’re wasting opportunities. To dream about decomposed milk announces that serious problems are coming. To dream that you’re trying to drink milk but can’t do so is a warning that you’re at risk of experiencing a material or friend…

…see others walking a rope, you will benefit by the fortunate ventures of others. To jump a rope, foretells that you will startle your associates with a thrilling escapade bordering upon the sensational. To jump rope with children, shows that you are selfish and overbearing | failing to see that children owe very little duty to inhuman parents. To catch a rope with the foot, denotes that under cheerful conditions you will be benevolent and tender in your administrations. Dreaming that you let a rope down from an upper window to people below, thinking the proprietors would be adverse to receiving them into the hotel, denotes that you will engage in some affair which will not look exactly proper to your friends, but the same will afford you pleasure and interest. For a young woman, this dream is indicative of pleasures which do not bear the stamp of propriety….

…When a woman dreams of being a queen, and she’s young and single, it suggests that she wants to get married, have luxuries, and to live with particularly economic commodities. However, if she’s married, then this dream suggests that she wants luxury, wealth, material assets and a total absence of problems. In some cases this dream means the desire of a change in life that leads you towards self-improvement, when you have intellectual, artistic or spiritual ambitions. Dreaming that you are a grumpy queen, who is badly dressed, suggests that this is the state that you hold in real life, perhaps as a result of negative people who are always bothering you, humiliating you, or criticizing you. Dreaming of traveling next to the queen of a nation suggests that you crave for social success, distinctions and honors of political nature, for example, but they have little chance of realization….

…the prophet David (uwbp) in a dream also means deputyship, trials with women, trouble caused by women, or it could mean recitation of the Qur’an or being in a state of constant remembrance of God Almighty, prayers, supererogatory prayers atnight, understanding the meaning of what one reads, repentance from sin, chanting songs of God’s love, returning to God’s path after heedlessness, manufacturing and processing minerals, or it could represent God’s acceptance of one’s repentance. Should one be in such a manufacturing or processing business, it means that great wealth will come to him, or that his adversities will be of little importance. Seeing the prophet David (uwbp) in a dream also means reaching a successful conclusion to one’s life in this world. If an unjust man of knowledge sees him frowning at him or warning him, then one must be at his guard, fear any wrongdoing and correct himself….

(See Little)

Times of a lot of movement and perhaps little complications or surprises in everyday affairs will come. But in any case, nothing will have too much importance. The squirrel has always been a symbol of lightness and superficiality, that’s why some authors indicate that dreaming with release squirrels also indicates our desire for casual encounters or affairs without continuity.

Dreaming of assistant means you´ll have a little problem. You should be careful.

…Dreaming of flying a kite, denotes a great show of wealth, or business, but with little true soundness to it all. To see the kite thrown upon the ground, foretells disappointment and failure. Dreaming of making a kite, you will speculate largely on small means and seek to win the one you love by misrepresentations. To see children flying kites, denotes pleasant and light occupation. If the kite ascends beyond the vision high hopes and aspirations will resolve themselves into disappointments and loss….

Dream of suitcases or luggage represents desires, needs and concerns you are feeling and that weigh in real life, you should try to reduce the excess in problems and desires and relax a little bit.

…warning that one should remain aloof for three days. Both the white sheep and the black sheep in a dream mean profit, though the benefits one draws from a white sheep are greater. Seeing a herd of sheep in a dream means continuous happiness. Walking by a slaughter house or a tripe shop and witnessing the heads and trotters of sheep in a dream mean longevity. To find oneself transformed into a sheep in a dream means a booty or winning something. Seeing a sheep in one’s dream also represents an obedient son. If one’s wife is pregnant, and if he is presented with a sheep as a gift in a dream, it means that she will deliver a boy. Otherwise, the remaining little domesti- cated animals represent headache, because of the responsibility involved in caring for and in upbringing the boys, except for the girls, for they represent worldly…

Do not disdain the little advices that could help you to avoid some disorders.

…If dogs bark or bite you in fear of death you’ll quake. Little dogs are good friends, great ones enemies bad. Mangy dogs show sickness, mad ones will make you sad….

(Clothing | Help | Little | Plumage | Wings) Feathers in a dream may denote evil or they could mean majesty, beauty or strength. Feathers in a dream also represent the house of a pious person.

To dream you have been assaulted means you’re too greedy. You must learn to be a little more generous.

The dreamer of ants should expect many petty annoyances during the day | chasing little worries, and finding general dissatisfaction in all things.

…dream of killing the spider, shows unpleasant news you will receive or bad experience you are going trough. To see the spider that is spinning the web denotes to your hard work which will be appreciated. It also indicates the little steps you are making while working, especially the view of the web. The creativity and adjustment you have reflex in a dreams. As a bad omen, the spider can be interpreted only in those cases when you were caught by the spider and trapped in his web. Maybe there are some circumstances that you should be aware in your waking life. If the spider has bitten you, then such dream shows the argument you have with somebody. Maybe you feel you are unable to get away from the conflict you are at the moment. The spider that climbing on the wall, indicates the good fortune one will have….

…To dream of a squirrel, shows that there is a possibility of enemies who are endeavoring to slander your reputation, however they won’t be able to do that. For the lover, it shows your sweetheart is a little bit of a bad temper….

The possibility of getting involved in rows and disputes of little importance.

To see a cheetah, when you are dreaming, can be interpreted as alert for you. Cheetah indicates passive way of living. It means that you need to activate yourself become more moving toward pursuit of your goals. Have you been a little lazy in recent time? So you need to get off from your seat and be like that cheetah from your dream. Keep running!

…(Personal guard | Prison guard) If a notable or a public figure sees his keepers of the gates, or his personal guards standing-up in a dream, it means that they are performing their duty correctly. If they are sitting in the dream, it means that they are failing their duties. The governor’s keeper of the gate in a dream represents glad tidings. Usually he represents a notable person, or a great person who is sought for advice, whereby both great and little people depend on him for access. The keeper of the gate in a dream also represents abeyance, or blocking one’s access. (Also see Doorman)…

Armed people represents that someone is threatening you. It is sign of deep fear. You should have a little more of belief in God and yourself.

…(Love) In a dream, honey represents lawful money, love, prosperity, or wealth which is accumulated from a business partnership, or from a successful business. As for a pious person, honey in a dream represents the delight of his religious life and good deeds, while for profane and worldly people, it means little earnings which are acquired through toiling and hardships. If one sees the skies raining honey in a dream, it means confirmation of the social order, fostering proper moral standards, easiness, religious assiduity, blessings and plenitude. Honey in a dream also could represent a husband and a wife, or their private moment, taking a rest, or engaging in a marital relationship. However, honey in a dream also means distress, trouble, bad-temper, jealousy, or worrying about people’s perfidy, for honey also attracts flies and wasps. Purified honey in a dream means relief after suffering from a depression, or recovering…

…Dates denote many enemies, and you will receive much injury by a person you little expect. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 6, 44….

…(Matted hair | Ruffled hair | Unkempt) In a dream, seeing one’s hair disheveled means stinginess and love to hoard money, or it could mean doing little for others….

…(Monkey | Primate) A gibbon in a dream represents someone of little intelligence who leads himself to a serious nerve breakdown. Such a person disrupts his life through his own actions and sins and is despised in people’s eyes. A gibbon in a dream also represents a toadying person, though proud. He also represents astonishment and forgetfulness. (Also see Monkey)…

We have to interpret this dream as the way our unconscious senses or anticipates our destiny. So a narrow way or with obstacles or difficulties means difficulties and little range to make decisions, while a broad and flat way, represent facilities to carry out our projects.

It indicates little confidence in our possibilities.

(Safety pin) In a dream, a pin represents miseries and wretchedness. If the pin does not have a head in the dream, then it represents someone who offers invaluable services for a small compensation, or it could mean starting a married life with little furnishings. A pin in a dream also represents a renowned brother, or a companion who defends his friend. (Also see Peg | Skewer)

…(Butter | Purified butter) In a dream, ghee represents knowledge, spiritual excellence or purity of faith that is free from doubt. Ghee in a dream also could represent a woman who can win people’s hearts, though she exaggerates a little in her expressions of friendliness. If a woman sees herself unusually fat in a dream, it means that a swagger will take advantage of her. When ghee is seen in a bowl in a dream, it means knowledge, spiritual awakening for the right people, medicine for a sick person, or it could mean his recovery. Extracting ghee from butter in a dream means lawful and blessed earnings, prosperity, comfort, and healthy living….

…yellow cat chases you, it suggests that you’ll meddle among intrigues and embarrassments that will end up harming you. To dream about a cat and a snake and that these animals have a friendly relationship is the worst dream and omen, and the best we can do is watch carefully around us to find out what can be upcoming. It is said that this dream in some cases suggests industrial, political or military espionage. The cat is a female symbol, both for its natural way of being and because it is a fussy little pet for many women, therefore, when a man dreams about cats it suggests the presence of women in a sexual sense. When a woman dreams about one or more white and beautiful cats is a warning that there are some selfish interests that are trying to harm her, but she’ll be able to end with those…

In a dream, the cooing of a pigeon represents a person of understanding, a scholar, a well mannered person, a gentle soul who has little money but many friends or the followers of a wise man. The cooing of a pigeon in a dream also represents the voice of a teacher. (Also see Sound of animals)

When you dream of an accelerator, it signifies the achievement you will have, through your endeavor. This dream could also tell you to move on things a little bit slower, as there is no need to rush, you will reach the task you wanted to achieve for a long time. If you see the accelerator broken or fractured it means that you do not have control in some parts of your life, what you have to do is, to pull yourself together and take that control into your hands to get the results you wanted to get. Do not rush when you will make the important decisions.

Dreaming of abstinence, for example from drinking, drugs, smoking or any other dependence you are in, is a sign that you are too confident and truthful in your own skin. Dreaming about being abstinent also can mean that you are a little bit arrogant person. What you have to do, is to make sure that you do not move forward too fast. The interpretation of the abstinence symbol in the dream is telling for you to find out what do you want from your life, what you do the right way and what you do the wrong way. Make sure, you know what you are looking for.

…If one’s eyelids are healthy in his dream and particularly for a women, it indicates positive developments in her life. If one’s eyelids have little skin, or if they are bleared, or if they develop sores in the dream, they represent difficulties, agony, anger, sickness or distress. Eyelids in a dream also represent one’s defenses and protection. They also represent one’s teacher, brothers, sisters, family, wife, children, coffer, veil, guards, confidant or trustees. Eyelids in a dream also mean something to be overlooked. Having bleared eyelids in a dream means being in love. If one’s eyes are interpreted to represent his wealth, then they mean protection, or paying alms tax. If the outer edge of the eyelid turns white in a dream, it means an illness affecting one’s head, eyes or ears. (Also see Body’)…

Dreaming of being negligent, careless and indifferent to everything around you means that there is little interest in life and the future, which is the reason why you can’t progress in life. If a young woman dreams that her suitor is negligent, then it indicates that he’s not the right man for marriage.

To see sandpaper in the dream is interpreted as troubled situation in a relationship. Maybe there is a need to smooth over some bumpy spots in a relationship. Alternatively, it may indicate that the dreamer may be a little too abrasive or harsh in words with his/her partner or attitude towards some aspects of a relationship.

Dream of a cemetery means that you are a little dejected and have a strong tendency to depression and melancholy. It also indicates that you will receive some unpleasant news.

…one you already have. Dreaming about an abandoned tomb with little details of joy, like a fresh flower, or something that indicates a recent visit, means that the bad streak you’re going through is about to end, giving way to joy, expectations and new hopes. Dreaming about digging a grave while bothering other people, suggests that misconducts or indiscretions can create enmities. If you end the grave in the dream, it may mean that simple enmities will become serious enemies. If this happens in the sunlight, it means that there will be solutions to the problems. If you are the corpse inside the grave it means that you’re in serious depression, sadness and despair, which must be fought. Dreaming about mausoleums is a sign of sickness and death of a beloved one, in some cases. To dream that you are inside a grave is a warning of close disease….

(Dearth | Scarcity) If one sees the rulers of his country suffering from a famine in a dream, it represents their greed, terrorization of their subjects and the sufferings of the people. If one sees scholars suffering from a famine in a dream, it signifies their thirst or lust for knowledge. (Also see Little)

…(Forearm | Limb | Member | Wing) One’s two arms in a dream represent his two brothers, his two close friends, two sons or partners. If one sees a person with short arms in a dream, it means that he is courageous, generous and wondrous. One’s arm in a dream represent his brother and supporter or a spiritual example he follows. If one’s arm is broken in a dream, it means the death of one’s brother or closest friend, or it could mean an accident or a calamity. One’s arm in a dream also signifies protection from sin or it cold represent his wife, his mother, his teacher, wealth, craft, source of income, a supporting son or a close brother one can depend on at times of difficulties. If one sees that his arm is missing something in a dream, it could mean that he has little brain, though…