Constancy in love. 125.

Treason, unfaithfulness.

Making painful discoveries at happy times. 35,.

Some fortune, domestic peace.

(See Constellations)

(See Child)

Loss of all kinds.

…Contentedness with one’s situation in life….

Sorrows. 185.

When dream of one, signifies gossip and backbiting. If you kill it, indicates that these murmurings will not harm us. If you dream that owl is killed by someone else, then it shows that you are the one who makes gossip about others. To hear the cry of an owl announces misfortunes.

Delight. 79.

Threatened danger disappears.

Small profit, sadness, sickness, vexation.

Ever since the case of dreaming with a hat as a male sex symbol, to dream with its power or the preventive means of pregnancy. Excepting this case, the hat generally refers to a sign of distinction of social character linked with ideas or behaviors of whom we dreamed of. If we wear a ridiculous hat, then it reveals that inside us exists a ridiculous attitude that everyone knows except ourselves. To see ourselves with a military hat reveals an authoritarian sense out of place. A cup hat is a sign of an inordinate conceit and pretensions.

Denotes becoming a favourite.

Variance, discord.

Denotes being cheated, or otherwise some loss. 126.

Confession of love. 76.

Riches, fortune.

Becoming a bride or bridegroom.

Getting into comfortable circumstances.

Great vexation.

Becoming mischievous or frivolous.

Unsteadiness in love affairs.

Proceeding to work cautiously, prudence.

Love and peace.


Dispute about money.

Getting into danger, misfortune.

Interruption in an undertaking that has been commenced.

Commencement of a new business.

Misfortune by one’s own fault. 4….

…(‘Uthman bin ‘Affan, God be pleased with him. The third of the four righteous califs) Seeing him in a dream means celebrating knowledge, being a godly person, friendship and love for others, lowering one’s wings before God Almighty and to the believers among His creation, and he represents a trust- worthy leadership. Seeing ‘Uthman bin ‘Affan in a dream also could mean facing the aggression of one’s enemy and losing to them by winning martyrdom. It also means having a great luck, prosperity, kinship with noble people, or being a pious and a religious person. One who sees ‘Uthman, God be pleased with him, in a dream will become a scholar. If one sees him doing business in a dream, it means that one is seeking worldly profits, though he likes to adorn himself with a religious garb and titles but lacks true piety. If one sees him besieged…

For everybody good.

Good crop, success is undertakings.

Finding friends and benefactors.

Venation, danger and persecution. 44.

…To dream of white horses foretokens good luck of various kinds; of black horses, serious misfortune in the shape of accidents (frequently on the water), deaths, loss of money or property, violent quarrels and rupture in love affairs; of roan-coloured horses, journeys; of grey horses, good fortune in many forms, viz.: legacies, presents, success in love affairs and work; of brown horses, nothing in particular; of chestnut horses, danger of all sorts, from fire, water, and other accidents, from assaults, and from illness. To quote even half the horse-dreams that have been told me would fill a book, so I must content myself with merely quoting a few. Shortly before a violent rupture with her husband, which terminated in a divorce, one lady I met told me she had dreamed she heard a loud neighing outside her house, and, on looking out of the window, saw a gigantic black…

Escape out of danger.

Vexation and disagreeable things, or death of her husband. 82.