Full of flowers or fruit indicates happiness and joy. Full of laundry, financial complications. Full of bread, business concerns. If it’s a wastebasket, secrets will be revealed….

…An empty cabinet indicates that we will be in an embarrassing situation due to lack of precaution. If it is full, it presages well-being thanks to work. If it’s a cabinet of wardrobe and it is messy, then we must reorganize and update our knowledge. An empty one indicates that we are not prepared for a situation that we would like due to lack of knowledge. If we dream the wardrobe is full, tidy and the quality of its content is poor, we must update our knowledge. If the fabrics’ quality is good, and if everything is white, we will suffer some illness or injury. If it is full of colored clothing, it announces we will get wealth and prosperity thanks to our knowledge….

To dream you see an Indian in his native dress, shows to a man he will travel, and to a woman she will wed a foreigner. To dream you see an Indian female, predicts to a man that he will wed a rich widow and to a woman that she will have a son who will raise himself to great power and honour in the Indies, and bring wealth and honour to his kindred.

…are grimmer stories in connection with Pomeranians. One man I met told me that he once dreamed he saw his little boy worried to death in the most horrible manner by a Pomeranian dog, and that, on the following evening, his house was broken into by burglars.Another person — if I remember rightly, an Anglo-Indian doctor — once told me that he dreamed he was alone in a very gloomy church, and that a gigantic man in a black surplice suddenly appeared in the pulpit, and, after making the most hideous faces was transformed into a monstrous Pomeranian dog. What happened then the dreamer could not recollect, but he thinks it must have been something very alarming, as he was bathed in perspiration when he literally awoke to the fact that his bed was gently rising beneath him. Unable to determine whether he was still dreaming, he gave himself a…

…like a child in a dream, it means that he will receive an inheritance from his mother. If one sees himself as a newborn child in a dream, it means that he will become wealthy and prosper. If a young boy sees himself in a dream as a child, it has a negative meaning. If a sick person sees himself as a child in a dream, it means his death. If one sees himself as a child being reprimanded in a dream, it means that he will be conquered. In a dream, if one looks in a mirror and sees his face to be that of a child, and if his wife is pregnant, it means that she will beget a son who will look like his father. Carrying a baby child in a dream means distress and burdens. A child in a dream represents a weak enemy who sometime…

…(Idol) A statue in a dream represents falsehood, inventions, make-shift, fiction, illusion, heedlessness, or a nice looking person who is full of deception. Worshipping a statue in a dream means lying to God Almighty, or that one worships what his mind tells him to worship, whether it is a physical object or a child of one’s imagination. If it is a carved wooden statue in the dream, it means that he ingratiates himself to rich people, or to an unjust person in authority through his religion. If the statue is built from wood in the dream, it means that one seeks religious arguments or disputes. If the statue is made of silver in the dream, it means that one elicits sexual relationship with his servant, or with a foreign woman, or perhaps just a friendship. If the statue is made of gold in the dream, it means that one…

…Dreaming of having a full beard indicates that your affairs will be successful. Dreaming of a well-groomed beard and that you comb it or stroke it, is a clear sign of male vanity that annoys others, which causes negative effects. However, if you dream of trimming or shaving your beard, it is warning that you feel hurt and that your vanity has been wounded. Dreaming of someone with a beautiful long blonde beard, like the ones prophets have, suggests that the dreamer is not acting properly and must look for and accept advice. Dreaming that someone is shaving beard suggests that your health, of the health of someone close to you will deteriorate. If it’s a woman who is shaving a beard in the dream, it indicates that another person will get ill, there could even be a mourning period. If the woman is pregnant, this suggests that her…

…the grave and he awoke shaking with fear.Another blind man told me that prior to a visit from his brother, he nearly always dreamed he was walking in a field full of blind animals that surrounded him on all sides, and felt him all over with their paws. They then suddenly vanished, and he found himself knee deep in water, when he invariably awoke.I once met a blind woman who informed me that, prior to receiving any disappointment, she always dreamed she was tormented by a little boy with a square-shaped head, who bit and pinched her till she shrieked with pain, when someone instantly came running up and shot him, and she always awoke with the report of the gun ringing in her ears.The ordinary dreams, such as I have mentioned in Part I, would seem to have the same significance to the blind as to other people….

…(Reverie | Satellite) The moon in a dream represents a just ruler, his chief minister, a great scholar, a handsome looking boy, a tyrant, or a liar. Seeingthe moon as it is in the skies in a dream represents the chief minister of the land. Seeing the moon sitting in one’s lap in a dream means getting married. Sitting in the moonlight and talking to one’s friend in a dream means reverie and idle talk. If a woman sees that the moon has fallen inside her house, then if she takes it and wraps it in a swaddle in a dream, it means that she will beget a son who will shortly die after his birth and she will suffer great sorrow from his loss. Seeing the moon turned to the dark side in a dream means dismissal of the chief minister from his post. Seeing the moon advancing…

If empty, then it indicates that your concern will abate. If it is full then you are taking the necessary precautions. Full, negligence and carelessness will leave sequels in your relationship with others.

When you dream of the water tank it means happy relationships with your spouse partner. If the water tank is full, your life will be full of well-being things, but if it is the empty one, then you will suffer poverty. The water tank that is leaking, signifies some deprivation.

…Dream of the moon represents something hidden, mystery with a feminine aspect of your inner-self. It also symbolizes the cycles of life, dependency, indirect knowledge, mobility, growth, imagination, the subconscious, the psychic and everything that is receptive and impressionable. Dreams of the moon are related to all feminine and fruitful things, especially with love and romance. Dream of a cloudy moon in a dark night is signal of misfortunes and losses. Dream of crescent moon indicates changes, renewal, and the cyclical movement. You are smoothly progressing towards your path. Dream of first quarter moon represents a burning love growing at times. Dream of a landscape illuminated by the moon indicates a romantic love. The phases of the moon indicate the evolution degree. Full moon means ends and goals. The bright and beautiful full moon means new romance, joy and peace. The new moon symbolizes new projects or business to…

Dreaming about eating alone indicates that the dreamer is suffering from depression, sadness, melancholy, and nostalgia. Dreaming of eating in the company of several people hints that the dreamer is in a good path full of prosperity in many ways. Having a dream that whoever is serving the table takes a tray full of food before serving it, insinuates that the dreamer doesn’t get along with his subordinates or other people that somehow depend on the dreamer.

…If a young person dreams about the moon, it suggest that he/she is exploiting his/her age or romantic era, and that he/she is full of illusions, including love illusions. Overall, dreaming about the moon means that you’re acting very slowly and in a negligently way, and that will lead you to failures. In some cases, to dream about the moon indicates that you are not addressing your everyday problems because you ignore them, and such situation is leading you to make mistakes and to failure. When superstitious people dream about the moon, it generally means that a distant person is cursing them. This interpretation is only a consequence of their superstition and perhaps because they fear the dark. To dream about a full moon in a calm sky announces that your plans will be successful if you work with determination. To dream that the moon is somewhat opaque and…

When is full of wine, prosperity. Full of water moderation.

To dream about seeing the cabinet full of goods, means that you are full of happiness. If the cabinet is empty, your inner self is empty too. You are lacking something in your life which brings the happiness and joy. The cabinet is also a symbol the necessity for attention. Perhaps you feel avoided or left out from your friends or your family. The messy cabinet indicate the mental confusion you are suffering from.

To dream that you have leprosy, can be interpreted as symbolism of weakness, inability or incompetence. Leprosy means that you are not utilizing skills at your full potential power. You are wasting away your time by not using your skills, talents, abilities in full capacity.

The pail in dreams is interpreted as you being very craving person, but only if the pail is empty. The full pail denotes to great things which brings prosperity and abundance. The pail that is full of milk means that you are in the peace of your own mind. No stress is in your life.

Seeing a tank full of water in a dream means prosperity and satisfaction of your current state of life. Seeing a car full of water in a dream suggests that you are willing to find protection in destructive situations.

The dream in which you see the garden full of fruits, represents fulfilment in all aspects of your life. The fruits are the symbol of fertility, therefore you should also be happy within your family life. The fruits also indicates the stable life and happy days. The dream in which you see the garden full of flowers, denotes to love, stable relationships, inner happiness and positive personal relationships. If the garden has no flowers, trees or fruits, then you should become anxious about your spiritual and inner peace.

Symbol of material protection. If we see one or leafy and more strong trees, the better protection will be received. If the trees are weak, it is indication of being helpless. If they are full of flowers or out-of-season fruits, it indicates sorrow. If this occurs in the right season for it, then it signifies friendship and love. If they are dry, it indicates misfortune. With broken branches, illness. Full of green leaves trees will bring profits. Climbing one, honors and fortune. Falling from one, loss of favor from our superiors. If the fall is from a low height then it will bring funny situations. If the tree (walnut, palm) is nesting birds then it symbolizes success and fortune. If these birds are black, people want to hurt us because of envy.

If you see the fool moon at night while dreaming, then such dream signifies misery and tranquillity. The full moon is also an omen of richness. The moon that is not full foreshadows the unfaithfulness from your spouse partner. The two of you are not fully happy, therefore your partner will look for the comfort somewhere else. The moon that is in eclipse signifies the necessity of help from your friends. If you see yourself looking at the moon with your sweetheart, you will become happy and stay loved forever by this person. The joy and love will finally be in your life. If you are feeling afraid of the moonlight, you will have small problems that will be easily solvable.

…bright, then it denotes profit if the dreamer is a woman, if a man, joy and happiness. From clearness to pass to obscurity means loss to a woman, sadness and misfortune to a man. See two moons, increase in dignity and rank is possible. For a beautiful woman to see in a dream the moon at its full, predicts to her a high standing in fashion and in public admiration. To thieves, felons and murders means that their just will be rewarded. To invalids and mariners, danger of sickness or shipwreck. For a young girl or widow to see the moon full and its face of a dazzling brightness, indicates a quick marriage. If the dreamer is a married woman, then the birth of a beautiful daughter. To a married man – the birth of a son. To jewelers, goldsmiths and bankers this dream is best omen of all….

…If full, then indicates material security. Empty one shows insecurity. Full of flowers announces amorous. Basket with fruits brings varied pleasures. If it is with delicacies, then material security. If it’s nice, good news. Ugly, it warns us to be careful with our actions….

…Symbolizes the material and biological evolution. It also symbolizes the perpetual birth and the incessant flow of vital energy. If we see them being withered in the dream, then it means that our feelings are withering because of lack of true love. If we see them green, blooming and full of life, then it means that our love life is or will be full and healthy….

…Dreaming about a closed cash register and no one around to operate it indicates that nothing can be foreseen in the immediate future which means that everything is on hold around the dreamer. Dreaming about a functioning cash register full of money indicates that soon there will be good business and profits. On the other hand, if the cash register appears without money, then the opposite will occur. If during the dream there’s a person operating the cash register, it indicates that soon the dreamer will receive help. Dreaming about opening regular boxes indicates that the dreamer has a lot of interest in his work. If valuable objects appear in these boxes it indicates success in the immediate future. But if the box is empty, it indicates failures and difficulties. If the box appears with feces or manure or litter, it means that certain businesses might not be very…

…shadows from the great, gaunt trees that stole out one by one to look at me. At length I came to an opening in the wood, in the centre of which was a fountain; and standing by it, with his back to me, I saw the figure of a man in a tight-fitting suit of Lincoln green, his head covered with a hood, a quiver full of arrows at his side, and a bow in his right hand. At the sight of him my heart leaped into my mouth, for I guessed, at once, he was the huntsman of whom I had so emphatically been told to beware. Had I not been prevented by one of those spells so common in dreams, I should have turned back, but try how I would I could not stir from the spot, and I had no choice other than to stand there, sick…

If it is full, it portends wealth and happiness. Empty, poverty. Depending on the material, its content will announce whether it is good or bad if it is full or empty. If it is made of wood, then it is announcing an upcoming trip. A colorful box, surprise. If it is made of precious metals and precious stones, indicates wealth. With a mirror, it warns us coquetry.

To dream that one hath lost his purse or pocketbook, is good and auspicious, if it be old and empty; for then thereby it is a sign that the party dreaming shall either have a new one, or one that is full; but if he dreamed he found it again, he must even be content with the old, for he is like to have no other. To dream you find a purse or pocket-book full of money, is a sign of good luck. See Money.

…Dreaming that you’re contemplating a smoke cloud usually suggests temporary illusions, and desires of wealth and ephemeral pleasures, being inconsequential at the end. The smoke has much to do with the dreamer’s subconscious; for example, it may be a warning for him/her that a respiratory disease is developing. If you see that smoke coming out from somewhere, it suggests that you’re living a life full of illusions and that you desire to experience ephemeral pleasures. To dream that you’re standing within a smoke cloud, which isn’t actually there in the room, indicates that you’re full of doubts and fears as a result of an intense nervous state. When the smoke dominates the person that is dreaming, it announces a serious risk of falling into a sycophant’s trap that only seeks to harm him/her. Dreaming that you’re fighting against smoke and finally overcome it, totally unharmed from the accident, it…

…If anyone dream that he sees the moon shine, it shows that his wife loves him extremely well; it also implies the getting of silver; for, as the sun represents gold, so the moon doth silver. Dreaming you see the moon darkened, denotes the death or sickness of your wife, mother, sister, or daughter; loss of money, or danger in a voyage or journey, especially if it be by water; or else it denotes a distemper in the brain or eyes. To dream you see the moon darkened, and grow clear and bright again, implies gain to the woman that dreams, and to the man joy and prosperity; but to dream that you see the moon clear, and afterwards cloudy, presages the contrary. To dream you see the moon in the form of a full white face, implies to the virgin speedy marriage; to the married woman, that she…

If the dreamer is a man with assembly, and the assembly is full of young and beautiful women, is a suggestion that he should look for a wife. If the assembly is full of men, it means that fearsome enemies will appear.

…Dreaming of an Indian fakir, denotes uncommon activity and phenomenal changes in your life. Such dreams may sometimes be of gloomy import….

(Indian oak | Timber) In a dream, teak represents a feverish illness.

…children.Another case, in which the mouse-dream foretold illness, is that of a lady who dreamed that she was at a dance one night, and as she was about to commence waltzing a mouse suddenly leaped from off her partner’s head on to her own, and bit her on the ear in the most vicious manner. She awoke smarting with the pain and, a few days later, was laid up with a severe attack of influenza. The dream had been so vivid that she could not help remembering it, and associating it in some way with her sickness.And to quote a case in which the mice-dream foretold death, a lady I once met dreamed that, on going to bed one night, she saw a succession of mice, in Indian file, run across her dressing-table; and on the following morning, she heard one of her brothers had been drowned at sea….

…Planting seeds in a dream represent the element of progeny and procreation. Scattered seeds on the ground in a dream mean bearing a child for each seed. As for the grains that are germinated for medicinal purpose, when seen in a dream, they mean acquiring knowledge that helps the person in question to increase his or her piety and ascetic detachment from worldly matters. Pumpkin, cucumber, eggplant, sweet basil, chard, onion, cabbage, Indian corn and melon seeds in a dream mean abating or ceasing of difficulties and disturbances, or they could mean recovering from a terminal illness. If one sees himself trying to plant something which is not a plant, or to place a seed in an unsuitable ground in a dream, it means that he is wasting his money and squandering his property. To plant seeds in a dream also could mean knowledge, wealth or recognizing a noble…

…person of his time. If one happens to be a politician, it means that he will gain greater advancements in his life. If the falcon flies away in the dream, it means that one will lose his seat but retain his fame. If one catches few feathers of a falcon in a dream, it means that some power will remain in his hand and serve his interests. Slaughtering a falcon in a dream means the death of a king or a ruler. Eating falcon’s meat in a dream means a financial endowment given by a ruler. If one kills a falcon inside his house in a dream, it means that he will capture a thief. If a falcon flies away from under one’s chair in a dream, it means that he will walk in the company of a person whose earnings are unlawful. (Also see Indian falcon | Sakr)…

An ebony tree in a dream represents a rich Indian woman, or a rich strong man.

If someone gave you a haircut, then it means you are losing some part of identity. The haircut could also indicate the loss and grief you will suffer. In Indian culture the haircut in dreams represents the poverty and miserable life.

…In a dream, a bow means travels, a brother, a wife, a son or closeness to someone. A covered bow in a dream means that, one’s wife is pregnant. If a pregnant woman hands a man a bow in a dream, it means that she will conceive a girl from him. If a pregnant woman hands her husband a bow in a dream, it means that she will deliver a boy. Stretching the strings of a bow in a dream means longevity. Stretching it without an arrow in a dream means planning! to travel. A broken bow in a dream signifies the death of a brother, a business partner, or a son. A bow is broken bow in a dream means that an accident may cause the hand of a brother or a business partner to fracture. Holding a broken bow in a dream means losing one’s job or…